259745 Oristesl ta Cit7 Clert , ' . - ORDINANCE ,�9� � COUNCIL FILE NO � � PRESENTED BY , ORDINANCE NO f��1I A.n ordinance rescinding the ordinance implementi.ng the Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System for the City of Sai.nt Paul and providing for the appointment of a Director and other personnel. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 14577, implementing the Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System for the City of Sai.nt Paul and providing for the appointment of a Director and other personnel, is hereby rescinded. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. 0 CT 11 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� �kx Hunt � Konopatzki � Tn Favor �'] Levine [ Meredith � �� A gainat Sprafka T��� p t;t 12 1972 M �3i£ President ���C.�t�� Butler � �- Approved: ttest• � , � �Q City Clerk � i � Mayor .� Form a�proved Corpora�ion CouMSel By � ,�r-<-�.�- P�UBUSHED OCT 14 �972 n��at.a P.iN.r � � ' ORDINAN � E - ' �59��5 GOUNqt FILE NO PRES�ITED BY ORDINANCE NO ���I 1 An ordinsace reacinding the ordiaaace impleraeatiag th� Coape:sti�re Artis Ms�powsr Pla�aiag SYstem tor tha Citt oi Ssiat Panl and praviding for the sppofatment of s Dirtctor snd other personael. THE CO�JNCIL OF THE CITY OF S.AINT FAIIL DOES ORDAII�: Sactioa 1, ' Tbst Ordiaa�nce No. 145??, imp�.em+x�3as ths Coapersti� A�s�a bdaap�wer Plaaaiag ST�tem fos t�►e Cit�`of Ss�at Psal azd praviding for!he sppoiataneat of s Director sad �t�er peraosn�l., ie hsr�bT rtaciad�d. S�ctie�t 2, This a►rdiaaaee shsll tak� effeet snd b� � force thirty dsys a.fter its pas�age. approvsl, and pnblication. Yeas Councilmen Nays P�seed by the Coun�it 0� 1 Y� �� �t Hunt � Konopatzki � Ta Favar 17pi"iilAU� � . roQA;� T�� OCT 12 197! b[�e, � Preaident p� Bntle r A���, Attest: City Clerk M�yor �� Form a�Proved Corpor�tioa Couneel By .. . _ ., . � Civil Servlce Commisslon � �� �� Director of Personnel Mn.Ruth D.Schwarzwalder,Chairman $A � � UL John S. Haider Mr. Harry H. Gaston + � � +� Mr.A. R.(Dick) Zangs CIVIL SE � � OFFICE Assistant Director ` �� '' Thomas D. Gleason � �� � r r • i • ����� �(Jal�d � ST. PAUL, MINN SO 02 September 21, 1972 Hon. Lawrence D, Cohen " Mayor, City of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall Re: Rescinding Ord. No. 14577 re Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System Dear Sir: Attached is an ordinance as set forth in attached explanation. We respectfully request that you submit this ordinance to the City Council for approval. Also attached is a copy of Ord. No. 14577. Very truly yours, �a - John S. Haider Director of Personnel Att. $� MEMBER Public P�nonnd Asso�iafien , - • , . . . ,: . ..._...__: .._.. .�� . i.li',_ • ♦ 2,5g"�.�� Council File No. 24968U—Ordinance No. 14577—By Charles P. McCarty— An ordinance implementing a Co- operative Area Manpower Planning System for the City of Saint Paul, and providing for the appointment of a Director ar.d other personnel. This is an emergency ord3nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1 That there is hereby created 3n the office of the Mayor a Cooperative Area Manpower Planning System. SECTION 2 IThat the position of Project Director, (Camps) of said Cooperative Area Man-'. power Planning System is hereby cre- ated. The Mayor, with the approvall of the Council, shail appoint such Di- rector who is hereby expressly ex- cepted irom the Classified Civil Serv-'. ice. The Director shall have an as-' sistant and a cierical assistant who shall be in the Classified Service sub-j ject to the rules of Civil Service. - SECTION 3 � That the duties of said Director shall be to administer said program in con- Iformance with the grant from the U.S. •Department of Labor dated 7une 28, �1970. SECTION 4 That the salary of the Project Direc- tor (Camps) shall be $654.00 bi-weekly. SECTION 5 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 6 This ordinance shall take eHect and be in force from and after its pessage, approval and publication. Passed by the Council August 26, �1970. � Yeas— Councilmen Butier, Carlsoa, Meredith, Sprafka, Tedesco, Mr. Pxesi- dent (McCarty)-6. Nays--0. Approved August 26, 1970. ' i CHARLES P. McCAR.TY. I / �".�- 'C7 MaYor. ; Attest: �- I3AREY E. MARSHALL, City Clerk. (August 29, 1970) � • _ �cla7�L�� .An ordinanice has been submitted to the Council creatirig a aew title of Manpowe� Director in the Exempt Service. The purpo�,e of the attached ordinance is to abolish the old title of Project Director�(Camps) together•with the provisions for the organizatioa of atich Director., This is at the request of the Mayor�s affice and the Grants-in-Aid Cdordin.ator. i �'ji� � � • ' lYLC� r 1 `F .� _'_ I 3 r3 _���. ti.. Acloateci !(),��� __.. Ye_as Nays �_ ,_. . 259�74� K�l:�17:�L�i 7.t�1 � ��Vi�i� � � I � MEREDiTH • SP�'t�F'iCA v 1E;��;5C0 � „ . Mme PRr SID�I7T (BUTLER) 6 �