256829 � �rlQinal to Cit�Clerk . • � .� �ORDINANCE ; , � COUNCIL FILE NO F������- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��'�d �-,�� An o dinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: " administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation r tes of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved Sanuary 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where they appear under the headi.ng "Group A", the following Lines: "Lather 7. 06" "Plasterer 7. 06" "Plasterer�s Tender 6.45" ; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following lines: "Lathe r 7. 18" "Plasterer 7. 18" "Plasterer=s Tender 6. 54" . Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be asid the same is - - ` .;. . hereby further amended by striking out of Section II all of the titles and rates in Group C; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Group C Building Insp;ector $8. 08 Electrical Inspector 8. 08 Elevator Inspector 8.•08 Gas Burner Inspec�or 8. 08 Heating and Piping Inspector 8. 08 Heating, Piping and Gas Burner Inspector 8. 08 Masonry Inspector 8. 08 Plasterer Inspector 8. 08 Plumbing Inspector 8. 08 Plumbing Inspector--Water Department 8. 08 Refrigeration Inspector 8. 08 Senior Building Inspector 8.43 Senior �lectrical Inspector 8.43 Senic��r° Mechanical Inspector 8.43 Senior Plumbing Inspector 8.43 Sheet Metal Inspector 8. 08 " . , _1_ - Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Caxlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedeaco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� , ----�,.- _ Form approved Corporation Counsel By /�-��� (� / — ���—=� � OriQinsl to City Clerk -� � � ORDINANCE �'����'� , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��-�a �� Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval and publication i.n accordance with Council File No. 252982, approved March 10, 1971 which authorizes these wage rate increases to be retroactive to November 14, 1971. -2- JAH 1 1 #��� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler ����'�``"�� In Favor � Levine Meredith �% _Against Sprafka Teaeaco 1 1 )972 Mr. Preaident cCarty) Approve . Attest• C' Clerk Mayor �� --� Form approved CorporatioM Counsel By ����-=��x�—_. pUBLISHED JA�1 151972 a,� , � �.a a rr�t.r . `� �� ORDIN ,ANCE 25S8�,g COUNCII FILE NO PRESHVTE[1 BY ORDINANCE NO- � S� ��3 �1a osdfaance smend3ag 4rdinaace Na. 644b, e�►tftlsd: �'Aa *dministra#ive ordiaasce fi�dna tlte co�- p�n�stion r:teis of certa,in citf �siti�a �d employm�ts, n sgps�ev�d Jaaassf 23. 1925, sa sme�d�rl. THE COtT�TCIL OF THE C�'IY OF SAINT PAUL I)Q�� fJi+t�?AIN: S�c�,,oa 1. Tbst Ordfnaace No. 6446, sppra»d JssasrT ?3, 19ZS, as sme�ded, be and tl� ssme i� heseby tart�es�maaded bT strlkie� o+'ot e�f Sectioa II, whsre #h�y sppeu �nd�s t�e h�s�disg "�ax�np A". the follaw#�� Ldaes: "Lsther � ?.06" ''Pl�+�tsrer 7. a4" "P'lsateres's T ender 6.45" ; aad b� s�bst�ititisg in liat thesec►t, respe►cti�►�elT. !he folien�rlaS lf�+rss - "I.�ther 7. 18" : "Pl,s,stese� �. 18� "I'lastesrr's Teader 6. 54" . Ssctios 2. Ths# said ordiasa�e, ss sms�t+�ed. be asi t�e sa�ne is h�reb� fiss�►�r sme�dad b� sts3king o�et af Seeti�II all of the tttl�� sa� >�< rstes is CsoMp C; aa� b� rnbsl�sa ia iies thes�c>f tht �ollo�rrin�: "Gro�p C ' BHiiding Iaspsctor �8.08 Eiscttic.r►l Isspactor 8.08 EIn►ato�t Inspeetor i.08 Gsa Bar�er Iaspector 8.OS Hesting �sad Fip3n,6 �spector 8. Oa H�atiag� Pipia;� aad �as Buraer Iaspe�►r 8. 08 . �ss�ar� Isspsctor $.08 Plssterrtr Inspeetor 8. 08 Plambiak� Insp+�ctc►r 8.08 Pln=ab3a�r isspsctor•-Wster Depsrtzaeat �.08 Refri�e�stioa I:ap�ctor $.08 3eaior �ldiag Inspectos 8.43 S�ios �iectrical Inapectos 8.43 Sa�..s�� ,1�[echaaical7aspeetor 8.43 Se�ior �'l�um'bin,� Insp�r 8.43 S�ea�t �s�sl Insp�ctor 8. 08 " . Yeaa Councilmen Nays �1� Pase�l by the Council Butler Caxleon Levine , Tn Favor g� A onlIIgt T�8AC0 Mr. President (McCarty) Apprnved: Atteet: City Clerk Mayor �� , ;. _ , �orm apPrm►ed Corporation +�"ouneel By/ m � . . , ��--���=a � � , . . �a a r�.ar , - _ � � � ORDINANCE 2��8�q COUNCIL FiLE NO PRESENTC-D BY ORDINANCE NO- �-��_I,� ��+ '����'�+Mi�+rI�I�����+a1��M - � ���� ���� ��� ���i����������i��� ��lh�l�i�i '���'� ��i��M, ��`3 w�ri �'��� ' � �► ���rr��rs� 24} �!T'I. , �., . � � ,.�.. � �p i 1 19�2 Yeag Councilmen Nays. Psaeed�by'the Coun�i� Butler La,r]se�- ��e tn Favor Meredith sp� Aaninat Ted�cw a�. rr��a�t ���c�rt�) �AN 1 1 1972 Approved: Atteet: City Clerk Mayor f� � � Form approved Corporation �c►ussel By ��--1 ���h���,,,�..,,,,, . � Dec. 27, 1977- Mr. John Haider Direetor cf �ersonn�l Ca.v�.l Service Bureau Uear ;�ir: nn De�ember 23rd, the C3.ty Council gave I'irst Reading t� tY�e following ordinanees which will come up for Third Readin� on January �+� 1�}72: C.r. 256829 - amendin�; �6��6 re new r�tes for Lather, Plasterer� Plastezer's Tender in Gr.A, �ec. IT; new rates for a].1 titles in Gr. C of Sec. SI. C.F. 256830 - amending #3250a C.S. Ru�.es' �trikirig �ec. 35 E 1.1 8� inse:rting new Sec. 35 E 11; striking certain material from Sec. 39 H (d) re reinstatement after le�ve �f. absence. C.�. 2�684�+ - ameafling ,�6�46 - ne�r rates for titles in aroups D, E and F of Sec, IIa 9ery truly yours� City Clerk ng �558��� Thia ordinance ad�justs the �rage rates for tbe classes of Lather, ' Platterer and Plasterer's Tend,er as shrnm. This ordinaiace also ad�justs the wage rates for all of the Inspector classes in Group "C" by increasing the pres�nt rates .03 three cents. These ad�ustnbeats are in accordance With the appropriate uaion contracts. Ist �� °? � � • 2nd ���..3 D Laid over to / 3rd and app —Adopfed Yeas Neys as Nays Butler � � B t �c���� u ler Carlson J L°�sv��-�. Levine evine Meredith eredith Sprefka , prafka Tedesco edesco � Mr. President McCarty r. President McCarty O