258065 Orislnal to City Clert • � • � ORDINANCE . COUNCIL FILE NO. ���� _ �• PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordinance approvin� the pro�ect of aequ3.ring a temporary easement �or construction purposes in the City of Saint Paul reqt�.i.red for the Pedersen-Third -� Relief 5ewer System, C3.ty Pro�ect S-143�+ THE COU�TG�L OF THE CITY OF SAINT P� DOFS ORIaATN: .` '., Sectiori��,l. That the Co�nissioner of Public Workss, havl�ng reported to the Counci� that the ea.sement described as; A�-..te�porary constr►xction �asement on, over, acroas, arii�. through the Easterly 20 feet of the Westerly 35 �'ee�k of the Southeast Quarter of the Sauthwest Quar�er of Section 35, Township 29N., Range 22 W. and e�tending from Suburba.n Avenue to State Tra.nk Highway'.�To. 12-108, now I.nterstate 94, said ea.sement to term3.r3ate on Januaxy l, 1973, or upon completion of constx�,i�tion of the Pedersen-Third Relief Sewer Sys�em, Cit�Pro3ect No. S-1�F3�+, wh3.chever occurs f`irst� � is requ3.r�d by the Department� Pubiic Works for the eonstruction of the Pedersen - 'I'hird Relief Sewer Sy�stem, City Pro�ect S-1�+3�+, that the estima.ted cost of the a.cquisition of said e ement is $300.00, and that the Comptroller has certit`1.ed to the Council the m er in which the flands may be ma.de available; that the Council hereby proves the pro�ect for the acquisi�i.on of the saa.d easement for the aforesai purpose and directs that the same be acquired for such purpose by the Conuni ee on I,ands eon�isting of the Mayor, the Purchasin� Agent, Comu�i.ssioner of Pu lic Works, and the Comnnissioner of Finance, if the same ean be acquired by p ehase at a reasonable price, and it shall so report to the Council the cost hereof, provided, however, that in case the Cammi.ttee on Lands cannot proe sa3.d easement at a reasonable price, then it shall so report to the Council and in that event� the Council hereby orders and direets that condemnation p ceeciin�s be instituted pursuant to law to secuxe sa3d easement. Section 2. That this ordinance shall take e ect and be iu force thirty (30) days from and af'ter i�s passage, approv and publication. �'\ Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk M or �� � For;n approved CorporatioM eounsel By Ori�insl to Cit�Clerk • ' - ORDINANCE � � COUNCIL FILE NO�� � �'S PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Sa An c�rdinanc� app�rovir�g the pro�eet �f acqt�3r3ng a perm�nertt �a�rer ea��ent and a te�parary e�ns�a,atimn ee�se�n�nt in the �3ty �f Sain� Pa�a1. r�g.�.r�t f<� the _ Peder�en-Third Rel3.ef S�rar Syate�, City Pro�eet S-1434. THE CDUt�� OF THE �ITY OF S�AINf PAUL ��� f�RDATNs 3ection l. TT�at the Ca�is�ir�ner ot Pu'�13c �Tcrks, having repar�ted tc the Caunail tba� the e+�se��s described �.�; �, permanent ���ent �or t'�e purpmae o� ao�natr�icting and mairitei,iai.ng p�b].ie �a�rs �n� und�r, acro�a, aru#. t�ro�gh �he �eaterly 10 fe�t mf the Easterly �5 feet c� the Southir��t Quester of the Sonthwest Quarter �f Sectien 35, Tcn�ruship 2qN� Rang� 22FT� arui �xxtendir�g frc� S�.btabsn Aver;ue to Sta.te Truuk Higl�a.y ATo. 12-1E�8� nvr� I�rterstate 94. Alae, a te�paraxy eoxistruct3on easement ou, c�rer, a,aro�a� and throu�h th� West�rly 30 feet �f the �sterly g5 feet of the ��th�rest Q�rter of the Sout�rest Q�er of Se�tion 3g� Tawnsh3p 29N� Rangc 22f�T� ar�d extendir�g trc� Svburben Averiue to State Trunk Hi.ghWay Nm. 12-1E�8� nc�r ?nt�ratate 9b�, �aid �e�.a�ment to termin�te on �arnaary l, 1q73� c�' upcan ao�pl�tioa mf cmnatruetion of the P�D�RSEN- THIliD RBL�P' SEWER �YSTEM, C3� Prc�eat No. 5-1�3�� �hiahemer ocCurs first, 3s �equirtd by �h� Depe,r�ment cf Pablia Wcarks ft� the �An�truc�i�n af th� P�d.ers�nn - Third Ralief S�rer 3y�at�u, City P�ro�ect 5-143�, �ha,t th� estimat� Qo�et ot' the acquiaitiAn_cf 8aid ea�e�errt is $50�.00, and t�a� the �am�trc�ller Y�as cn�ified. to the G�e.tneil the r�nner in which the t"urnds may 'be m� 4vailable; tl�at the Crnane3l hereby apprcrv��s� the pro�eat for the e,cqu�.sition of the said ease�errt for the afore�a.id. purpc�se ar� diree�e th�.t th� uane be acquired foa� �ueY� ptarp4se by the Cc�nittee en I,and� consiating of the May�t+r+r� the Pwrcbaaing Agent� Com�issioner o�' PubZic Works� and the Caa�aissicner ct' FinanEe� if tY�e aa�e ean be aeqt�ired by purcl�se at a reaaonable price, and it �hall eo report tc th� Ccnn�il �he coat therecf� provided., haa�ever' �h�t in c�.se the Ca�aittee 0n I,�nds e�nnat p�acure said easement �t a r�san�ble priee, then it al�all sa repc»rt to the Ccnancil., ar�d. in th�t ev�ant, the Cc�aneit he.reeby c�rdera arid dir��ts t�.t condemnat3on p�oee�dd.i.ngs be instituted. parsw�.nt to law to �ecure said ease�eut. Sectian 2. Tha.t this c�rdinance �ha.tl taxe eftect a�l be 3.n �oree thirty (30� days tr� and. after its passa�ge� ap�rrcval a�i p�bl3c�tion. � MAY 31�7�8 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler /,� �� ����'��n��� Tn Favor � Levine Meredith � (� � Against spra�xa 4 1972 _ T�a�� � MA � . President cCarty) Approved: At C' ler yor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Ft1$LISHED MAY 6197� � l c'7Y no � �./� � �. •+ �,,6 1 I�J_`� " 4 .7'i O `.p�w _ n�^C •.T� R�CHARD A. SCHNARR C i T Y O F S A I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hali & Court House 55102 ROGER M. CONWAY Commissioner April 20, 1972 Honorable Charles P. N1cCarty, I`�ayor and Members of the City Council 34� City Ha.11 St. �'aul, minnesota, 55102 Re: Permanent and Temporary Construction easements for PEDERSEN-THIRD RELIEF SE'�JER SYSTEM, City Project s_1434 Gentlemen and P�Iadam: In connection with the construction of th� Pedersen-Third Relief Sewer System, the Department of Public Works requires the acquisition of a permanent and also a temporary construction easement described as follows: A permanent eas�ment for the purpose of constructin� and maintaining public sewers on, under, across, and through the Westerly 10 feet of the Easterly 25 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 29N, Range 2zW, and extending from Suburban Avenue to State Trunk Highway No. 12-108, now Interstate 94. also, a temporary construction easement on, over, across, and through the westerly 30 feet of the Easterly 55 feet of the �outhwest Quart�r of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township Z9N, Range 22W, and extending from Suburban Avenue to State Trunk Highway No. 12-108, now Interstate 94, said easement to terminate on January 1, 1973, or upon completion of construction of the PEDEI�SEN- THIRD RELI�,F SEWER SYSTEM, City Project No. 5-1434, whichever occurs first. 55 � . . -2- Estimated cost of the acquisition of said easement is �500.00 and shall be paid from the P.I.R. Fund and reimbursed from th� 19�2 City Share of Local Improvement Fund Code 0920-461. The easements shall be used durin� the construction of the Pedersen - Third Relief Sewer System, Department of Public Works Project 5-1434. It is requested that the Council take the necessary action to au- thorize acquirin� the easements as requested. Very truly yours� /� �; , oger M. Conway Commissioner of Public Works RJH/JDS/tg P.I.R. �a.nd to be reimbursed from 19�2 Local Improvement Fund, Code 0920-461 a G', ��.�` City Co troller . , . .._ ._._.__:....^.._.�.�.._.._.»..�,�.._.._.�.._ -�-- • �4���s 5 i � ::� . . , � � � - �� �� � . . � � - �i : ; ,� �h � � , w � � : y Lb . � � � � � *N �`� � � ' � � ' � � i � ' � `� � � M � . G . � - .- � � `\ . � . . . � . . G, . . L= . . I " i� � - � `: � � � N � � � � : to � , � . � a a � � � " � . _ � : ` 0 ti . . b . . . . . . . . . . � �. � � . . . . . .. . . . Y N . - _ _ _ - _ _ _ ' _ _. '_ .._ _ �- - _ _ _ � '' � _ _ _ �. _. n � � � � � �,•r�, ,�,�.;,... .. � W . . . i _ 4� ` .. . • , -. . .. . _ ro \ — - - - �.� N—L'�=�--T�'�' -..�s �":�t.��"-�--°»�:.Si�.=k_:___,''�� �w.�i.vE sE/'y Su/% SEC 3S'�9-r2 "! � � ♦ 0 ^� � `R ' , � sE� Sl.rl� .rE"C. 3S-2� •2z : � � / / . C� G, � � � _ _ --., . y � . ��tr � �r�] ^ � ~�6��x `�� O Q i .i /_'� O ?t, _��� i � y+� ^C ♦M� RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ROGER M. CONWAY Commissioner March 30, 1972 To the Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: Temporary construction easements for PEDERSEN-THIRD RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM, City Project S-1434. Gentlemen and Madam: In connection with construction of the Pedersen-Third Relief Sewer System, the Department of Public Works requires the acquisition of a temporary construction easement described as follows: A temporary construction easement on, over, across and through the Easterly 20 feet of the Westerly 35 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 29N, Range 22W, and extending from Suburban Avenue to State Trunk Highway No. 12-108, now Interstate 94, said easement to terminate on January 1 , 1973, or upon completion of construction of the Pedersen-Third Relief Sewer System, City Project No. s-1434, whichever occurs first. Estimated cost of the acquisition of said easement is $300.00 and shall be paid from the P. I .R. and reimbursed from the 1972 City Share of Locat Improvement Fund Code Og2o-461 . The easement shall be used during construction of the Pedersen-Third Relief Sewer System, Department of Public 4Jorks Project 5-1434. It is requested that the Council take the necessary action to authorize acquiring the easement as requested. .....,.. Verq�u 1 y y urs � �-_::., ,, -_.._. ~--�. , } , ,� � � L.4_—z-:�--� `/�Roge���C�way RMC/JH/bp `Y Commissioner of Public Works kr .����� ��— { ,f ,^�t "! , '�� p, I .R. Fund to be reimbursed from 1972 � , ;, � •-�'- " ' '; Local 'm ovement un , Code•,0920-461 , , t �- � ; _! � , � , �jj�`' � � �`-'� ' �; .�: � Ci ty Com ro1 1er �...:� _ �., ._,..... - . .w..� �- O I � � I st 2nd Laid ove� +o � � 3rd and app � _Adopted -< � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler � $utler t� Carlson � �4�_._ ,j,�i� In,; Levine ����� ��evine � I L Meredith �" Meredith Sprafka � $prefka Tedesco �desco ..� Mr. Presidenfi McCarty IJ�r. President McCarty 55 � ._.�....-__....._._........_._...,....;__.. _ __ . ���� _ 65 � � � � � � E � ,.� e 1 �, � 4� � . _ _� �� � � . � � w � 4 � ' `' `� . � � �y *h .��� � b � � � . . � 2 D � `� � � M . . ,� A � � . w �j - y _ 2! e _ `� . .. 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