259857 Or1s�a1 to Cfb Clerk � � r ORDINANCE ��9��� COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO���S AN ORDINANCE SE�LII�TG THE CLAIl�i OF THOMAS L. MeGUIR3� AGAI�'ST THE CITY OF SAI1+�T PAUL THS COU�TCIL OF � CIZ'Y OF SAI�1T PAUL DOES �RDAIN: Section l. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and direct�d to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-420, to Thomas L. Mc6uire, the sum of $237.37, in full settlement of his claim of damages sustained on or about July 27, 1972, �s more particularly set out in a communic�tion to the City Council o� August 8, 1972. Section 2. That said s�na shall be paid to the said elaima�t upon his execution and delivery ot a rele�se in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the City Attormey, for all damages sustai.ned in the manner �foresaid. Section 3. That this ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas uncil en Nays Passed by the Counci� OCT 2S' i972 B tle � / C n Konopatzki �O Tn Favor � e ,� � G Me ith , , � Againat S Meredith " T ' Sprafka �CT Z'l �972 Mr. eside t (McCarty�- desco A :; �--�''`' . �aid�'`8v�1w City Clerk M or / �orm approved Corpor�ytion Counsel By PuBLIS1iED NQ� 41972 . nyde.a a se�ar _ � . � � ORDI1�T � l�TCE 2�9���7 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY 4RDINANCE NO- �� AN ORDINANCF .SETTLI3�G THS CLAIM Ol� TH�iB L. McaIIIRE AGAI�fST �SE CITY 41�' SI�I]'AT �l1tTL � COUmCIL 0�' �E CITY OF SAIb'i' P,�1tJL. DOB�B 4�s Section 1. That the praper City officers tr� her�► authoriZ�d sa�l directed to pay ont of the Tort �,iability I�t�d 0035-420, to: �homas L. McGuire, the sum ot $237.37, in full �ettlsment of his clai�n of damages sustained oa or about July 27, 1972. as more particularly s�t ont ia a ac�a�nf�tion to the City Couneil Qn Angust e, 1972. S�tion 2. _That said smt ahull be paid to the said elaina�t apon bi�t esecution; and delivery of a release in t'ull ta th� � City, ia, a form to be approved by the City lrittorney, tor a�ll da�aqe� sustais�ed ia the manner atoreeaid. Secticui 3. �hat this ordinanese ahall take •ffeat and l�e fa forc�a thirty days sft�r ita pissaqe, �pp�aval a�nd p�tblieaticu�. =�:� Yeas unci en Nxy� Paseed by tl� �on�� -..; � C Wt.+nt i,�` � Kanopatrid .xz �� Favor' � � � �i� Meredith . T Sprafka M�'. t (McCarty)Tedesco 0 CT 2 ? 1972 Atteet: � �,��f� -�Ap�+oved: ��� . . _ -- � . City Clerk �[ayor �� �'orm:�►�r°°ed Corpor�ion Coun�el By , -� 1 s t-_�� ._.� 2 nd ___�.L� 3rd I ��-�- Adopted �D o2b Yeas Nays HU�tT=;`:' KONOPATZKI • . LEV7NE �, ME.REDITH ������ SPRAFKA � ` TEDESCO Mme P;tESIDENT (BUTLER)