259004 Orls(nsl to City Clert � - -� ` ORDINANCE �59�04 �Q COUNCIL FILE NO , J PRESENTED BY �� ORDINANCE NO � AN ORDIIdABtCE SETrLING TFIE CLAIM OF JOHN J. AND LOHRAINE A. 0'CONDIOR AGAIldST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. TEiE COUHCIL OF TBE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIld: $ection l. Thaf the proper Gitq officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out af the Tort Liability Fuad 0035-420s to Joha .� ax�d Lorraine A. 0`Cosm.or, the sum of $150.00 ia fu11 aettlemeat of their claim of damages sustaiaed oa or about April 19, 1972 as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Couacil oa Map 5, 1972. Sectioa 2. That said sum ahall. be paid to the said claim$at upon their sxecutioa aud delivery of a release ia full to the Citq, in a fornt to be approved bq the City Attorney, for all damages auataiaed in the manaer aforeaaid. Section 3. That this ordinaace shall take effect and be ia. force thirty daps a�ter its passage, approval and publicatioa. JtlN 2? 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Btrt�er Huat � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith C; c' Against i Sprafka :IUN a? ��`� �ec�esc�o-- �. President Butle ��ed: A ' _ , ,,�....,...... _Q.,,,y_QQ _ � � �,/'t.,_ Clerk Mayor �p City Attoraey Form approved By �•.�— eueusH�o ,�U� 11972 D��ab�f�Ptlaf�r " . �� - ORDINANCE ��I� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENT� BY ORDINANCE NO �f /l�f O1tD�C8 SBTTLI1iG TH8 CLII� OF J0� J. LD#? LO�ARAI1iE A. 0'�i0� AC�,iII�SZ 4� C31? OF SAIIiT PADI.. T8S COi�TCIL OF T� CIl7t OF SAI�1! PAt1L D�S p�tDiADt s Sactisa l. Thst tbe proper CitT officu=s ar� hereb� astbosis�d aod directed to pa� oat of the Tort Lisbiltta lh�d Op3�-4Z0, Co JoLa J and Lorraiae A. 0'Comior, the sn� of $150.00 in fnll a�tt].reat of their c]a�i� o� de�ages snataiaed oa or abo� April 19, 1972 as aore particnLrl� set out is� a co�emicstioa to the Cit� Com�cil oa l�ay 5, 1972. . Sactian 2. That ssid sm� s1�71 be paid to tl�s aaid clai�set npon tl�ir �cecntias snd deliier� oi a releue ia fml]. to tbs Cit�� ; in a torn to me approw�d by €he City Attoraa�, for all e�aa��a atistaimed ia th� sa�aer aforesaid. �• S�tion 3. ?hat this ordinsace sball tal�e sfftet a�d be ta � forc� thirty da�s aft�s its pasaage, ap�ronl sad pobli�eativa� .iUN �? � Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Coun�;l �tkt g� � �t� n Favor Meredith C� A o0'A;YIAt sp�a � ; �. President �� APPmved: �1H 2 � 1972 Attest: City Clerk �ayor �� Form a��roved Corporation �ounsel By �.. ..:c. . .. . . _.h.....�. ..... lst • M 2nd l� ;rd �p� p Adopt�d ^ � Yeas Nays \HUNT \�CUNOPATZKI LLVINE �59Q�4 � \ �IEREDITH - �PRP.r KA l � V �� ��r Mme °RESIDENT (BUTLER}