258469 Orisinal to City Clert - - ORDINANCE 25�4��� ' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY - �-Q ORDINANCE NO._ / �� < AN ORDINANCE 5ETTI,ING THE CLAIM OF W. H. BARBER � OIL CO2�.'ANY AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAtIL DOES ORDATN: Section 1. That the proper Citq otficers are hereby authorized and directed to paq out of tbe Tort Lial�lity Fune 0035-420, to W. Ii. Barber Oil Company, the sum of $225.86 in full settlem�at of their claim of damages sustaiaed on ar about Jaauarq 24, 1972 as more particularly �et out in a coa4mn.nication to the Citp Couud►cil on February 8, 1972. Secti.on 2. That said svm sha11 be paid to the said claimant � upon their executian and delivsry of a release in full to the Citq, in a form to be approved by the Corpo�ation Counsel, for a11 damages sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That thi� ordinance shall take effect and b� in force thirtq days after its passage, app�roval and publica.tion. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council MAY 18 1972 Butler � C,�seu Can�ay Tn Favor / Levine (� Meredith C J � Against Sprafka � $ 1912: .�a�— . President (McC y) Approved: At t: Ci erk Mayor �O � � � Form approved Corporatior� Counsel By �.(Cl�— PUBLI3HED MAY 2� DqHesq ts Prfabs • ,. •. _ ORDINANCE 25846g ' cour�ci�. r�� No PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /`�Q v At� OBDII�TCS SSi?L3NG TH� CLAIIMI OF ii. fl. L�D� OIL G�A1R AGAIB$? TSS CZ?T OF SAIIR PADL TBS COUNCIL flF Ti� CITY OF SAIIiT PADI. DOBS O�DAI�i t Secti� l. That ths psoptr City officars ara herabT sothorisal and directsd to pay ont of th� Tort Liabtlity Fmie 043S-�i20, to �i. H. Barbes 031 Co�paa7, the sv� of $225.86 in fnll settle�ent of their cLim of dasagea anrtained on or sbaat Jasnsrp 24� 1972 ss sore partic�].arl� set ont in a cc�aicati.c� to tlie City Connail on Febrvary !�, 1972. S`etsoa! 2. That aaid sna shsll bs gaid to the said clsiwaat upoa thsir e�e�neios and dslivsry of s ialease ia fvll to th� Cit�, in a fpa to be sppsm►od bp the Corposatian Couasel, fos sll daraga smataiaed in ths a�er atoraaa3d. ' 3ectian 3. That thi+� ordiasn�ce shall tak�e aff�ect aad b� in force tbirt� dsy� a�ter its pasasg�� ap�raval � pabllastie�a. . �►Y � 8 �97a 3Ceas Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the Caun�1 Butler � ��n �7 Tn Favor Meredith � A Q,►i� Sprafka �g -�'ed�o�, �� 1� Ddr. President (A��Carty) APPmved: Attest: City Cierk �dayor �� Form a��roved Corporation f�ouneel By I st � � 2nd e Laid �ver to ' � � 3rd and app —Adopted Yeas Nays Y�s Nays Butler �utler Carlson �5�/'9� 7t Levine evine Meredith �eredith � Sprafka �prafka U Tedesco � T,�'a,�� Mr. President McCarty Mr. Presiden+ McCarty O