D001098CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFF{CE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATNE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION Approved Copiesto: - C'ity Clerk (Origina� - F+nance DepYs Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. No: �,o�IOq� Date: ��� ADMiNISTRATNE ORDER, Consistent with tfie autfiority grarrted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Cfiarter and based on fhe tequest of tfie Director of the Departrnent of Finance & Management Services to amend the 1996 budget of the Qebt Service fund, ttie Director of the Finance and Management Services Department is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. DEPARTMENT & DIVfSION: LEDGER, FUND, ACTIVITY, OBJECT, PROJECT Finance and Management Services Treasury Division � 963 G.O. Spec. Assess. - Streets 89387 G.O. Spec. Assmt -1987 Issue 0611 G.O. Long Term Debt Interest 89396 G.O. Spec. Assmt - 1996 Issue 0611 G.O. Long Term Debt Interest 0613 Pending Bond Sale Irrterest Payment CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 86,7U� (28,834) 57,866 0 128,834 128,834 100.000 10f 0.0001 0 186,700 0 186,700 a- `O- % � - - - B�tt��,,� Date 1�-(U- n ��q� Date ��,�� 1�_�,�. �� Date � � �� /�, - =�_�---- _�� and Services 12/10/96 ����_ 32425 GREEN SHEET _ DEPARTMENTDIRECCOF �CT'CQUNCIL �NmWQA7E CRY ATTORNEY � GRY CLERK BUOGET OMECTOR O FlN. 8 MGT. $ERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OFfASSISTANn � ('}�oif ArCp17ntant' FOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES To adjust 1996 Debt Service Budget. _ CIB COMMfiTEE _ . _ STnFF _ . _asrwicrcouar -- SUPPORT$ WHICN COUNGII ORIECTIVET ALL l.00ATIONS FOR St6NATURE� pEIiSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has Nis person/firm ever waked under a conMac[ for this Cepartment? YES NO 2. Has tnis persoNfirm ever 6een a city empluyee? YES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possess a sk11 not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? YES NO Explafn ali yes answers on separate aheet antl attaeh to grean sheet The interest payment for 1996 Street Improvement Special Assessment Bond Debt Service was higher than estimated. The1�r 1987 Street Improvement Special Assessment Bonds were under budget, because they were called prior to the second semi-annual debt payment, as a result of the 1996 refinancing. wi11 be in place to gay for 1996 debt obligations from appropriate account codes. None RECEfVEQ �EC ��2 jsss CITY CLERK NOT APPR�VED. The budget does not correctly reflect payments due. AMOUNT OF TNANSACTION $ �NDIHG SOURCE ANqAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN� COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCIE QNE) ACTIVITY NUMBER � U�� YES NO uVV