D00844CI"TY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR u ADMINISTIZATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: 1�0$y�l DaYe: — cs u: 34466 ADMINI$TRATIVE �RDER, Consistent with the authority graMed to the Mayor in Sedion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Public Works toamerdthel9 96 hudgetofthe PublicWorksEn�ineerin£Fund fund,theDirectoroftheDepartrnent of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Merded �xk,7et � Budget 205 - 72102 - 0111 Full Tune Pem�azient $219,634.00 $6,909.00 $226,543.00 205 - 1211 D- 0111 Full Time Pem�anent $225,730.00 ($6,909.00) 5218�821.00 Totals $445,3b4.00 $0.00 $445,364.00 To cover salary budget shortfall fur pmmoflon of provisional employee from EDP Progtammer Trainee to permanent EDP Programmer I. This will replace a resignahon of EDP Systems Analyst II in the Computer Services section. • / �_' `!��� /it � /� , _ ��� � ��� ApProvetl By' M�r �, �_^/ � (/1N— a�� �-�� � ..�.�nr't, i, � DEPAiiTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCIL DATE INITIATED PublicWorks M�� (� , 1/9/96 GREEN SHEET N0.3 4466 COPf�ACTPERSON&PHONE IWTIA ATE INITIAV�A7E— DonaldE.Sobania ZC�-G�LO�L N�UMqERFOR �CffYATf RNEYRECTOR O CI7YCLERKCIL MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABV(DATE) POUTING ❑q BUDGETOFFICE � FINANCEACCOUNTING � �MAYOA(OApSSISSqtJi) �j p���' AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOFt SIGNATUR� � CAP PROJ MGR � DEPPRThiEMACCOU �–Q�gy ACTION RE�UESTED Approval of atYached Administrative Order transferring spending from Project Planning & Pmgramming to Computer Services. RECOMMENOA710NSAGpwa (A) or Rejec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CNILSERVICECOMMISSION 7. HaSthispersoNfirtneverworkedunderacontractfortl�isdepartment? Cf8 COMMITfEE _ YES Id0 S7AFF 2. Has Mis persoNfirm ever been a dry employee7 — — YES NO _ DISTFiICT CDUNCIL _ 3. Does ihis perSONfirtn possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any curren[ ciry employee? SUPPORiSWHICHWUNCtIOedECTIVE? YES NO Expiain all yes answers on separete sheei and atlaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHY): The Depaztment would like to promote a provisional employee from EDP Programmer Aide to a permanent employee with the tide of EDP Programmer I. This employee will replace an EDP Systems Analyst II tha[ resigned in 1995. The budget for this posiUOn was transfened to the Project Planning & Programming acdvity in 1996. An increase of $6,909 is needed to promote this employee. There is sufficient salary budget in the Project Planning & Programming acdvity to accomodate this promouon. This administrafive order transfers the $6,909 from the Project Planning activiry to the Computer Services acdvity where this employee is paid. AOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: omotion of employee wili take place. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. RECEIVE� FEB - 8 7996 �1TY CLERk� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Cu:rent staff level and expertise will not be maintained. �L� LAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ Net$0 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) yEg No FUNDINGSOURCE PWEn i�neeringFund ACTIVI7YNUMBER 205-12102-01 1 1 & 205-12110-011l FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Transfers = $6,909 � VV