257790 . � Ori�inal to City Clerk � .� ORDINANCE �5�`79� ' ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY v ORDINANCE NO b �n ordi.nance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions i.n the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the following titles, and specifications for Chief Refrigeration and Operating Engineer Refrigeration Engineer I (Steam-Electric� Refrigeration Engineer II (Steam-Electric} Refrigeration Plant Helper and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following titles, and specifications for Chief Operating Engi.neer--Civic Center Operating Engineer I--Civic Center Operating Engi.neer II--Civtc Center Civic Center Plant Helper Yeas Councilmen Nays �1 Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith A ainst Sprafka g Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � P Y � `� ?� � Form approved Cor oration Counsel B c� ��110� f `' Od�insl to City Clerk � ' ORDINANCE 25�'�9� . , � • COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /✓ �� 5ection 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and p�a.blication. -6' APR ? 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler �aen (� , Levine " � In Favor Mere�dith � A gainst Sprafka 0 � �IZ Tedeaco � . President C y) Ap ed e C' er Mayor �� _ Form approved Corporation Counsel By m � Pueusr� APR 15197� � • i ' . �5�"79� Title of c:a As:-. �z-�,I�.�.ti �PrriA'�";::�1G S�.i���CF�1t�:?�',?__CIVI� �ri�1TES? � ✓ � V� �ut:ie� anc� r�s�cnsihilii:ies: Und�r direcl�ioil, t� bd� in ch�ti-r74� c� L:�-a-=; oper�ti�n, maintenance, and rep�ir of al1 �o�-��r unit-s, n�a�d��.r���-,�, aci:essoriec, and equi�am�nt: ir �l�.c a�<�fri�c:ratioti ��l�rr; s, ��i;�.tir:t_� s;�;=i�ems, air condit:ionir�c� ��rsi:en�s, ��ncl ilzr-_ �.�7rir.�kle� sy�t�-r:; �� ti�� Civic C%rnter Corriplex; f ai�d �'o pe��_or.�z� re.l�t.�:� ��rorl: ac ,i^�-.i-�,ne��?. �xampl.e, of �*rarlc �ex•:f:u�•r;�*d; '�o .�u�ervis�: �t��? �i-•ect en€ :�-:eeri. <�n��: :�tii=,r ��.r�oi�r.r:.I. `l"o operat�, rnlinl;�ir1, adju;��� ai�ie �����;.�°_��<,.�;� steai:� and electrica'.. z•efrig.,ratior� er.iiprrrnt. - Te opexate, m:aini.ain, ac,�usi at�._� :1,�;.��.�1� arfimorii�� compr�:�ors, synchronous m.�1.c��•.;, s�;a,��::f��� �:��.z�:,1,-:, a�z� �:xcitors. �V oper�t° lI1�Llii�<1.2Y1� <Gj?1`�: `�i1t�� ._ ;`�'.'.�_"?ti? i21�}1—f.;I(.-'::�UI'�� .^�:�-'.c�,1T] brine �IL<-�..�C']'�� �3i?i1i? a17C� V.l::`Ll''+_1�Yi �ii��s�'e�� �;E'".'_n.jD@t1i�12(? CU11tT0�� �.YYC� �ii." CO:tG�li1C?117.t1,� ('.C3Ll1F?E"x..;:lr, �O Sll�@I'ViSE? �Lt1E', OT.?C?�'cll�ll ::ii1z. L"il."1.111�:�'.Sl�'.I7CL-' C� f'P.� �C�!127Y71�rit. de�cribecl ab�ve <zn�, �ih�� t-:.:�cti;,,:zic�,l equi�:�rient. To ?+:�e� r�co�•�15 ancl to mai:c i•�r•ox i��. :�<;:iui�2�urr� ^�ualifi���i.zatl.�>� d nre� y*��1.1'S� exn�riznc-� a� an ,~r�e:=:•:�?��i�; '�'r_hi�zeer I�_�Civ%r_° Ccnter. �2 . ♦ ' � ' 25�"79� Titlr- o�` r:1ar:;: ,._.:-- ,;.�, . , }��,.�. i-;�'\''.'�.,-1.,�?T� ,L�..� ..-°.�i� '��.4� 4. !`",�T�� .L. \ �'Jy.).n_.�..=j.A...i��� 1 \L �\ �.I J.:..�...�: l. I�LLzes an•_] ,°�,:��;orCi'�ili4��e�; 1'ililCl' _ .ki?C','i ie.::>1.011� �"O �_..�:i1.^.L Li?. G',^�C ..;:!'� ?'i�� Z^ lL.�1. Li.i.�.'.11.t' 2S1'! 1'�E'.j'!�t11'.11� �'3UWE+3' Lll71i�', YY?�,C�i11:1�'"s'��, _:7r�E O1'LE", •:li]�.Y �`s.�t���^�a�s�£'Yl�f: i.i7 "'i2F � i�ll' �i'�.,2C7I? j71� , �-+ �1C';`' i?�' , '((-'Y`iZr "ll. c�C;Y'_�:�1�;1'J1� i:.0 `'�'Cli.:t71S� `'' �I1:� ,�i1 . �.Ci':�c i' �°.j.T�2:�? �tr 7-��� _ ;�Lt; ��G'I��. ._ �Ui1:��7�L'F, £11l'.i `�<l ?7C'itOi'iii �'i'1.�"i:i'Ci '."JO�':;. �n.`��' �.5��?ZrC�'C:. �'.c1r�z�1Ls c. �;;�:>r'_, -�e��fci��,ecl� �'p �: �i�'i �'it�. °.>.r,cS'�3,�,i.11�� -'�I1�IT?t'.e?: .i�..• ._�I'.?.0 �i�117' E2 it7 �:I7;'. 0�9(�?•��'i011, £�';��I7i.C:11�1�!:;� 3.I1L1 I't::t�:?�' O� ,'.'l.c �:'�; %lY'i� C t��'��1'l.C:�1 {'� fl '�:�3.�ci,t�l�y l'C�LAF�iT1<:t11.. `!:.i:Y'Y'Yi�t"tic :t;2C��T'c'rSl? i;f)F"t?�'7'F'r:�OI.':'� :'�T17Y'_i::.'Cir'i01_l� i.`Tl0'�OTS� :�1,�I�C�IC�.rf p�',11E;�..- . 312C.i <'.`��.t�i.�71,. f"!.�'�;i:; �33'Pccl�lic Srt.�ll": �1"i[2c� Z1��cZwi�Y.'S, tr� l�z•in� and varttum F��r::,_r:�, t;����,1�::�-ac.��•� cc�n'2;a•o?, ac�cz aYr r��z�dit�ioning �.G�UL��?Y2�1.'. �:;�- i"�2�? �il�lli: rl��:1i.,'.::�:1' ''r.;;�iv;�:;�P.�:. `rp �i�SlSi; )I"l C�rr,�:�'ai:]IlU� �`i::11I'_"3�_:i�li, ;�I1C� i'r'T.�cl',1'if).� �1i'.�t'�:Yt7�; f:GC2Vl';i¢E-'rS, �"lCci�:1.11�/ t.Oi1S1'015� ��L1I'�(s�� iJfGLVC't•.",� LGi":7'tJUS{�1J11 r:QI]'r1'0�::, �.:2"lt� .CC1_L�I..�C3 ���Lll�iYlE:l?�:, '�o �.ssist ;.n rt.ain'�.ainirzn ���nd _. ;t?z�°.��:�?- .�j�:�•i�,i:l.;>7� sy�';.cr.�s, f�:re _ ` � , �'il:"f]175� �Yl:� E7�;11.��.1' �11°,= _�?��Llgi.i'.f� - _ �=E`_�r:i>l'';I1�. �-J 1S�'LC'7: a.I'. C�?'�2'�li.t11� �i;7� i7.�...i1f'.'�L� t .i]":; ' 4i2.5-C�T:�a��l] �3�.CC�:Y'1'��1 �;�n�r����o��. =�0 1��15�; S.L1 YI:::!�'_112? Pi]1Y1Q:i' 2I:1.;:"1'^;C-:I".c�f' Y':?���.±1'S 0I1 i t:..-: �::]J�/i',•,YYlE'YJ'�7�21CC� tCJt:la�I:"?��Tli:, J O 3S�>1S'�: )tl YT1:LI�lI2,L� rA17i101' ;Gr.�:"'t'fi n�'? ... � :T3; �i�3G�� �i'7't:�j' j':i.�`ie.9� ii_X:tiT:.S� �t'�E:�;"�'�Oi.'S� t'�t� 's�G-�ir 22lOt:C?'';`>T E�F:Ct'::� LV<i�CS� c1,.I1C3 fl'4��@1.' i2�t'�;�:.�lii,.�=t� -tliif`;��:;)?, ;:!'Ji�%�:?OU_ . _;f� •�1�i1'- ��eYiai:i •�UI'Y.Ll1.EX. ;'`.,�;i1i:.+xm qi�alz�°��:ai��oti�� � ��i1t'11-��/TctC�f'. �',Ci!.SC�tl:L01".i �Lii.tl ?:ti li ;y' 7�iiT'.� iT;` ��t)'LC.'.C' ' OI!`.'.:s'�l.':1,I.� !t G' ;�S �Ti . • .... J.. . , . _ `+"�L f'Y!c.';?.YlC:O.� . U� : �... 1�.�;_Ll °> 2'�1.� �'i ii.d� _ �i�_ c 4.iVif� �11Cr.1 <' 3?'�. � C 13°1 . .. . ��"� ��_ . :� ; � ' , 25�"79� -7Ci�le of� �?�ss� 0=P1;'�A`t.��;� ��tiC1S�7�'ER �jm�C�'VI� C�NTER �trt:ies and �•�sroi���Y.l�ili.i�ie��: YTnder s�.per;�isioz�., tu t�.�±v� c���r�c:., u�;ri.i:� a si�if�c, of �11� oper���'ion, :'i1c�2T1'�c:11�I1r'i� �T1L� ?'LiT�tll O� 11� ��O'.�'C}' L1112�5� Y'f:�l'C�lilli;z�T� dCC�V'�JJUIL�S� �Y:,n', �;�:: ''�12�c�+.1� li1 i�?C'. .�.,j2'1.('"rl'2C.Ori �,1i�1.17.C5� hCc�l.�'i11� S�jrS'C:;Y71:�, c1,:Y' t.�n�li�ior�in.,� ,,y��ac��z:_;,, ,1n�; �w'1° s�?rinklei• �ys2ern a2 ��.e �%ivi,� �'cnYpr , Compl�:x; a`n�l �o perio,��, r�:1ar�� .f�o}��_ as assx�nea. Exam�le:� ot �vor�.c pe�•:'orrnc�z3: , •. �lU 0�3ci'a�C, Ifl«IT1;:1:11, <;�;�1'c:'�: :c:IC� .'r.��tl�.�l�E' r�i.�:3IYl e,t2C1 CIC��Y1C:31 1'�71'l�t'.I"�.t L7�? � { 1?;:yYl'lE i2:', "�T_�Z71Ct�la ."arita �' 1'��012 CO:"Y11�F'�SSO1 S, S�7'CAC`11Yb1101t`` �,JrC):�E , �',�l �.Lil� � tl:.'.=;�S aI1C�1 �XC;:"i.01 5, �[77��1�f�P(3SSt1L'e +�t'-aTl'l �.��'ki]C ili.d�":'1':', i�-CYl1F' �L1 � "J:I�l1l7ZT] '�?LtY_'1�35� ac'I"�"1�8Y4�iYI'P. �:��a'i:i�ol, ar.e� <�i� �oiidit.i��iir.r?� �cl�.i.�nienf at �h� Cz�riu C�nycr C�rn��lcx. � O (3�3r1.'%t'�E', 3.::i]lil`y::tlil, �i1C� 7';,��`�il]' 's2?1'C"iIl� �U22V�T�Ce'Tc, i163�'i:ri�r �d37'`ELO��, ?�''.':Ii`��:�, e_)LOJJ�;i'C� t�Or"i]i3U541Ci1'l �011'i]'01�, �11C� T'C'13�t,'f1 t'C�`U��JiTl�:i1�. A O 1'Y1�1:.21�YaY1"] �LI.]. � 1 t'�?:lii' :"���Z'Lri�:ACI' :3 JrS�C'{:']:, :�:A':? �,'ltTZ1�7S, a11C� O`r�?P_7' lir� S-5bi'-���_;�,* ..=,.i�ipr����n,�.. ._ � . To op�.r:z�� �.���.ci z�a��.�t�, .::i.ai � n:�:-.�)ri s�en �ieef�•i�al �encr�'�or. , �O YTl'dl�C Ii'lt,IlOI' C+C1CY'nt',11i.LT x'�LZ�il;' 3 011 `Cfi� 1�OV��211i?Il'�?Ul1�C� �CfL11T?Y77Fi'St. ��O 1712�th' 111�i'�C;1' 2'C,-:cli.''� C1; :�l'�<?i>S 1�t�7':.i� 4Jd?:l�i �1�1CS� �1`i�t1Y'CS� bl�V�t't'U1'S� �Si"c�.�.V��, YYIO`�`.O'1':;� :i001'S� �.00�.G. �T1L�. O'G�lV2 Iil',�'(.�`i1Fi22Ii:8.1 �qai�:3;rnaii� ':':irou�l.o�?t �'t�e �:_�;�� �-�cn��r Ga=n�l.ex. ��'i r�i m t�:n �l��a 1.if�..W<�'F i.�r:c� �i.��iiizTflx�arJ� �c�ul:<.ti.�n. an.� fiv:: y�:ars'' e:cp�i•ier.�7 a� an u��ratin� o<,:1:�I 11:=;C i'� 1"r �,fz':l S'�: '�'i21'•.��. �'t;c.i'5 �� `�':%i12 t;�1 :r ll u': �11 V E' �.7 E3 f-'.Tl T.:1 '�}1� UY�i�l'c"7.���J11, �'73i.,'lf:c?Yi'.??;(:::, �iJ>iS 3'::�':.L:'.i' rJ.� I'CSfTlE';C:I'3�i0Y1 lY;3Chinery; OX' it.Yc: �'ci:il'S� C�ri��.":Li'_11'-=� :;1 �Ci?�; G�'��.L'l.nll ?11C� ins'>a�l.a`�ion O� Z'r.y�l'1�'62�±Y:_;0;.1 Pi7�i��'.�11('it�; G7' :�i�'C:�� y�'::<1xS� EX��r:I'LCY:r::�: �.S an �✓� � Q�t;1'ct C}.Yl� =-21�:12 r,�t:1• ti, •>``..�:.'./i i. �<'.Y3'y i;l': -�}c � 25�`79� . . '�i�`l� al c[a�s, C'4.�'IC i=;:�:',' T,-'s' i-=T��1,i�.,�- i���.3�s'�'F, �u'tic:s �.nr3 ���sp•:��t�.�ii�iliti��s° L�11�:��T Sl'tii�:"ti1��i�Y'1, ��O �77't�'?�1.:1'i:, c.11t� ':?i:lit���lli'1 LI�GGOi.' %ii"i:_2��"i�.1 ic�, `,:a '�ssi�;�� s.?z t'+_-_<>. cti�.,,�:�.=�.i�ion a�z•�' n�aint�nanc� ci a :i�.Ix'1�"1'ci`'11�C1 ���.::iYl�', c'L11:. ''w�J ��..G1'i,�l.�i� i'c'.�1i:tjC1 \-JQT% c'!S c!G3t.�11�C�. , �C%12�.�1:;:� (7.0 �s10:�'ft �,^.:'.'i 10?'Y?�:-'C3� �r() 2.1�::1111t;iill i.�f1t? �'?2'C)�_ll•.1' ��" it? i:l .^-�' C'� }�C iGT.' '.JrLJ'I(7l1`.: �':_'YiiYC,Y.�t'�L2I'C +a:.'v t3:�i i�'F G Y7 S. � C �iT.": CI> �i Lt'?3:1�:, 11;'` I �?'�Lr��r 4�1C�0.1 ., __.;i.? �?C�: L7�1' �C��i� 'F;�.�.c: . . v 7,� �° C3 p��<°t, �,l1C �%1{�It`�tC)�.:> ati� �20��..=�r il.tle�.5, i20lJl�i'.�` 1"1',:.�':;, �'O.:LI 4�U�yC' �r� . 10 i?7I;s :OAO7'S <'t.I'1G iC7 i�l.2tlf. :2C��'7>:�,T ?.l,ii �:? �J�' ✓�tl lOtr: Ci;:S�-Q�C3S '�t2 '�i2� f•�°��. '.I'� l�k:�Y'�7.�? o;. :�uj:�.'.1'�ii.^�. TI?.t�. oI�>-'i<a.'`.�i?u r�f �t, L�:l.m�.:-onr`_ jt•,__. Sl:tYt��`it1C! 2?i�LC�?i:}.�:. �C Ol?t'1'ct�i'. :-_t Y'=1.K:�'c�l' C_1tA'_!I�i�:��:C:; .. ..`+:5:. ,:t Y�?;.�Cx1 01 .,C4i1�?t;.^.E'.e. _ c ,. . _, �.S'�� a,^,S 3 S r r�i��t� �-,�?Yl?'G i �}2�.�1 �!.::7� c�-z 1� Y1 ,._ ^S 7.lt t j1� O}�i,l'a f;;.O ri :. � i:; r I C�ij�l'A1'� c`t11`� 7?lc!1:2�rE'11cit:�'I.:':' t7k .�. :;�.1'i:�:r<�2';�'.;}�}21 f��:±t?t ��[�L7 ;;li� r�:����1 e c��:,�?�,x?�.;'f . �vili21I211CY17 C�?U3�?:!7.5,1�IG11:` r,n• L.i�k�:�i=�radc. e�ucatioz�. ..5.�. ., I st L � � 2nd ��' � Laid over to � � ��� � � , 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas Nays Ye Nays Butler �Butler Carlson \ �a�5�n'- Levine �5 ! �� `�evine � Meredith �eredith Sprafka � �sprafka Tedesco �Tedesco � Mr. President McCa �Mr. President McCart �'Y Y O