273086 WHITE - CITV CLERK ! � yi.� PINK - FINANCE COl1I�C11 � r����� BLUE-v�MAVORTMENT GITY , AINT PAUL File NO. ��� 'R a�i��� V ~ • rdindnce Ordinance N 0. � �7 � 311 . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance designating the Saint Paul Public Library/James Jerome Hill Reference Library as a Heritage Preservation Site. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Pursuant to the authority contained in Ordinance No. 16006 adopted May 18, 1976, as amended by Ordinance No. 16429 adopted April 4, 1978, upon the request of the Heritage Preservation Com- mission of the City of Saint Paul and after having duly considered the matter at a public hearing held in accordance with the said ordinances, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby designate the following described property to be a Heritage Preser- vation Site: Saint Paul Public Library/James Jerome Hill Reference Library located at 90 W. Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on property legally described as Block 18, Auditor' s Sub- division #34. Section 2. SAINT PAUL �UBLIC LIBRARY JAMES JEROME HILL REFERENCE LIBRARY Preservation Program The present exterior of the Saint Paul Public Library and the James Jerome Hill Reference Library should be COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved Cit Atto y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK � � " � ' }'�ti PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PALT L Council ��;��,�.�.� CANARV -DEPARTMENT � �LU6• r MAVOR File �O. �� a � • O/ in�znce Ordinance N0. 1 �� �d Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date preserved in a manner consistent with its original design intent. The stone balustrade surrounding the building and site should be preserved. The Library's inner courtyard is of vital importance as the sole landscaped open space on the immediate thoroughfare (Kellogg Boulevard) , and this garden also served as a foil for the building' s unique window treatment. Maintaining this landscaping around the building, including the courtyard on the southern side is encouraged. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 2 . COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � In Favor Hunt �e J Against BY Maddq.�-_ __�. �walter ,i ;--'�Tedesco � A�opted by Counci • Date JUN 2 6 1979 Form Approved b Cit Attorne r r' Certified ed b nc' cret BY By . 2 8 19 9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council App by Mayor: Dat By By R1B�t5HED JU L 7 1979 r �. ✓ � � - - ' CITY OF . SAINT PAUL � HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION January 22, 1979 � �'���[, Rose Mix, City Clerk 586 City Hall . Saint Paul , Minnesota . Dear Madame: The Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) has recorr�nended ta City Council that the Saint Paul Pu61ic and James Jerome Hill Reference Library, 90 West Pourth Street, be designated as a Heritage Preservation Site. The procedure for HPC designation consists of: 1) Nomination of a site to the HPC for consideration 2� Review of the site by the HPC's Candidate's Committee for possible historical and/or architectural significance , 3) A Pu61ic Hearing is held 6y the HPC once the site fs approved by the Candidate's Committee 4) HPC recommendation of the site to City Council for designation as a Heritage Preservation Site. 5) Review of the site and Preservation Program by Saint Paul City Planning for recommendation to City Council 6) A Public Hearing by the Saint Paul City Council on the site The Saint Paul Pu61ic and James Jerome Hill Reference Library, has gone through all the steps listed above, up to City Council Public Hearing. Uutlined below is a history of the designation process for the site thus far: -HPC Pu61ic Hearing: February 6, 1978 � -HPC Recommendation to City Council : June 5, 1978 -Planning Commission Resolution passed: October 27, 1978 421 Wabasha Street • Saint Paul • Minnesota • 55102 � 298 -4151 i � � f • -2- Once a site is designated, the Neritage Preservation Commissian is empow- ered by ordinance to review any building permit appTications regarding designated sites. Permit review power gives the Commission control over any possible exterior changes to desi�nated historic. structures. This permit revieu� power does not affect interior changes. The Saint Paul Public and James Jerome Hill Reference Library is scheduled to be heard before the Saint Paul City Council , Thursday, February 1 , 1979. Sincerely, � �'--- G�^-}--`-.., . C. Terry Pfoutz � Heritage Preservation Commission Staff CTP/jad � , 4f� . M � , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 28, 1978 David Nozza, Council President � , . Members of the Saint Paul City Council Saint Paul City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55101 Dear President Hozza and Council Members: The Heritage Preservation Commission respectfully submits to the City Council its recommendations that the following buildings be designated as Heritage Preservation Sites: � 1 ) Saint Paul Building, 359-363 Wabasha Street s 2) McColl Building, 366-368 Jackson Street ' � � 3) Pioneer/Endicott-Midwest Buildings, Robert and Fourth Streets �+ 4) Landmark Center, a09 West Fifth Street � � 5) Saint Paul Public and James Jerome Hill Reference Library, 90 West Fourth Street K : 6) Minnesota Museum of Art, 305 Saint Peter Street . , � 7) Stella Louise Wood Children's Center, 1652 Sumnit Avenue a 8) First Baptist Church, 499 Wacouta Street �, 9) Brunson House, 485 Kenny Road i 10) _ Luckert House, 480 Iglehart These sites were all given thorough consideration by the Comnission, and underwent official hearing procedure. As required by ordinance, a preserva- tion program for each site is enclosed. Also enclosed are the resolutions . of the Planning Commission from their required review of each site. For your information, the Comnission forwards the site nomination forms which state the history and significance of each site. More complete information is available from the Commission's Criteria Checklist on each site. Please contact Terry Pfoutz of the Heritage Preservation staff at 298-5523 for such information. Sincerely, ��,�,..�...� ,��....� � - Bernard Jacob, Chair an —� Heritage Preservation Commission BJ/cc cc: Mayor Latimer, 421 Wabasha Street • Saint Paul • Minnesota • 55102 • 298 -4151 City Clerk ' ... , ,a 3 . . . � � SAINT PAUL FfRlTAGE PRESERIIATIqV G�'MISSIqd S11E Nd'91NATlqV F�1 � �� ��, l�HUI Publlc Ltbrary and Jan�e Jrro.�e N111 Reference Library 1�1�f(lRlC: l,l.l�7NOW: ll UX,{�T1l�V .�� W�y� 4c�, Street, st. Peu� HL11 Krferenc�;/ E1/3 of Block 18; St. p�ul Public;W 2/3 of eluck 18 AFiESS: ' AuJitors Subdiviaion 34 c�Al. DESCR 1 PTI ON: ,� lil �� �� City of St. Psul IV�P'�: IIQatESS: !V lAl� USE IOCATIa� MAP — -• . r,u�� O w �- `�.� f .� - ���� � � •'���{�� �, �M f. Z �r . �' J � � � ��R�� , . .. P � � �� �.:� ,��,� � _ _ P�, � � � G�ti � � �, � ,� ' �" ;..,: � ti,, � ��1 �: _ :P .., , G ��v .,,, , .. �.� • s G�` � . � ,- y :r:•}:: ���y� . ; ; �� , , �P d :� : a >;>:: __.. ;;:: � � ' `�` V F(� P��� � Mikel Clifford, NPC staff inember 421 Wabasl�a, St. Paul NAr�/TinF; IIar�ESS: �UPERVISOR: Terry Pfoutz L1ATE: 6/27//e v I Da:l�'E7�TAT I qV qV F I lE HISTORIC SITE ��Tlal Fq�1 on file B�l�� P�l ""' on File SL I DE PHpTC1GRAPF� p� �� �I�NAL QESCRlPTIVE MATEAIAL �L1ST) o�� file lL1ST1 �evapaper articles, leaflet� mabazinu articles d' , � � " ' SAINT PAUI. FfR[TAGE PRE�RUATI�I Oa'MISSIqd SITE Nd''IINATIq�I FORM VII IVARRATIVE: HISTORY Alm SIGNIFICANCE OF S1TE �ne building l�ouses the St. Paul Public Library and the James Jerome Hill Reference I.ihrsry. Designed by Electus D. Litchfield of New York, with Charles C. Soule of Massa- cl�uset[s acting as an advisor, the building 18 a perfect realization of the Renaissance Revival style. It is entirely fitting th�t the building reaembles nothing so much as the palace of e Flore�tfne merchant prince, for Hill waa the closest approximation of a Renaiasance prince ever see� in St. Paul. He amasaed great we�lth from innumerable and unscrupu- lo�is businesa deals, notably•in railroeda. 1914 found him aging a�d aeeking an out- ward expression of hia reapectability. With tht yeara� even power came to be thought uE as a mere steppingstone to the higher good of fame. In May the same year, Htll obtained a building permit for the reference library. It was no[ until the next month that the City of St. Paul was iseued a permit for the remeinder of the building. It appears, therefor, that the LLbrary complex wae the brainchild of Hill, who may also deserve credit for the choice of architect, eince Litchfield's name is mentioned in thet capacity on the reference library permit. Hiatory, however, has changed the pattern of eventa; even ae eerly as July, 1918, the Pioneer Press preaented Nill in the unlikely role of follower: When the site of the present public library was bought by the city, Mr. Hill offered to buy a corner of the block and at hfa own expeoae build a large wing to accomodate a reference library. Tl�e Public Library was built with funds from a public subscription drive, the sale of public bonds, and the gift of a single donor, one Greenleaf Clark, of $30, 500, Two yeara after signing the building permit, James Hill was dead. He left . neither instructiona nor endowments for proceeding with the reference library. Costs for its construction were reia by Nill's widow and children, and it stands to- day� not as an example of Nill's farsighted philanthropy, but as a tribute to his family's generosity. The St. Paul Public Library opened ita doors OcCober 10, 1917, and the Fiill Reference i.ibrary Eollowed suit nearly a year later. T},e four story buiiding occupies an entire city block, overlooking [he Mississippi River to the s� uth and facing Rice Park and the old Federal Courts building on tl�e nortt�. The front facade is a horizontal rectangle with two side pavilions contain- ing the entryways. The winga extend southerly from the main body of the building and Eront to Kellogg Street. The resulting "t1" ahape embraces s garden courtyard on three sidea, leaving the fourth side open to the Mississippi. Tt is a welcome cul-de-sac in the midst of downtown St. Paul. Constructfon of •the building was of hrick� stone, and concrete, faced in a thick layer of smooth-finished Tennessee mar- t�le. The whote library complex is aurrounded by a fence of the same marble. A l�w-pi[ched hip roof resta on a dentilated cornice, and ia [iled in red terra cocta. Copper drains ou[line the massing of the building, and msrk the distinctions between � , � IY �. � .� . � SAINT PAUI. FERITAGE PRE�fRNATI�I Ca'MISSI�I S1TE NQ�91NATl�I FaiM V I� NARflAI!VE: HI STORY AI� S 1 GN 1 F 1G1NCE Of Sl TE (�'�l;4 turu) p.�v i 1 iuus n�i� tlir c.•nl ral bui lJ ing. 'll�uu�;l� syururlry �;uvCrus tt�e brrengement �t maes, there is an inaiatence on aeyametry in �l�cail, rsprcially tl►rou�h feneatration. 'lbia finde tts moet flagrent expression tu the faca�es of cl�� win�s facing the gorden courtyard. Except for the baeemrnt s���y, tiie Jemrs tlill side appeara as uni�terrupted etone, while the Public Librery ptiviliun is a ca�u�l��iiy oE fe�estration--ite focade pterced by ovec aeventy windows. 'I'I�C rrec entry is o��ly slightly Lesa aaya�netrlc. vLth windowe around and above it i�� �tuJied Jisurder, wliile the duorway itaelf is ploced tn a pedimented porch. l.itcl�Field apparently thuu�ht it not worthwhile to make every part fit the next or main[ain a cuusistent senae for the entir�ty. ltiie is not to say the building l�cks order. In fact it retaine a virtue connaon in Greek design and almost in- v�riaUty absent truiu the lto�aan: the ea►ployment of blank spacee in the compositlon. l.i t�iifield's intereet fn that device seen�s to have invited its us� wttt� daring lil,�rality, tur tt�e propurtion of empty wall ia altogetl►er out of the ordinery. '11�� brandeur uf tl�e buitding ia echieved tt�rough the extreme aimplicity of the trunt �esign anJ thc daring oE ite tranquility. llouble atairweys with balustrades :�uJ �l►alluw steps approecl► chr front entrances. 'Phe doore are reached through ��•�•e55rJ porticos Eramed by Palladian arctiwaye. 'lt�e round arch, moreover, appears os a L�itnwtif thruughuut the building. '11�e arch ta repeated as recesaed, ar- ca�1cJ wiiiJuws ur entryweys, and appears in the PuUlic Library wing on every side. lu.l�e�, ti�e winJow .letails infuse the builJin� with delicacy and airiness, unusual I�r so muuuwental an ed'tfice. N�t uuly is it a w�rk ul architectural �isCinction and luciJity, the buildin� is i�nE�urtdnt I�isturically es emboJying the i�l�a of a librery as a temple of learning. It-, Itenais::ance style encourages this iiupression. but the typically turn of the c��ntur-y i�ea oE a ecmple is most evidrnt i.n [he building interior, and ebpecially iu tl�a reuJing ruom of the Hill ltef�reuce winb. The setting of the libraries is �:.5�ncially that ot an urban park, end it is important for the composition of thr �i�•I�itec�ure [t�al it retatn the open errds around it. SAINT PAUL PUBLIC LIB&4RY/JAMES JSROME HILL REFEBENCE LIBRASY Preservation Program The present exterior of the Saint Paul lublic Library and the Jamea Jerome Hill Reference Library should be preserved in a manner conaistent with its original design intent. The stone balustrade surrounding the building and site should be preserved. The Library's inner courtyard is of vital importance as the sole landecaped open space on the imaediate thoroughfare (Kellogg Boulevard), and this garden also served as a foil for the build- ing's unique window treatment. Maintaining this landscaping eround the building, including the courtyard on the southern side is encouraged. ' St. Paul Pu�lic Librar /James Jerome Hill Reference Librar city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 78-38 date �ctober 27, 1978 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission has advised the Planning Commission of the proposed �esignation of �he St. Paul Public Library/James Jerome Hill Reference Library, 90 W. 4th Street, as a Heritage Preservation site; and WHEREAS, the Heritage Preservation Comnission has forwarded a program for the preservation of the St. Paul Public Library/James Jerome Hill Reference Library; BE IT NOW RESOLVED, that the Planning Comnission makes the following recomnendations with respect to the designation of the St. Paul Public Library/James Jerome Hill Reference Library: 1 . Designation and the proyram for preservation do not conflict with the Comprehensive Plan of the city. 2. Designation and the program for preservation fit in well with the historic image of the Rice Park area. 3. This designation is not in conflict with any other planning consideration at this time. 4. The Planning Comnission recommends approval of the proposed designation of the St. Paul Public Library/James Jerome Hill Reference Library. moved by �evy �i�Q�'��d �/ Hanqgi in favor 14 -� `�� against` I � � t '. I � G � W � ` � � � i , � � � � � �-� � � , � � � � , � � o � ' � �' ` , . , - :* � � , k N �t — ' n � �— � . � � � �. � � �D � ? , � � ,� 3 ` � ��� � , O � O � � ' ~ � .• � t � �� 1 � N �I 9 (� o a �_ (/� � v - , � � j ♦ I � ' O . Q � r � � r � � y,.-.r-o a a ? � S' � -��+< � ��..�.� � � „'� -�.N W � � O3 -+OO d i�fD -+O "h'fi � • � C����W N � �QI 0 � � / ' �d a 0� n � /� � !"f 0.� v• Z � u ; � � � � ° "''°' . � � � f �' vi o�O+-°fi"' rp�J � f �` � c� �'�Wc�+ r � �,1 � �. v�r o0 o u, �� '�/ i • °:�°+. o°-�°�� n ' � � C 1n A O , � � �� �va � / � � .. p � V " (J1 � o io i-�n a. � ' r• �J i y� �J� ,�,r j W�nrO N •� J �� • � � ���� �0 � � O O N OD � � � � �• n �_J O W � , r ' � V�tJ�7c'l� �` i � o � � r, o n o -+ ��' ��a �4 ,� I -�,�- -�,o v � v�-�o� au ,.. � c-t �-+� a • O � d� _ a�'xc o �:� -+�NO-� � � � Ay• �W �. '�(D < � �S '-''p �.3' O W � n 1 � ' ��� � °' � Co � ;.,�:. ; �::.-°-. , • Cit ' ` � ' � CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES . ASSESSMENT OIVISION 713 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 January 17, 1979 City Clerk Room 386 City Hall File X2048 AMENDED NOTICE T'he notice of public hearing, dated Jaauary 12, 1979, recommending the designation of certain properties bound�d by Kellogg Boulevard, St. Peter � Street and Washington Street as Heritage Preservation Sites is hereby cancelled, and amended to read: The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 a.m. February 1, 1979 to consider the: � Recommendations of the Heritage Preservation Coummission for the designation of the following buildings as HERITAGE PRESERVATION SITES. M 1. Landmark Center Building 109 West Fifth Street 2. Saint Paul Public and James Jerome Hill Reference Library 90 West Fourth Street 3. Minnesota Museum of Art 305 Saint Peter Street If you desire further information in this regard, contact the Heritage Preservation Commission Staff at 292-6440. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATIAN AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER � : . . ����t��� _ � ` . ' -' ' . - � — � � . � . _ . _. , . M�'l 8� 1979 � bir. �Tc3�•'f P.°outs -- , ' , ll.th t�lco;�, Cii:y .lnr,c�x . - � . _ ; Jt. T'�l'.1?� iK2;L',e3�»'3 , . � �Efir :��.S � � / - ' � T'ne Cii� -SYY•1��21C�� Wes PEq;l@3�'a LO prepare ov'dinanccs ,;raqtih_; the _ , applie�t:c:c�s o.'. the '�oI?rc�ain� for �jeat��n.�tic�r.s as H��t.ric °rese:�-r�+ion si*es; ', . � , . � '3t. �'acl 'u91d�n ;- � . • � I�ic;o�l i3t�ilc�ir� � ' , ' . . . � . � Pic,nee./Enc?icott-1•S��estBui l_dinn� 'i�in;�i.-�.rk Ce!�£c,t• _ � 8�. ^aul Public and Ja�-es J� T'I��.1 �E'_°E!'fIIC@ Libr•i�y . . � .. - I�I3!?e:i0'j'.8 i%ttlfi@::74 At Al"'t ( � j' - � . .� . . . � . � - ' � . � .. . , ` . � _ � � . . ' ' , . . : This is .for yo+u� in f�rr�tion. _ , � � . . . . _ . . ; , ; � -� . . j . , ' Yours trulYs . . .. . . .. - . � . ._ • � . ; - - � , _ . � : ' ' _ , � r � , - : , , . . _ � � . [iose Mix ' � � � - � � . : t�� . y_ � � Cit� Clerk • - - . ' � ,. . . ,: , ' „ , . _ . . t ` . - . . : . . : ; ( _ t , � - . . . ,; ,.. . • - . , . � �. � • � , ..��q�� ._ . • � . . '. ' � � _ . . . . . . . . . . � . �[}Q . . � '�a , . . � � . . _ .... . . - . 17[U)�� ' �: � � l . -, . ..` � � � _. . ' . .. . . ' � ' � _� ^.. � � . • F. _, . . ' . . .. �; : . � - . . � : t . . , " " . . � , .- -' ._ . .. _ � , . , ` � _cc s Ernest Sandeen � � ' y ' � - � � :�.' , • � � l ` ; _ '.� :i , ; , � ; " � .�j�... ; ' . -�i� _ l+ . .. 'f ^•s s� }.� �•� "�i . . .. r - �. ( . , \ , � . . . . - � ,• • . l`. � , . . � -� ,/_.. - " , '. r.^ 4 �� .'T `;, -� . � ') � ; i �` _ � * • ,� "`^ ,. � - /'-' --+ -� ' . • - , t . � _ ,4,x` . -_ . . . , . . . � ' .` ..'' �� � � ' � , > � .. . , , . .... �, : � . , ♦ i. � � �.e+ , � .. � f , .. . . , � � � �', - . . - . - � � . � �. ' _ ,.r„_. . - . . �. � '� � �' � � - �_ ' , .. . . . /"- .. . . ' . .. , ..� r � .. .. � i� r ' ,. . . .. � � .. : . ^ - ��_ . _ �? '. ,� � .�� `� . _..0 • . _ ••; ' �. ,. , . „ � .. ', . . . , � ' � . . . �r . , • � . .. . , . . . .. . . . � . . , . � • . � . �. � . . . , . ` . . . . }` . ' . ������� � - ' , , ; � _ � ' February 22, 1979 , . , ` � - � � , ' ' _ - _ - . . - ! . , . �, � , . . . . - _ . , Mr. Terry Pfoutz � � ' � - City Plannii�g Dept. - : . • , . 12th Floor', City Annex . ' . . , - . - Dear Sir: • ' , � _ _ meet�mg The �`ollao�dai� act�.ons w�ere taken by the City Council at its February� 22, 1979 / � , t�ith,respect to certain noc►inationa as B�storic Preservation Sites: ' ; - The applications of St. .Paul Building, !�icColl Building, Pioneer/Endicott- Midwest�Buildinge, Lanc2�ark CenEer, St. Paul Yubl.ie anc� J�es 3. Hill , Reference Library and Minnesota Mz�aeur.� o� Art �rere laid over until such ' tir�e as the ekqway pro�rar.��has been firc�d up. , . � ' . � , �, "�± Tha applicatioa of Stella .Louise W�ood Children's Center was denied. � - • . . . - � _ + , _"-1'ha applications of Firat BspCiat-Chnrch, the Brunson Sfluse aad the �" � � . . � . _ -. - Luckert H�euse were approved. . . , -x` , ' _ . - � � r` . _ � _ , , . This for your information. . _ . . , . � � , . - . . ' ` ' , " � ' �, Yours truly, . _ ' � : . ' . ._- • , � . • . • ' � , � . , . , � , ,� � . - - . _ - � � , -. . , ► • . : . ' , , , � , �� . . , ; " . � . � Rose �tix, : ' �.. � . , � , , � . : . . - �:r • ' � , 'C3ty Clerk ' � � � _ , ,, , . . . ' - . , Cc}: Berriard Jacob, Chairman of 8eritage Preservation Go�ittee � . . � F ,. . . 1 . � ` ,�. � : . _ - . - .,:� . �}' , -� . . .��r �M1� • . . - . i . .,��' . � . i t �, -+. � ✓ � , _ . - . .�. .. , .', . _ � . . s � .� .s. w . . . _.4 _ . , " ,��/8�rii � :�� r'i.` � ` r� ..�..�� �` '� '/ �h � . . �, + .. �. . .�1:� ` t ;; f' . _ . . . . .� . � .; � . _ _ . , � . - . . , � . � .. . �� � ).-. ' ` �'4 ':, �� „ , .1 .,. . _ _ , . t ..- � � . `. , : i _' . .' . .�. . " ,r sf�,..¢ ' . ! . .,: .. . . _ . . , . . - � �f' . r.�:t� f.� � � •�nf . . -. . _ 1� . �, . � � � ... . �Y � � . , �� . / , . , �. ��. � . . . . ,. , , . . . . . .. tt . . - � � � � . . �, + ,. �= . : . •, ; .� , , , , �.: } •� ` , , ' , . . ; {' ' <; � . �t ... � , �,• y , _'} , . . � .' � z . , , b ��,i� j� � � .. . � � � - � � .. • . .. .� � .. � � � /� -. ��� . .. ._ .. . . _ . �i � . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' ' . . . ` . . t . '. .i - ' • . .. . . _. y ' • � �� , . . .. .. � ., � - � � ' • •. . ' J ' , . . � � . .- , � , ' . _ , . `C .r � � , . - r'- ..��"1•�� . i .`;�� �(:i 't� O�`FICE O��' Tr�F C1TY COD'�'C:II'� �J� �"� �1�L �� :r =: ._�•::�.i: � l ��; l.ca ;s=':. .J `� . � - •.� . :-- .. "�-=� / � �� Oat� : May 1 , 1979 . `��%'..� - ......� � � co �l� �-l �i�� � � � � o � �� . � T Q : Saini Paul � Ci�;� CounciJ � . � . �R O � = Cot�nt��ee Ot� CITY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSPORTATIOt�� . . � Leonard tJ. Levine, choirman, makes ihe foilol�ing _ ' . report on . C.F. [� Ordih�nce � �_ . . : . � : , [� Resotc�tion � � : . - . ' .� . : �X O;her � � , - - , - _:. • _ . • • . . - r . '� �7'j,�'� ; �. �. Letter of the Heri tage Preservation Commi ssTOn ' � � � ' _ � . requesting�COnsideration of historic site . � . � �- . �. nominations for six downtown� b�ildings: � � � : . � r . - ' . - : . . . . . �' � - . •� � � The Commi ttee recorunends approval . � - � �- _ • � - . , . - . : i Y FL�F.L SEVE;YTH FLOOR SAI�►—T PAUL, i it�'NESOTA SSI02 . . . :' r�fy..`�t�' • ; _ � a �- : , ''��'��"- CITY OF SAINT PAUL i�Tr ����... ! ~�� ''�� HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION :� ,�, ,,. :e �; :� `_n�um; ,: ;,� � ��u u �;: ' • - 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 :,�, ,••• . 612-292-6440 .:mm o.:.>..-, GEORGE LATIMER � - MAYOR � April 3, 1919 i , I ? Council President David Hozza and ' � Members of the City Council ' St. Paul City Hall ; St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 � Dear President Nozza and Council Members: ; { The Cit Council at its Februar 22, + y y 1979 meeting tabled the historic � site nominations of six downtown buildings until the skyway plans could be examined for potential conflict with historic designation. � fn response to the Council 's concerns, the Weritage Preservation � Commission asked Mr. Robert Hall , Skyway Project Manager, to give a ; general informational presentation and to comment-specifically on the � skyway system's potential effect on those six downtown sites. ' Mr. Hall 's comnents indicated that there are no planned skyway � connections into any of the six proposed Heritage Preservation Sites. � Hence, it would be very unlikely that a potential conflict would arise ' with the Comnission's permit review power over these sites. ; � The Heritage Preservation Comnission, therefore, respectfully requests + the City Council to take the nominations of the six downtown buildings (St. Pau} Building, McColl Building, Pioneer/Endicott-Midwest Buildings, Landmark Center, St:= Pau1_ Public- and James J. Hill �Reference Library and Minnesota Museum of Ar�}-from the table. Perhaps it would be most appropriate for the Council 's City Development Committee to consider this matter before it is brought again before the full Council . I have t attached a sumrnary of Mr. Hall 's comments before the Comnission. The Heritage Preservation Comnission was favorably impressed with the development of the skyway system as described by Mr. Hall . The system has shown a sensitivity to minimizing impact on historic buildings as � evidenced by the Pioneer and Endicott Building's skyways. If it appears that a planned skyway will have a direct impact on a historic building, the Commission will make its position clear in the building's preservation program, as it did with City Hall 's recommended program which accepts the Annex skyway connection. Thank you for your consideration. ' Sincerely, ��t �,.�/�� Ernest Sandeen, Chairperson . Heritage Preservation Commission cc: Mayor Latimer, James Bellus, City Clerk— � attachment � - ��`' ��.���,�?�i ' . ' ' �'������ CITY OF SAINT PAUL C1TT V�-� � .�4'�� 7,�:. . :. '"" 1�" HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION :�� `uumu; ;; ::� uu ��i�n �= " • _ 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 , •••• 612-292-6440 ; ::�u�,.:.�; � GEORGE LATIMER � � � MAYOR � � April 3, 1979 ; ! Council President David Hozza and " � Members of the City Council � St. Paul City Hall � St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 i i Dear President Hozza and Council Members: � _. The City Council at its February 22, 1979 meeting tabled the historic site nominations of six downtown buildings until the skyway plans ' could be examined for potential conflict with historic designation. In response to the Council 's concerns, the Heritage Preservation � Commission asked Mr. Robert Hall , Skyway Project Manager, to give a + general informational presentation and to comment specifically on the � skyway system's potential effect on those six downtown sites. Mr. Hall 's comnents indicated that there are no planned skyway i connections into any of the six proposed Heritage Preservation Sites. Hence, it would be very unlikely that a potential conflict would arise � with the Comnission's permit review power over these sites. i i The Heritage Preservation Comnission, therefore, respectfully requests � the City Council to take the nominations of the six downtown buildings � (St. Paul Building, McColi Building, Pioneer/Endicott-Midwest Buildings, ; Landmark Center, St. Paul Public and James J. Hill Reference Library � and Minnesota Museum of Art) from the table. Perhaps it would be most appropriate for the Council 's City Development Committee to consider this matter before it is brought again before the full Council . I have attached a su�nary of Mr. Hall 's comnents before the Commission. The Heritage Preservation Commission was favorably impressed with the development of the skyway system as described by Mr. Hall . The system has shown a sensitivity to minimizing impact on historic buildings as • evidenced by the Pioneer and Endicott Building's skyways. If it appears that a planned skyway will have a direct impact on a historic building, the Comnission will make its position clear in the building's preservation program, as it did with City Hall 's recommended program which accepts the Annex skyway connection. Thank you for your consideration. ' Sincerely, ��t �.�,�/�� Ernest Sandeen, Chairperson , Heritage Preservation Corr�nission � cc: Mayor Latimer, James 'Bellus, City Clerk- " attachment ��'�r�sa.r"��r� i I .��•- �-�T:o::;._ I�Y OF S`AINT PAUL � • =�`` ,�., �:���:; i �. � _--. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ., ,: . i :, ;�,�„�„�,. ,: '` "" '� �' DIVISION OF RENEWAL ,., -- ,,� _ , � t�;` ...• , �.�+ .�.�„o.�' 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paut,Minnesota,55702 612-248-5338 CEORGE LATIMER ' i MAYOR � i � , � � /�,�., !r� � � UG' t5 fj� t) March 13, 1979 " � � �' � � ! � ; . ,�� s 519�g 1 Mr. Ernest Sandeen �IT}' �� Chairperson Saim�����'f�-,8��,�,D_ � St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission ' M�nRe�� � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 , � � Dear h7r. Sa�deen and Commission Members: _ ; � As requested, I am summarizing my presentation made to the Corr2mission at your � regular meeting of 1��arch 8, 1979, concerning the St. Paul Skyway System. As you ' recall, the first part of my presentation covered those sky�vay bridges �vhich are either � currently under construction or "programmed" for construction in the near future. i By "programmed", I mean those skyway bridges for which funds are presently available: � , � A. Bridges under constructiort 1. Dayton to Wabasha Court over �Vabasha St. � 2. Bremer Building to Donaldson's over Seventh St. _ - � � 3. Donaldson's to Metro Square over Robert St. . + 4. Mears Park Apts. to Park Square Court over Sibley St. I • B. Bridges Programmed for Construction 1. St. Joseph's Hospital to Gallery Medical Offices over St. Peter Street� 2. 1Vorthwestern National Bank to Town Square over Sixth Street 3. Bremer Building to Town Square over Minnesota St. 4. Athletic Club to Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Building over Cedar Street 5. Ulinnesota Mutual Building to Degree of Honor Building over Fourth Street 6. Degree of Honor to Minnesota Title Abstract Building over Degree Auditarium 'Other possible future skyway bridges were also discussed but are not yet funded; therefore, they are in the planning stage only, subject to future revision. The discussion, then, turned to those buildings downtown which the Cor�mission has recommended to the City Council #or designation as Historic Preservation Sites. I was asked to comment on the potential for future skyway bridges to each of the , buildinos: • �::, ! , � � Page 2 ; � � . � ; 1. ST. PAUL BUILDING - 359-353 1�/ABASHA STREET i Comment: It is highly unlikely that any sky�vay connection �vould ever be proposed to connect directly to this building. Future sky�vay bridges in this block would more likely be built from the Doerfler Square Building across �'✓abasha; the Lowry • Medical Building across St. Peter; the Field Schlick Building across Fifth Street; or the City Hail Annex across Fourth Street. None of these possibie connections are firm yet and each would be dependent on some future private developmznt. either �n the form of extensive remodeling or new construction. 2. ti1C COLL BUILDING - 366-368 JACKSON STREET Comment: The Lowertown Development Corporation and the City are seeking both rehabilitation of existing buildings and new development for that bIock (Block 40), but present plans call for skyway connections in other buildings in the block and not directly into the McColl Building. 3. PIONEER/ENDICOTT-MIDIJEST BUILDNGS - ROBERT AND FOURTH STREETS Comment: Skyways into this block already exist. No future skyways are pIanned at this time and would only occur when and if there were future redevelopment , of the north side of the block at the Empire Building. � 4. LAhDMARK CENTER - 109 W. FIFTH STREET , �� Cornment: There is nearly universal agreement that this building should never � be connected via a second level skyway. Planning done to date for pedestria� ' connection to this building has always considered a tunnet connection from the Hamm Building or other blocks as the preferred alternative. � ' S. ST. PAUL PUBLIC AND JAMES JEROME HILL REFEREtVCE LIBRARY - � 90 N. FOURTH STREET i Comment: Same as the Landmark Center — connection, if any, wouid prohably be by tunnel rather than skyway. 6. MINNESOTA MUSEUM OF ART - 305 ST. PETER STREET Comment: Because of the unique nature of surrounding buildings, such as City Hall Court House, Northwestern Bell addition, West Publishing Co., a skyway ap�ears highly unlikely in the foreseeable future. � • 7. THE ST. PAUL CITY HALL AND RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE Comment: Two skyway bridges into this building are possible. The first �voutd connect to the City Hall Annex across Fourth St; the second would connect _ to the Commerce Building across Wabasha St. The first bridge to the City Hall Annex woutd be in place of a proposed tunnel connection under Fourth St. The primary case which can be made for a skyway bridge rather than a tunnel is that a second level connection would better serve the public if there were other second level connections (and possibly a People Mover Station) from new development in the St. Pa�l Hotel block and remodeling of the Lowry Vledical Building on the first and second levels. . _ Page 3 s�y , , . � �"�`�'�'f� � . � ' � The City has made no final decision on either of these future skyway connections , and will probably not make a firm decisio� until the DPM a�d the development � � issues for the adjacent blocks become more clear and more certain. I _ , < <Vith respect to the possible location of a skyway bridge connectiort from City Halt to the City Hall Annex, illustrations were presented which sho�v that the most desirable conn�ction (aesthetically) would be into the �=�est side of City ' Hall over the alley. Again, no final decision has been made on a specific bridge � or its possible alternative location. . . , � Finally, the question was asked about the design of present and future sky�vay bridges { in the downtown area. I responded by noting that all bridges look alike on purpose -- so they will not compete architecturally or aesthetically with the variety and diversity 1 of existing buildings and with new development. They are purposely "neutral" in character ! so as to blend into the overall street scene and not calt attention to themselves to , � any great degree. They are considered more as "street furniture", with a standard, uniform size, shape and color. In my opinion--and this is only my opinion, not any official City position—this uniformity works better aesthetically than having a variety of bridge designs throughout the downtown area. � Thank you for the opportunity to meet with the Commission. If I may be of any further � assistance, piease advise me. Sincerely, � � .�.�GC� -. Robert F. Hall Project Manager . ' RFH/bkd � cc: Mayor Latimer � City Council Members G. Stout D. Ford J. Englund D. Foster A. Matheiu - J. West T. Pfoutz. , . ,.< . ,,>_, ,. -:y .,:. . , r, , _ ' . . . - ������ _ , . . � . - � - . � _ - , r - i + - _ � . April 10, 1979 � - , ' � � . , � � , . ' _` Councilman,Leonar� Lefine . � � Chairman, Ci�.y De�elop:.�cnt °c Transportat,ion C�r�ittee , , Room 718, City Hall , • . � _ . 3t. Paul, Minnesota - ; � Dear Councl2r.•iare i,a�rine: � � / . The City Council tada;l re�fe-red to the City Deytic�s�ient �: Trar'.e- � � po*tatian C-:csnitte�, a� lette- o° the Chairpe�•acn o? tlie Rerita.�e - • , pr�eervatl��i3 Co��isaion 7�equestin;; coaaidernt�oa by tha Cour�cil � � . � �- o£ Fi3etc_~ir. Site�n^�si:�t3ons 'o* �ix dokTntown �ufldin;s �rhictr ' . , � �rere ta:�1e3 oa FPbruary 22, 1979 for st�idy ae t� the slqryrav . � � • . s�eten�s ef�ec� c�i tli��� ��:�gos�d sit�a. It rarb ��re33 tfiat 3 - - ; , c��►9tte� ar.eZtir�� �� c�n3l:ier thz� u��ttcrs sh���:33 nat be set . ' � - ap until n G`it�► Att.or^e;;_ �pinton i� rece�i�e�? eor_cc:r,iir�;; u „ S � sini3ar sit�sz;fon in-^^t-ri��- a 3�S;,�ray� �t�d thr' Cit;;� ���i�•thaus�i � ' • . - . , y,�..y �:-u1,y ;Jo�sM3, . � . -� _ . . , � _ , ; , . , . , . . � � . _ �:3v 2�ix - , . � _ - �� 'C1�y Clork ' . _ � � � . . - - �. , . _ , . , � � , , - - � - , . - - . , , _ � � " , i /LBO�:la , � i , _ v . � � . . . " + . , ' • . - < . - , _ . _ - . . _ _ � • ce: 1�. Tr'�inach, d.ty Attorney . , � .� , _ , -� : _� ' � . P2anning S�'„aff ' , . , . . , : . � a - • � . ., - '..� , \ , r, , , . . , . _ . - _ ,. �,r , , ' ' � � � `� ;'. �. - tiF` ' �. . � , _ - ,',' 'r. ' I.. . . Y ``I� � ' _� " _� , . > _ „ �. . , _ `.. _ - . - '� , \ , � _ ` • � , . � . . . ' _ � - � - . - . ' i - � ' - . _} . • .� �.1 ' �, � . . � . . . .- . -. -• �: � • _,. " .' � _ ', . ` ' ' , .`. ' .. . r .`� , . . � �. � � . � ' � � � . - . . _ . ' � � - � . .. , . - . �_ � . r . F i . � .. . .. . . . . . � \ . . � , . � . � . � � ` t � , . • • � .. . � . . ' . .. ' _. � . i ,� ' - � � � � • °'��`r'=- ����''��1 CITY 4F SA1NT PAUL ^_�`�irr oest::,- -R ''" '`�` HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION �>, � :, o ,� �: ;� 9;ii'iii`ii. �" ?:y —L�- ,:` '>� = 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 `,,. ; '.. +e'• •-' 612-292-6440 �.-...:�'�� GEORGE LATI!�1ER MAYOR r�Er�o�ar��ouM DATE: February 21 , 1979 T0: h1r. David Hozza, City Council President FROiN: Terry Pfoutz, City Planning � RE: Heritage Preservation Sites to be considered at Council meeting of February 22, 1979 _ Attached you 4vi�1 find a packet o� general fnformation distribWted - _- --_ to Council members who were at the City Council DeveTopment Comm'ittee ' - meeting of February 15, 1979. This packet includes a "question and answer summary" listing information on the ten sites 6efore Council on February 22, 1979. Also attached are copies of letters received from owners of these sites, per the City Council request at its February 1 , 1979 meeting. The letters thus far received all support designation. Staff requested a written statement from each owner, and t.hey all indicated their . , : .�__.. intent of sending a letter supporting designation. - CTP/jad Enc. CC. Ci�ty C1 erk..�°''�,� _ ,,��0 . • �'�:�,�'�� A QUESTION AND ANS6JER SUMP�IARY . OF ISSUES RELATED TO HERITAGE PRESERVATION SITES � 2/15/79 . , There were a number of questions -- general and specific -- raised at the City Council meeting on February 1 , 1979 in regards to public hearings on ten proposed Heritage Preservation Sites. The City Attorney was asked for a legal opinion on some of these questions. In addition, the Heritage Preservation Commission thought that it would be helpful to present a brief question and answer summary of these concerns. Q. ) Several specific questions were raised about the ten sites up for hearing: 1 . Was the site on the National Register of Historic Piaces? 2. If not, who requested designation? 3. Do the owners of the sites support designation? 4. What procedures were followed for notification? A.) In 1979 the Heritage Preservation Commission established a policy direction of nominating all National Register sites to the city's list of historic sites. This is the origin of most of the recommenda- tions before City Council . All owners of potential sites were contacted by mail and personally by Commission and/or staff before a scheduled hearing by the Heritage Preservation Commission. Owners within 350 feet of said property were notified of the hearing to discuss potential designation. The "All List" and Early Notification List for each district were also notified of the public hearing for all of these sites. Notice of the Commission's hearing was published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Owners were again contacted by staff to inform them of the HPC recommendation �o City Council and of the City Council 's hearing. Regular notification procedure was again followed for City Council � hearing. � 1 . Luckert House �Q.iR{esr ��+�.��' - National Register - HPC public hearing November 28, 1�77 - Owner, Mr. Charles Hansen, supports designation 2. Pi oneer Endi cott/Mi dwes t Bui 1 di ngs ���� �,�,,,; P�,r�,��1 - National Register - HPC public hearing May 8, 1978 - Owner, Mannillo Company, supports designation � 3. McColl Building - National Register - HPC public hearing May 8, 1978 - Owner, Mr. John Connelly, supports designation h 4. St. Paul Building - National Register - HPC public hearing May 8, 1978 � - Owner, P1r. William 0'Brian, supports designation , � ��a��� - 2 - 5. Macalester Presbyterian Church - Designation requested by neighborhood citizen group - HPC public hearing May 8, 1978 - Owner, Macalester College, supports designation contingent upon an ordinance incorporating certain terms of agreement with HPC. 6. First Baptist Church - Designation requested by the Parish - HPC public hearing May 8, 1978 - Owner, First Baptist Church, supports designation 7. Brunson House /Q�,i� �,,,,a�f - National Register - HPC public hearing November 28, 1977 - Owner, Mr. John Szlavich, has no apparent objections. Mr. Szavich was contacted personally at the time of HPC hearing : and had no objections. Recently staff spoke with Mr. Slavich's son-in-law, Mr. Dale Larson, explaining the meaning of designation in detail . Mr. Larson said that he would relay information to Mr. Slavich and call again if there were further questions or objections. In recent correspondence, -staff has asked Mr. Slavich for a brief written statement of his position. 8. Mi nnesota Museum of Art �l.�y' �� - Nomination originated from the Commission as result of considering the building a pivotal building in a proposed Rice Park Historic District. Later the tentative district boundar•ies wFre redrawn excluding the Museum frer,� the poten�ial district, but the HPC felt the building to be outstanding enough to merit individual designation. - NPC public hearing February 6, 1978 - Qwner, Minnesota Museum of Art, supports designation 9. St. Paul Public and James J. Hill Reference Library - National Register - HPC pubiic hearing February 6, 1978 • - The City of St. Paul is the owner. The appropriate city departments were notified with no objections. Presumably the City Council by its own act of designation will make the final decision. h 10. Landmark Center �� J S� - National Register re's �/ s'�-`� - HPC public hearing February 6, 1978 - The owner is Ramsey County. The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners was notified, Staff for the P�inneso�a Landmark's Board (which administers the Center) supported the designation at the public hearing. However, by oversight, the Minnesota Landmark`s Board was not formally contacted for its position ������ - 3 - on designation. A resolution regarding designation is an the Minnesota Landmark's Board meeting agenda for February 15, 1979. Q. ) Was the District 8 Council notified of the proposed designation of the Luckert House at the time of HPC public hearing? A.) Yes. Q. ) P�r. James Mann, when speaking to the Luckert House designation, mentioned lack of action taken on a request for a district designation. What was that district? A.) Mr. Mann, as a citizen of District 8, requested consideratfon by the HPC of a district on Dayton Avenue between Grotto and St. Albans. The Commission directed staff to research this area as a possible district. This research is now completed and will be forwarded to the Candidates Committee of the HPC on February 15, 1979. Q. ) Does designation of an individual site effect any other nearby property owners? A. ) No, the designation (and consequent permit review power) only applies to that particular property. Q. ) How does a historic district designation differ from an individual . site designation? A. ) A historic district designation coVers several or more properties. The purpose of a district is to preserve the distinctive architectural character of an e�tire ar?a. The "preservation program" �or a distrfct will usually be a general set of guidelines for rehabititation of existing buildings and for new construction in the district. A building permit application for any structure in the district would be revieared but each case would be reviewed with respect to the particular character of that hosue (if rehab) or surrounding houses (if new construction) . Q.) Does designation of a site or district mean that no changes, projects , or plans could take place in the future on that site or district? A.) No, designation simply means that proposed changes would be reviewed by the HPC in light of the defined historic character involve . e Commission's power is not absolute, and any permit applicant - or aggrieved party may appeal to City Council . " Q.) What is the procedure for appeal? A.) If the HPC denies a permit application, it must advise the applicant (or other official party) of her/his right to appeal the decision and provide them with the ordinance explanation of that proeedure. The applicant shall make this request for appeal within ten days of the HPC decision. , • - 4 - Q. ) Would "de-designating" a Heritage Preservation Site be necessary to demolish it? A.) No, a Heritage Preservation Site may be demolished with approval of the wrecking permit by the HPC. Their written opinion must address historical/architectural merit and issues of economic usefulness (as spelled out in the HPC ordinance). As with a building permit application, the HPC's decision may be appealed to the City Council . Q.) Is there some way to know whether the designation of a building will create camplications for city-approved plan? A.) Yes, the Planning Commission reviews a11 recommended designations in . light of planning considerations before they reach City Council . Q.) Are skyways prohibited in Heritage Preservation Sites or Districts? A.) No, like any other project a proposed skyway would be reviewed by the IiFC considering the effect on the historic integrity of the particular site in question. The Commission has never gone on record as being opposed to skyways. Each project and each site would be considered individually. Q.) Are there benefits to the owner of a designated site? A.) Yes, the possibility of increased property value is certainly one value. If a building is not on the National Register, St. Paul designation will make National Designation a greater likelihood When on the National Register the building wouTd qualrfy for certain grants-in-aid; and if comriercial nr income-producing may qual�fy fior tax benefits. � , � r � �"�°°��� SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COP�h1ISSI0N WORK PROGRAM FOR 1979 The Heritage Preservation Commission was created in 1976 by city ordinance. The Commission is responsible far recommending buildings, sites, and districts to the City Council for designation as Heritage Preservation Sites. Once a building is so designated, every building permit application for its exterior must be reviewed by the Commission. A dissatisfied applicant may always appeal to City Council . Nineteen seventy-eight was the Heritage Preservation Commission`s second year of existence. It was the first year of full operation, with the Commission implementing policy decisions and refining procedures formulated in 1977. The Commission was especially active in one primary rea]m of responsibility: recommending designation of Heritage Preservation Sites. A policy decision was made to initially consider all sites on the National Register of Historic Places for St. Paul designation in additian to any nominations from citizens. In accordance with that policy, all of the indivfdual National Register Sites have now been researched and considered by the Commission. Nine of these sites have been officially designated by the City Council , thirteen have been recommended to City Counci] and are currently pending, and five have recently been before public hearing of the Commission. In 1979 tha Heritage Preservation Commission sees its work program as follows: 1 . NISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGNATION With the consideration of individual P�ationai Register Sites almost completed, the Commission will concentrate on reviewing the three Plafiional Registe�° Distric��s within St. Paul as potential municipaZ districts. The largest of these is the Historic Hill National Register District. At the recorrrnendation of its Historic Hill Advisory Committee -- and for the purpose of public discussion only -- the Commission has tentatively proposed local boundaries identical to the State Historic Hill District (which includes the Woodland Park National Register District) in order to ensure that a11 citizens and community groups could speak to their desired inclusion or exclusion from a district. The Commission has not taken a final position on the district . and is not opposed to boundaries closer to those of the National Register District(s). The other National Register District to be considered for St. Paul designation in 1979 will be the Irvine Park Qistrict, with boundaries a�most identical to the national district. A proposed Rice Park Historic District was brought before public hearing � in 1978. At that hearing the proposed district encountered questions from some property owners who were concerned about what specific requirements would have to be met in any permit reviews. In response to these concerns the Commission tabled their recommendation, reduced district boundaries, and drafted a set of design guidelines for the ! Work Program for 1979 - 2 - proposed district. With these guidelines now approved as a draft for public discussion, the Commission will meet with all individual owners to discuss the district and guidelines. Lowertown Development Corporation has also inquired about the possibility of a historic district for that area. If a formal request is received, it is not clear how much time and consideration would be required ta create such a district. . 2. REVIEW OF CITIZENS' NOhtINATIONS The Commission will , of cours�, continue to receive and eValuate nominations of buildings put forth by St. Paul citizens or groups. Actual recommendation for designation of such sites will be based orr strict application of the ordinance's evaluat�ion criteria and o� avail- able staff time. 3. PERMIT REVIEW b�ith nine sites designated and more pending it is probable that the Commission will be reviewing building permit applications for some of these sites in 1979. (With only three designated sites during most of 1978, the Commission did not have a chance to°exercise any permit review power.) 4. HISTORIC SITE SURVEY Evaluating the worth of any potential historic site is hampered without a comparative knowledge of all other possible sites in the eity. Therefore, the Commission is charged in the ordinance with cor,�ucting a citywide survey of historic sites. In 1979 the Commission will put together a joint grant application with the Ramsey County Historical Society to fund a citywide survey from State Historic Preservation funds and private foundation monies. Hence, the survey and its administration will involve almost no regular city staff time. A . SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION SIT�'���� -DESIGP�ATED APlD POTENTIAL- DESIGNATED ST. PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION SITES 1. Como Park Conservatory Como Park National Register 2. Andrew R. t�IcGi 11 House 2203 Scudder Avenue National Register 3. Fredrick Spangenberg House 375 Mt. Curve Avenue National Register 4. Old Main at Macalester College 1600 Grand Avenue National Register 5. University Hall at Hamline University 1536 Hewitt Avenue National Register • �- _ 6. Muskego Church 2375 Como Avenue National Register 7. Justus Ramsey House 252 Irlest Seventh Street National Register 8. Lauer Flats � 224-228 South Western Avenue National Register 9. C.S.P.S. Hall 381-383 Plichigan Avenue � National Register SITES RECOMP•1ENDED TO CITY COUNCIL (PE�JDING) h 10. Saint Paul Building 359-363 Wa6asha Street National Register 11 . McColl Building 366-368 Jackson Street National Register • r • t ' ������','�i SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERUATI0�1 SITES Page two STTES RECOMMEPdDED TO CITY COUNCIL (PENDING) cont. 12. Pioneer-Endicott/Midwest Buildings Ro6ert and Fourth Streets Nationai Register 13. Landmark Center 109 �dest Fi fth Street National Register 14. St. Paul Public and James Jerome Hill Reference Library 90 West Fourth Street National Register 15. Minnesota Museum of Art 3�5 St. Peter Street 16. Macalester Presbyterian Church (Stella Louise ldood Children's Center) 1652 Summit Avenue . 17. First Baptist Churcn 499 4dacou�a Street 18. Brunson House 485 Kenny Road ...,. National Register � 19. Luckert House 480 Tglehart Avenue National Register 20. St. Pau'. City Hzll and Ramsey County CourthousA 15 4Jest Kellogg Boulevard 21 . St. Paul Union Depot 214 East Fourth Street National Register 22. James J. Hill House 240 Summit Avenue . National Register 23. Blair Flats/Angus Hotel 165 4Jestern Avenue - National Register � 24. Adolf Muench House 653 East Fifth Street National Register w. .• f I SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION SITES Page three SITES RECOM�IENDED TO CITY COUNCIL (PENDING� cont. 25. 4lard Beebe House 2022 Surrmi t Avenue � National Register 26. Governor's Residence 1006 Surr�ni t Avenue • National Register SITES FOR 4JHTCH HPC PUBLIC NEARING HAS BEEN HELD (NO VOTE OH RECOP�IMENDATION YET) 27. Alexander Ramsey House � . 265 S. Exchange Street National Register 28. Frank B. Kellogg House � 633 Fairmount Avenue National Register � 29. Burbank-Livingston-Griggs 432 Summit Avenue National Register . � 30. Saint Joseph's Acaderr�y � � . 355 Plarshall Avenue National Register 31. Fitzgerald Row House 587-601 Summit Avenue National Register 32. Minnesota Boat Club 1 S. 4la6asha Street 33. Louise Block 261-277 W. 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Paul �'uhlic :3n�3 �;ar�e�t Jerom�e H111 �ef srence Libraiy� 90 W. ,Fourth St. �i�air Mf�. �1�t1��t , , , , ��aa � aa +��r�rw � 1� ��a�t �t 11� � �e �ta��+r� �r +r�u �sl�s A�+�r�rr�� +� � ��MM�ri 'M�Ir ' , " 1� �' �� � iia w,r 8, 19�g �. � a . ' � �� �i � ' ; _ '� , � � ' , _ � 1i:la , , . . -, , - . , � . , , � �{ _ , - . � . � � . , , . , - � - . � ; _ . . � ,- , , � ,y� _ , , , � . . , _..._.._ ....� _�.._�_ __ _..�. � _ _ _ _ _ ._ ,,.�� _ _..._ .. _.._ �.w _ _ _ _ -�--._--� r � �,\ � � /.� . lst 2nd p/1�,. 3rd , � t,l��Adopted ���P < < Yeas NaYs BUTLER HUNT LEVINE ��`��-��'�� MADDOX SHOWALTER � . TEDESCO • PRESIDENT (HOZZA)