259531 yr�s�•i so c�a cu�t F � ORDINANCE �5���1 , � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Clas sified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for pog Catcher, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following specifications for Dog Warden � � -1» Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � Hunt :E�e,� Konopatzki 7n FavAr Levine - Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco �Y. � Mme� President �e�$�� Butle� Approved: t� Attest: � City Clerk Mayor � -�� �� . .�. Form a��roved Corpor�t;ion Counsel By _ : � . � � • �5��31 r�itle. �f c1asG: ! Lt��' ;-VA?��3EN I3trti.�js 1nc r�snonsibil_iti�s: z�nder ^=ap�rvisi�n, Lo �ea�Ph foi �r�c] to impound �ao�s in violation of sT�t���G, ar�iinanc�s and r���l,tions relati,n� to animal. control; ar.� t�s �e;-.forn� rc�).�.te� tivar'. as �;.si.�nedo Exaxnple s af �va<:•x pei forxr:ed: �o c�teh :.�nd impoun�l do�: runnin� lo�s� ��itl?out a license or in viol:stion of at€��r rc;ul.a.txc�nsa "1a cat.rb, xrz�naund �.t:d �u�t.r�nY.;.nr c?e-�s in cases involvir..� a co; bifz� io ��xr�oEre si`'c or injur�.l anirn�.l� fr�rn laublic �ropet•ty � and to �r�.:xsp�r'!: t��m tG t�a� c���s; riound. To isst�� �exn-�mons to ele�� ��wi��r�; ' To �nvesti��.*e �orr.��laint� re��r•�an� d��� �.nd athcr an�rz�als< '�"o cc�rta;lu�t :n���sii�;�.4:i�tZS r���.rahn� �.nia�na;. '�i.teso �c dxi��� � p�nc:l trucic foi• transport�n� the �n:mais: '�o �'eEU and �Jat�r th� animals b�in� ric;ld at the �o�.nd= To �1�<<n. th� �nirn�:l c.ag�>.s �nd s�.t•roundiii� arear, To �=on���lc�� �ec�u.i:r,�d fo�r_�:� �nd re��oxts, Mini.t�zum quali£a�at�o:i:: .F1biliA�r L'o rc:a� and �,writ� �:n51.�sh, �`�u�� have a vat�d t�'�inr.c�sota dr�,ver�s i�i�cn�tit�� �2� i,. ;jrlslnal to Clb Clert µ � ORDINANCE �. �. , � COUNCIL FILE NO �J��'�� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for Poundmaster, and by substituti.ng in lieu thereof the following specifications: -3- Yeas Councilme�unt Nays Passed by the Councii � Konopatzki Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mme � President ��f�� Butler Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpor��fon Counsel By _ M " � �2�9�31 Ti.tt � of �lass� 1'Oi71�?DMA� TER Duv��s and i•�spc�nsib�.li�:ees> IJnder s�2ger�v����2�z�, ;o b� res��onsi�bl�: for �h� op�ra;:��r� o� �n� Ci�y D�g Potsnd �ncl fos• th�. s�pLrva.�s�n of er�ploye�s �n �:he en£orcem mcnk cf s�ka���eak ord"zn�.xa��s a.;�d r�gul��t;.ons r�la`�red �� animal �on�rcl; and tc ��rfarm rclw':�r1 �r�z•k as �ss�gn�d< Examples af work p�rform�d� To a�si�;n and �up��vis� th� worlc c�f Do� Ward�ns: To p�rform a�ac? �up��visc an�,mal ��xi:han�.s�a, '�o d���im�ne wh�n �.n�m�.ls m�.y bc r�lcas�d, To �olle:�t an� ti�pasit pounda�� fecs and licens� fe�so To re�Geiv� �c�mpia�.nts ancl �o c'�.sp����n �og i'�ardens, io t��.4izta;.n r��,ords of th� Do� P��.nd°s act�vit�,es, '�o s�hmit -rtq�i.sit�on� for s�ip�+1�.�s �.rr.d �quxpmunt, To pre��ri�: r��sai•ts and r�comm�nc�at�.ons, Ta �lean th� �,nir��al �agcs �nd s�rroundin� area� wh�n th� Dog ���I�rd�ns ar� not a,���.il�blc� Ivlinimum auali£���.tion5: Two years° �xperi�nce �.s � L��g yVardcn or equ3val�=nt, Iv_ust h�.ve a valid Pviinnesota drivtr`s 1ic�ns�; a���€ , , 7 Q�.i s�c�a c�� � � . � ORDINANCE ����,3� . � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE N0..�1_ / Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. � . _ _ ... _ '. . . , 'S' SEP 71972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council � Hunt � � Konopatzki Levine Tn Favor Meredith � D A gainat Sprafka Tea�� 8 197� Mme� President ��r.� $�tl� S P pprov : At / Ci Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpor��ion Counsel By PUBLI�HED SEP 16 1972 �p�.a r,�nar �`� . 01� DINANCE � 2����1 . COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENT�fl BY ORDINANCE NO.—._ ��/ / Ai ozd�ce s�nead� Ordisa�c• No. 760T, �fti�d: , '�As ordiasacs i�g ttie ��s �si �r�esp�►asi�3ities aad tha � q�sli�ic��s i`�►s tl`� �arfoas eLaat� oE pssitfa�s is the Clslts3fi�el S�s^vie� oE ths Cit�r." spproved Febrnsr�► 13, 1935, ss sm�d�d. THE COUNCIL OF SHE GITY OF �i'I' PAIIL DC}=36 ORDADI; 5�ctica� 1. T?�t Ordiss�C� Pio. 16�7, spps�r+�t F�r�ry i3, I935, u aaaeanded, ba sad ths sam� is �r�bT fi��rer sa�d�d b� sts� o�t the ti�#1� sad �pe�ificatic#a� for pos Cstc►�utr, aai lf sabalit�ag b► li� th�ree►f !he fallo�visg sp�ciflcatia`� for Dog �ssda�n .i� Yeas Councilinen Na3re Paesed by the Counc;� � ��Hat �� Tn Favor �el�i�l A nxin� � , Tede�scfl �yn��Preaident �� �s APProved: Attest: �ity Clerk Mayor �� �orm a�proved Corpors�ion Counsel By � �5��3� Title csf c1asG: DOC �•�'ARDEN Duti�s and r�sponsi.bilities: tinder �u.pervirion, to 5��.1C�1 for and to impounrl dogs in vi�slation of s�:���,t�s, ordinancc� �.nd regulation� relatzng to anirnai control; �.nd to ��,torm r�l�.ted wa�k as a�si.gned, �xampl�� of �vor.k p�rformed� To ca�tch ancl irnpo�xnc? do�: r.�nning loGSe wi�Izout a li�ense or in violxtion af otizr::r re�u..atYansa Tc catch, �.mnnund �.a7�1 quaranti,n� dc�gs in eases invalvin� a doo bite� ' "�'o rem�ve siek or in�jurc�; animals from p�ublic property and tc, tr<Lnsport Lhem tcr thc� dog pound, To issu� samrr�ans to do� owncr�< T� investxgale corraplaints regardin; do�s and other animals< To cnnrau�t �nv��tibations r��ardin� znimal bites� To d.�i�e a pan-al trL�.cic for transport�ng the �.n'_m11s� 'fo fred and wat�r th� animals bzan� held at the pound: To elean thc anzzna,l cages and surrounding areas� 'To eompl�t� r�quir�c� aorms and repor�s� Mininnum quali:f��at�oi�s� AbiliCy to read ana �x�rite �ngli�h, N=usfi have a valid N�.ir.�zesota drivzr�s 3.:i��ns� _2e .a�.�Haa to tr� y , O 'RDINANCE 259�31 • � COUNCIL FlLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO��j1� � �utioa 2. ��t asid ordinance. ss smend�d, be aad tb� aszat is keseb� further sffiended by strikin� ont the speciScsti�s tor Poondm�asbs, and by aubatitotin��in �fet t�rsa�f tlut followia� sp�ci�teatf+a�s: � _�. Yeas Councilme�� Nays ' Paesed by the Coun�;l �c �� I �� Tn Favor S eredith A�•inst Ted� ' y�,�� Preside�t � Bt�l1�s Apprnved: A4�eet: � , City Clerk M�►yor � �� ��S: �'orm s�roved Cc��i�por�ian �ow�el By u • �' � �5��3�. 'I' itic of �.lass� �'O �J�DMA� TJr R Du+;b�� and re�pnr.sii�:ld�;cs� L7nder �tlper��1E°�and �o bc r�sponsibl� for �:h� opera`r;Qaa c��' Yh� City l�c;� I'o�a.nd anci for thc. s�per�,�f.���r... of employees an the en�orce= m::r.:- rf sxa,�k�:,�;��s, 4ra=.n�.x���s a.;ad .r�;gulat�on5 r�l���d �� ar�ixnal �c�r��s•c�l; a�id �t� p�3rfarm rcl�.'di� -N��k �.s ass�gncd: �xamples of �,vark p�rforr_-,�d� I'o assi�n and su��rvis� the worlc of Do� Vl�'ardens, '3:o p-�rfori-n a��3 �ti{'���F�15C �n�mal ��a.t.hanasia� 'Tc� c?e��rrr.ine j�vn�n �.namals may bc: i•�l�ased, �o co?1�wt �.nd d��a�it �ounda�e fccs and licens� feese '�o re�c�vU ��smpla�nts and to c,'.s�a�ch Do� Y;v arc�ens, To mai��'�a�;.n s'���.GYGB of thc T�t�g ��o�n�"s act�vi,ti.es, To submit req�.isit;.ori:; ioa� ��zpi�Iies arzc� �quxpm�nt, �'o }�repar� rcpoz•ts and rec�mmind�.ti�ons�. To �:Iean trie anir��al ���e:� and surroibnding areas when th� Dog i�v ard�ns are not a•raii�ble. Minimum aualif���tiotas: Two yL'32'S° �xr�ericnce as a Dog War�en or equi.valent, Iv�ust h�.ve a valid 1Vfinn�.ota drivcr°s l.�cens� �- ° � � � � n.�u�.a a r�saar �� � , -� � � C� RDINANCE � . . 25953�. , � ����� ���o PRESENTED BY ' ORDlNANCE NO- `�` Sectfvn J. Thi� or�dinsac� s�sll tak� �aet aai bs ia f�scs os ths 8tss# dsT �E th� tirat ps�roll p�ri�d follo�r�s�istT ds.� a��nr �s P��i+• �P'Proa►1. s�d Pa�licatf�a• .5.. gEp ? � Yeas Councilmen. Nays Paseed by the Counci� �S ��e�tsld � ��e n Favor Me�edith � ��+inet 3prafka Tede�vo ' y�,.�oc�iaent �mc� s�•s SEP 8 1972 a�ro�ea: Attest: � _ City Clerk Mayor �� ,,, Form s�prov�l Corpor�ion �ouneel By - - - ��9�31 This serves to modernize the title Dog Catcher by designating it as Dog Warden; and also brings up to date the examples of work performed. (� �J � ZSt � D ZX:d � 3rd • p � �do�ted Y Yeas Nays HUNT KONOPATZKI n����� r ��z� � MEREDITH SPRAFKA � ' TEDESCO ' Mme PRESIDENT ($UTLER)