264631 WHITE — CITV CLERK � (� PINK — Ft,NANCE COU11C11 /����� � � CANARV — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL ��o �' B�.U� �MAVOR File NO. • � Or in�cnce Ordinance N 0. �S?5' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Ordina.nce Setting � Forth Regulations for the City' s Housing Reha.bilitation Grant Program as Authorized by Chapter 351, La.ws of Minnesota for 1974. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Pa�suant to the authority of Chapter 351, La.ws of Minnesota for 1974, the Council of the City of Saint Paul ha.s, by resolu- tion, approved and adopted a Housing Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program, including regulations relating to the determina.tions to be made as a condition precedent to the ma.king of such loans and grants as required by the said Chapter 351, which approved and adopted Housing Reha.bilitation Loan and Grant Program and regula- tions contained therein be and are hereby incorporated herein by reference and sha.11 be treated, for the purposes of this ordinance, as setting forth the terms a�.d conditions which sha.11 apply to the issua.nce of reha.bilitation grants to be made in accordance with the terms of said Cha.pter 351 and this ordina.nce. The following factors sha.11 also be considered in the making of rehabilitation grants under this Program: (1) whether the housing unit is a single-family dwelling or homesteaded unit and (2) whether the applicant is a person of low income. v Section 2 . The following regulations sha.11 apply to the Housing Reha.bil- itation Grant Program: COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by Cit�+,Att rney Adopted by Council: Date i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council $y ti By . ix •' � �,�� �� l.i V4..v . bn.�11 � � 57.5'� 3. B. The City rehabilitation grants sha.11 be utilized to provide fina.ncing for the correction of applicable code violations relating to immediate health and safety ha.zards . C. The aggregate of all grants sha.11 not exceed 5% of the total value of City bonds issued for the Loan and Grant Program together as provided in said Cha.pter 351. D. If the eligible property is sold or transferred within three years of the date on which the grant is ma.de, the grant must be repa.id on a prorated basis as follows: 1) in full if sold or transferred within the first year, 2) two-thirds if sold or transferred during the second year, and (3) one-third if sold or transferred during the third year. 4. Procedures. A. The Reha.biLitatinn Gr�nt Program shall be admin- istered by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul pursua.nt to the provisions of the co- operative a�reement with the City for the administration of the City s Housing Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program. In reviewing and making the determina.tion for each application for grant, the Housing Authority s17a11 consider the factors set forth in Chapter 351, La.ws of Minnesota for 1974, and the City Council-approved Housing Reha.bilitation Loan and Grant Program adopted in accordance with said Chapter 351, copy of said approved Program being ma.intained on file in the office of the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to implement the approved Housing Reha.bilitation Loan and Grant Program including the enter- ing into of the necessary contractua.l relations with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority so as to carry out the approved Program in accordance with the guidelines and regulations as adopted and approved by this City Council. Section 3. This administrative ordinance sha.11 be deemed a pa.rt of the Saint Paul Administrative Code and sha.11 be incorporated therein -.t ,- ���6�� �,,� `7� r y 1�� 2 . 1. Eli�ible Properties . A. The �roperty must not be a nonconforming use under the City s Zoning Ordina.nce, and the use must be permitted under an urban renewal or development district plan if located in such an area. B. The property shall not be eligible if it ha.s been identified for public acquisition for which funding is presently available unless tha.t property is being � forma.11y re-examined for potential reha.bilitation, in which case waivers shall be considered. Properties which are identified for conditiona.l or possible acqui- sitions are eligible . C. The property must be at least ten years of age or in need of repair to correct dama.ges resulting from a natural disaster. D. The property, after reha.bilitation, must be in- surable through an established public or private insurance program. 2 . Eligible Applicants . To be eligible for a City reha.bilitation grant, applicants must be an owner-occupa.nt or contract for deed purchaser with limited assets available to pay for eligible improvements and an income not to exceed the income limits of "very low-income families" for public housing as tha.t term is defined in Title II of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Amendments to the United States Act of 1937, Section 201(a), Section 3(2) and approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 3 . Reha.bilitation Grant Utilization. A. The maximum amount of a City rehabilitation grant sha.11 be the lesser of (1) $5,000.00, (2) the actua.l cost of the eligible improvement work, or (3) the amount necessary to reduce the City rehabilitation loan principal and interest and/or other housing related expenses to 25% of the eligible grant recipient' s monthly income. ;� WHITE - CITY CLERK F� PINK - FIMANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council ����s��� CANARY -•DEPARTMENT BL`CJ�• .;--Jy'�qyOR File NO. , � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. �� 7�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4. and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the tirne of the next revision of said Administrative Code . Section 4. This ordinance sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt OEC 1 9 1974 Form Approved by City: ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Certifie se y Coxficil Secret�y BY � (�— � By Approve Mayo Date �EC � Approved by Mayor for missi n to Council By By ll D C � R 1�?� WHI7E - CITY CLERK - ^����� PINK - FINANCE TT COUI1C11 � BLUERY-MAVpRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIlL File NO. rv ouncil�esolution r . Presented By Refer o ommitte ' ate /`� . Out of Committee By � .� IdHEREAS, Fritz Klark has contributed countless hours and untold efforts on behalf of amateur baseball in Saint Paul ; and II�IHHEREAS, Fritz Klark has been a major force in the continuing success of American Legion baseball in the North End of the city, especially as coach of the Arnerican Legion Junior Baseball Team, Post #474; and WHEREAS, As head coach of North End Legisn Baseball , Fritz Klark piled up numerous championships including ten District #4 Championships; five state championships; and three regional championships; and WHEREAS, The scene of most of Fritz Klark's efforts and contributions has been the city' s Rice and Lawson playground and athletic field; and WHEREAS, Residents of the North End community and the entire city have contacted City Councilman Patrick J. Roedler and County Board Commissioner John Finley regarding changing the name of Rice and Lawson Playground and Athletic Field to "Fritz Klark Recreation Field " ;and WHEREAS, Fritz Klark will be honored at a testimonial dinner at the Saint Paul Eagles Aerie on Tuesday, November 26, as Rice Street's "Mr. Baseball . " ;now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in recognition of his fine contribution to so many of our City's young men, the Council hereby declares that the Rice and Lawson Playground and Athletic Field shall henceforth be known as and referred to as the "Fritz Klark Recreation Field.° COUNCILMEI�T Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza � [n Favor Levine Rcedler n Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Co Date N OV 2 6 1974 Form Approved by City Attorney Cert' ' P s y Coun i Secretary BY Appro d b Mayor: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISHED DEC 71974 l�st . �I (21 2nd tz1,,,1a 3rd (?�rZ Adopted rZl( � Yeas Nays CHRISTENSEN HOZZA ��/���%� `� 3 I�EVII�IE � ROEDLER SYLVESTER � TEDESCO ' PRESIDEIVT (HUIVT)