D00830_ - City Cierk - Finance Dept. • — - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) - Engineer (HGA) - Conttactor _ - Project Manager (CPMn . f!: � �. �� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CPl.l ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessazy to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Ex�ansion. CP-1 Demolition. Excavation & Bridge Construction l�own as Conuact L Project No.4�4440 Edwazd Kraemer & Sons, is composed of the following: I. Connection of reinforced concrete pipe ro ventilation system per Contractor Proposal $40,15838 (CP) #C1.19R (EiGA RFP #15R). Reason: To connect pipe to wall, not detailed on CP-1 bid documents. Total $40,15838 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 40.158 38 . said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as conffact L- 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. APP ^D AS T F Assistant ' ttomey E� on Coor Co 'ttee and which amount is to be financed from: 1- �z i9� �19� 3�/..� 192� , .. .-��- . .� . . � � i � ,,lL�G�:r��/•�%j/�i',r/ i f; .. . �-�. u � . • �.�'.r / _— ' ' `GI � /'// / . •� � � - .� . - � • �e— �3 W 4+ A �� N_ 34908 GREEN SHEE _ _ _ INRIAUOATE INRIAVDA7E DEPAH'fMENT DIPECTOR � CfiY COUNCfL CITYA7TOflNEY �GLERK � BUDCET DIqECTOfl FlN. 8 MGT. SERVICE�'J (//� MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � � �f� �{£r�-- ��_ TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IACATONS POR SIGNATURE) ��aaY11r$- Ofd�iC 3k ID 'PS� 'tA�"va,f'b h'fA�VYUs-(.L(�t�(U-CE 4pC C� U� G- � _ PLqNNIN6COMMISSION _ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION _ CIB COMMRTEE y _�'n5� C{� _ STAFF _ _ DISTHICT COUAT _ SllPPORTS WHICH CAUNGILO&IECTlVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this personfirm ever vrorked under a oonVac[ for ihis department? YES NO 2. Has Nis persoNfirtn evsr been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curren[ ciry emplqree? YES NO Explain all yes answers o� separete sheet anC attaeh to green sheet . $��ri YC6e IG PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When. Where, Why). /�ti a�-lac Gi�a�' b�Z14r �ot Gf4,�a�� J�IN 16 19�� `"���5�°� t��i ��� �������� dAN 12 1996 RECEIVED JAN 2 51996 CITY CLERt� � � i, � ,�a �� AMOUNTOFTNANSACTION $ �D �54'3� COST/qEVENUEBUDGEiED(CIHCLEONE) ES NO IGSOURCE �.� � ACTfY1tYNUMBER �� 4L INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN} _% i � ( U V � ��� ` EO[QTRAC'F STATUS" _ C � • PR�JECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Edward Kraemer & Sons 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsvi{le, MN 55337 Original Confract Amount: $5,317,785.70 CO No. C1.1 C1.2 C1.3 C1.4 C1.5 C1.6 C1.7 C1.8 C1.9 C1.'10 Subtotal Deduet Add 14,544.30 7,104.55 28,81�.80 9,928.70 24,241.68 96,260.00 38,228.40 58,261.10 16,540.68 40,158.38 00 $334.378.89 DATE lSSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 27 December 1995 CP-1 Demolition, Excavation & Bridge Construction 29 March 1995 Net Amount of Contract including this Ghange Order: $5,652,164.59 L� /�� � � > c: a r� r��.�r. o R� s P R' O. P" O' � A, L. Contraciar Propasas No.: �_� Date:,_„�� Froj�CL:�sint�Patrf �vir Ca�xP Ct�nvac= Nc A cl�anga.in Tne scope of the work is requesred as indicatad palaw- t. 2 tt is reCriesieC rhe comptetion date be ( 1 e�ctendad. t 1 decreasetl. �nchangad by — calendar daYs. The adjustad compie�on dd'te wF7t be desrsfQiian of ine changec (Refer to drawings. specificaiian3. addes�da. if aPpUpbfsl. tRefaratic�+ FtF? No_: r�,; CCD No.: •.r-0 No_; ^ ������ 3. 8asis of paymant: {Check Onel f 7 FYrm prica for perfarming this change is ...---••-•-.-. Adapusta supporang derails and informario» muss he atiached to ailov„ p�,jq ta e�a(uaia. ( 1 Time and mgterf8! pet cnnuact, �us no� t6 excaed t 1+aciva! east ar complexian of worlc SubmiLted h � yt �.��s+ � .��.,,_� Carrctactor Cvrnracxcr • t. Actiort Racommendad: (Check onel ( � ��9$ 'm1i noi ba tnadB. Ejcptain: 2.. 3s ..S �� (fncreased Oeduct! Date• �.o +. t,- Cr�Mt ,lob ,VO.: 3225 �Q P� an chs fcllowirtg bastg: tn�ic�8d above, change and basis af paymem is acceptable. } Chats3e is accs�sta�le. basis of psyrnent is not accsptahfe. f I Basis af payrrer,t shalt Be S,_,_„_„_� t l 7'he fotinwing modific�xion is raCOmmeneed: f 1 Change in camAierian date is aCtepiad. t) Chanq� is acssptable with no ci�anga in price. ( i Change is accepy3}�te w�� no changa in Gprrtplation date. Rmascn fort�tenge_ l 1 Oestqn ChanSB !) Clienr Requesz (} pi�ld C��dition (} Suqgasred bY Carnractor `�pesign Omession ar Other {expiainf 3. !s this a pact of the originaat caniract scn9a? ( 1 Y�S �NQ 4- 13 C4[�ir3cioPs ESi7mei8 aiTSChed? Y$3 () I�tO 5. Af� cAnsa+ILed. �YES ( 1 N4 ///}}} ��— PrepBsed by: � CPMU APproved by FEGA) APprovep by ���� , � fOWREf� �����"� �: l Qwner! cc cs,e�s w,....«. — .,_._. _ . ��.+��.,�� ��CS �J�id7/1$ —'_" ••••..c ��..waon 3225- 3225- g� � SA7NT PAUt, CJYTC CENTFI{ IXPAN57QN oaxe: ' J� D�e: Date• I IBi5.60'3�tid 3'l�If15N?�flff-5�13 WO?J� _LE._5I _S6,� 9 1�0 ___ v r� L BREAKt7pWN SkEET COIYTRAC70R'S PROPO5AL SAINT PAUL ClVIC CENTEQ �7(pANSIQ� LASpR, MATERIAL � �pUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLpyEE 1.,4gQR DJATERtALS & ERUIPMENT INCORpqRATED TOTqL �pg & MATERfAL & EQt31#'fiAENT 15% FEE T67AL U180R, MATERIqL, EQUlP., & FEE SUBCONTRACTOAS 5 % FEE TOTqL Sl & FEE • 07HER COSTS TRAVEl. & SUgSIS7ENCE MAT��tiq�S & �Q�1�pMENT IvOT IMCORPOf1qTED RENTqLS TRXES PERMITB & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FU�L, FACILtT1ES A7 S(TE INCIDEN7AL EXPEhlSES BQNO & lNSURANGE PROVISIONS 70TAL dTNER COSTS T07A(. OF CtiAf�4GE pROPOSAL • �AINT PAUC CIVIC CENTEft EXPANSION S� S S \$��.�3 S_ .s S S S S S S S �Ili 1 �,..� �.�� �pc....+� (3T � S � �Q�iSS �� g y S \00� 3� S c'' � " I LO.�L@@' 3�d� 3"7�I(1-SN2iFlg--S}i-3--W0�4-�--- L-E -9-T--S6-. -9-- -1�Q- --- � �IC�II�R !lVC. ' SHEET pF. ��� INlTlAL Y020 West Giff Road • Be+msville, MinnBSOta 55337 •{8i2; 890-2820 • psu (612) 890-2996 _.__.. _..---- ___.... ._,,. _.._.__ ... . _. — -----------..�.--- Z14.Y"a_7i �.b�. �Fif4�. _�+Ga�l1.Ae+W . �OvvLY.t1 . . _ . . .---- '- - .. -- -----.�..��....� _ �_.__� . _. _ -'- -----•_ --- '_ --- ---'- Qr$ .� \i11.--_" -"- - --._. --- ----� ----- - - - --- -- � _._ -- --_ _— __--- --... - ---�- - - -----�.. .� _ ._ __._�_�.::.:__.�. _3� -..�5.�-_�___�.°�-__. - - -_ .. - - _-- ------ ._ ._ . _ ...--- - . --- F-- —__ ----- --- --- ----_ _._. . __ __. —�_ ._. �_ ='�1=.w'�..��re. - - - ---�-- � ----- - --... ---- -- --- - -- - ..- -- ___ - -- •----- __ ._�. -- ---•-- -4`�'-- SAea``��e4c - ..__ ... — . -.- _--' --`., _.--�---- � -- -. .. ' . --' ---- _���-'-...-.r-�....._.��_� -.,._.' -'. . . . '�.. sA;�"�'�.!w. ---.�S:S'i�'.o'K:� �r-i�t=1_- . "- -'-- �- -'----.....�__ . -.- /. •-...___ -.----.. ..-- . - ---_, -- - - _ .-- ----- --- -.._____ - - � x�_�; s.s.+.► .. _. 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' - . - , ..._. .._ � ' - -- ----- �__..._ '-_•-- -- -- --- -- '- - • - - �1 Se�. - .� --------�-----.__,M__._�____ -- __ _ -- ---�-- - — _ _ __ � �'S 3� -- -- ---- -- -- ---- _.._ _.� �:._-�_���� �,.�.. __ _ -- -- , �. ox�� . -- �xg �. --------- . ..,.. -- ., w_��_- - -- •- --- -- -- --- — - ---- -- — --- --__-- - - _ — _ __ - - ". �ewr "yi"" - �c�` - �� l�l i.1 . �i�e — _ __-- -- ----�__ �._____---..,..--- --- ---- -- ---_ _ _—•-- -- - --, -:1"SCQ� qo x '�._ "_ - _ - -C�. 4b - --- ----.. �'4� � ' --- - _ - '-- - --- _ - _ ---- - T-I�r69�_' 39tid - - _ -_37Z.Lf1SL�l2ff.13-Sx3 _4lOZl3 _ _8E � 9T _56.._ �:_ . 1�0 ._ _ _ _ . . �, • � � s�zs. �9ss CJ • a�s cox�sv�x, nvc. 14A20 CpCJl�TPY IIOAD 5 ��. �so'rw ssao6 (61� 433-91d6 � YAX 495-7342 -. . , - r, � � _, M, �: . , ...:. • �.. :�,.,._ ...: �;. , I3ear JmYy: �'v°� x��.tM�oa v�oa $ys�m Saint Paul Civia Center Ea�na� �Rl Demc, Ejtcav�ttion 8c Bs�dy� Cona�ion :�: -� ,i ��--; �if,T�� . -r�::,,�: ��'b t�e h�+ve z�visa+ed $FP No. C1.19 concem�g tttte ventilatioa ayatem as it sffeat� our scape of �ork on t�aase� gso�Ct,. Th�a zevision shDws t.hrec tocatioaa wheie �oa oYthe 36" � 2�e D� �b3ca�s. Wo have sugg�d tl�t veahlarion �rtlet PF i�I be madified such thac t}x v�tlst �s veetic�aily to the sarfacc r�ltcr tttat hoxizons�lly to a daylight cnaditiaa This "� �edsq�catehl via onr icttsrof9/�2F95. Acooldtn� tn the informarioa aupptied W us, i�ioa of the ver�ts wdt pose a preblear for �om. 'Lbase are vems F+R #1 9, 8t 30. 37�a vrnta woutd ail camtas: of a peurad ia plaee a�a� cas�a�tian na tt� sa�uh side oPt�e w,all tiaith s 36" reiaforad c�urnelc piPo p�te�t� &a� t�t� ta a daYliShL soadi#ion. Tha do� indicata tltat the lertydi vftlte 3b" RGP.Is ze. b� �S'.53, and 54' for vo�s PF' #1, 9, � 30, r�'svelY• At I�F #1, the wail � i�.ttt� pxopo3ed Ll�dt #1 tttai�iu; wBU. PR �9 attd 10 woatd exOm�d 6elaw Excbaagc � e � south z�tainittg w�ll, �tnd daylip�in� in the slope to ttt� sot�t unda tha �et1°�g �avgrd �Ba. Tbt�ierbiag� fram HC3A iadicntes ffiat tLc c� is �po�s,blo fer reP3a�inY ia-k3nd alI domoiisbed.PRVe�rt in Bxebaage S�. T1ds prv� waa alreadY �+emaved du�g tha a�vatian �t�te aorth Exr�ange 3tr�eet �init� wall. � P� � otsIy Ruaiahing and i�ffi11i�}S the 36" diamcter reiaforced c�crdes pipe as � 7� p� rast in placc conecetc i,� �wt iacluded iu ourPr�sa2- Wo are assuminy �� �eoacivie �wouid he uscd as pet the csi�ivat �ifica��. Wo �� tha � �� ��YW� � deo aaisatt� rxk slcpe xeraining waA fer PF #l 9, A'c ]D. .I; u out�� thet the gratas oa the �oyth aad are to t�e inslallad by otit�s. We �� �t�e araa.� �� �y sttra� the pipe is i�talled in eader tQ ke�sp 'k eqW t}�+�rY+r AWo�w � IIk v�iv:vn, C�L�l.pp . p�, ,�TLfld�rA • SALT tA1GY C21'Y, iTtA7� LLaL@IB'39dd _.. 3�"lI(tSNJ(1H_-5�13__WO?J�_____6E__9T S6._ 9_ 1�0_ __ _____ . .. • � � �.:��. , .,t_:,... �AsP� . S1.b96.50 SS,2SO.IX? PF'N4 23' - 3b• ran�d �,�Q� P� 32,11it.90 �'3,45D.OD Pl�A�10 - 34' -36"rain{or�cd�p�l� 51,642.20 55,100.00 � *�. �° `� „� � 3t,�ss.00 si.�is.oa �� � �Y�rianq pleasc �vc me x c+t?l. 11! i r -�+" �t b�3 inch�ded outy 3� of pipe at I'F #�9 and ID. PF #I 33 aIl addi�l, As � � �af��� �v4rtsPR#1,9,8ci0havebpcp�m��� Y�+�bia8 i3�e vem# p�pe belav tl�e aoutfi �8 �. ?he addnicnai 1ets�t P?ti+Poeetl for vents PF #14, and PP #10 ���� �X ��sll�rf�n ofd�is ��} ��5� is difficuit due to �� 1�, &��� � ° �A8 &�ctievard bnd � is to � � � tO t,htsou�t. T�e cuei�t iastalliay t}�s sdditioaal a�a �k aISO a �i�in8 v�ail ae #h,a sputh s�}c of �PIetc thc �� �t aadert3�e e� � � � c �� �° ��eckA°° would be used ta `z'hiewovki m�It in the unclermining oft� ��e�. Tfu 'Dt tO �5'��ht � vtut +� �f►a vtnt was ias�le� �� ofthe becicP�il afiho ��cam vtonlsl ix h�� Faol:�as indic�ed tbat rvall is a g� }�a betwaa the �� Ludins ofthe Ciry of St �$ � of the �eas is belap• tha usvert ��• Hs l�es veri8ed t�t tho bottom of ���s �allatfon es prev�onsi a�e"aaon nft3�e pro�ec� v� �p�, Our FI�e.�.ss us itt a timely � y�d• SI�u1d dt�ae ba A groblcm withthus met}�o�, �' P�ing fns PF #i is ahotva wltlt an att� ��1 y� 'Yhis ia �s �a!�t' nf 91�2195. 17ita sltor�att is � �� P�posed ia au� thia w�slc i� �II m�a ta t�e Y�� t1� ins�{aa, Sinca na iaraad�a � casc;ng ix ct�is� �� ��`� � a '�y e� er� ow�e�: ws �avt �'aAoaa2 ���ranat sure as to t8e ps�op� � ��`F�Ci� f+� t6� additiomat wo�Y a�, �q �.� follows. 'tLia �� � I�P�i ie vaIid" �t 3p daya. \ �ao� r.eM�nwi..a.n�_.s �.�- -�� �� '�-- PP �1, 33' • 3d" teiaforpqd � TQ38i Seua�r�y, � �.I}x..� � �. �a� 56,940.30 T4,560.90 S6,?42.24 �18,243.bf} S3,T41,OQ IT07T�T0'398d � - - - -�� �3�"lI�'S - a�b 56. i76