260737 tERK R �j o R E , G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L F le c il N O.--!�?�-� � �R TM£N T _ � � ,/� � OI��LZIZGT IZCP. Ordinance N O. ���7`� � �Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDII.+TG CHAPTER 310 OF THE SAID�T PAIIL LEGI�LATIVE CODE PERTAIIITING TO REGULATIOLiTS PROHIBITIDTG CERTAII�I SEXTJAL CONDUCT IN PR�+iISE3 LICEI�SED TO SELL NON-INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR. TAE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOE5 ORDAIN: Section 1. 1'hat Chapter 310 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code i� hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: "310.19. Z'he following aats or conduct on licens�d premises Sre deemed contrary to public welfare and morals and therefore no "on �ale" license shall be held at any premises wh�re such conduct or act: are permitteds " (a) T� etxploy or use any person in the sale or serviee of alcoholic beverages in or upon the licen:ed pre�aises while such person ia unclothed or in such attire, coattime or clothing as to expose to view any portion of the f�male breast belaw th� top of the areola or of any po=tion of the pubic hair, anus, eleft of the buttocka, vulva or genitals. " (b) To employ- or use the s�srvices of any ho:tess while such hostess is unclothed or in such attire, costume or � clothing as described in par�gr�pll (a) above. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY • By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ' .,... ��". � 0 7.� . . � 7 . l 2 ����o�... " (c) To encourage or per�af:� any person on th e licensed premises to touch, care�"� d� fondle the breasts, buttocks, anus or genitals of any ather person. ��,�d) To permit any employee or persori �o wear or use any devi�e+e or covering exposed to view, which simulate� the brea$t, qenitals, anus, pnblic hair or any portion thereof. " (e) To penait any person to perfona acts of or acts which simulate: (1) With or �pon another person se�ual intercourse, sodomy, oral copulation, flagellation or any sexual acts which are prohibited by law. (2) Masturbation or bestial,�y. (3) With or upon another person the touching, careasing or, fondling on the brea�t, buttocks, anus or genitals. (4) 7.'rie disg.laying of the pubic haiit, anus, vulva or genitals eaccept where the public 'hair, anus and genitals are :covered with transparent or opaque � clothing. n (f) To perrait any person to use artificial devices or inani�aate objects to depict any of the prohibited activities described above. �� (g) To permit any person to remain in or upon the licensed " premises who exposes to public view any portion of his or her genitals or anus except where the genitals or anus are covered with transparent or opaque clothing. �' (h) To permit the showing of film, still pictures, electronic reprod�ction, or vther visual reproduction� depicting: " (1) Acts or simulated acts of sexual interco�arse, masturbation, sodomy, beatiality, oral copulation, flagellation, or any se�cual acts which are pro�ibited by 1aw. " (2) Any person being touched, caressed or fondled on the breast, buttocks, anus or genitals. WHITE =�CITY CLERK � 7 D �� � PINK . � FINANCE / C�A�I,ARY��AYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � F le ci1N0. � , �� . > � � � • .' . Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. / ✓ ���. Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. " (3) Scenes wherein a person displays the vulva or the anus or the genitals. " (4) Scene� wherein artificial devices or inanimate objects are employed to depict, or drawinga are employed to portray, any of the prohibited activiti�s described above." section 2. 7.'hi� ordinance �hall take effect axid be in forc� thirty (30) days from and after its pas�age, approval and publication. C 1VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Konopatzki In Favor Levine Mec"���� � Against By �.� Tedesco Mme.President MAR 21 19T3 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cert' ' P sed by C 1 etary BY By Approved by M or: Date App2'OVed without 81g118'�' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council of e Ma,yor� pursuaxt o By Section 6.08 of the City By PUBLIgfiE� ��R 31 1913 WHI7E r- CITY CLERK � `� ��/ �� i:ANMRY�~DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PATIL Council � ���� `4} � B.GUE� -�MAYOR . -- Fll@ NO. ', � � � 0 rdin�znce Ordina�ce N�. , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By', Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 310 OF THE SAINT PAUL �.EGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO REGULATIONS PRflHI�<ZTING CERTAIN SEXUAL CONDUCT IN PREMISES LICENS�D TO SELL NON-INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR. THE COUI�IL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t Chapter 31t� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by add'�.ng thereto the following section: "310.19 . The fol�owing acts or conduct on licensed premises are deem�d contrary to �ublic welfare and morals and therefa`�e no "on sale ' license sha.11 be held at any premis s where such conduct or acts are permitted: � °��. _� "(a) To employ � use any person in the sale or service of alcoh lic beverages in or upon the licensed premise while such person is unclothed or in such attire,� costume or clothing as to ex- pose to view any p rtion of the female breast below the top of th� areola or of any portion of the pubic ha.ir, us, cleft of the buttocks, vulva or genitals. � "(b) To employ or use�he services of any hostess while such hostess is clothed or in such attire, costume or clothing as�escribed in paragraph (a) above. �: "(c) To encourage or permit an�, person on the licensed premises to touch'� caress or fondle the COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY -�� �-Q' �• p�� �y •ed by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ' , 1►-" ��•�� �r�- .r�1 l,I � -'�t - . • / t� � , 2 . � breasts, buttocks, anus or genitals of any other p�rson. "(d) To permit any employee or person to wear or use any device or covering exposed to view, which simulates the breast, genitals, anus, pubic hair dr any portion thereof. "(e) To permi�t any person to perform acts of or acts which siihulate: - , "(1) Sexua�l intercourse, ma.sturbation, . sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellati n or any sexual acts which are prohib%ed by laca. "(2) The tou�hing, caressing or fondling on the breast, uttocks, anus or genitals. "(3) The disp ying of the pubic hair, anus, vulva or genit 1s except where the pubic _ hair, anus and �g enitals are covered with transparent or lppaque clothing. 1 "(f) To permit any pe son to use artificial devices or inanimate objects o depict any of the prohibited activities described a ove. "(g) To permit any pers n to remain in or upon the licensed premises who e oses to public view any portion of his or her ge itals or anus except where • the genitals or anus are overed with transparent or opaque clothing. "(h) To permit the showing of film, still pictures, electronic reproduction, or other visual reprod�uc- tions depicting: (1) Acts or simulated a�ts of sexua.l inter- - „course, masturbation, soc�"pmy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagella��,ion, or any sexual acts which are prohibited 1�,y law. "(2) Any person being touche�i, caressed or fondled on the breast, buttocic.s, anus or genitals . . � , . WH17E � CITY CLERK PINK � �..FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Councii . - �.-, ..� C�.f�q�Y - D�PARTMENT �� 9�4.�f`E -,MAYOR Fll@ NO. f����� M��.�� �' � _ ���iZn�nC�, Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By- Date 3. "(3) S�enes wherein a person displays the vulva ar the anus or the genitals. "(4) Sce�es wherein artificial devices or in- animate a�jects are employed to depict, or drawings �re employed to portray, any of the prohibited'.activities described above." - Section 2 . This ordina.nce sha.�l take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its �assage, approval and publication. ;.. `-:: , �� ._:; � ,,�� �:. ��. �: �. �� �n � �� �n er �. �C �# � COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays Requestec�,by Department of: • Hunt �?� Konopatzki In Favor � Levine � Meredith Against BY �'` Sprafka '�3 Tedesco �; - Mme.President Butler `� Form Approved by Cif�,,Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ._. , ., . .. f.,�. . . -- � . . . . . . .. . . . .. ,��� , ��, � �� ���+: , , 2 , . , - � - � ,,, , . , . . � - - , ``• ' �-� _ '� , �;; � • . , > ., � - , �. .-.. � .� �. � . , _ ,. _�„�,_„ �; _ � -� � � � Crystal Motel \; � - 565❑ HIGHWAY'S2 NORTH _ _ � � '�,�:, ��� +;it'w' ' AT JCT. OF HWY. 52 & BA5S LAKE RD. - �'�, ai�t�,�.J .CRYSTA'L (MPLS.), MINN. 55429 ;`. 537-3688 -` , #�$�� �f �� ; .. �s9��.$ P'=�p�'9 : ' '�'.�b�rs o�' t'�e °�u�ac�.1.. _ +�f.�y �a.� �t, ��a�3. . � ; i ' �'tr� �&�.i ���SC��iA - �2:,�.�! `. ; '.` �,�t a �ius�.rze�sr••�:�: �,t,h pra=�rtv- ir� bot� �s.�e��3.�.s ��:i at. .i�u�.. � b�:�� -��; 'uca�.: ci�i�m ��t�� s�-,�:�ic� _. 1�� �;� .��+u�p� :�:z t;:,� �:it:��s. °�.s.�.. .:�.:���.��,- :'13�,� `,�:3.�� �.n ':���� �t�.� `sr�xE� 3.,:�s+ �;.r�;. �: � �,��:�,?�� �c�c;�r�ic<< �.�uut �ur �ta#,� � �i��v 1�� :�nc"_ :�;ot� ��. �:,�'.°�at�. �:z� �o��,�. ' � �:� ��r�i�;a�.��y v�� ��.h ;.nt��es�,��c° �n t�.� '���r#t�.-�t�;v� :et� l::u°r.��.:�r�� ti�T� �;c�rt:.."�t��.zt� �!�ci�� .���o�� �;�ui:�r?v:�&�. , ° -<.� ` � �uxt Lo ��o�+��t;��� �:itrc y�� r:�y n�rs�ts�l a�:�..�1.at� �.�btt� whr�� ae �ro�a;�r:$.. i �t .,� _ �t itlf��t� c� t�;e ��.,���� �tr��''� � �:r�e G�s�x�i,�,�u'G�.�. `,�°�g.:��ht t�� "�:.f�, �:#�r�,y� . F�c? �� P:z.zr�a::.t of :!�_��:r�s�. � da�f`G .�3.� �r?a�� �z�ct, lc�ri� hc��sf �3p.i�� '�r�;a ��` ,. ct,��r ���.te .r:c: tr,y� �a �;et� :�c�:�e ���c�,,r�c�t aut a�' 1i�a. ��err�, cc���:1��: Fre�.u��: cs� _ �:s�� �� �1Z c�i�c�r ���x4�s 3� �' ey'�s. -l�re�dc�u � '�t �t� �� ,�, �� � ��.+e�sa�� �ec�.� � ' �� �� at�,L �3 �� �.'`, � �n� tcy. �5r�s� .�. ��dra a� � �a�s�� a� 3.��;,� ..�r.a ?�erts x ., �; are v�c+.lat�� �'r�dc�m �+. �� �tr.�'�. '+w�z� ��.� �l�,� � ��: �. � Fc�.�� �� �'�c�, a� ; � 3a� a� � b�zti83e�s ���ed f�� 3�,+c�m. ?,'h�s� pr�ci�3e+� �h�l.d be,��1.r� r�d a�t ��:��.� '. ; a�m,�r' i� a� c:oau��aroc�. 3� t�e�r a�u1d �.ve �.ha� �iv� �€�r ��Z �.�c3 iae �� it 3� aur �ui�`� nu� 'Lo �'� �:��a,, 2�� �ov�rz�ruea� ���rzta b�t �thet �� ��e�t, «► — .. ,� +�,ia � �n �r ��j'��y�j�a�al,� �° �iat t,t:e� c� or ��� �cs.. ,. .. � ��Q * �y�� ,�.y�� �y��.'{_ ��r�� A �,h �r �q t.t���_�_ '��y ]�. + ' 4� 1�1Gifi ��,/ai[�ra144L��j.� �WMi'MiR �: Y � �'��M ��1�FI,��������Ai��F1�N�`r11�VS ;• .'�+w,+ ��y��- �.R� ++FV Lz.i:�.��..�� V�� ��� K� WCii J.�i���.1� ':i.4�"Y�«�-7.f lg� ��.'3.7,'cd11`V �,:.:,'�{L*,�b ».=. � �.i� � dc� as t��y �� f��. ��+' �r, �c�i.td �� 3��;3�Lt.�e� �1 a �� ��� � - `,: ps7a�ect c��,�''L d��*�t's� r.xi,.�n..+g.ls� ��;,. � �u�z��, � ��.� 3�� to �*c�� ��::��ri+� .�n ��t �tx�,+�s�:d�$�� �.� �+r�z�� Tr� �� �r� �a �,�,�s��� :t�o �� t,�h���st es�rnrn,� �ria� h� �mr:�� ta� '�Ccr �� ta: r� �a� i� i�e �S�es �titb�aut ���a;l�a�� p��tng_� � o�an ��ur.�uz�d� h�.a, ���'l �'t� t3oa�'L se� �y'. ��,`a�' Pat,�� gr�� t�n �.b �r c�f � ��it� s2awwe. � �t yat�:. t�:<t '�t� ��t '�� p�a��3��;3.ty .t:f' s�tas �agd:�,�.n� �� �.u.tz�.� by� a f��r "peo�?,e. �hcra yc�t ;s�s Ic�ok ��.�d ��u and ��9 ��3r�i�; +a�L do� a£ ��h+�r �e �.� t.�s�a. �s tku L �r, ': 3"'e�s� 'to p���� t�.1 c��` '�e-�'�3"`` ,. , , _ _ , . , :_ ��tt pe�pi$ ese ia a. ��ti.� s�f t�'ast. _ —,..» ���s h� 'tt�at � d� nat fai.I ue� � �� ��p tz� c�'t.t� '��� � � . , , l�sp�� t t},�� , �; � � �o� 5te�v3.g� � , ��.fi� �af �pc�. � - . . , � , , ; . . , � ��, �s �1�it�} Fr'�e�t'�: � r� ��al �site2j �na�. �t a , . . , .. � , �;:. , .,� , . ,� `� � . -, . , ..: . . . � f 1 � � `• • • / 1�/ �w:t � � � 2nd � _ ' . ' 3rd �1 Adopted � Yeas Nays �'a� BtTTLER fi�"tlm.f" KONOPATZKI `+j.;a :�' •� ' .��,tr�.r � � , f , � LEVINE MEREDITH � X�C ROEDLER TEDESCO � . Mme PRESIDENT ��= (HUNT) �► — - -- CRYSTAL MOTEL , ` _ ` . � �� � 565D HIGHWAY 52 NORTH � � , . �r� AT JCT. oF HWY. 52 & BA55 LAKE RD. � � . - - � F������C CRYSTAL (MPLSJ, MINN. 55429 1`-' x - ". , -- , ,_p�-; , . -�'e� ' _ ' < r _ ", ' YH -, �� Members of the City Council Cit� of St. Paul St. Pau1, Niinnesota