271085 `117E — CITV CLERK � � dNK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council }}}����7 .;ANARV —�EPARTMENT ���7��� BL�J� — MAYOR Flle NO. q� { � • � x � ] � O/ in�nce ordinance N 0. ��`i�f I Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 66 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the s�ructure and membership of the Long Range Gapital Improvement Budget Committee. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seetion 1. That Section 66.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode be a,nd the same is hereby amended to read: There is he�eby established a capital improvements committee consis�ing of ��e-�3�a�T-Ge���e��e�-a� Ce�}e��e�.e�-e�-���.��.ee-as-e�-a�����e-�e��e�+s-a�� #�e��e-�e��e�s-�e-;ve���-�e-e�#�$e��-e�-#�e-S#a#e� e�.�-�e#-�e�e-��a�.-���ee-e�-��a�-s�a��-�e-�.e�.-�es��e�.�e e�-#+�e-C�#►�-e�-�a��.�-����-� 18 members none of whom . shall hold an aid office or osi ion under he cit � ot aint Pau w ich committee �al e designa ed t e Long ange Capital Improvement Budget Oommittee of Saint Paul�� and �or convenience of reference shall be hereina,�ter referred to as the ���ge� �IB committee. ��e-�e�s�s-e�-sa��-�e��##ee-s����-�e-��e��#e�-�a� �ees��#�s�.-e�-�ese����e�s-e�-��ie-�e��.e��-e�-��ie-G��� e�-Sa��..�-}�a�.3�-�ge�-��.e-�+eee��e���#�s�,-s�-��ie-�Ia�e�: �P�e-�e���s-e�-e���ee-�e�-s�e�-e���$e�-�e��ae�e-;v�e-sl�€��� �e-��.�#�a��3�-���e��.�e�-�a�#�ie-Cea�.e��-s�.a��-�ae-�e-�e��ewet #��ee-�e��ae�+e-e����-�e-a�a�e���e�-�e�-�-e�e-3�ea�-�e��� �. ���ee-�s����-�e-���e��.�e�-�e�-�-�;ve-3�ea�-�e��#-��.�ee e�a��-�ae-a��s��#e�-�e�-�-��i�ee-�e��-�e��--���-��ee 9���r�—�e—a��9��1#eEl—�9�—a—�ei��••�e��—�e�r--`��3e��—etleee9se3�9 s����-�e-a�s���e�-�e-�e�t�+--�e��+-#�e�e-e�-s�}eeT COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco . Form Approved by C ty ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr d by Mayor for u ssian to Council By BY • ri17E - CITV CLERK r-� i ?INK - FINANCE J GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � 1� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � � � BIiUE^ �MA:oR � File NO. Ordinance Ordinance N�. ���� J Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date , Page 2 i�aea�e}e�-a�te�Q-��e-e}��se�-x�ex�e�s-e�-�ke-ee�t�t�ee � eka��-be-����ee�-��-�ke-sa�te-�tar��e�-as-�ke-�����a� a�ge���x�e��.- The members shall be a pointed by the Mayor with the consent of the counci in t e fo owing manner, with at least three members from each Minnesota state senate district: Each Counci recognize citizen participation district sha su mit t ree names or consi eration b the Mayor. The Mayor shall whenever possib e submit recommenda- tions from each o the citizen participation districts. The terms of offiee for such members initia ly appoi�ted shal be as follows: six members shall be appointed for a one-year term, six s a be appointe or a two-year term, anc� si sha�.- be appointed for a three-year term. . Their successors s a be appointe to t ree-year terms 0 o ice. Vaeancies s a be i e in t e sam� manner as the initsal ap ointments an a appointments to fil vacanci�s s a e or t e engt o t E unex i�e term. To faci �.tate the se ection of �he in�.tia s�aggcre ' '�e�ins�,' � -°���-��" the Mayor shall se eet the three grouping� o nomin�es by - - , ._.. .. lottery.. Initia� ap ointments submitted b the Mayor and` - ----�-�----_ .. confirme b the Council, un er the terms of this ordi- nance, shal be performe uring the month of November - � 19 A1 subsequent appointments sha 1 a so be made in the mont o Nove er; provi e t at vacancies s a be fil e when they occur. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor — Hunt � Levine Against BY � �daX � ���r,c�.�t+.� � � � Tedesco ��� � � ���$ Form Approved by ity torney Adopted by Council: Date Certifie by C un ' Se ary BY $ � . App e by Mayor: Dat � JUN � 6 1978 Appro e y Mayor r Sub ' n to Council r By BY pU�l.tsHE� JUN 2 41978 � a �— �� June 13, 1g78 T0: St. Paul City Council FROr1t Norma Firinegan, Board member of District Council 16/Summit Hill After reviewing the proposed method of appointment of CIB Committee members, my comments are as followa: 1. Restricting appointmen� of a representative for District 16 to _ the small portion of the area located in Senate District 63 creates a very unfair and limited appointmer_t process. 2. If the intent of the legislature in forcing the city to use leg- islative districts for CIB appointments was to create better liaison betvreen citizens and their legislative representatives -- that intent will be frustrated in District 16. At least 85� of District 16 is in Legislative District 65. No resident of 'that largest part of the 1�istrict may serve as a representative to the CIB Committee under the proposed plan. 3. Although District 16 has not been a large recipient of CIB funds, 85 per cent of its residents should not be closed ou� of the citizen participation aspect of the CIB process. District 16 residents have had a high voting record, have been V�illing to serve St. Paul on many boards ar_d commissions and deserve every chance to participate fully in the important decisior_s made by the CIB committee. 4. I realize the legislative restraints that have been placed on tne appoin�r�ent process. Ho�,�ever, the city should ma'�e every effort to cnange this Most ur_fair Me�hod of citizen representa- tion in the next legislative session. Sincerely, ,. ,, � ��/>,-G!✓�ILJ �'���--%,`� ����� � � Tiorma Finne�an 870 Lir_wood Avenue St. Paul, P�inneso�a 55107 . . :� �SS� � 7/ � - .� � . � : . . � . Sl,��l�li`� ! _ • • & DISTRICT 16 PLANNING COUNCIL summ�t � associatiar� . : Jwne 13� 1978 . To: Saint Paul City Council Frorns Margaret Gadiento President of Se.mocuit Hill Association/District 16 T�ie Summit Hil1 Board/Di�trict 16 Planning Council voted unani.mously a� its June 8, 1978 meeting to reiterate i�s opposition ta the Ordinance concerning the restructuring of the CIB Coc�mittee. The City has encouraged full citizen particigation through the District Planning Process and citizens are trying to wark wi�hin this system to be heard. NoW. legislation has been passed which not only ignores the District Plaruzing Councils, but also prevents citizens from serving and being repre- sented adequately on one of the ma�or Committees involved in budget�;��plann�.�g. The Citizen Participation Coordinator has prepared a map to advise the Mayor as to where representatives fram Senate Districts should be locatede This plan calls for two representatives fro�a District 4, allows for representation of Districts 10 and 13 by ci�Cizens li.ving in only � of its Districts, and disqualifies all residents who live East of Lexington from representing . District 16. This method of selection is not only grossly �.fair, but it is in complete contradiction to the philosophy of citizen participation and planning which the City of Saint Paul seetns c�nmitted to ,der. All citizens have a right to be represented and no resident interested in - serving on the CIB Committee should be disqualified from consideration be- cause he lives on the wrong side of a Senate District Boundary line. The Summit Hill Association asks you to oppose the system of selection for the CIB Committee which is being proposed, and urges the Mayor, The City Council. and all the District Planning Councils to work toward a change in the legis- lation. . cc Mayor Latimer and all M�nbers of the Council , . , � #,.��.aren ��hr�stct€fe=son, �a�n}u�r� �:;�c� d�t�i���i 1'�1z,' I"r`^al���.11�:�,.� "L'�i��`"e�f:,'�€::" vi_:'�"i�_5�I713�C1tz�li;� 1'ls'::IC}�Is.'�•t�'�ii�� .------ ri'" l�' �E.a.�i.i.�..i.E�.F E C ' . .... . . .. . .. . ....__._,--..--._.. . ..-._,..... _ .. . . . . . . . . MG/tr ., . _ � � �'����� , . �•� \✓t��'1.��� ��D�'1`'T + ��r � :'`° . ��� ? �_. � � ��TY oa CITY OF SAINT PAUL ~��� = DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECON4MIC DEVELOPMENT � � � .�::::.; ` ..~`�'�� ' DIVISION bF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �� � 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 +•' C� 1''-ti 612-298-5586 1—'! I George Latimer � � ��/ Mayor •; .` '�����` ' ��,� €j; �.;:�F ^� �� •,` i� :'! ;�: 'J x_ .� ;�'j . .`f . ;-:� MA'�:� ;� �;r$ � �_ �'� +�.:?,G:;..::���T��? .��� _v J � MEMORANDUM A����� `�"-,a ,7-,`.— � � iJ To: Early Notification System Mailing List � From: Karen Christofferson ;�/ �r— Date: May 15, 1978 Re: Ordinance for CIB Restructuring The attached ordinance will receive its third and final h�}ring in the Ci ty Counci i CMambers at 10:00 a.m. on May 30, �1978. Tt�.► �f ty C�r�C�i 1 will also convene the public hearing for� this orclinanc� at that time. Information regarding proposed changes in the CIB Committee, as per recommendations made by the Ad Hoc Citizens Task Force,were mai7ed through the ENS in January, March and April of 1978. As you know, the Minnesota State Legislature in 1978 approved an amendment to the CIB bill for Saint Paul requiring 18 members, with 3 representatives from the six Saint Paul Senate Districts. The attached ordinance speaks to the 18 member requirement and also to representation by citizen participation districts. Membership on the new CIB Co�nittee would become effective in November of 1978. Any comments regarding this ordinance should be made in writing to the Mayor and City Council by May 30, 1978. Public testimony will also be heard at the May 30 City Council public hearing. KC/kk Attachment cc: Mayor George Latimer Members of the City Council Members of the Ad Hoc Citizens Committee on CIB Restructuring Mr. William Patton Mr. Gary Stout / Mr. Greg Blees✓ .. �_., . _ . ., _ _ . --_.._--- --. _ - - _ _. .. .- -- � . , l C�� y ) � . � . � . � � . summ�t � , � @ DISTRIC? 16 May 30, 1978 summit � P�z� �oUN���� . . asso�c�at��n � : Tne Sumait Hill, Association/District 16 �'lanaing Council has been wozki�tg with the Ci�r and believed that the City� desires and encourages full citi- zen participation in Citq planning. The Ordinance proposing CIB restructuz°-- ing li.aits rcpres�ntation frc�n District 16 to a v�ry s�all portion of the entire Distriet, sp�cifically, that small area Weat of Lexington �'ar�►ay to the.Short Lineo We oppose the propose�i syste� for selection of ca�f.zens to participate on the CIB Conmittees and w� as1c the City Council, a��ng With the May�or and th.e Ca�aunitp Develog�nerit Office to support a et�nge in CYi+� :legi:�s:la�idn to �nsure full and equal represeatation fra� each �f tYYe - Plartning Districts ia the Citp. y.__. . ; Respectfnll s b�aitted, '� � — _ i� Mr � t Gadient� President��of Su�ait H3�1.1 Asscc�cciation/DistrictA Planning Cot�ci�: ` CC. Mayor Latimer Members of City Council Karen Christofferson I�/tr � r`t���-�r�clf{I "i/r�c:���a=�t��� =<v��nclet� to rnairt�ai� �.�rr�i d=:;u�;(�� t�A,�resid�nti�l cl��r�cfe;�r of !f� st�rn�=T f�Eif n�"sc��c�nc���ci � � ��� / � _}. � , . � � o � �� � �L : � _ �_ ' __��e..___�..c.n.— __ -�-`'���°c�-�->j� � � �/ � �y�� �� _ , __ �.. __._ _ _ _ , �._ _� _ �. ���� � �..�- -�,�-�'� :_��'��sz., , - . _ `D� � - _ _ __ __ _ _� � �-� �t--- ' _ ._ � _ ' - _ _ � .__ _ _ __ . `\ �� ��c� � • — a ' _ G_.__�f - y���`�'i�.�--c ; /- -- � -- ----- -- - _ _ � , , - __-- ---�-- _ ._�___ _ �� , � ------ ----- _ — - - _ � � �� ' ------ ___ -- - __ . � ___ __ ----_ __ _ _ _ _ -- -_ __ _ _ _ --� -��� ��° � G�-r`.�.'- �_ _ __ __ _ __ _ G�- �0-' _ __ � , , ` ��' : �n�i� _ � r,��- ��e- . - - - _ __- __ ��" � , � � � ��-G...e� - - _ � . t�e �� _. 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