255445 Oeirinsl to City Clerk . ORDINANCE 2 � 5���� , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � 6 � AN OROINl�PICE SETTt.ING THE CLAIM OF MNt. E� MRS. GEORGE ZEI6LER AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE GOUNCIL OF TliE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OR�IN: Sectian 1, 'ihat the proper City officers are hereby auttrarized and directed to pay out of t�he Tort Liabttity Fund Q035-421, to Mr. and Mrs. G►eorge Zeigler, the sum of $300.0�, in full settlement of their claim of damages susta�ined durtng the fall of t970 as �ore particalarty set out in a coa�anlcation ta the City Counctl on May 13, 1971. Section 2, That said s�ma sha11 be patd to the satd claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release 1n full to the City, 1n a foraa to be approved by the Corpo�atton Caunsel, for atl �ma►ges sustained in the a�anner aforesafid, Secttort 3. That this ardinance shall take effect and be tn force th�rty days after its passage, approral and publication. F PRO ED Asst. Cor tion unsel SEp g 191� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler �, Le�� C� `� Tn Favor � Meredith G' Sprafka Against T���° 9 1971 Mr. Preside (McCarty) t t• ity Clerk �� Form approved Corpor�tion Counsel B . . _ P�rs�,�s�D SEP � 1 19 n�..a�.r.� .. • � � � ORDINANCE 255445 COUNCIL FII.F NO PRESHVTED BY ORDINANCE NO AN ORDIIyAliCE SETTtING TNE CLAIM OF MR, fl t�tS. GE�6E ZEIGLER 11�AINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAU. THE COI�YCIL OF THE CITY Of SAINT PAIH. DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City offic�rs sre hereby authorfzed end directed to pay out of the Tort Liabitity F�d 0835-421, to lfir. and Mrs. �eorge Zeigter, the sum of �300.t10. in fall settle�+ent of their clai� o# da�nages sustained during the fa11 of 197A as �aor� particularly set out in a co�icstivn to the City Covncil on May 13, 1971. Section 2. That safd s� shall be paid to the said clata�nt � his execution and deli�ery of a release in full to the City, in a for� to be approved by the Corporatian Couuasel, far a11 ds�ges sustaiir�ed in the man�er aforesaid. Section 3. That this orcfinance shalt take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, appro�ral and publlutioa. SEP 9 1971 Yeas Councilmen Naya Pasaed by the Council Bu�aal e�--� � Tn Favor I.evine p�� � A ooy►�nwt Tedeaco ' a�. ��a�t c��►� A��o��a: S�P 819T1 Attest: G'i�q G7erg Mayor �� �± Form a��roved Co�rpor�t3oit Couaeel By