258533 Orleinsl to City Clerk . � O R D I N A N C E 2�8533 , . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� _ AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF DOROTHY MAI�II�I AGAIN5T THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNICIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectinn l. That the propex City officers are hereby suthorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-420, to Dorothy Maan, the sum of $250.00 ia fu11 settlemeut of her claim for da.mages an,d in�uries sustained by reason of a fall on a defeetive sidewalk at or near 1141 W. 7th Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota on October 9, 1971. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said clai.mattt upon her e�ecution and delivery cf a release in full to the Citq, tn a foxm to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damagea and in�uries sustained in. the manner aforesafd. �ection 3. That this ordinance ahall take eff�ct and be ia force thirtp daqs aftex its passage, approval and publication. �AY a 4 �s�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Ca�°� �°nWay � Tn Favor �I.evine � a v �� Sprafka Against T,e�esr.�' � � Ap I�AY �41�� �. Vice '�ra ' t � dit.h e Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ,�._,. PU�LI9HED MAY 2 71972 Da�uate a Prht�r � , . ORDIIITAN' CE 258533 , . - COUNCIL HLE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �/d A� t1tDD�CB S�1TLI�tG S� CLAII�i !� D080?!�T � AGAffi8'! � CITY OF SA7.ii'! 2A11L. TH8 COi�CII. Ol� ?BE CI?Y OF SAI�P! PAtiL DOES ORDAI1�s S�tioa 1. ?hat th�s proper Cit� officsrs are has� anthosised asd dir�ct�d tq pa� out of tbs Sost Liabilit� �'�d 0035-420� to Horothy M�a, tttu suia o� $Z50.00 in fn11 settl�t of hsr elai� far da�ages aad injnri•s snstai�d b� r�asoa of a isll ou a dafectiva sid�alk st or aest 2101 W. 7tL Ststist, Saiat Panl, Mivaaota t� October 9, 1971;. Sectioa Z. Tt�st said sur� shal.l be paid to ths said clat�t ' upan her ezecntiog aad dslitrasy of a reletea ia fnll ta t.tia Citp, in a for� to be spproved b� the Corposation Cou��l� for s12 da�sges a�d injuriiea s�tsia�d ia the s�amsar aforesa3d. S�ction 3. ?hst this ardinanc� ahall take effect as�d bs i�t forc� thirtT days after its passage, appraval sad publlcatisa. �Ay �4 �9�2 Yeas Councilme�n Nays Paesed by the Coun�; Butler �� �7 ��—Tn Favor � CJ Aro�D$t. s�� MAY 2 41972 Mr. Vice President M � A����� Att�t: eredith City Clerk ��,or �g Form ap�roved Cor�oration �ounsel B�► . � � I st ` 2nd✓�' /� � Laid over to 3i.d and app � , —Adopted �a Yeas Nays eas Nays Butler �Butler Carison '\\\�°rls°'* Levine '��8�33 �evine r Meredith �. �� Sprafka �prafka v Tedesco Tedeseo--. Mr. President McCarty �r:preai�,' — �; C�Ir. Vice Presld9�t Mered ;;�