260780 WHI7E - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY , O� �AI�TT PALTL Council �i�p� CANARY-DEPARTMENT � r BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �`� �� Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ���P __ Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance Amending the 1973 Budget and to Provide for Supplemental Appropriations The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1. That pursuant to and in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 10.07.1, and upon certification of the Mayor that additional revenues are available in excess of the estimates of revenue adopted within the 1973 Budget, as amended, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby revise the 1973 Budget so as to increase the Appropriation in Activity 00151- Affirmative Action Program under the Mayor by the sum of $29,600.00 and further that the appropriation in the 1973 Budget for the Affirmative Action Program is hereby increased as follows: Office of the Mayor 00151 Affirmative Action Program 116 Salaries - Professional (2) $23,000.00 112 " - Clerical 5,000.00 28,000.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,350.00 � 202 Telephone 250.00 1,600.0� 29,600.00 and further that the item in the Financing Summary noted as: General Revenue Fund Balance-Not Dedicated (12/31/72�Unencumbered Balances - Not Dedicated be increased in the amount of $29,600.00. Section Z. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage approval and publication. Yeas B�t1erILME Na s � Requested by Department of: Y I-kint- Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith �_ Against BY ��t�e, Boedler Tedesco Mme.President-&rk� HllYlt Adopted by Council: Date �,Y � �9� Form Approved by City Attorney f Certifi a d by Cou e y By /S, c o By Approved ay : ate 19T3 Appr or for Sub ' si to Council By B PUBLIat�ED MAY 51973 . wcara•no Y��CN RN (�I'1�Y OF �AIN'1` YAUL Ol+'FICF. OF 7`HE CI'1`Y COU�TCIL CITY HALL 1�ND COURT HOUtiH'. SAINT PAUL. 1�IINNF.SOTA 5:i102 PHONE 6l 2 \ `223-o�7Ei WILLIAM KONOPATZKI Councilman April 23, 1973 T0: City Council FROM: William Konopatzki, Chairman Finance Committee At a meeting on April 23, 1973, the Finance Committee recommended approval to the Council of an ordinance providing a supplemental appropriation request for the Department of Human Rights in the amount of $29,600.00. • . . • FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, April 23, 1973 2:30 P.M. Room 707 MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman William Konopatzki, Chairman Councilma.n Ruby Hunt Councilman Dean Meredith 1. Meeting of the Finance Committee was called to order at 2:35 p.m. 2. The following matter was discussed: a. Amending 1973 Budget - Supplement Appropriation Request Affirmative Action Program Department of Human Rights Messrs. Ervin and Lewis of the Human Rights Department presented the appropriation request needed for their organization. They stated the need for a supplementary request to $29,600. Councilman Konopatzki read Mr. Ma.rzitelli's letter which outlines in detail the affirmative action program and which in part states the need for funds to employ an Affirmative Action Program Officer, Investigator, Recruiter, and a Clerk-Steno II. Mr. Meredith asked for a discussion of the budget and it was presented by Messrs. Ervin and Lewis. The necessary appropriation was supported by Councilmen Konopatzki, Hunt and Meredith. Councilman Konopatzki moved that supplemental appropriation in the sum of $29,600 as requested by the St. Paul Department of Human Rights be approved. Councilman Hunt seconded the motion and it was passed. A second reading will be put on the agenda for Tuesday, April 24. 3. Meeting�adjourned at 2:55 p.m. GITY OF SAINT PAUL - oFt��icN oF Txr: �z��YOx ■esa uenemr n�r _ LAWRENC;E D. COHEN MAYOR � '� '� � ,� '�'� � `"`��� March 1, 1973 Rosalie L. Butler, President and Members of the City Council In accordance with the provisions of Charter Section 10.07.4 I hereby certify that there is available for appropriations 1972 balances in excess of the amount estimated in the 1973 Budget sufficient to finance the attached budget revision. Respe tfully submitted, Lawre e D. Cohen - , Mayor 22 :� I � T0: PRESIDENT ROSALIE L. BUTER AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL FROM: LOUIS H. ERVIN, DIRECTOR ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM � (Supplement Appropriation Request) � ,� �� � TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Letter of Transmittal To 7he City Council II. Introduction III. Federal Requirements ', Ill. Letters from Mayor L.D. Cohen, Mr. W.Q. Patton, and Mr. T.T. Feeney V. A.A.P. Staff - Qualifications, Duties and Responsibilities VI. Requested Supplementary Budget `� • INTRODUCTION It is stated in numerous ways on numerous occasions that Equal Opportu- nity for ALL is an American Ideal . The public policy of the City of St. Paul is declared to be to foster equal opportunity for ali to obtain employment, education, housing, public accomnodations, and public services without regard to their race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or ancestry and strictly in accord with their individual merits as human beings. A public pronouncement and mere passive prohibition of discrimina�Cory � practices is not enough to effectuate the principle of equal opportunity. hlayor Cohen is cognizant of this fact, thus his Affirmative Action Program. The program calls for top level administrative direction, practical plans for specific steps to be taken, vigorous administration at all levels of super- vision, evaluation of operations, timetables and goals. The scope of an affirmative action plan must encompass not only elements of the personnel system but also the related management factors. The development of the plan should include attention to recruitment, selection, appointment, promotion, department and agency functions in relation to job structuring and training plans to insure opportunities to improve skills needed at current job levels and to develop potential for promotion and other personnel procedures. Many aspects of assuring equal employment � opportunity are aspects of sound personnel and merit system administration, • but an affirmative action program also depends on focused training programs, skilled supervision, and strong administrative direction. An affirmative action plan should establish specific steps and goals. The actions outlined within this report can be carried out within the framework of inerit system principles. However, it is clear that in many jurisdictions, changes in administrative practices, as opposed to principles, may be necessary. 7his report provides an extensive, but not exhaustive, projection of types of actions for a successful results oriented Equal Eqiployment Opportunity Program. The ultimate goal is equal employment opportunity for all , a major segrnent of the ideal of equality of opportunity for all Americans. � The City �of St. Paul as a goverr��ental body must not only be made aware of the public policy of the City of St. Paul but the Federal Government's policy set forth in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 asanended, to extend coverage to all classified employees of State and local governments as well as educational institutions, and the importance of this to the City's federal grants-in-aid programs which includes Revenue Sharing. Title VII an� Title 41 Chapter 60, prohibits job discrimination because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin or ancestry �n all terms and conditions of employment, including hiring, promotion, discharge, evaluation, wages, fringe benefits, clafsification, training, apprentice- ships and the use of facilities. � � FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS The Affirmative Action Program Policy is taken from the 1964 Civil Rights Act (Title VII) amended by the EEOC Act of 1972. The basic purpose of the law is to provide effective enforcement machinery to strengthen the efforts of the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. In order to reduce discrimina- � tion in employment, the law further extends coverage to employees of state and local governments. Despite the requirements of the program in elimina- ting biases, Congress found discrimination against women, and minority persons persists and that the detrimental effects of such blases require a reaff�rmation of the national policy of equal opportunity in employment. � The Equal Employment Opportunity Comnission reserves the right to decline funding to any government agency which does not follow, at minimum, the standards of Federal law as devised by such documents as the EEOC guide- lines on employment selection procedures and by the opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court in the "Griggs vs. Duke Power." Federal requirements in Affirmative Action Programs calls for timetables and goals which can not be met without proper funds and personnel for implementation of the program. � �i 1 'l'1' OIr �A 11�"!' ��Ai; I. • />1''1''1(11: O1" "1'ill: MAYOIt �• �5.�� December 6 , 1972 I.nw�t�:NC�t: 1). (���nt:x MAYON Mr. Louis Ervin Human Rights Director 515 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Ervin: I am in receipt of your letter of November 30 outlining two requests in connection with carrying through on the Affirmative Action program. • As I submitted the original budget request to the City Council, I fully support the replacement of these funds into the department' s budget. On the space request, I feel at this time it should be coordinated with the City Hall-Court House space study recently completed and upon which the City Hall and Court Iiouse committee will soon be taking action. S in ce re ly, LAWRENCE D. COHEN Mayor LDC: lmp cc: Mrs . Rosalie L. Butler Council President � �._ .�A� �l � �� . ;r:. "' \. . CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF GRANT•IN-�ID PR06RAMS 818 Cihr Hall 812-223•�588 Lawreace D.Coheo Wllllam Q. Patton Mayor Coordinator Jerll�ea'y ].1, 1973 En�eae l.Ranieri Aariatant Coordinator MT. LCI118 H. �TV311� I�'12'CC'tOT Depextment of Human Righte 515 City Ball Dear l�r. 8rvin: We are currently in the process of completing the pr�paration of 3aiut Ps�l's neK Horkable Program for sub�nission to HUD. This ppogram v�at be submitted by l�'ebrv,ary 1, 1973 in order nat to �eapa►rdize the tLi�ding of variaxs HUD pragram� ia the comiag yesr. • Oae oP the critical elements oP the Wo�lsable Program is an accgpta,ble l�lf�'irmative Action Progrem. HUD has revie�red tb,e existing AfPirmative Action Pragram for the City oP Sairrt Paul and rinds it acceptable as a geweral statement oP policy, haw�ev+er, they are concerr�ed abaut c�ur i�aplementation capability. They hav�e indiceted to ns that an acceptable implemeutation strategy must be inclwd�ed as part of anr Workable Program. Since �ne are cyptrating under a Febraas�y 1 dsadline, there is coasiderable urgency to �his msi,tter. Ir�a�amuch a�s yaar dspart- meert is reaponsib].e f'or ac�ninistering the l�ftirme►tive Action Program, I waxld appreciate it if yan co�u].d adviae me �s to the status of the imp.lemeatstion strategy �or this prograan. If y+o�a have ar�y questions or if r�re may be oP aaar sasistaace to yo�u or ydur staft, p].ease do ndt lmesitate to contact us. 3incerely yo�urs, . - � / '`� , � , j `.� / (�" �,�,C.t-.< �s� !� _' �. l�'�i _.. WILLIAD� Q. PATTO� Coordine�tor WQP/klm � cc: Me�yor I+�,wreace D. Cohea Mr. Frank D. Marzitelli, City Ac�ninistrator ��; . CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFfICE OF 6RANT-IN-AID PR06RA�IS 818 Ciqr Hall 612•Z23�5588 Lawrence D.Cohen Wiiliam q.Patton Mayor Coordinator J8t1t7iTy 12, 1973 Eu�ene 1.Ranierl Aas�atant Coordinator Mr. Lauis H. �rvin, Director De�artmer�t of Ii�n �tighte 515 City Nal.i Dear Mr. �rv'in: A$ a follcyw-up of mpr letter to yai dated Janvary 11, and to emplieaize Rirther t'he 3mportaace of 1�avi�g an acceptable AYfirmativ�e Action I�rogram, I am attachi.t�g to thia le�tter a listing of ttie federal programs rhich t�uld be �eepsrdized by the lack o� sn MP. • I trust the,t this iniorme,tion xill be of' assista.nce to you in yryur efforts to clev�elvp ae� impleae�rtation etrategy �or ttie City AAP. I! �re me�y be o� fl�rtlaer sasistance, please a,o not hesitste to contact us. Sincerely yaurs, ;-'"" �l � ; __-•-1 .-� , , _1- . �:�,� , , !�,;.��i �' _ '< <. .. WII,I,IAM Q. PATTON Coordinator WQP/klm Attach. cc: Mayor Iaxrence D. Cohen Mr. Frank D. Ma,rzitelli • � �'�RAL FIJIlDII� 1 2 � � (Aaticipated) imp (Year zv) 13,441,600 11,799�300 Pnblic Hausing Pro�ect Ptiinds and Operating Fltade 11,000,000 2,5��� Modi�el Cities (Yesr I) 2,95�,� 2,950,000 xvn - census Tracts 9 80 l0 1,$60,00� 1,5��� HUD - 701 Planning 15�,000 13��4� HUD - Parks b l�ecrea�tioa 1,288,000 350,� To�►r. 30,289,60o i9,229�3c� � r��BO� PsP 1,352�� �,000,000 � 92,25o io4,470 �r Youth ?5,� 75�� Intergov�errm�eata�l. Personnel Act - 5��� ToTAL 1�519�250 1.,229,470 H$i�1 Health Drpt. Progrens 702,000 ?0�,000 Sw�er Food 50,000 5�,� ro'rJ►L ?52,000 750,o� t.rr�► 591,� 500,o00 � � � � • 1 72 � gpA (Aaticipated) Air Follntio� 85,000 85�� �later Follution -- 500,000 2oTit►L 85,000 585�� IAT�RIOR LA�iC01� 36,000 200,000 �ecrestion 3upport Program -- 36,4� 36,000 236,000 U��1► Don�ntc�rn Trei,nsit 100,000 -- � TOPICS (Traffic Op�ratiorts Pragi� to 100,000 100,000 Incresse Capacitq aad 3afety) ai� To'�,L 33�472,850 22,629,770 � 4��"*o. aJ'* ''o� DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ���, *o MINNEAPOLIS-5T. PAUL AREA OFFICE ►s� I I e= GRIGGS-M1�1MAY BUILDING, 1821 UNIVERSITY AVENUE �.y �+� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 ��AiO M+ • REGION V, 300 South Wacksr Drlvs Ch1CY�o�Illlfloi• 60606 IN REPIY REFER TOt E:WR Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor of the City of 3t. Paul Room 3�+7, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor Cohen: We have recently reviewed the Affirmative Action Program for the City of St. Paul that Mr. Willism Patton subanitted to us. I would li.ke to take this opportunity to co�end you for a very comprehensive and well written program. As a � general statement of policy it successfully addresses the major issues regarding Equa1 Opportianity in the City Gov- ernment. You state in the program that specific goals and timetables from each depaxtment will be forthcoming. Since it is these goals and timetables which constitute the major paxt of an Affirmative Action Program for i.mplementation purposes, we would be extremely interested in seeing and reviewing them once they are formulated. As you are well aware, affirmative action requires the implementation of the policies, programs and goals that are set forth. It is our understanding that four positions to be used exclusively for affirmative action were recently cut from the city's budget. We are very concerned about t:1is situation and feel strongly that a staff of several full ti.me people is necessary to i.mplement the type of Affirma- tive Action Program that you have adopted. • 2 • The Affirmative Action Program with emphasis on your implementation capability will be formally discussed as a part of your Workable Program which must be submitted prior to February 1 , 1973 and determined to be acceptable by us before NDP year V flznding can occur. Flznding is due to take place by May 1 , �973. Your continued and timely personal attention to the development and implementation of this city wide Affirmative Action Program is therefore, critical. N�y staff and I would be happy to meet with you and provide ar�y f�Zrther information or assistance we can. Sincerely, Thomas T. Feeney Area Director CC. � l�ori I.,ewis � • AFFIRMATIYE ACTION OFFICER Duties and Responsibilities It shall be the responsibility of the Affirmative Action Officer to implement and update the Affirmative Action Program for the City of St. Paul under general supervision of the Director of the Department of Human Rights in order that the Affirmative Action Program be in compliance with federal , state and municipal regulations and guidelines as they relate to employment. These duties and responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following: 1 . Counseling 2. Training as it relates to entry level and supervisory personnel . 3. Establishing of a monitoring system to assure compliance with • federal regulations and to nondiscrimination in all phases of the employment relationship such as: a. Recruitment b. Screening c. Selection and Testing d. Promotion e. Termination f. Transfer 4. Establishment of procedures which insure nondiscrimination in city contracts. � 5. Establishment of procedures to assure upward mobility for all employees in the city service. � 6. To provide information and technical assistance to city department S heads in order to enable compliance with the City Affirmative Action Program. • AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER (cont'd) 7. Supervision of outside consultation designed to insure comprehensive and timely implementation of the Affirmative Action Program. a. Establishment and supervision of a comprehensive system to deal with employee's grievances and complaints in the area of equal employment opportunity. . Qualifications A combination of l years col�ege education and experience with no less than 3 years of college and no less than 1 year of experience within the last 3 years in a position of a regulatory nature with exposure to the problems of the application of affirmative action principles in the public sector; and no less than 1 year of supervisory experience. • Requi si te Background Must have considerable knowledge of federal employment regulations and procedures especially as they relate to equal opportunity compliance and antidiserimination procedures at the municipal level . Must have considerable knowledge and experience in the preparation and negotiation of bid specifications and contracts and review and approval of affirmative action programs based on those specifications and contracts. Must have demonstrative ability to comnunicate effectively with the public and to work with persons of varied economic and social backgrounds. � • AFFIRMATIVE ACTION INVESTIGATOR Duties and Responsibilities It shall be the responsibility of the Affirmative Action Investigator under the direction of the Affirmative Action Officer and/or the Director of the Department of Human Rights to do the investigation necessary to assure that the established procedures of the Affirmative Action Program are properly implemented and complied with. Qualifications A combination of 5 years college education and experience with no less than 2 years of college and no less than 1 year of experience within the last 3 years in a position • of a regulatory nature with exposure to the problems of the application of affirmative action principles in the public sector; and no less than 1 year of experience in a responsible employer-employee or labor-management relations position. Requisite Background Must have considerable knowledge of federal employment regulations and procedures especially as they relate to equal opportunity compliance and antidiscrimination procedures at the municipal level . f�9ust have considerable knowledge and experience in the preparation and negotiation of bid specifications and contracts and review and �proval of affirmative action programs based on those specifications and contracts. f�lust have demonstrative ability to communicate effectively with the public and to � work with persons of varied economic and social backgrounds. , � AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM RECRUITER Duties and Responsibilities To assist the Affirmative Action Officer to develop and implement programs designed to attract and urge minority group workers, women and handicapped applicants to apply for city job openings; expand existing special recruitment programs directed to minority, women and physically impaired persons in classes where representation is currently limited; analyze the flow of minorities, females and physically handicapped through the selection process to locate potential sources of discrimination. • Qualifications � A combination of 4 years college education and experience with no less than 1 year of college and no less than 1 year of experience within the last 3 years in a position as a recruiter for minority group workers, women and handicapped applicants. Requisite Qackground Must have demonstrative ability to comnunicate effectively with the public and work with persons of varied economic and social backgrounds. � • AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM CLERK-STENOGRAPHER II Duties and Responsibilities Under supervision, to record a�d transcribe dictation of important and difficult matter; to perform difficult clerical work; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of Work Performed To take and transcribe shorthand notes of a difficult and important nature. To act as secretary to the AAP Officer. � To handle routine correspondence without d#ctation. To act as public information clerk where a complete knowledge of the AAP and operation is required. To type involved statistical material . To cut stencils and master sheets. To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical positions. Minimum Qualifications High school graduation with office clerical experience. Preferably an indigenous person who is empathetic to the problems existing in our society due to racism. � � ...i ..� � O � � V O O O O O � N � � � O � p CTl V C1 W W � ro � � � -v � --i 3 -i c-> >v a a � 0 5' -°+, � � r, �°„ �_°. =: � � � n p `� � � ii o � e�+ a v� � � � c � -v � � � �° c `t � � o � � �. �. y � .., p -�n v� � cn c� �, cc � � -s � -n "'� � c � � n° eu �-. � < -+� �p � '�C O t� 3 � v�i Cf � � N � � � � � �D a � � u� � � � � �. N C � � � C'f m � � n � � � 1/► C � N � '� � "G �• 7p W O c+ G�7p O ?� � u�+ 3 A n C �7 c� m -n �+ ►� � � � � � � � r, � � � .� N tv rn o iv �.+ m � y r Y V V Y V V V I z w cn cr� o cn v, v, cn o� o cn cn cn m m � .--�., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o g �� c < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m. � m � O O O O O O O O O O O O O H '� � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -� m � 3 —1 • a z o -s 4s, � z pr A �+ �+ � W � 0 � � � N � W N A C 7G nJ 'T� � y � V r V r M Y V V �z]O 1 � /`� �� � � � � � � � � N W � � � Y/ �� 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m o�v co c� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -+mN � � . o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o v m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � a �o c� w �s► � �o W N � � � N � '�C w � �Z W t�1► O O O O O � O O � � � 0 �'"' n, o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �r . . . . . ►� �+ °o °o °o °o °o °o 0 0 0 0. � �, 0 v a v .v � � � �. n � -r a cn � � � tJt O N C N W O (T Vt n V � rn cr, cr, o 0 0 -v r � °o 0 0 0 0 0 • m . . 3 O A m O O O O A� i c a m � -' N-< V � •W lst � 2nd � /. : - 3rd - Adopted .� Z Yeas Nays ' HU:dT KONOPATZKI 1G���4 LEVINF � MEREDITH I ROEIILE& t�. �� TEDESCO t�r!e PRESIDr�Tui {F3UTLER) March 2, 1973 Mr. Dean Meredith Chairman Finance Co�nittee Dear Sir: � The City Council today gave First Reading to an ordinance, C.F. 260780, amending the 1973 Budget to provide Por supplemental appropriations in the amount of $29,300.00 for the AfPirmative Action Program. The me.tter was referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and recommenda�tion with the request that the chairman o�' the commtttee ca11 a meeting on this matter as soon as possible. Very truly yours, City Clerk ABO:ml