257552 Orl�fnal to City Clerk � � = ORDINANCE 25'����,� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED B �'�"� ORDINANCE NO �� � . An ordinance approvin� the pro�eet of acquiring an easeaient in the City of Sain� Paul to open, widen, and expand the intersection of Berry Street at University Avenue, City Pro�ect P-0286R TF� COUNCIL OF `�HE CITY OF' SAIN`� PAUL DOFS ORDA.IN: Section l. That the �e��unissioner of Public Works, havin� reported to the Council tha� an easement for street and highway purposes on, over, a�nd aeross the f'ollowing described land: 3'hat paxt of I,ot 10, Aud.itor's Subdivision No. 9 St. Paul Minn., bounded by the following described lines: Beginnin� at a point on the Southwesterly line of sa3d I,ot 10, 10.0 feet l�orthwesterly of the Southeasterly corner ofi saa.d lot; thenee Northeasterly on a straiglit line to a point on the East line of said lot, 22.0 fee� North of the Southeasterly corner of said lot; thence Southerly alon� saici. East line to the Southeas�erly corner of s.aid lot; thence Northwesterly alon� the Southwest- erly line of saici lo� to the point oP be�i.nning, is required by �he Department of Publie Works for the opening, w3.denin�, arid expanding the 3nterseetion of Berry Street at University Avenue, City Pro�ect P-0286R, that the es�imated cos� of the acquisition of said easement is $500.00, and that the Comptroller has certified to the Council the manner in which the fla.nds may be made ava3lable; that the Cc�uncil hereby �.pprov�s the pro�ect for the acquisition of the said easement far the a�'oresa3d purpose and direets that the same be acquired for such purpose by the Cou�nittee on I,ands consistin� of the Mayor, the Purcha.sin� Agent, Co�.i.ssioner of Pu.blie Works, and �he Coamsissioner of Finance, i� the same can be acqu3red by purchase at a reasonable price, and it sha11 so report to the Cauncil the cost thereof, provided, .however, �hat in case the Co�ni.�tee on Lands cannot , procure sa:i.d easement at a reasonable price, then it shall so report to the Council, and in tha� event, the Cc�uncil hereby orders and directs that conde,mnation proceedings be instituted pursuant to law to �eeure �,aid easement. Section 2. That this ordinance sha11 take effeet and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its pas�sage, approval and publication. APR 12 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butl� Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco P R 12 1972 Mr. President McCart ) t �`� C' Cler Mayor �� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By PUBWSH�,D �PR 1 5 �9 z ' � . � ` ♦ �j7Y OP 6 B � 1a yi � � � ����� 0 �� `��' ,� �� - �� .:. RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer . Deputy Commissioner Capita) of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ROGER M. CONWAY Commissioner February 16, 1972 TO THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUIVCIL: Re: Aequisition of reAl estate for (City Project P-0286R) Berry Street �t University Avenue. For the purpose of opening, widening und expAnding the intersection of Berry Street at IInivers�t�r Avenue, City Project P-0286R, the Department cf Public Works require the acquisition of the propertiea described �s follows: That part of Lc�t 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 9 St. Paul, �inn., bounded by the following described lines: Beginning at a point on the Southwest�rly line of said Lot 10, 10.0 feet Northwesterly of the Southeasterly corner of said lot; thence Northe�sterly on a straight line to a point on the East line of said lot, 22.0 feet North of the Southea�terly corner of said lot; thence Southerly along said East line to the Southeasterly corner of said lot; thence Aiorthwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said lot to the poiat of beginning. F�nds for the aforesaid acqui.sition in the sum of $500.00 will be charged against Code Number 6000 P�I.B Fund for 1972. It is requested that the Council take the necessary action to authorize the acquisition of above said lands for +said improvements at Berry Street and University Avenue. y Yo 8� G �G� �'`-- ger �. Conway Commissioner of Public Works Financing: 1972 P•I•R• �,ind encwnbered for �5� to be ����tg reimbursed from 1972 Local Improvement cc: Richard Hawkina AID - 0920 � � .� Citq Comptro]� r i ��Z . ' O �5 ' � I st 2nd Laid over to ` �. y� 3rd and app �'� �—Adopted "� Yeas Nays Ysas Nays Butler `Butler Carlson ��� `_'�, Levine �evine � `�� Meredith � ,5��5� �Meredith Sprafka �prafka �,� Tedesco �desco Mr. President McCarty �resident McCarty O