270494 WHI7E - C-ITV CLERK t `���7��\��� PINK - FINANCE COIII1C11 f � �s' t-� � CANARV - D�PARTMENT GITY OF� SAINT PAUL � BL��£ -M,AVOR . Flle NO. '-� Ordin�nce ordinance N�. ( `-(� �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERViCE TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A BRIDGE ACROSS SIBIEY STREET BETWEEN THE INTERSECTION THEREWITH OF SECOND STREET AND EAST KELLOGG BOULEVARD, SAID BRIDGE TO BE EX- TENDED BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE'S BUILDINGS ON EtTHER SIDE OF SIBLEY STREET. ' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That permission and authority hereby are granted to the United States Postal Service to construct, maintain and operate a bridge across Sibley Street between the intersection therewith of Second Street and East Kellogg Boulevard, said bridge to be extended between the United States Postal Service's buildings on.either side of Sibley Street. Section 2. That the Director of Pubiic Works is hereby authorized to issue the necessary permits to the United States Postal Service for the con- struction, maintenance and operation of said bridge according to plans � and specifications approved by and on file with the Department of Public Works upon said permittee's compliance wifih the following conditions: a. That said permittee shall at its own cost and expense in ac- cordance with all applicable ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Statutes of the State of Minnesota, and regulations of public authority having cognizance, construct, maintain and operate said bridge hereunder; b. That satd permittee shalt pay the cost for publication of this ordinance; COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t + Approved by Mayor: Date Appr ve y Mayor for Submis ' to ou By BY ��'����� c2� . c. That said permittee shall pay the cost of administration, en- . gineering and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking. Said costs are estimated at a sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) and shall be accounted for under the Depart- ment of Pubiic Works ProJect No. B-1083; d. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public Works all documents of record that are part of the contract or incidental to its execution, including but not limited to, addendums, award of con- tract, sum of contract, "as-built" plans, tracings and tracings of shop plans; e. That said permittee shall construct said bridge to the satis- faction of the Director of Public Works in accordance with the approved plans and specifica�ions on file in the Department of Public Works. Such construction shall be made in strict compliance with the American Associa- tion of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTOI Specifications, as amended; f. That said permittee in lieu of providing bond and insurance ex- pressly agrees to save harmless and indemnify the City of Saint Paul from all claims, loss, damage, action, causes of action, expense, and/or li- ability arising out of the construction, operation, maintenance and re- moval of said bridge and by the permission and authority granted herein; g. That said permittee shall, among other things, at his own cost and expense make adequate and effective provisions therefore, and drain all moisture, rain and snow which shall accumulate thereon, by proper devices through said bridge in a manner so that the flowing and/or spill- ing of same on any part of said section of Sibley Street shall be pre- vented at all times; h. That said permittee shall at all times construct and maintain all supports of said bridge entirely within the li�es of the subject private real estate and entirely without public street rights-of-way; i . That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the De- partment of Public Works if the construction or maintenance of said bridge shall make necessary the closing of Sibley Street or any part thereof. All expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in fu rnishing, installi�g or removing barricades� signs or other control devices shall be paid by the permittee; j . That said permittee shall not use any part of said bridge for any advertisement or display purposes without the written consent of the City of Saint Paul ; k. That said permittee shall in the construction, maintenance and operation of said bridge provide a minimum vertical clearance of at least seventeen (17) feet four (4) inches between and throughout the course of the bottom of said structure and the surface of said section of said Sibley Street except as altered by the City's future street work; 1. That said permittee expressly agrees to comply with Chapter 216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended pertaining to street ob- structions; ����,��,� WHI7E - CITV CI.ERK � � � � � � ; PINK - FINANCE COIlIICll �� � � �� BLl1ER.,-t�AVORTMENT �GITY OF� SAINT PAZTL File NO-. � �� � � OrdiZn�nCP, Ordinance NO. '�(/ y� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date (3) m. That said permittee shall complete the construction and erection of said bridge in accordance with these requirements within one year of commencement of construction. Satd commencement shall be evidenced by Public Works receipt of a written notification thereof and shall be dated therein as further provided for under Paragraph n, below; n. That said permittee shall notify the Bridge Engineer of the De- partment of Public Works befare construction starts and when construction has been completed to allow for final inspection; o. That said bridge shall be removed by and at th� sole cost and expense of said permittee whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall by resolution determine such removal necessary in the public interest, and accordingly order the ranoval of such structure from said location; p. That said permittee shall submit proposed plans and specifications to the Department of Public Works for review and approval of any intended structural repairs or ma,jor maintenance work on the bridge before any such work may be carried out. Upon completion of such structural repairs approved by the Department of Public Works, permanent reproducible trac- ings shall be fu rnished the department showing the work done and marked with any "as-built" changes as well as reproducible shop drawings of the same; � q. That said permittee shall within a period of fifteen (15) days after publication of this ordinance file with the City Clerk its written acceptance of this ordinance and agreement to be bound by all the pro- visions, terms and conditions thereof without limitation, which written instrument of acceptance and agreement shall be in a form approved by the C i ty Attorney. Section 3. That this ordirtance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Publ i c Works Hozza In Favor ��Ll,��" � � �'o Against BY ' ` S"��'�� Daniel J. Dunford Directo (�E/�)/ Y � Tedesco f�s � � �g7$ Form Approved by ity ttor Adopted by C c : Date Certi ' P d by.Council Secre ary BY . Appr ed by Mayor: Da `� g '� 7 ��7� App v , by Mayor for Sub ounci By BY �t�Bt�s:��� F�8 2 �� 1978 , . � a ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RESOLUTION C�tANTING PERNIISSION TO PERFORM WO�K WITHIN THE PUBLIG RIGHT-OF-WAY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA To The Honorable City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Madam & Gentlemen: The undersigned petitioner does hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 27049'� adopted by the Council on February 17, 1978, Federal sovereignty excepted. � DATE: UIVITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Maxch 10, 1978 By; r . , rner Director, Office of Real E state Real Estate & Buildings Depaxtment , QM O 1: 12,��.9 7 5 Rsv, : 908�76 EXFLANATI4N 0�' ADINIIN�STR.T�TIVE Ok��ERS,- �j �] � RE�l7I,�liTI�:N� . AND QRTJTNAi3CEa f��l:a���� , , . -- l��o� _ Date: Janua ry 17• 1978 . �i � �: '' ' . '' � ,�� ' JA�+ � ' ;'�;.,�n � � � ��-� a�� TO: :'�vOR GEn��7E I:A�Ia�1ER �' ,._ E � . � F�: Public Morks, Office Engineering . �: Overhead bridge across Sibiey St. bctween Second St. and Kellogg Bivd. connecting � the United States Post Office Building and Bostsl Services proposed truck dock ;` faci 1 ity (fornierly part of Union Depot). ' , , AGTIC:'d REQUESTED: Grant penaission to the United Stetes Postal Servtce to construct. ' � operate end maintain an overhead bridge connect°ing their properties on either - � sid� of Sibley St. This will be a prlvate brldqe for transportation of inatl to ' and from fihe new truck docks and the postal building PSI�POSE �1�D ,R...�TInI�yALE F'nR THIS ACTION: � The Council has granted per�aits for oth�r brid�es, i.e. Whirtpoal Corp. over A�cade St., C.F. No. 267�057, Ord. No, 1}999, aslopted May 4, 1976 a�d various �'-' pedestrian bridges� C.F. tis. 269927, Ord. No. �63�i2, adopted Nov. 3, 1977. • i - - ATTAC�?MENTS- Ordinance � TJE/RAH/bJh , ' , , � � lst � /�� 2nd 3rd �� _ .� /�r Adop ted 01� � , Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA ��� � � � ��� - � LEVINE � - �£� TEDES CO (PRESIDENT SYLVESTER) k I f