259368 s a o�g.�to cit,cia:t� � '� ?_� � ORDINANCE ��9��8 _f -� . . i � ; COUNCIL FILE NO — PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO v An Emergency Ordinanee Authorizing the Bureau of Publi� Building� to Order the Removal of D�uisances from Propertie�s Lo�ated �lithin the Corporate Liiaits of the �ity of Saint Paulp A�thOrizinq the Bureau to Abate Such Nuisances if �tot Done So by th� Property t)waers, and A�s�essing the Casta Incurred '�herein by the City Againsst the Affected Real Estate. TSE CDU�CI L �F THB CT TY �F �iAI I�.' BA�JL DOE S OItDAI N s Section 1. WH�RF.AS, The former Charter of the City of Saint Pa�l cor�tained provisions and procedures for abat�ent and ssmoval of nui�ances from property located within the city limits aad there are no existing ordinances e�tablishing su�h procedures, aAd therefore the Co�cil deem� thia to be an e�aergency situation affecting life, health, property and the publi� peace reqeiring imtxediate Co�neil actior� so as to in�orpc�r�.te �nch proc�d�re� into the Saint Paul Legislative Code. �� _ _ _ . �.. ,._, _. _ . . _ ---. . ,._ � ,. , S►e�tion �. , <. �.; ., , �* 1. T'he Bureau of Public Buildings ia here}� ;a����ized and directed tc remowe and abate, or cause t� ]�e r�moved �� ab�ted, any nuisance, substances, matter, emission or thin� which, in th� . opinion of th� Burea�, constitutes a nuis�nce which threateas the p�blic peace, health and safety ar which impair: ths saaitary con- dition or good order of the city, and v�hich i� f�uad or exi�ta �pon any street, alley, wat�r, exe�vation, b�ildia�, e�eetion, lot, grounds or other property located within the City of Saint B�nl. 3'his provision does nat apply to the re�oval of bnildings. 2. Ia tlze event such a nuisance be fa�nd, tl�� B�areat� ahall �ail a written order to the owner of the subjeet re�i pr�perty addres�sed to his last known street address. For the purp�:e af this 0rdinance, "ow��rs" �hall be tho�e shown to be such on the recor8s of the Ramsey County l�iuditor, but other appropriate recorda may be used. T�h� written order shall contain the fAllawinga a. Description of the real estat� sufficient for identific�tion. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine � Meredith Sprafka Against Tedeaco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk May r �� Form approved CorporatioM �Counsel By � r � � � �59��� Page 2 . ���� � b. Specify the nuisance which exists and the remedial action required. c. Allow a reasonable time for the performance of any act it requires . d. State tha.t the owner ma.y appeal the order of the Bureau and obtain a hearing before the City Council by filing a written request for public hearing with the City Clerk not less tha.n seven days from the date of the order. e. State that unless such corrective action is taken or request for public hearing filed with the City Clerk within the time specified, the Bureau may remove the nuisance and cha.rge all costs incurred therein against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same ma.nner as taxes against the said real estate. 3. In the event the owner files an appeal with the City Clerk, as provided above, the Council shall fix a date for public hearing and give the owner written notice of the date, time and place thereof. At the time of the public hearing, the Council sha.11 hear. from the Bureau, the owner and all other interested parties, and thereafter the Council ma.y sustain, modify or confirm the order of the Bureata.. If the order is sustained, the Council sha.11 by resolution fix a time within which the nuisance shall be removed or abated and further provide tha.t if such corrective action is not taken within the time so specified, the City may abate the nuisance and charge all costs incurred therein. A copy of this resolution sha.11 be served by ma.il upon the owner by the City Clerk. 4. In the event the City removes and abates the nuisance, the Bureau of Public Buildings shall keep an accurate record of all costs incurred therein and report these costs to the Department of Finance. These costs shall be then assessed against the affected real property in the ma.nner provided for in Chapter 14 of the City Cha.rter. 5. To meet a situa.tion which constitutes an immediate danger or ha.zard which if not immediately removed or abated will endanger the health or safety of the public and there does not exist sufficient time to give written notice to the affected real property, the Bureau with the written authorization of the Ma.yor, is hereby empowered to take all reasonable and necessary steps to remove or abate such nuisance forthwith and without the necessity of issuing the written order provided above. Fallowing such emergency abatement action, the Bureau shall ma.il written notice to the owner of the property describing the nuisance, the action taken by the Bureau, the reasons for immediate action, the costs incurred in removing or abating the nuisance, and that a hearing sha.11 be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the Bureau and to determine whether the costs incurred by the Bureau sha.11 be assessed against .' Oristnsl to City Cldtk ' . a • �t � , � ORDINANCE �59��g � .' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� 3. the property. Copy of this notice shall be provided the City Council� and the Council sha.11 set a date for hearing thereon and notify the property owner in the ma.nner set forth in Chapter 14 of the City Cha.rter pertaining to assessments. At the said hearing the Council will hear a report from the Bureau, and also hear from the property owner� and thereafter may adopt a resolution levying an assessment for all or a portion of the costs incurred by the Bureau in removing or abating the nuisance. Section 3. This emergency ordina.nce shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage� approval and publication. AUG 3 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � Hunt �onopatzki Levine In Favor Meredith � Sprafka Againat Tedesco �6 4 �� Mrs President Butle A t: .� d: C k May r �� Cit ttorne Form approved it'ol�i�C�5�1 By PUBLISHED AUG 51972 � lZqtlwb�ta Priat�r� • ` � ORDINANCE 5935� . _ . , . � �' c . � ' ' COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDtNANCE NO J �t i�tsq�o� f�iiaa�tO� istiOSi=ii� tiir �osra� +�t �►liv �i.lais�s ts O�+iirr !� , a�o�al o� �.isa�►a fr� ls�o�rtisa . Lse�at�d 1�itl�ia tis �aspoacat� Lfatits of L'�! `.'3.� 4! /i�t lisl� �1lt�r�i� !� los�ra� �+o! i�t� �ai �.isau�a 3.f �ot io�� _ i� l� t!� !�� i�ra�ea. a�i i�stssis� tl� t�o�ts Z�tsMi �t+s:ta � � �it� �sii�t t� �iliral.�i �wtl i�R�t.+�. '!� �IL � �i CIlI 1!� �I�! �!L �i �R�t!'t i�eatiou 1. . . ��ia '!i� ll�s�ac �'I�ast�s o� t� t3i1�► o� �al.s! �ra�l vrk.ai�d �►isie�s aad ps+u�o�ri�s+�s l�o�c �R+�t u� �ra�. of aNtl.wwa fro■i l�rt3 lea�t�d rit�tia �1w� vftt 33ail.� �d t]rs� asr ao �a�lsti� os�isa�s �stalli$tia� are�► ls�tsrs, ao�d t1Nrt�!'�rs ti� �ail 8�t tiia t� Ir� aat �re�a� ai#�artie� a�lrotia� li�. lwait�t. p�r a�ai i� !�� !�� �_� i�rdiat+� �ii a�Eia� ao ss bo i�oae�s�s� ar,iilt �acrem�i�as+rs iato t�s sai�! l�onl iw�is�,ativ+� �oi�. �t3+o� 2. 1. 'i'1� s�s+�a�t ot �i�tia �ildi�s is l� a�!'i�acis�i a�d disw�t�+�i t�or �� aM ata�. vac �sr ta D�t s�rwt �ac a�i. � a�sis�o�w►. s�Lstau�s. a�t�t�c. �ai��i�oa or iGl�#a� �#.dM. ia t� �#.aia� o� ti� lrlsMa�t, ve�alit�s a aati�a�e� til�►.t,l�it �lts+oa�� I�lis �rait� p�ao�. �all�t aai �tr os M�ia�t 3a�iss !M �tit�ts� t�- �#f�s �t �o�i �r o! ti� oitt. aa�d �Itid! ia lk�i o� �adrts �paa � stsMt. sll�l. �at�r, �n►ati+�, �rai].�3s�. �s�el3e�a. lert. �Ms os �s pae�stY l�at+�d �rft�iia ti� I�it� a! �aist lrp�l. �lia p�+wis3�oa � aat appi� ts tar sr�rai o! lr�il�i��. 2. �a t3� ��at s�+aiit a � ]� �e►�i, � �s+r�pt t�li sail a �rritt�s �r to ti� e�aMS of !� s�rja�t s�. !� �riis+�a�d to ]�i,s las� ka�aMa ats�t aMs+�ss. !� !i� � s! litis os+�iaaso�. •+O�ss• a1�a.13 � 1tieN � bo � ir�oit at tM s+�oa�+is o! ti�r ii�w"! �mw�► �Litaqt. D�st o#i�� a�c�tiats s�Ms ara�► lM rard. !!r �r�citt+�a ae�s �a�ll ooataiat ti� l�slla�rit�: � a. �races3�tiort o! ti� �+sal �stat�r sa�fli�ti�at ior i�rnl.if��ti�s. Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Coun�;� Butler ��OA Tn Favor Levine M@Y���l A vuinat Sprafka -° ' Ted�co Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved: A�ttest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form a roved Co PP rporation f:ounsel By � ._ . a „ • l • . • , . . � . . . . y r 25���8 a e 2 ��/ � P g . b. Specify the nuisance which exists and the remedial action required. c. Allow a reasonable time for the performance of any act it requires . d. State that the owner ma.y appeal the order of the Bureau and obtain a hearing before the City Council by filing a written request for public hearing with the City Clerk not less than seven days from the date of the order. e. State that unless such corrective action is taken or request for public hearing filed with the City Clerk within the time specified, the Bureau ma.y remove the nuisance and charge all costs incurred therein against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes against the said real estate. 3. In the event the owner files an appeal with the City Glerk, as provided above, the Council shall fix a date for public hearing and give the owner written notice of the date, time and place thereof. At the time of the public hearing, the Council shall hear from the Bureau, the owner and all other interested parties, and thereafter the Council may sustain, modify or confirm the order of the Bureau. If the order is sustained, the Council shall by resolution fix a time within which the nuisance shall be removed or abated and further provide that if such corrective action is not taken within the time so specified, the City may abate the nuisance and charge all costs incurred therein. A copy of this resolution sha.11 be served by mail upon the owner by the City Clerk. 4. In the event the City removes and abates the nuisance, the Bureau of Public Buildings shall keep an accurate record of a11 costs incurred therein and report these costs to the Department of Finance. These costs sha11 be then assessed against the affected real property in the ma.nner provided for in Chapter 14 of the City Charter. S. To meet a situation which constitutes an immediate danger or ha.zard which if not immediat�ely removed or abated will endanger the health or safety of the public and there does not exist sufficient time to give written notice to the affected real property, the Bureau with the written authorization of the Ma.yor, is hereby empowered to take all reasonable and necessary steps to remove or abate such nuisance forthwith and without the necessity of issuing the written order provided above. Following such emergency abatement action, the Bureau shall mail written notice to the owner of the property describing the nuisance, the action taken by the Bureau, the reasons for immediate action, the costs incurred in removing or abating the nuisance, and that a hearing shall be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the Bureau and to determine whether the costs incurred by the Bureau shall be assessed against • .Do�llest�b Priat�a! � ��,`^� �'!� t : .. _. .. f � ORDIN' AN � E :���� • ' COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO v � �. '� t� P�Pe�Y• �apy of thf s satf ce sbal l be pravided the Cit�r Ca�cil, and th� Council shail set a date for hea,riag thereon and notifp the property owaer in the aamaer set forth in C�apt�c 14 of th� Cfty Charterpe rtaini�g to assessments. At th�t sai.d h�ari� the Co�uncil wf ll hear �� a rerport fx�e� the Bnrean; anct aleo h�ar fs�an � P�Pe�Y �r, � t2�er�+a:fter may adopt 8 reso�utiara let6�e an assess�ent for all or a portian of the coats incurred by �r�u in re�ovin,g or abating the �sance. Sectfon 3. This e�rge�y ordi�nce sball tak� effect atid be in force f�sediatelp upon its passage, approval a�d pnblicatfon. , AU6 319J� Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Coun��t �8otier�IIt �����Z� n Favor Levine Meredith � Sprafka . T��"° AUG 41972 M�. President�p�y�)Hutler APProved: - - - Atteett � City Clerk Maqor �� ��,p� Forin aPP�� �C���B3� . • 9rea Code 612 �1�� �` ��� � J. THOMAS J. STEARNS 223-5121 , i�i-7��.j �i. ARTHUR M. NELSON \ r `' PAUL F. MC CLOSKEV. JR. >♦ �k���-;�"��� R. SCOTT DAVIES � ^� PIERRE N. REGNIER DANIEL L. FICKER � JOHN C. MC LAUGHLIN CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROBERT C. HOENE KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK A. KEITH HANZEL FYK9��JS�I�fIX TERRY F. SULLIVAN City Attorney LEGAL DEPARTMENT Assistants JEROME�J. SEGAL ROBERT W. MATTSON ��{��}�s�n� 647 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Investigator DANIEL A. KLAS ;Le����s �a��ax��� July 2 8, 19 7 2 Ma.yor La.wrence D. Cohen City of Saint Paul 347 City Hall Dear Ma.yor Cohen: Our office has added a new paragraph 5 so as to provide emergency authority to remove a serious ha.zard or nuisance which by its na.ture must be abated immediately and does not allow time to request that the owner of the property remove the nuisance. If this meets with your approval, it is in form for Council consideration. I am sending a copy of the redraft to Glenn Erickson and Frank Staffenson. Very truly yo rs, l � � `'� J�l?lOME J S GAL A �istan City Attorney � JJS:er At t. � , r , 1�'C� , Z:1C1 _-' ' 3:;�� • � AciO�f:@� � Xeav Nays FiUIQT::;. KONOPATZKI ��9��8 LEVINE MERr.DITH ' SPI2AFKA � TEDESCO Mme PRESZDEN� (BUTLER)