263854 WHI7E — CITY CL�R14 \ C01111C11 26�3��4 CANARY — �EPqRTMENT ' \� e � BLFnE =MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAZTI:4,.. File NO. _ • f O Zn nCP, Ordinance N 0. /��7� _ Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Commission and the Civi.l Service Office of the City of Saint Paul approving and adopting rules and regulations necessary to the administration of the City personnel system on a: merit basis, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PALti, DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out where it appears in Section 6, Grade 24, of the Clerical Occupational Group, the title of STORES CLERK (SGHOOL CAFETEREAS�, and insErting this title� ` in Section 6, Grade 24, of the Manual and Mair��anance Occupational Group. Section 2. That sai�l. ordir�ance, as amended, be arzd the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6, Grade 22 of the Manual and Maintenance Occupational Group, the title STOREHOUSE HELPER. � _ 1 _ � � COUI�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �lx Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine . Meredith Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President � I�itlrit Form p oved it Attorney Adopted by Council: Date f Certified Pass � Council Secretary BY By �r����, '�L.�', - Approved by Mayor: Date Approved a�or f sion unci By BY WH17E - CITY CLERK' � ���'(� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council [, 4 � CANARY -:�EPARTMENT v�� t BLUE :MAYOR File NO. � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. �Sb72- , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: ; irman Civll Service Commissio COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �WRc�dl�BOX Christensen � � Hozza In Favor Levine _ � 0 Against By �����' Mme.President�X Adopted by Council: Date J U l 2 6 1974 Form ppr ved b 'ty Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approve Mayo • Date 97� Approve Mayor r o C nc' By By PUBLISHED AU G 3 1974 ` �a ?//8 1�f� Adopte d "'f I�y�r ------r.r--. Yeas Nays CHRISTENSEN HoZ� 26�3854 ��� � , Sn�s� �—� �� �S�T c��