259477 Ori�lnal te Clty Clerk � ORDINANCE ��94'�7 , . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /���� . An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF TH� CITY OF SAiNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Section III � which reads as follows: "To Police officers in charge of police dogs and who are required to keep the dogs in their homes, transport them in their private cars, etc. , a sum not to exceed $4. 60 bi-weekly. Such sum shall be con- sidered payment, also, for the keeping in condition of uniforms and equipment. Such allowance shall be payable only during the time that the employee is performing duties as outlined above. " and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "To Police officers in charge of police dogs and who are required to keep the dogs in their homes, transport them i.n their private cars, etc. , a sum not to exceed $9. 20 bi-weekly. Such sum shall be con- sidered payment also for the keeping in condition of uniforms and equipment and sustenance of the animal. Such allowance shall be payable only during the time the employee is performing duties as outlined above. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. � SEP 11g72 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � H unt � � Konopatzki Levine � O n Favor Meredith Againat T� S EP 5 197.2 Mme� President �s��� Butler roved: At t• ty Clerk A ayor � s �� Form a�proved Corpora�ion Counsel By � PUBLI�HED SEP 91972 n.ru.M.a r�.ar � � � RDINANCE r� . COUNCIL HLE NO �� '"# � PRESENI�ED BY ORDINANCE NO /�J / An ordiazuse smemdia�r Ordiaaace Pio. 6446, eratitl�tl: "14n sdministrative ordiasac� fi�dag ths to�- p�ssat3aa rates of certain city posila�ons and smploTsnests," spprovrd Jsaasry $3. 1 g2�, se s�aded. T�3T COUNCIL 4F THE CITY OF SI�iNT PA�L Dt�1�8 QB�AB�t: S�ctioa 1. That Ordiaa,a�e No. 644b. sppro�ed Js�tasr�r Z3. 1925. is sai�amd�d. be i�d tbe sims ia h*areb�r fr�rlher am�nded by st� cmt Ssetiwm Itt E whiel�► r�sds sa follaws: "To Folice of#i�cerB in �harge of p�lic� do�s a�ad arho s� raquir�d to keip the dogs ia their hos�a+�, ts��►st them � t�lr pri�sts csrs. etc. . s sum nat to euceed $4.60 bi-�a�lcl.p. Such aom •l�ill b� ee�• sidared ga,�#. slso, for the lcsepi=s ia c�dition of oaifosms aad eqaipment. 5uch sllc�wraace �l�all ba paysbla only duris� th�s time that t1� employee is psrfoz=ning dtrties ss oatliaed sbo�.e. " aad by substituting in lieu thereof the followiag: "To Police officers iyri charga of police dogs asd aho srt requirad to keep ths dogs ia th�ir bomea, traaspor! them ia tb+eir privste cssa, etc. . a snan �ot to eu��d $9.20 bi�-we�kly. Such sum shall be cea�- sider�d paYnaeat al�o for the keepia� ia conditiwo► of unifo�ms aad eqnipment and cust�nance af the aaimal. Such a,llawaace ghall be . payabl�ar only dariag the tirne th� �mployee i� performiag dtrties as c�wtliaad abovre. " � 3eetioa $. Tbis ordiaaa�e shall take �ffsct and bs� in force on the f�ra# dsT c�f tltis Stst psTrall p�siod fQllo�wia,� thirtyr ia� s�E�r its passa�e. s�pr��sl. ssd gnblication. . SEP 11972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Coun�;t '' �"�"'�" ����� n Favor MeTedl'th 0 Anrainwt � lrta�effiaC President (�L BaRle r Apprnved: $E P 'rJ �, Attest: City Clerk ldayor !�� ,< Form approv�i Corpor�it�on Counael By ., • ' ` t = JOHN S. HAIDER I SA a ; UL CNIEF EXAMINER AND p.t .y , DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL r CI�/IL SE I BUREAU ; ��4 .,a THOMAS D. GLEASON I �-"�a--� ASSISTANT DIRECTOR � a� "�,�.,,, OF PERSONNEL k � �.� �,�s,� ,�1 tis�a��ato4�i �lestaW� ST. PA U L, M I N N ESOTA 55102 �594�7'� Augvst 9, 1972 � L�.•— � Hon. Le,wrence D. Cahen �-�'� � Mayor, City of Sa3nt Paut v� Room 3�+7 City Hall ...�°^""'""—. �.. � Re: AmeridiMg Ordinance B1o.64�6 � to increa,se a]lawance to � Police Off3cers in char�e J of police dogs From $10.00 to $20.00 per �month Dear Sir: Attached herewith is au ordinasce jvhich is self-eupla.natory and which we respectftill�y req�aest tha� you present to the City Council far approval. Ver'Y trt�].y y�urs� ` Haid�.r Director o�' Personnel Att. � MEMBER � Publie P�nonnd Assoeiation August 17, 19T� Civ11 Servi.e Bureau 2b 5 City FIa11 Gentlemen: The City Council tod�y gave First Reading to Council File No. 259�+77, an ordinance amending Ord. No. 6446i Section III E thereaf, pertaining to spee9.a1 allowacice to Police officere in charge of police do�s. ThiBt ordinance will come up for Third Reading on Au�ust 2g� 1g72. V�ary truly yours, C1.ty Cierk n� � lst �� g��� � y 2nd ` $ 3rd g � Adopte3 -, . Yeas ,Nays HUNT KONOPATZKI ,�Cg�tyl+j V ( / LEVINE � 6 MEREDITH S�'iA�iCA � � ' TEDESCO ' Mme PRESIDENT (BUTLER)