259913 Orlslnal to City Clerk • � � ORDINANCE �: �� 25��1 �� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ���� ORDINANCE NO ���Z AN ORDINANGE AMENDING CHAPTER 445A OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGIS— LATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO AIR POLLUTION CONTROL REGULATIONS. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Ghapter 445A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended in the following manner: "445A.01 -- AIR POLLUTION CONTROL REGULATIONS AND STAND.AR,DS. Pursuant to Min.nesota Statutes 19'71 , Section 4'71.62, Air Pollution Control Rules, Regulati�ns and Air Quality Standards 1-16 inclusive (APC 1-16) of _the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as adopted pursuant tq Minnesota Statutes 1967 , Section 116.07 , as filed �with the Commissioner of Administration for the State of Minnesota on July 7, 196g, as thereafter amended through and inclusive of the effective date of- this ordinance, are hereby adopted by reference. " "445A.03 -- 'DIRECTOR' -- DEFINITION. N�twithstanding any other definition given by law, the 'Director' as applied to this chapter shall mean the person who is designated as the administrative head •f the air pollution abatement program in the City. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, app oval and publication. Nov a �9r2 Yeas Councilmen N�� , - _ �; - Passed by the Counci� tler =�"���: . n Ison Konopa�l� �; f Le ' e Levme � �'� In Favor M ith Mereditli � a Againat Sp a Sprafka 19� Te esco Tedesco N 0� 3 Mr. Pr iden ( Carty)Mme. P� 'de[�� ButleC ed: At Ci Clerk _ Mayor �� ��„�.a.� L• �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By , PUBLISHED NOV 1 1 �97Z - , , Dq�b b 8elabs ' � y . .. ORDINAN � E �5�g�� COUNC1l HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- / �O'?�, � � AY OitDI�AIFC$ A1�ISNDI�TB CHAPT�B � 44�'�A OF THE 3AI�i'P PAUL I.�aIS— , ' LATIYE CODE PEBTAINI�G ?8 AI� ' PALLIITIOA CO�AL RE�IILATIOl�S. � THE C�D]��IL OF TSE CITY OF SAII�'1' PAIIL D�ES �DwINs � Section 1. 4hat Cha�t�r � 5A ei the Saint Panl Le�i�lativs Code f• her�l�y ' aiesded in the l�lloxin� �anners < "445A.01 AIB P4LLIITIO� C�NTBAL ltBB�ULA�'IO�TS e�D 3?A�IiDAiiDB. ' Pnrsnant to �I1nne�ota 3tatat�s 1971, Seetios 471.62, `Air Polletioa Coatrsl ftnles, 8a�uulati�ss and Air Q�alitf Standards 1-16 inclwive (APC 1-I6) oi � thd Kianeaota Pollatioa Ce�atrol A`en�r i a� adapted p�rsdaat to Iiimassots ' St�tnts� 1967, Seotion 116.07, as iilad rith the C�i�iioner ot Adsini�tratfsn !sr t�e 3tat� oi l�tianesota oa daly 7, j 1969, ae th�reatter saesd�d t�rouab aa� inoluai�� Qi the elteotive dat� _� o! this ordiaanee, are herab� adopted ! by reYerence." i , "4��jA.03 'D�BL"!�!�• -- DEFII�ITIOIi. 8o�xith�tandins aay othsr detisitioa siYen by l�n►, the 'Directar* ao appif�d - - � to this chapter shall sssa �Ehs psraoa ' xh� i� desisnated as tge ada�iniatrati�� hesd oi t�e air poll�tion abat��ent ! pro�ra� in tbe` City." ; Seatioe 2. Tl�is ordins�teei ��all taYe s=leot and be fa iaroe tLirt� (30) da�rs � =ro� a�d alt�� ita pasaase, appro�ral and ,pnblioatios. ,� ' Nav a �r� Yeas Councilmen Nays . Paseed by the Counci� u er µ� n � �=` _In Favor Me eth I � ' � Am�inat Sp , '° sprafka NOV 31972 Mr. T dent (McCartY)Tedesco � Appmved: Attest: �, Mm�P� � City Clerg ' Mayor �� ' ; ' Form ap rnv� Corporation �owleel By _ �:,; . �` . . lst ��4 /f _�_ 2nd � � 3rd `�!0/� � Adopted �� Yeas Nays HUN`C KOPIGPA�CZKI �� �►M �? i ,C�:��!�c) I�EVITTE r�� ML;REDITH SPRAI�KA V TEDESCO Nhne PRESIDEN� (BUTLER)