263955 WH17E..-- CITI�CLERK �� �j/63955 PIf�K -pINAN[yE � GITY OF �SAINT PALTL Council � CpNAR" -.�D ARTMENT � B;u;,'�-��+�oR File NO. . . � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ��� Presented By Ref�rred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, entitledz Department of Human Rights; defining and prohibiting discrimination in public services; amending certain enforcement provisions. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIPI: Section 1. That Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding to Section 74.02, entitled "Definitions" a new paragraph, designated "J" or other appropriate letter designation, to read as follows : . � a � � J. Public Services includes any public facility, departnaent, agency, board or commission operated or managed by or on behalf of the City of Saint - Paul, and any public facility, department, a�gency, board, or commission, operated by any oth�r unit of government, which does business in or provides public services in the City of Saint Paul or to the residents of the City of saint Pau1. Section 2. That Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Leg3slative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended by inserting a new Section 74.07 following the present Section 74.06 to read as followss COUIVCILMEN R uested b De artment of: Yeas�'istensen Nays � Y p � �p Human Ri hts - � zza In Favor ___-___._,-. -.,_ Levine -"" , � Against � ���`` � Te�R�r�vester Mme.President �i7E# �t Form Approved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor fot Submission to Council BY BY �+ _L ��Y���"�" r � � • � . ��� , Np, ��s1o4� '�4.07 - Prohibited Acts in Public Services. No person shall discriminate against any person, on grounds of race, color, sex, creed, national origi.,n or ancestry, (or affectiona.l or sexual preference, ) with respect to access to, admission to, , €ull utilization of, benefit from, .or impart i.al and equal administration of any public service. Section 3. Tha.t Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is h�reby further �mended by renumbering Section 74.07 as 74.08. 5ection 4. That Chapter 74 ot the Sa int Paul Legislative � Code, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting pre�ent Section 74.08, renumbering the same as 74.09 to read as follows: 74.09 - Violation; Penalty. Violation of any - provisions of Sections 74.03 �hrough 74.07 hereof , is a misdemeanor, and every person who knowingly particip��es iri �y =�g�ohtbi�t�d `�ct�,; o� �ntentionally fails to comply with regulations issued by the . Human Ri�h�s_� �ammiss�.ian purs��irt; to ;:�ar•r�; section of : � �his ordina;nce,"` wli�-�her �a����i` o�f�C�r , ag�ent, ma�ager, employee,; or Qthexwi�e is , liable as a ,principa::l, and it shall �e no de;�en�e ti�a� �I�e p��s��i c�,arged: wa� acting in accorda.nce with V�tFie i�str�ictions of his pxincipal or employer. Section 5. That Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Les�islative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended by re�umbering present Section 74.09 as 74.10 and further deleting sub-- paragraph D. tl�ereof and substituting the following 'in lieu and in place thereof: _ - , D. To receive compla.ints of violations of the provisions of this chapter, and investiga.te the merits thereof by interviewing, �o the extent - possible, all 'parties and witnesses in a pa.rticu].ar matter and considering a�l other evidence that is � authorized to be obtained by this subsection, and, in furtherance of such investigation, require the production for exa.mination of any books, pa.pers or documents relative to the matter under investigation (ir�cluding writ�ngs, drawii�gs, graphs, charts, --�� , . . WH17E - GITV CLERK �63955�' CA�ARY.�DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL COUIICll ' B�UE` �Ir�MArdR � ;,, File N 0. � • �f Or in�nce Ordinance N0. 4 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3 photographs, phonograph records and other ma.terials from which information ca.n be obtained) and, upon compla.int or upon motion of the Director, commence enforcement action a.s provided herein where the director finds tha.t rea.sonable grounds exist to believe a. violation has occurred. Section 6. Tha.t Cha.pter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended by renumbering present Section 74.10 through 74.13 a.s 74.11 through 74.14 respectively. Section 7. This ordinance shall ta.ke effect and be in force thirty da.ys from and after its pa.ssage, approva.l and publication. Section 8. This ordinance shall be deemed a pa.rt of the Saint Paul Legisla.tive Code and sha.11 be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of sa.id Legislative Code. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays unt Christensen Human Ri ghts on atzki HoZ� In Favor - - y�. � ne Levine - �-—� ,�� S rekah Roedler � Against �BY 0. ed co Sylvester Mme. eside Butle�edeSCO Presid unt AUG :"! 4 1974 Form A by C' y A r Adopted by Co cil: �t� ` Certifi a d by Council Sectetary BY Appr Mayor• ate _ Approved by Mayor for Submission t Council By By pllBLISNED A G 2 ��lat �~ 7��p 2nd �6 3rd Adopted . Yeas N�ys CHItISTII�TSEN HOZZA �� 26�955 � ROEDLER snvES�x � � TEDESCO ' PRESI�N'r (HIJNT)