264132 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY F SAINT PAITL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. 2�41 �2 BLUE -MAVOR L 0 din�nce Ordinance N 0. � �.7 ��. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordina.nc amending Section 450.02 of the Legislativ Code by transferring to the division of li ense a.nd permit a.dministration, department of inance a.nd mana,gement services the authority o issue permits for street solicitation o funds. " THE COUNCIL OF THE ITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Se tion 450.02 of the Legislative Code is amended by delet ng the term "City Council" therefrom and substituting in lieu thereof the phra.se "director of the division of lic nse and permit administration, depart- ment of f ina.nce a.nd ma.na.gement services. " Section 2. Se tion 450.02 of the Legislative Code �• � is amended by delet ng the term "I,icense Inspector" there- .d,� � .. . . �.3 _ _ �ram` ar�d sub�t ituti g<,�+ � 1� �l�r<er.�.f. th�-terin 'd.ir�tor' . .,.._.. __ _ _.. ._ _ . ar - r ' -, � .r . �. - _. .. .,, . ., __. ._. .,_ ,,.�.�,. , ,.�_�...r ,._ - � wheneve'r the same m y appea.r in said section. Section 3. Se tion 450.02 of the Legislative Code is amended by a.ddin the following a.s a. separate para.graph Y after subparagraph (f) ; ` Upon compli nce with this section, the director shall issue the permit pursua.nt to the provisions of this cha.pter. Section 4. This oralinance shall take effect a.nd be in force thirty (30) ys following its passage, approv�l a.nd COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: • Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In F vor �.L.�e- o Roedler Agai st BY Sylvester Tedesco ` President Hunt 1 g �g 4 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . � Certifie assed Council Secretary BY '�y1 i Appro y Mayor: te Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBUSHED SEP 21 1974 PUBLISHEb S�'D �� .,n-,. . - �64132 w y / CITY OF SAINT PAUL � / OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORMEY �� � -�� R. SCOTT DAVI ES � ��� Aub Hunt, Preeideat Cit Counoil ?�9 City Hall DATE: Aug st t6� 19?4 Your letter oi Au t 1�� 19y4 concerning re eet to remove "Tag Days" a�a legisiative reepo sibility o! Council has been reCeived. Mr. Iaunaoone ot this oftioe has een assigned to the matter , and you may direct iutu e inquiriea ooncerning the same direetly to him. R. SCOTT DAVIES Cfty Attorney To the Attorney: COMPLETIQN DATE: AUGUST 23, 19'74 When you have compl ted this aasignment, let us know the date ao that we may note it. Formal opinione sh 11 be routed over Regnier' g deak. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 7th Floor .r City Holl • . OFFICE THE CITY COUNCIL -� , 264132 . To: r��� ,�Cc.�-<-.¢�o From: �4 � `� � � 9 7 5< Subject: � Dote: �/ .�'.� ,� �� c � . .� . �:�� ��.� ` �— � r. � � ' - _ � � � � � � a i e � �� • , �� • � � � � � �■ Cr,"' u ! ! � � - � . � 264132V �� , J 450.02 � PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND LFARE 449.05. Seizure of Illegal Fireworks. The F' e Chief or the Police Chief, or any member of the fire or police departmen , or the Sheriff or any of his deputies, shall seize, take, remove, or cause to e removed, at the ex- pense of the owners, all stocks of fireworks or com ustibles offered or ex- posed for sale, stored, or held in violation of this cha ter. ,-' (From M.S.A. Sections 616.433 through 616.43 .) ;a 4 450. SOLICITING FUNDS ON THE STREETS # 450.U1. Permit Required. It is unlawful for ny person, firm, corpo- ration, societ or o: anization to solicit funds in an anner on the streets of a `� the City of Saint Paul without first having obtaine a permit so to do as �� hereinafter �rovided. Permits for such street solicitati n may be granted only '�� to civic, patriotic, charitable or religious organizatio . A 450.02. Appiications. An applicant desirin a permif under d�e �.4 provisions of this Chapter shall make his verified a plicatzon in writing to , the City Council upon a form fumished by the Lic se I tor and shall t file e same th the License Insgector at kast six 60) days in advance of the requested date for the proposed solicitation; s d the application shall be executed by at least two duly appointed officers o said organization con- ducting the campaign. The application shall be on e in Xhe Office of the • , '� License Inspector for public inspection, and any ' ormation contained in f the application shall be considered public property d may be reproduced in any local medium to inform t1�e crtizens of the c mmunity. The applica- � tion shall set forth the following information: �r � , a. The name or naines of the organization or f the person or persons I � :: '' by whom or by which such solicitation is to be made together with the name cf the chief officer and secretary of such organizati and the names of the � ' R persons who will be responsible for the distribution of funds collected. b. The purpose .�r o}�ject for which such soli itation is made and the � ', -� use to be made of the funds derived therefrom. � '! e. The time and mannez in which such sol citation shall be made, � �; giving the dates of the i�ginning and ending of such solicitation. ; d. The location where such solicitation shall ke place. e. A financial statement which contains the ollowing information: . � 1. The amount of any wages, fees, commis ions, costs, expense, or =:: emoluments to be expended or paid in connection ith such solicitation, to- �° gether with the manner in which such wages, fees, commissions, costs, ex- �,,: penses, or emoluments are to be expended, the ch acter of the services for .i which said expenses are to be incurred and, where sible, the names of the � . persons to whom payments aze to be made and e amounts each of said persons will receive. 2. All funds received and disbursed by said pplicant through gublic ' solicitation during such preceding calendar or fiscal year with a statement of the wages, fees, commissions, costs, expenses, or moluments exgended in connection with said solicitation during such year: ' i-t�v7 ' 1309 �, • . - _ _ . :.; _ . ; 1 .:�. ;� -aT �4`�i � . ����32 450. 3 _ LEGISLATNE CODE s . A copy of the applicant's budget in connection with said solicita- tions or the fiscal or calendar year in which the applicant intends to con- duct ts street solicitation. rd. I3338, Sept. 14, 1966.) " 50.03. Duration of Permit. Permits for such solicitation shali not ` be gi en for a longer period than two consecutive days in any calendar year, F exce for the period of time from November 1 to Thanksgiving Day and for the p riod of time from the day after Thanksgiving Day to December 24 of each ear. Only one permit shall be issued to any one organization in any `•. calen ar year. Only one permit shall be issued for any one period. The per- '` � mit anted shall designate the hours in which street solicitation may be ,;.-: cond cted. ;�:: ' Ord. 12926, Mar. 12, I965.) �. 50.04. Volunteers Only. All solicitations made under the provi- sions of this chapter shall be conducted only by volunteer workers, and said � work rs shall carry proper credentials prominently displayed, or a container for t e depositing of the offerings, which shall prominently disclose the name :{�: � of th organization conducting the solicitation and the purpose for which it �;k. is bei g conducted. �; � ;.: 50.05. Rules for Solici#ors. Solicitation conducted in the downtown � area f the City, confined within an area bounded by Kellogg Boulevard on � ; the s uth, Main Street on the west, Tenth Street on the north, and Broadway �'' Stree on the �east, shall be limited to not more than two solicitors at anv .. ; stree intersection, and no solicitors in any part of the City shall conduct r �z them elves in such manner as to interfere with pedestrians or vehicular ��;' � traffi ��.� s iw, �. 50.06. Noise. No means of attracting the attention of the public � shall be emQloyed or permitted to be used in connection with any street ;, ' ± solici ation, which shall in any way disturb the peace and quiet of any area or in rfere with the transaction of business or any other ordinary pursuit, � � exce t ringing of small hand bells will be permitted from November 1 to f Dece ber 25 of each year. � � � " Ordincance 9984, perssed OcGober 23, 1952 Ord. 12926, Mar. 12, _ � i 1965• Ord. 13338, Sept. 14, 1966.) � 50.07. Name of City Prohibited. Permits issued under this Chapter s shall not imply approvai or recommendation by the City of Saint Paul. The � r� purp of such permit is to provide the public with information. Since the City f Saint Paul does not recommend or approve solicitations, the name '; • of th City of Saint Paul shall not be used in any advertising, or in the actual ' solic" ation by any person, firm, corporation, society or organization, as it �= � � may ply approvaL 4� Ord. 13338, Sept. I4, 1966.) F �: 451. ARMY AND NAYY STORES ��` 51.01. Term Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for an y person to ad- ..� ve rti e or represen t any p lace o f business conducted, managed or maintained by h m, as being an "Army and Navy Store" or as a store conducted and main ained by the Govemment of the United States or the Army or Navy � ! Dep rtment of the United States Government. � 1310 � 1167 r ' � _ . .. `--�--- ----_'_----�--- ----_ ._. � . , 18t ����� 2ri ��1�' � �d ��I / Ad ted ��/fj Yeas Nays CHItI3 EN HOZ � ac�� � 3a RO LER sn s� �. ESCO. PRES (Ht7NT)