262049 WH17'E =�CM1TY CLERK PINK • - FINANCE COUIICll (_��I CA'I�ARYf-`OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL I �L� BLNFE -MAYOR File N O. �t ti- - � �w • I Z �nGe Ordinance N�. l r7 �y�- Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting . rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by stri.king out subsection D of Section 22, which reads as follows: "PROMOTION ELIGIBLES-- Promotion eligibles, if any, who are employed in the bureau to which certification is made shall have preference in certification to such bureau, irrespective of their standing on such promotion list. The term "bureau" as used in this subsection shall also mean "department" in all cases where any department is not divided into bureaus. For the purpose of this subsection, positions at the Municipal Stadium shall be considered as i.f in a separate bureau. " ; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "PROMOTION ELIGIBLES-- Promotion eligibles, if any, who are employed in the division to which certification is made shall have preference in certi.fication in such division, irrespective of their standing on such promotion lists; however, this provision shall not apply to eligibles for positions in the professional occupational group. The term "division" as used in this subsection shall also mean "department" in all cases where any department is not divided into divisions. For the purpose of this subsection, the following are to be considered divisions of the Mayorts office: -1- Yeas C�t erLME Na s Requested by Department of: Y -i�ttrtt� Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President��Aunt Adopted by Council: Date Form App�ed by City Attorney G ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve by May or Submissio uncil By BY - WH1.7E • C4TY CLERK PINK . - FINANCE COII11C11 (�J�a(-�� �: ,CANARY�•=�DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. •°v�� L�� BL�E - MAYOR .. P�d�. � �) O� in�nce Ordinance N�. ��`T�S� _ Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date City Administrator Emergency Preparedness City Planning Human and Civil Rights Civil Service Manpower Planning Mode1 Cities For the purposes of this subsection, Legislative Operating shall be considered a separate department; the Public Safety Repair Shop shall be considered a division of the Department of Fire and Safety Services; and Municipal Equipment shall be considered as part of the operations division of the Public Works Department. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its pas sage, approval, and publication. Approved: hairman � Civil Service Commissi -2- COUIVCILMEIV Yeas B tler Nays Requested by Department of: Konopatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith G Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President���t Adopted by Council: Date O CT 2 1973 Fotm Ap�rQved by City Attorney �r� ) ��-�- Certi ied P ed by CoCf r BY �� By Approv by Ma r. Date Approved Mayor r Submission By BY Pusu�t� 0 C T .6 1973 . , ���� �.'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI August 3 0, 19 73 ' To: Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul 347 City Hall From: Frank D. Marzitelli � City Administrator � 365 City Hall Subject: Amendment to Ordinance No. 3250 removing department or division preference to professional promotion eligibles We respectfully request that attached ordinance be submitted to the City Council. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 O . . � . ,���c;��`� 4�Bi61� �aa�eem�rs •�ee��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY HAI.I. AND COURT HOUSE VICTOR J. TEDESCO SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 MICHAEL H. SIRIAN Councilman P x o iv rL 6 1 2 / 2 2 3-4 4 3 1 Legielative Aide September 14, 1973 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall BUILDING Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Ordinance relating to Promotion Eligibles, C.F. 262049. Please be informed a motion was adopted by the Management and Personnel Committee at its September 13, 1973 meeting approving the ordinance as submitted and referring it back to the City Council for consideration. Yours truly, i��� Victor J. edesco Chairman Management & Personnel Committee r .�r _ c� c_eRK . K _ Cc e!�t` .7. � 7� C011IICl� '�-'�y ^t � � � ... :�f f. �.4T��ENT 'lJ� :i � �� �s�T�T� �i� �i � 4� !�, f'� '��:.� rt �.�i'1�. . 3 �.. , ,�- �� 1��F2 1'1�� 9'�wI, �r''� Y1' � O rs�,���r�:� n /� � ��: ,'.+���'-�q, Ord",r,ance ��. ` ��"� � �;;� i --r � �-x'j �.".� ?,f L��� '�' ��.�.,.� ""� . . � . . . . .. , " f c �:. _ �./��� f ti� is_••/"� ,,3""�' . ..'> ...�. — i.:-�err��u Tc Con-�,nittee: Date ___-_ C?:,: of Committee By D�`� -- An ordinance amen�7ing O-rdinance No. 3250, en�itled: "An adminis�rative ordinance relatir_g to the Civil S�rvice Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopiing rules and regulations therefor, " upproved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUl\TCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES O�.I3AL�;: Section 1, That Ordinance No. 32�0, approti��. August 2G, I�'�, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended py strii�ing r�wt subsection D of Section 22, which reads as follows: . - "PROMOTION ELIGIBLE5-- Promotion eligibles, if any, s�ho are employed in the bureau co which certification is made shail hav� pref�rence in certification to sLuch bureau, irrespect�ve of f:heir standi:2g on s�ach promotion list. The term "bureau" as used in this subszction shall also mean "3epartment" in all cases where any department is not divided into bureaus. For the purpose of - this subsection, positions a� the MunicipaZ �tadium sha11 '.o� considered as if in a separate bureau. " ; and by substit-u.ting in lieu thereof the following: "PROMOTION ELIGIBLES-- t''rornotion eligibles, if anyr, wY:o are employed in the division to �,vhich certification is made shall have �referencP in certification in such division, irrespective of thair standing on such promotion iists; h�wever, this provision shaZl not apply to eligibl�s for positions in th� professional occupatie�al broup. The �erm "division" as us�d in this subsection shali also mean "departmer. " in all cases w.zere any dsp�.rf?ai.:_�.t is r_c� �i�idec�' into divisions. For t'ne purpose of this subsection, the follflwin� are to be considered diti-isions of the Mayoris office: _1_ __ _------- ---------- -_---- --_..._..---- - i �r��',�CIL1tEN i t"e:.s r"�l=`'�=' NaS�s Requested b;• Department of: . �.:_.,,�.. :�::,,. zi:� In Fa��or 1'�r�a`'.�, Against I By ---- '��~��:7 Rc�d.�.e� I -�-��:���� � ......� .P�:>�der.t 'rset-�ilt�tlt � _ � � Form App:- �-ed by City Attornay a� �* . �• � _ ' j 6 O ��RCi.. DBiE � ' �� C'� .�� � s:.�d hy Coancii Secretar5 � BY�t==�"�r � 3`� ----- --- I , . ,I Approve . by �;iapa. or Submissic,�*�,�:'.�'j} �,� ' :�,�:;ar: Datc� � � _-------------- -- ------ i i By--- �- , ��������.��-`.>/��ti...�i. ��`���-.� i ^�� �.�._.,,�..� - _ �i , .l�� \ �� I ViH.[ i -- C TY CLERiC . � , t t . . . . L.., . .. . � C;"�.a7Y ._.-. .`qR;�nE:J"i COUl1C11 � 3'Z72 .� ,T :�-� . � , � _ A R _w,'o� _ ���� C3�' � ��''•7"� �� ��i�, File �`i�. �'�� , � � r� c � if/ � ��✓��7'��+'✓'Ji%�� �:G�iR3IIC° �d L7. ���.)�' � Pre;��rit�„u ;�, -- � lit'.;�2Itt�d TO CCIT:i'.'il`��?. DatB Gut of Committee By �a±e — — '� City Administ�ator IEmergency Preparedness � Gity Planning : Hl�.man and Civil. ��ghts � Civil Service 3 Manpower Planning � Model Cities i � For the purposes of this subsection, Legislative Operating shall �e - considered a separate department; tne Public Safety Repair S'no� - sha11 be considered a division of the De�artxnent of rire and Saf�ty Services; and IvTunicipal Equipmen� shall �e considered �.s pa-rL- of - - the operations division of tre Public Works Depar�.rnent. " Section 2. This ordinance sh�.11 tak� effect and bs in force thir�y days after its passage, approval, and publication. - _ Approved: �; �_ � _ � � � ,, � - � � � �/ i��� 1�1_'-��i �,��/./,�,�'-,-7-,y.., f:;,"'•"�ri�...�r�t_ hairman �— /� Civil Serv�ce Cornmissio•�-I _2_ C�'� �;v'CILi41EN � Yeus � �- e; Nays Reqaested by Departm�nt ef: � v���t,s�zki In �4t�or � � L,e�•ine � — ^5e-eai±h ` g _� Agaii st Y .°� �:� t'Z��."��.er � � �e.��sco a i,Ime .:�re���er,t-�er• HtL'lt � r orm Ap�rqve� by City- Atterr.�y � ,Ad�pte� '�.y Counc:l: Date � � (� � j ` � � � � C�:ti�:ed Yussed by Council Secr°tary � B`�--=�"�"� -� —'—� � Py, ,� _� ; �! APFro�ed�y iYiaycr i�: �ub:°,is�ion ��:p„'......�----�--� � i�Yproved bv 11a�or: Dat2 1 .x� ''-T ' . _ ±' --- �.=:c, �,���y�'��`���r s,�..�.:��'�� t_;•i $ i i g_' ' ,.1:.,, ��.` _'____-���; , '.�' — —�` f �i � � � : � ��� �f� Augu�t 31., 1973 Casncilman V3ctor T�edeeco Chalrmaii Manegem�nt and Perac�z�r►el Conenittee D+�ar Sirt Th� City Cou.ncil �e,ve Yirst reading tocY�y to the attach�d ord3nance C.F. 262049 wr,�.c� �umen� Or8'lnn�nee 3250 by strik3ng ou�t subeeati.on D oP Sect3on 22 and in�serting a� new �ubs�at3on r�lating to pramotion oP eligiblee. The ordi.nance w�s reFerr�d to the MansBement and p�rsozzzrel Co�aitt�e for eonsideration and z�eao�nde.tion. Yours ve�ry truly, City Cl�rk SH/ve Attac2�nnent � � �� �� Presently in the case of promotion eligibles, such eligibles have department or p`~�-'`��� division preference in the department or division in which they are now employed. Thi s ordinance provide s that in the case of the profes sional employee s, and professinnal employees only, no special preference in regards to the department and division will be given in the future, aEter the effective date of this ordinance. ------------------------- Do no� d°tacn tf��s rnemcrt�nd��m fir�r�� �,�e ordin�nce s� that this info;matioi� wili be avai{able to the Ci�'ry Cauncil. � '. ! I ..�:_ r%, 1 �; � � '� �' ;� k t �� �T.mt�. ,x,e „''ak°�qce" ,;�' . r . , � � . �1 � , � �- � �.et .� � �g'�`3� �� �,� , � � 2na . �++-�i r.�Er 3rd '�� �7,,,,,��, `; �`Aaoptea �� 1 � /a r Yee� Ways �; BUTLER KONOPATZKI � 2G���� �'"� �rrx � �o�nz�x TEDESCO l�cne PRE�IDENT (kitJN`P)