274351 WHITE — CITV CI.ERK � ���;'�J/ � PINK_ — FINANCE COUIICll /_ [ ���� CAK�f.RV —OEPARTMENT F SA I NT PA U L � File N O. a� � e��� BLUE < MAVOR 0 • / �/ indnce Ordinance N 0. � �P�o�7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the St . Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, � 462 . 357 and � 64 . 210 of the Legislative Code, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul duly petitioned to rezone Lots 19 and 20, Block 83, St . Anthony Park, located on the north- east corner of Ellis Avenue and Long Avenue, from RM-2 to I-1 for the purpose of expanding adjacent industry, the petition having been certified by the Department of Finance and Management Services on July 30, 1979 as having been consented to by at least 670 of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further, having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the same owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The current planning committee on November 1, 1979 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of �onsidering the re- zoning petition, and, pursuant to Section 107 . 03 of the Administra- 'r . tive Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on November 16, 1979 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza �Iunt Levine Against BY Maddox -' Showalter Tedesco Form Approve by C' Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By t y(•.�I� �¢��� �• i�,'� �'� s.y.. , .@,'4 *�' � �'� � I� �I� 'I�. ` 4 � "'y{ 1. r% ^ "..W'�� 4R ' i � � � 1' ��.:M1� - r. `�� S %i� �t ,'�-�` I y2 { • � �� � � +� °:i � �r� � j' �. i >:��, ,�:,,:.` , � .S. ... i.� '�".�S.�� 1 �� ' 1 S'��a y':N.. �. 1 WHITE - CITV CLERK ���351 PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICI . BIUE -�MAVOR File NO. � . Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. � ��.�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date newspaper of the City on December 29, 1979 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be re- zoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council, having been conducted on January 10, 1980 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recom- mendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That the rezoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No . 9,. as incorporated by reference in Section 60 . 401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows : That property located on the northeast corner of Ellis Avenue and Long Avenue, being more particularly de- scribed as Lots 19 and 20, Block 83, St. Anthony Park, be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to I-l . Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 2 . COUI�ICILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ���t���C� � In Favor �vzzar �E Levine � Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco ��� '� � 's�'�� Form Approved y Atto y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa d y Council eta BY By Ap by Mayor: a � Q Approved by M r f Submission to Council gy By �I.tSKEo MAR 1 »ao ���$�TO,s CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��a� a� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � uuium � �r nu tun� @ ^ DIVISION OF PLANNING '�`' s f�'�'� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR F^:;-�-� ,'� ,�1":�',�f � � � • � r�_ i; a ....:`� ..... December 31 , 1979 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 8500 - H.R.A. (Hancock-Nelson) Dear Madam: This letter is written in response to the petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to rezone from RM-2 (Medium Density-Residential ) to I-1 (Light Industrial ) property located at Long and Ellis in order for expan- sion of Hancock-Nelson, a food distributor. On November 1 , 1979, the Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee held a public hearing on this matter. There was no opposition; District 12 recomnended approval . The Comnittee recommended approval on a vote of 3-0, based on findings that the site was previously zoned industrial ; the Comprehensive Plan designated the site as industrial; changing conditions in the area warrant rezoning; the rezoning complies with the District 12 Plan; and the site plan was developed by adjacent neighbors , HRA, Hancock-Nelson, and District 12. On November 16, 1979, the Planning Commission upheld the Committee's recomnenda- tion on a vote of 12-0. This matter is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on January 10, 1980. Sincerely, ���U� �r"''v Donna McNeally City Planner DM/cc Enc. O .---=-�-" ROLL CALL VOTE - PLAP�NING COh1MISSION , � - �- DATE I l I ! �,-,',��, "��- - c,lT C�c.e,��,., �"��y`� - J 3 7 �' -� � �� r �'" � 1 2 3 4 5 6 YES NO A* YES NO A* YES N0 A* YES NO A* YES NO A* YES NO A* ANOERSON � ARMSTEAD � BRYAN COCHRANE FITzGIBBON G ttA I S � HANGGI � I HUBER NYOUKE KARNS ✓ � LANEGREIPJ LEVY McDONELL McGIPdLEY NELSON '� `� � NORTON � � PANGAL - SUl�1MERS `l � TAYLOR � TOBLER ✓ VAN HOEF TOTALS ,� _ _ �� - - !a - - �� - < <� - � � �g �- Moti on 1 . - Gc�- Mot i on 4 cvrnm�.o-�-�- .�:��- �'�����Moti on /i -_ .P��� Moti on 5 '`'' P�lotion 3 �i P�lotion 6 � MINUTES OF THE CURRENT PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE MEETING IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, ON NOVEMBER 1 , 1979 PRESENT: Mmes. Karns and Summers; Messrs. Bryan, Levy and Pangal , of the Current Planning and Zoning Committee; Mr. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Wendy Lane and Mr. Richard Amey of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; Mmes. McNeally and Hanson of the Planning Division. ABSENT: Mrs. McGinley and Mr. Lanegran. The meeting was chaired by James Bryan,�Chairman. HRA (HANCOCK-NELSON} (#8500) : A petition to rezone from RM-2 to I-1 property at the northeast corner of Long and Ellis to expand Hancock-Nelson. The petitioner was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. Ms. McNeally did not show slides or give the the staff report as this matter had come before the Committee at a previous meeting. Steve Thompson of the Renewal Division explained that representatiues from Hancock- Nelson have met with neighborhood residents and the residents now concur with the site plans. Hearing no further testimony, Mr. Bryan closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mrs. Karns made a motion to approve the rezoning request based on f�ndings 1 through 9 of the staff report. Mrs. Summers seconded the motion. The motion approving the rezoning was passed with a roll call vote of 3 to 0. Submitted by: Appro�ed by: a�: �,-�I�-u. �...._------�t -�-��� ::�._-� �� � Donna F. McNeally Ja s Bryan, rman � ZUNING STAFF REPORT 1 . APPLICANT: H.R.A. �Hancock-Nelson� DATE OF HEARING 9-6-79 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Rezoning � Variance ❑ Special Condition Use Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑ 3. LOCATION: 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long (Northeast corner Ellis/Long) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 19 and 20, Block 83, St. Anthony Park 5. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFEREPdCE: 64.210 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 8-27-79 gy Donna F. McNeally ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. SUFFTCIENCY• The application to rezone �as filed on d consent pet�t�on, subscribed & sworn to�efore a notary pub.lic on June 27, 1979; declared sufficient by Fin�nce Dept. on July 30, 1979; and received in tbe Planning Office on August 6, 1979. 121 parcels were eligible; 81 parcels were required; 89 parcels were o6tained. B. PURPOSE: The H.R.A. is requesting to rezone from RM-2 to �-1 to expand the I-1 zoning of Hancock�Nelson, a wholesale food distributor, located.s.outh of the site on Terrltorial Road and Hampden. C. FRONTAGE & AREA: This corner site has 100' frontage along vacated Ellis and is approxi- mately 140 eep, for an approximate area of 7,000 sq, ft. D. SITE/AREA CONDITIONS: The site is vacant and situated at the end of a cul-de-sac on Long, an� adjoins other Hancock-Nelson property to the south and east. Peripheral land uses include residential use fronting on Long to the north, industrial use to tne east and south, and the site of the proposed Ellis Housing to the west. E. FINDINGS: � 1 . The 1963 Comprehensive Land Use Plan designated the site as Limited I.ndustrial . 2. The 1922 Zoning Ordinance designated the site as Heavy Industry. 3. In 1975 the site was designated RM-2, probably in anticipation of a larger Ellis _ housing site. 4. The District 12 Plan states as objectives: - To retain and attract clean industry. - To investigate opportunities for development of vacant and under- utilized lands to allow for expansion space for business and industries. - To maintain a strong tax base. - To provide for increased job opportunities. Hancock-Nelson, a wholesale food distributor, has been recognized by District 12 as a clean industry, providing for a stronger tax base, and increased job opportunities in the area. It would appear that development of this vacant site for expansion of Hancock-Nelson falls within the goals of District 12. 5. H.R.A. , following public hearings, desiqnated Hancock-Nelson as the developer of this property. 6. The development of the cul-de-sac on Long, the vac��ion of Ellis, and adjoining industrial uses, severely limit potential for residential development. 7. Traffic generated by Hancock-Nelson would be limited to Territorial Road or� Hampden. �. The r2zor��g ��' t";s f-/U1��.V 1 i s �ul^V �{ ar agre�r;�nt b�+:•,e�n Hanc�c!�_n�e�son an� H.R.A. to trade property owned E�y Hancock-Nelson located on Territorial Road for the Ellis housing si±e in exchange for H.R.A. property adjoining Hancock-Plelson. • J ' • � j H.R.A. (Hancock-Nelson) Staff Report Page Two E. FINDINGS (cont'd) : 9. Applying the criteria for spot zaning: - The rezoning is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. - Changing conditions ( the vacation of Ellis, the cul-de-sac on Long, and final development of tMe Ellis housing site ) could warrant a change in the zoning. Further, this rezoning represents an extension of an existing zoning line; the line ' drawn in 1975 to exclude these two lots could be viewed as arbitrary. - The area to be rezoned is sma11 , but adjoins a considerable industrial area to the northeast, east and south. - The proposed use is compatible with prevailing uses in the area. - The rezoning would benefit the community GDistrict 12) in retaining a clean quiet industry. Staff concludes that this is not spot zoning. 10. The Zoning Ordinance places special restrictions and safeguards on industrial property which adjoins residential zoning, regarding height, setback, screening and access. Hancock-Nelson in oreliminary site plans indicates this parcel as a buffer for an off-street auto parking area. F. �TRFF f:�CO"�97'IEf�DAfiI0�1�: Based on Findings 1 thru 9, Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request. . ; . � • , � .. ..... . _ . .- •;,� - �� . � ��.� ..,. -,\ ���Q � �� , , - �pY I, 1� � / � ., t�t�;Oc.K N V'�t ,� / ��� :t;.. , / � � � /}� o -r. i� Y ~ � ��, X 4"- "`-°' .,. ,'/ K ` . �.'•�. "� f _ � '- , � _ , � � ; f,j \ _ ` ��.� ,\ ..� �� ,«, �. . . � �. � . , �:\ � � ; , `,\ � , �` � �, ,�-o ., �, , � � ' �.� . � ., , / � �Y� �� � ,, � �� �. . �, �� _ `` � ��C[��y/ O`}� ,�► . � � . :�� � a�. 7" �� �4 1 � i . �t.� .. y •T �` - /. .. . .., � ,.\,. '� � i.� � �a '> r . �.'.��; a � _ . .� .. � . e�+ .i�� �Y�� : '�' - . - . . . .'�: ` •� � �� � � � / i �;� � ` � ; �`\� � �� � � �� �` / ��`: _� � _ �.7�R�L��, ,., t � , :� ��, \ � k w:; v: :�;� _ � � ' �,� 1� _.. _ % - RktN� . � ��� . 3 , <aN _ � , ,.. ,�. . , _ {: _ �ry :T� � t. . 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White -�+ City C�erk G I T Y O F ►.�A I 1\T T PA U L Pi�k r Finsnee pept. �- Canary— pept.,�� _,. pFFIGE OF THE MAYOR P�r:�»�'��¢1{12 A►� No: � f� '� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER `, Date: , ���1 S �-,�ti`-' �� � � ..:r �, - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Puzsua�zt to the a�rity grauted by �he City �cil sea�ted as the Bo�rd of t�ie �ing ac�d Rec7evel�op�t Authority of the City of Saint.Paul, i�b.nn�esc�ta ia 1�salutiaai No. ?7-5/25-2, �e gmper City arbd �A offici`als are dir�cted Y tA e�-.ute �e�onin�q P�etitic�s f�ar Paresls 15�-2,` 26A, 28� and 3SB, Oouama�ity L�evel.op-. ment Dtist�^3.ct 12. . J �� _ . : Y �� ^� _ , , �� ��j,���:� oPR� \� \�� ��Sa�? . ._ Q��C>>�;cn C;�����"�� _ _---- -_ r - . � ,� / � ������ �f �� �i,� e, �� , � t \ � ';1 � ��{.....� � �_'s.� ��``i !-f `�'' ;j i�i.�i "y� �—`� � .. ::� 't:J� f` , '"; �. ; p�o.���� r�,� \� �.�1AidAGE���� �f_ ,. ;�` �, `�� : ----'`" _� �. ` — � . APPROVED AS TO FORM : - ` � �: �, . • /�r „/',��f�----- . , /�/`� .,/ ---g'-c.,•�, ;,,.. / Assistant C ty Attorney , Department Head �' "" f; ,... Z O f�i N G F I L E 8�^'�� '`�. � , f '/���`' r Date - ' � 8mi trative Assistant to Mayo� ' ` ' " ' �' � e ' � � ` • ' � . . . ,. - - - S�( -.Z � - . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � ) , COUPI'iy OF RAMSEY ) ss. ) ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) � • , � � � �� � ' Gary E. Stout, the Executive Director of the , being first Housing & Re eve opment Authority of the City of St. Paul � duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the owner of the property to be rezaned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be � rezoned, which is described as follows: � T.nts 19 & 20, R1_ os,k 83� St �nthon��ark _ ; that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is not in the act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold within one (1) year preceding the date of the attached petition any land contiguous to the property sought ; to be rezoned as described above, except (NONE) (SEE ATTACHED) ; that affiant i • � understands the word "contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels of property ' sharing a co�on boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public i jthoroughfares. �0�11NG F��E ��_O0 i � 1 r.�-�;,�.�.� �l��1�q � - NOoI'ARY PUBLIC, EY COUNTY, I�i�. � >""'y`�� �'�iazon c�{fnc�i � �a�`�'''"�� !'10TAP.Y PU6JC—MiNbIc50T/q . '"��`' RAMSEY CO!JhSZy � .>.._ - � -* - ,.:v` fvly commission expires Dec.11, i9i35 � CONTIGUOUSLY OWNED PROPERTY AS OF APRIL 6, 1979 =�.,� ' ' ' - (See Also Attached Map) 1. Lots 11 thru 20, Block 1 Rearrangement in D.H. Hunt's Addition to St. Anthony Park 2. Lots 1-4, Block 3 Rearrangement in D.H. Hunt's Addition to St. Anthony Park 3. Lot 8, Auditor's Sub. No. 4 4. Lot 5, Block 81, St. Anthony Park � 5. Lot 20, Block 79 St. Anthony Park 6. (Ex. N. 38.5 ft. ) Lot 19, Block 79 St. Anthony Park 7. Vac alleys and all Block 1 St. Anthony Park South 8. Lots 1 thru 8, Block 82, St. Anthony Park 9. Lots 1 thru 11, Block 2 St. Anthony Park 10. Subj. to esmts & ex W 40 ft. of the fol : the N 283 ft. of Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 Hewitt's Outlots. 11. SEIy 20 ft. of Lot 29 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 12. Vac sts .and alleys accr & SEIy 45 ft. of Lot 8 and all of �ots 9 thru 18 and Lot 21, Block 83 St. Anthony Park � 13. Vac st. accruing & the fol : Lots 13 thru 18, Block 73 St. Anthony Park 14. NWIy 20 ft of Charles Ave. vac accr and fol : part of W 10 ft of Lot 8 and all of Lots 3 thru 7 lying S and W of fol desc line: Beg on orig N line of Charles Ave and 10 ft. SEIy of W line of Lot 8, th NW on sd orig N line of Ave. 56.62 ft, th NW on curve rad 860 ft 206.06 ft, th 42 degress 57' 41" E 45.18 ft to S line of Territorial Rd. , part of Lots 3 thru 8 Hoard's Sub. of Lot 19, Hewitt's Outlots 0 oN�N G F��-E Z . • �a � � �--- ' L,� - C1TY aF 5T. PAUL . � �� DfP�R7M��{7 O� �I;�IA�+J�� AtiD Mt\N�GfM�VZ S�RVlCfS � ASSESS41EtiT UtVISiON 11I CIiY M.1tl Sf.PAUL,ht1.V\FSOTA ii10? , December 21 1979 '� . ' �,��:����a _� �! . �ity Clerk �. . 386 City Hall F�.Ie X2349 Page 1 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Zoning File 8500 ` 1Ei6 Council of the City of St. Yaul will hold a public hearing in the " Co�cil Cha�bers of the City Hall and Cour[ House (third floor) at � 10:00 a,n. on January. �D, . 1980 on the: _ Petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authori�y to rezone from - � . an RM-2 district to an I-1 district the property, on the northeast ' corner of El�is Avenue and Long Avenue, for the purpose of industrial expansion. The property is legally described as: Lots I9 and 20, Block 83, St. Anthony Park. - � If }ou would like further inforeiation about this hearing, coatact_ the Curre� �1�an.zin� Section of the Planning Board, Rm: 1202 City :�all Annex=298-4Z5!�. �i3e t�e �ity Charter requires.that we-notify you of the Izearing, cae want ta '� help ;ou to leazn fully about any improvement .that could affect yau or y our co��:�r_y. Therefore, I si.ncerely hape you can attend this heari:�g, so thz� .. _ - you can aake your vie�rs about it l:no«re to the City Council, whetieer for or � 2��inst. � _ . • J_ WILLIAM DOtOVA��T � . VALIIATIQ�T AND ASSESS�iE�iT E�GZ���ER . � . w C�= � � _.�..�.....r— • �:: b.: �r��..� � � �Q ._� �. �� xr ��� � : � � ��, � f��,"�:,,� � °� ��. �r. , ,- ,��=t� ;., _. � .: : .� ir ' }.. ;; trlu �� ,�t �, �� : �. �� � �` � ii r , , � '���>�f `s°, �, y _. �°'°"`_ "� , r,- �`.�,..� . , , + � ,. _ 1 � �:...., � � . u � w' � A.r4.�'�i'.y'. CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MZM�ESOTA e . PETITZON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (20*1ZNG) �:OD� � I3ote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning wi�3. be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE liONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �te: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679� of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for re�oning nust give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has o�.nied for any time in the past year additional real es.*_ate centiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within lOQ feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own : property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bady to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long �z� RM—? Miitr_i-Fam.j„]`v District to I-1�ndustria� District, for tha purpase of installinq, constructing and/or aperating the following: (descri�e bziefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNAZ'iJRE LOT BLOCK AADITION Subject Property: . � . John W. McNamara " u �. o iway; x . measure at 850 Cromwell Ave. RA to Cromwell e. , Lot 7, Block 1 . un s e n . . ony Park� � � S-o_ , atate of Minnesota} � $g Coursty o£ Ramsey ) eing first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the pezson who circula d the within petition cor�sisting of pages; tha.t the parties �escribed above are the owners xespecti.vely of the 1Qts placed inunediately following each namp; that each o€ th� pa.rties described above is the awner of groperty which is tiaithin 100 feet fzam any property owned by affiant or sold bg affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above �lescribed; �hat none of the parties described above has purchaspd or is purchasing praperty from atfiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition: that this petit�.on�was signed by each of said o•�,rners in the . p�esence of this affianC, and that the signatures above are the true and cozrect si�natures of each and all of the parties so described. �%�'�Zi`- -_ ----'--- Subscribed and sworn to befora me Address: 25 W. Four Street Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-4105 �hfs��.�ay of � _„ Approved as ta forne 10-27-76 �,o�` Officp �f the City Atto�-ney I�fl�ary Public, Ramsey Ccunt , Mir.n. � :�y cocrmiss�.on expire� ,,.��., S�QZOn c7f�nda � �'�=��� NOTARY PUBLIC—k,�N�E50TA �'f` RfaMSEY COi:�`+7Y , . My commission expires Dec. il,1985� . � � ! '�4 � V � K E'C�I�l�D JUL30 1979 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 11IM�ESOTA � ASSESSMENT SECTION . PETITZON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISIATZ�P,�$�1Hff-�@�)�������CE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Note: Before the petitioner's proposal £or rezoning ��i�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUDiCIL �te: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning �!•ss*_ give �r;tten consPnt before the City shall coasidex thP proposal. However, when the owner of said property has o�,med for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguuos to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long tr�!AL� Multj- amily Distxict to I-1 Tnd�stri�.l District, far the purpose vf installinq, constructing and/or operatiaq the fo3lowing: (descrf�� briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion _______. RECORD OWNER SIGNATEJRE � LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Ebner A. & Dolores E. Krin e ���Q'°�����" � E 23 t of Lots 2 3 N t o aar� to . theSElOftof ot4B1k2ReinD. �!. . Hunt's Add, a so that riangu ar par . of B1 79 betwee said Rearran ement artd Lot 11, also Ex N. t ot , 81ock 9, St. An hony Park State of Minrtesota) �Iz - � ) as � C�:���. a� �,.a.-ns�� j � , ing first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the p�rsoa who circul d th� within petition consisting of pages; �hat the parties described above are the owners zespectively of the lots p].aced immediately following each name; that each o£ the parties described above is the owner af property wh�.ch is wfthin 100 £eet fzcmt any property owned by affiant or soZd by atfiant within one (lj year. preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above �tescribed; Chat ncne of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiquous to the above described property within one (1) yeaz of the date o£ thia petition� that this petiti.on�was signed by each of said o•�+rners in the gresence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of eaeh and alI ot the parties so described. / ' `,� ' 5ubscribed and swozn ta befo=e me Address: 25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201^ ����� Telephone No. 298-4105 _ �hf 8��''t clay of 1`� 'L.� Approved as to form 10 27-76 _ ,o,� Office of the City Attorney �7r��ary Public> Ramsey �!y commission expires �"`�� cS�a2on c`�'nds � �t'—�'�"��� NOTARY WBLIC—MWNESOTA � � ��� RAMS�Y COUNTY � MY<ommiuip�expires Dec. 11, 1985 �, � . � /r= .� 2-- . � � R�C�I�I�D CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 11IMIESOTA .!U L 3 0 1979 PETITION TO AMENO CKAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVJ�aS�B�l�1� SEO��N � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Date: April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to t::z iar�d prop��ed for rezoniag, 2/3 �� the property owners within 300 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long �r��tM-2 Mt��i— amilv Di�trict to I-1 Ind�stria District, for the purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operating the fo2lowing: (descri�e briefl.y the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATi1RE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Ral h L. & Mar A. Steies W. 6 .07 .ft. o Lot 2, Bloc'�c 81 - 882 Raymond St, thony Pa k 29-t State of Minnesota) ) ss County of Ramsey j �i�y�'� being f3.rst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the ` -_ person w o circu ted the within petition consisting of pages; tha.t the parties described above are the owners respectively of Che lots placed immediately following each name; that each o€ the parties described above is the awner of propPrty which is within 100 feet fram any property owned by affiant or soZd by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above desczibed; that none o£ the parties described above has purchaspd or is purchasing property fzom affiant contiguous to the above described property within one I2) yeax of the date of this petitioni that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the _ presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the part3es so described. s�. Setbscribed and $vrorn to before me Address: 25 W. F rth Street Rm. 1201 Te2ephone No. 298-4105 'thf s��day af � � q - • . Approved as to fvrm 10-27-76 Offi.ce of the City Atto_-ney Notary Pub.lic, Ramsey ' . �; � „' "�, • cSFazon �incfs . y commission expires ��;, .,,,., � �..r�." NOTARY FUELIC—tf iHi•:eSOTA . , � 'e�rt", RAM es DecJll,�1985 - ' My commiuion exp i �.tl z _ �� : , , � � � �_ Z CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MIDR�ESOTA . PETITION 20 AMEI30 CHAPTERS 60 thrti 64 OF THE LEGISUITIVE (ZO*IING) COD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning :ri�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be awaxe of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �tei April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Sectian 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land groposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owreer of said property has o�.med for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long ¢r�„�-2 M ,1 i- ami�v Distxict to I-� IndLStr;al District� for the purpose of installinq, constructing artd/or operating �he foilowing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECOR� OWNpR SIGNA�'URE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Richard S. Stockwell �� SE'ly 16 ft of L t 2; and all of Lot 1, 2 7 Hillcrest � ��,�Y/� Blocic 1 D. H. Hu t's Second Add. to � St. A thony Park !�� - 1 S'tate of Minnesota) � gs County of Ramsey ) i%� beinq fi.rst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the persQn who circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots plaeed immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is t,�ithin lOQ feet fram any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above �escribed; that nons of the parties desczibed above has puxchas?d or a.s purchasing �raperty fzom affiant contiguous to the above described prooerty 4rithin one (1) year o£ the da�e o£ this petitionf that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the . g�resence vf this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and co�rect sic�natures of each and all of Lhe pazties so descr�bed.. �� p��, Subscribed and swvrn to bpfore me Adctress: 25 W. F rth Street Rm. 12G1 Telephon� No. 298-4105 thiss��ay of f �_ Approved as to form 10-27-76 �,� �.�.,.., `��,� Office of the City Atto�ney t�otary Publi.c, Rarnsey :41y comrttission expizes F``a°" cS�azon �finc�a � a=���'� NOTARY GUBIIG—MiNN:SOU ` =�di .NT'l � � RAMSEY COG • �Ay commission expires DEC. 11, 1985 ' • , .r�... . . ., . � - CITY OF 5AZNT PAUL, t4IMJESOTA . PETITIOi3 20 AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZOHING) COD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� ai�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pate: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota _ Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning _ must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has ow�led for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguaus ta the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within I00 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the followitcg described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long from RM_ MuLt;-FamiiX District to I-1 I�dustrial ,_� Distxict, £or the purpose of installinq, con5tructing and/or operatinq the followinq: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNF1TiJRE LOT BLOGK ADDITION Subject Pzoperty: Samuel D. & Glad s B. Sam le ot 25 Block 83 St. Anthon Park 2051 Jefferson Ave. 05 '70 - I State of Minriesota) ) as County of Ramsey j � being f3.rst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the persort who circula d the within peti.tion consisting af pages; tha.t the parties dascribed abov�e are the awners respectively of the lots placed icnmediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from ar►y property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above �iescribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date o£ this petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the _ presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. �� 5ubscribed and sworn to before me Ad ess: 25 W. Fourt treet Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-�105 this�day of � q � �, � . Approved as to fQrne 10-27-76 �_ Office of the City Atto_-ney Notary Public, Ramsey ' �:y commission expires �""� cS�azon �f�da � NOTARY PUBLIC—M�NNha��A � _ . . � RAMSEY COUNTY . • pAy commission expires Dec�U, 148� _ ( • � ♦ { • CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, 11ZMJESOTA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� � Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning °:riy1. be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �te: April 6, I919 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposec3 rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has o�.nzed for any ti�e in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this Iarger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long �r�_RM=2 M ilti-Fami],,,y DiBtrict to I-�, Industrial District, for the purpose af installing, constructing and/or aperating the follo�ing: (descri�e brief].y the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNI�T(TRE LOT BLOGK ADDITION Subject Property: , � . , . Lot 2 Block 83 St. Anthony Park Richard D. & Jose hine K. � - ep ins i < 2301 Long Ave. � , 1 State of Minnesota) - �� _ ! � $a - �o-,zn�� c� ^ar,��ey ,� � r� __�_..:_ ._ . �� , .'�"i ei f' s w �' L ny �.r t Zuly s �rn, ieposes ani states that h� is the person who circulat d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners zespectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; Chat each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or soZd by affiant within one (1) year_preaedinq the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above describedj that none of the paz�ties described above has purchased or is purchaszng property from affian� contiguous to the above described prooerty within otte (1) year of the date of thia petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct si�natures of each and all of the pazties so described. � � :�. Subsczibed and sworn to before me Ad ess: 25 W. Four Street Rm. 1201 Telephond No. 298-4105 this��day of�.��,�g,���� - Approved as to form 10 27-76 _ � Office of the City Attvrney Ndtrary Publ,ic, Ramsey �Qy�,l,� :�y 'commzssion expires v""� ' S�azon aftnds �sL NOTAkY VUBLIC—MiNNESOTA � RAMSEY COUNTY , , . MY commission expires Dec,li, 19$5 , �� ' � CZTY OF SAINT PAUL, t1ZM�ESOTA . PETITION 20 AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thrtt 64 OF THE LEGISIATIVE (ZO*IING) COD° - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �ai�I be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mftted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Date: April 6, I979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written coresent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate coatiguaus to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the peti.tioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & 'a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long � frout RM-�, M ii 1 i-F m;l�v District to I-1 Indi�s�rial District, for th� purpose of installing, constructinq and/or operatinq the foil.owing: (describe briefly the proposec3 facility) Industrial Expansion __ RECORD OWNER SIGNATLTRE LOT BLOCK ADDITZON Subject Property: Ra o W i Lot Block 2 a d art of Block ..79 � 1783 Berkeley Avenue (05) j' St. A thony Park between LOt 15, Block 75 and s id Lot 1 x S'1 41 ft of said part f Block 79 and except part of SE'Iy 20.4 t of LOt 1 1 in S'1 of extenc�ed N lin of said 4 ft excepted trac�, bein in Re in D H. Hunts Add, to St. Antho Park. ��-� State of Minnesota) � Ss County vf Ramsey ) , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet fzom any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year. preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the pazties described above has purchased or i.s purchasing property from affiant contiquous to the above described progerty within one (1) year of the date of this petitionj that this petition�was siqned by each of said owners in the presence of this aff3ant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct si�natures af each and all of the parties so described. � . l . �iJ Subscribed and swozn to be£oze me Ad ess: 25 W. Fourth reet Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-4105 �his��day of ��_____ , Approved as to form 1U-27-76 Office �f the City Atto_-ney Natary Publfc, Ran+sey i�iy commission expires � 9°-"� �S&azon o�f�nrls ��,°� . ` N01ARY FU3LIt—A.�hPiE.OTA . . � ,� , �a�nsrv co�:�Yrr . ' pAy commission explres Gec. li,i985 w.�.�...�...�....-,�_._.._�.- r.�..—..- � ' . , r CITY OF SAINT PAUL� MIMIESOTA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPT£RS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZONING) COD� � Note: Before the petitioner's proposaI. for rezonin� °ai:.I. be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning �ffice, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pate: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning . must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has ow�zed for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own _ property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long from RM-2 M ,l i-F m�1X District to I-1 Tndustria� District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/o� ape�atinq the fo3lowing: (describe briefly the proposad facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TtJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION 5ubject Property: . Twin .City Milk Producers • Lot 18, Audit r's Sub. No. 4 2424 Territorial Road alter W. Wosje, V.P. � � � � Mid-�,meric� D��rlf,�,:���. !_-� � i�--r State of Minnesota) ) Ba County-vf Ftamsey ) j�'y�being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person wh eircul ed the within petition consisting af pages; that the parties described above are the ownezs xespectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner af property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year_preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above �escribed; that none of the pasties described above has purchased or is purchasi�g property from affiant contiquous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petit3onj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and th�t the sfgnatures above aze the true and correct sic�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. �_ � � �,Y� ��_ Subscrf.bed and swozn to befare me Adc3ress: 2 W. Fourt Street Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-410 thi�day of / 9�9 _� � � . Approved as to form 10-27-76 .�..�.�m..��.�.�;.�.�.:f���Cn��nf�n nae�City Atto--ney �` +`q�, 3ACiE3rRA HOUGHTFLIN � Notary Public, Ra,msey County, Mir�. ti� ; � "1Ocary ` 'D'"'. �am�er c�., M�v ti. .'s-� �Y C �mnitt� n �xplre5 � :"ly commissian expires ,t „iy lU.I',f�3 , . 1 tY!'V1'M��VSM1Fv'��Nl^J[:f'�t�Fl�1CF1'F`r'VV�/VR'Y!f � . � � . � �, � . � CI1'Y OF 5AZNT PAUL, t1IMlESQ:ei . PETITION TO AMEN� CHAPTERS 6Q thra. �� �F THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) GOD� - Note: Before the petitioner's progosal for rezoning �:�i�3. be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should 'oe aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the re_zoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pa,te: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota , Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67y of property awners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2J3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for re�oning . must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the pasC year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minreesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own _ property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable soay to rezone the following describ.ed property: (Iegal description & street address): Lots 19 & a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long front RM— Mul i—Fatni 7 v District to_ I-1 Tnd�,stria, . _ District. for th� purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECOR'D OWNER SIG13A'T(IRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Pro,pezty: Twin City Milk Producers o 7 Audit r's Sub. No. 4 . 2424 Territorial Road � alter W. Wosje, V. & , ,^a'v;: s,,� State of Minnesota) I�'/ ) ga Caunty vf Raznsey ) � . .__ .��...�______ !��?�'being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the p�rsort w a circu ted the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties dascribed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed imcnediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the awner of property which is within 3.00 feet fram any property owned by affiant or soZd by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above describedt that none of the parties described above has purchased or is pwrchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described p�operty within one (1) year of the date of th�s petit3onj that this petition�was siqned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct si�natures of each and all of the parties so described, � r � ��-- Subacribed and swozn to be£ose me Address: 25 W. Fourth reet Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-41Q5 �his�day of� ,�,,� /9�� - j� � Approved as to form 10-27-76 � (=" '� .''`'""""�.'� �ity Atto�-ney '; r'.��` •`1si.�f'r 4 nn i,�HT{LiN � � NufarY H 91�.., nemtie 1"'•, � % Y l M.,Y Notary Public, �2tII18@� CQUI1ty� Mir�. �`�j;J My C.�mrni: }«� �xU���s -"�� CO1litTl�'35].O[l expires �,,. ���ly IL`� 1983 KYY1lYYylyV�yyy� . + � � t CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MZN2JESOTA . PETITZON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OF THE LEGISIATIVE (ZO*IiNG) C'OD� - Note: Before the petitioner's groposal for rezoning °ai�l be considered by the City vf Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Dnte: April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679� of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Qrdinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodq to rezone the following describ.ed property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & 'a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long �x'�RM-� Mt�l ti-Fami 1�. District to I-1 Indust�'i�l Distxict� for tht� purpose of installing, constructinq and/or operating the foilowing: (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'.CTJRE L(?T BLOCK ADDZTZON Subject Property: Twin City Mi1k Producers Lots 4, 15 and 16, Auditor's Sub. No. 4 erri oria oa a ter W. Wosje, Vi ce P si nt & Qi ision 1.�� r� P� , .,r n„ n .,4� ���. � . U 1It:.� t.�s i1 ��s �'s(i" � ! ; - is- 3 State of Minnesota) � �s County vf Ramsey ) _ �'��. , �ing fi.rst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person wh cireul ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followinq each name; �hat each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 £eet fram any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year precedinq the date of this peti�ion which is contiguous to the praperty above �iescribe�; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described prooerty within one (1) year of t'r:e date �f this �etit�;,r.; that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the , presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct si�natures of each and all of the part�es so described. � Subscribed and swozn ta before me Address: 2 W. Fourt Street Rm. 1201 Te2ephona No_ 293-41 5 this i Srday of 7� � ' Approved as to form 10-27-76 ' fice of the City Attoraey % 8ARF3�R.A NOUGHTEI�IN���� ( �',` �' Nptdr i Notazy Public, Ra�n ey Caunty, Mirn. , , � �'.,��+��, Ha�Se�c.�., MN ��,'� Mv c :r,��,; 5� n � �!y commission expizes �Xci«s +u�y 1 u ��-,a,� . . . � � d`•"k°'�'.1'�J"-/'r?"d4"It^.,�yykr J:.:::^L`,M:.!`J�'VtN�. � . . . . . � �� CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, MIM�ESOTA PETITIOt3 TO AMENO CEiAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZO!VING) COD� • Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� wi�l be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For fUrther information about the rezoning of groperty, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL p�te: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for re�oning nust give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when tfie owner of said property has ow�zed for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this Iarger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (1ega1 description & street address): Lots 19 & a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long tz�—RrL_2_Mul�i—Fami'�� District to I-1 Industrial Dzstrict, for the� gurpose of installing, constructinq and/or operatinq the followinq: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATIJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Anga Enterprises, Inc. Com a SW y co o ; t a ong W lin of sd bl 1 344.7 ft to bec�; � 830 Hampden Ave. (14) � th E t . ; y . ft to oint 63 t W of E line of sd 1 y o a poin on M � E lin of sd bll 1 being 360.2 ft S af y or o � o ; � a ong t Ti'ne of bl 1 40.47 t; th W at RA to W Ti�e o ; ong ines o s blk 1 to beg, b ing part of Lots 21 ru oc , inn. rans er . State of Minnesota) �1-� � 8� County of Ramsey ) � _ �:__� _.:__�_:__.. � r� first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the persort who circulat the with3.n peta.tion consisting of pages; that the parties descr3.bed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owrler of property whi.ch is 3aithin 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or soZd by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date o€ this petitian which is contiquous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contigua�s to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petitionj that this pe�ftion�was signed by each of said owners in the . presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�rtatures of each and a1Z of the pazties so described. � �� Subscribed and swoxn to befoze me Address: 25 W. Four Street Rm. 1201 Telephon� No. 298-4105 this�i�day of ��,� /y � � � Approved as to form 10-27-76 Offi.ce of the City Attorney �3�r AM^^Ms�nrMMMA'iNti�. Notary Public, ( sey County, Mirn. �� �, BA.RE�nRA HOUGNTFi��v � °:Y COItVfilS510[I eXF?�'@9 �.��� Nntary Publ�c Ram,ey„o., MN i�y .. . . . Mv C..)mr � SL:n F xG�rES } . . t ? • ���;✓ .U I.;&3 } , . . . . � %r�1MW:�Fffr.,.�.�"ti ..rle'iVYrV;r.M�l�nNr � .. • .. . . L CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIN2IE50TA . PETITIDN TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO*IZNG) COD° - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �:ri�I. be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer. should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pate: Apri2 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owized for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within I.00 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long frot�► RM-?_ Mt�lti-Fami.j�y District to I-], Industrial District� for the purpase of installinq, cvnstructing and/or operating the following: (descxi�e briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LO� BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: `, Hancock Nelson Mercanti�e � Subj o st & es ts the fol : ex N 3 < �` !-��.r.t�.U. ft o Lots 11 t ru 14 & ex W 40 ft Lot o. amp e 14 & 11 of Lot 7 thru 13 Hewitt s � Outl ts S-� State of Minnesota) � gs County vf Ramsey ) _ -= - _ �..__ � � � being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the pe svn wh eircul ed the within petition consisting ef pages; that the parties described above e the owners respecti.vely of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each af the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) yea� preceding the date of this petition. which is contiguous to the property above slesczibedj that none of the parties described above has purchasPd or is purchasing �raperty from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition= that this petition�was siqned by each of said owners in the pzesence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correc� sic�natuzes of eaeh and alI of the parties so descri.bed. ,� Subscribed and sworn to before me � Address: 25 W. Four h Street Rm. 1201 � Telephone No. 298-4105 tlzi�� :'�ay of � l�ra�, /1�7� , ' Approved as to form 10-27-76 � Office nf the City Atto�ney �+/IM�1MM�1A�M MIA./{A A M�AA AA�I11�J�J1J1I�k� Natary Public, Ramsey Caunty, Mir.n. '� ����A�A ��uc��rEi,ry ` �y commission expires �"��,t�; n�idry P��,��_ ka���e�,;,�_. ,�y IV�V COC�niS�fOn twGlreS � Juiy :Q, 19R3 �< . rC'l'.�EWyYV'�'SI�KY✓YVO'yv.Yts�ti:YW��/V��N`,1-'1(�'W> .. � � . # rr CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, MZMJESOTA . PETITZON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISIATZVE (ZO*IING) G'OD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ai�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must cansent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa,tion about the rezoning of property, ca11 the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �te� April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Ha1Z City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has ow�zed for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following describ.ed property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long fz'om RM-? Mii]„t'-�F �,;1�, Distr3ct to I-1 Industrial Distr3ct, for the purpose of instaZling, constructinq and/or operatinq the following; (descr3.be briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'T(JRE LOT BLQCK ADDITION Suhject Praperty: ots 1 thru 13, Block 72, St. Anthony L on Chemical Com an �.�1�� Park dd. ' � 2 313 Wyc l i f f S t. Ucw. 1�7�1un- r- �� 2� 3 State of Minnesota) ) ss � County of Ramsey ) � 'ng first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the p rsoa W circu ted the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties descri?�ed ab�ove are the owners respectively of the lots p2aced immediately followiag each natae; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is w.ithin 100 feet fram any property owned by affiant or solc3 by affiant within one (1) ycar preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above desczibedt that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing prcperty from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date o£ this petitioni that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tru� and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me Adclress: 2 W. Four Street Rm. 1201 � , Telephone No. 298-4105 this i-�fday of t ;� � - ` Approved as to form 10-27-76 .�-� Office �f the City Atto�-ney .. . .�; . '� ri`.'�Y°,L.. 8 RHA�µAAAA�IA^AAM1A/�/SJN�,,F� . Notary Public, Raunsey ounty, Mirn. ,�Fr���.•�� �+a'_,cHT��,N � S���t;i ,t� (VutarY PuDli�, nam�eY i'o., MN ".�i commxssion ex ires • ' 3f P � �3�' !Nv Comm'ssion Expires �,,� July 1Q, 1983 • �ryYt'Nt�r.�w�!/5r+�+tinn.'b+.�,r,,vt�"W s . . . • , CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MIN2�ESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thrti 64 OF THE LEGISUITIVE (ZONING) COD£ � Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ai�I. be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing r.he petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoni.ng Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COIINCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall O�te: April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning . must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has o�.nzed for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property own,ers within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Qrdinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statvtes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodp to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & '�0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long fromm $t�„2 �1ti-Fami7v. District to I-1 Industrial District, £or the purpose of insta2linq, constructing and/or operating the foilowing: idescribe brief],y the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECQRD OWNER SIGNA'TURE LOT BLOCK ADDZTION Subjec't Property: City of St. Pau : P aygroun s y 2 o un ree vaca e a �oining and L ts I to 10 inclusive, Block 1, Re in . . un s i ion . n ny Park I � E-io State af M3nnesota) � $s County o Ramsey ) ' � � _ _ _ _ �`. ___.__..__._,__ �ing first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the gerson who cizcul ed the within petition consisting of vages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followinq each name; that each of the partiies d�scribed above is the owner of pzoperty which is within 100 £eet fram any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above �lescri.bed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing praperty from affiant contiquaus to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petitionj tna't ��Yis petitACr.�:.as sagne3 bg a3rh af said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�nataXes of each and all of the parties so described. r �: � '1�-- Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: 25 W. Four Street Rm. 1201 � Telephons No. 298-41 5 this_a� �ay of � i9� � i Appraved as to form 10-27-76 . � � �a��u���&�+f���,���r�.�r�itY Attorney � BAF�E3ARA Hou;;tarF�,�; : ' �, Notary' PuY�lic, RdI�B@ Count Mir�n. +;t°•;� Notary Nuph�. iia;��;ey;;,., i�'� y Y� � MY COlnftiS;slon Expllr�s �ly commassion expires � ���y li:. i��f;a � �'�"YV'!VV'.�7YY'aYV;'vYrr�u��c�a�r+'v��wvx� , C2TY OF 5AINT PAUL, MIMJESOTA . PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (20HING) COD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� °ai�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �te= April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462,357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner`s land and hereby petition your Aonorable Body to rezone the following described property: (�egal description & street address): Lots 19 & 'a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long fraa► RM-2 Mu1ti-Familx, DiBtrict to I-� Industrial District, for tht� purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operating the following: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TIJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: First Security State Bank Ex. W'ly 65 ft. f Lot 48 lying N of a lin measured t RA to W line from � 2383 University point thereon 14 ft. S from most G����.�-�' N'1 orner of s id Lot 48• the NE1 170 f . of Lot 4 & of W'ly 5 ft. of � Lot 4 measured t RA to NE1 line of said ots 48 and 49 Elewii:t's Gutlots, First Division �l t-! State of Minnesotay ) ss • County of Ramsey j - �1 � _ _ �./ -L beinq fi.rst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circul ed the with3.n petition consisting of pages; tha.t the parties described above a e the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of prdperty which is within 100 feet fram any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above � �Aescribed; that none of the parties described a5ove has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) yeaz of the date of thia petitionj that this petition�was siqned by each of said owners in the � presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tzue and correct � sic,�natures of each and all of the pazties so described. r � Subscribed and sworn to before me AdBres : 25 W: Fourth S reet Rm. 1201 TeZephons No. 298-4105 this�,1�day of�.��►� . � 9� � . , (/ . Approved as to form 10-27-76 Offi.ce pf the City Atto_-ney Natary Public, Rzunsey y, .n. :�y eommxssion expires °� ��azon c�iads �� NOTARY PUBIIG-MiNNE50TA '°� RAMSEY COUNTY MY commission exPires Dec.11,1985 • ., : CITY OF SAINT PAUL, t1ZMJESOTA , PETITIO[3 TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONI[JG) COp� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� ui�3. be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, ca21 the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �tQ� April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul., Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owued for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.2i0 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the fol.lowing describ,ed progerty: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long from RM—? r+„7ri,F,�;iv District to_ z-� Ind rial District� for tht: purpose of installinq, constructix�g and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNEA SIGNATURE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Sub�ect Proper�y: � First Securit State Bank W'1 65 ft. of Lot 48 1 in N. of a � of Saint Paul �� ,(��r lin measured t RA to W line from 23 3 Ur.iv.ersit Avenue L�G�/ (/�/ oi thereon 42 gt. S. from most N'1 corner of sd Lot 48 Hewitt's Outl ts First Division. 33-I State of Minnesota} ) ss County vf Ransey ) .� inq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he �s the p son who circula ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described a3�ove are the owners respecti.vely of the lots pZaced immediately followinq each name; that each af the parties described above is the owner of property which is �ithin 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (13 year preceding the date of this petition which is cantiguous to the property above ��escribedj rhat none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property fzr�m affiant contiquous to the above described property with�.n one (1) year of tt�.e date a� this petition= that this petition`was signed by each of said awners in the presence cf this affiant, and that the signatures abvve are the true and correct sicxnatures of eaeh and all of the parties so descri.b�d. Subscribed and swozrt to befare me Address: 25 W. Fourth reet Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-4105 thia�'6�day of� 1979 ___� . � � � Approved as to fvrm 10-27-7C ,,,,, _ .�! Office of the City Atto�-ney ��� Ndtary Public, Ramsey - " �1y commissiors expires ; cS�ia2on df�nda E10?ARY PUBIIC-MiNNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY • MY twreniuion expires Dec.11,198� • CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIMlESOTA . PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISIAT2VE (ZONING) COD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� wiyl be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall T�te: April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rexoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. Hawever, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long iroa► RM-2 Mitlti—Fami7� District to I-1 Industrial District, for the purpose of installinq, construct3ng and/or operating the foilowing: (descrire briefly the groposed facility) Industrial Expansion _._ RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: y o an a o 0 i esota Chemical Corr an . .x. - throu h Lot 12, Block 73, St. Anthony 2285 Hampden ar . � State of Minnesota) 1�7 ) sa County vf Ramsey ) ' � �'�� being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person o circ ated the within petition consisting of pages; tha.t the parties described abov are th� owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet fzom aay property owned by affiant ar soZd by affiant within one (1) year. preceding the 8ate of this petition which is cantiguous to the property above described; that nane of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing praperty from affiant contiquous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�r;atures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. 2",���' . ,E�� Subscribed and swozn to before me Address: 25 W. Fourth treet Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-4105 this�''�day of����_ . �� Approved as to form 10-27-76 - -. �._ Office of the City Atto:-ney �ratary Public, Ramsey , . :�y commission expires ;., a2on 2f«ds � �' MOTARY PUBLIC-MiNNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY PAy commiuion expirea Dec.11,t985 . � . { a . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, l42Nt�ESOTA . PETITZO�i TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 th�Rt 64 OF THE LEGISUITIVE (20*1ING) GOD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ai�l be considered by the City of Saint Yaul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HQNORABLE MAYOR AND CZTY COUNCIL pmte: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for re�oning _ must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owized for any time in the past year additional rea2 estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long from ��_��j,��-Fami��_Distxict to I-1 Industrial District� for the purpose of instaZlinq, constructing and/or operatinq the fo3lowing: (descri�e brief3.y the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATLTRE LOT BLOCK ADDIT20N. Subject Property: Th ' + � 842 Raymond and a 1 of Lot , Block 81, Z3- ( State of Minnesota) j se . County o£ Ramsey } __ .:.___.._---- -- � � , ^`5eing fixst duly sworn, de,poses and states that he is the erson o circ ated the within petition consisting of pages; tha.t the parties described above are the owners respe.ctively of the lots placed immediately foll.owing each name; that each of the parties described above is �he owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or soZd by affiant within cne (1) year..preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above �lescribed; hhat nons of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing propezty from affiant contiguous to the above described property within orse (1) year o£ the date of this petitionj that thf.s petition�was signed by each of said owners in the _ presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so described. ��. Subscxibed and �worn to befoze me Address: 25 W. Fourth St eet Rm. 1201 Tel.ephone No. 298-4105 this�'d�day of ���`�`_ • , Approved as to form 10-27-76 Off.ice of the City Attorney Notary' Piiblic, Ra.msey � -- - � „ ► i�y cotnmission expires � ' S�azon afinds � , . � [�IOTARY VUBLIC-MWNESOU � RAMSEY COUNTY • MY commiuion expires Dec. 11, 1985 ' ' � ' ' . � ..,.�_.....-..�_.,1 - 4 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIM7ESOTA . PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISIATIVE (20*JING) COD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� :�ri�3. be considered by the City of Saint Yaul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For furthex information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office., 298-4154. TO TIiE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pn,te� April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67y of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said propertq has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguoug to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the pzoperty owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.2I0 of the St. Paul � Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following describ.ed property: (legal description & street address}; Lots 19 & �a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long �x� RM- M„1r,;-Famil� District to I-1 Industrial District, for the purpose of installing, construct3ng and/or operating the following: (descrire briefly the proposed facility� Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATiJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITZON Subject Property: Lots thru 22 ogether with the vac. alley which lie between said Lots 7 Hampden Square t ru an Lot t ru , B ock 0; 2310 Hampden Avenue Also ots 1 thr 7 Block 83 and Lot $ e H & Va Rot i , � ex. t e SE y t. , a o Lot anc� 410 Degree of Honor Bldg. v� Lot 2 ex. the E`ly 20 ft. together wit e vac. a ey ying y o the `" NE'ly extension of the NE'ly Iine of t e S y t. o sai ot wnich accru d to said ots by the vacation t ere , a in oc , toget er witis that art of Br ford St. vac. , lying etween e y ine o amp en Av State of Minnesota) and the NE'ly R/W line of Long Av. whic� � 8d accrued to said Lots 14 and 15 Block 8a County of Ramsey ) • and Lots 1 and 30 Block 83, aIl in St. Anthony Park. 3°"`� �:.....r___,u...__.._ � Z ��Lr beinq fa.rst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the p rson who circu ted the within petition consisting of - pages; that the parties described above are the awners respectively of the lots placed immediately following ear.h r�ame; that eacb of the parties descri.bed above is the owner af prop?rty which is taithin 100 feet fram any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (2j year preceding the date of this petition which is cantiquous to the property above �escribed; that nana of the parties deseribed above has purchased or is purchasing propezty from affiant contiguous ta the above described property within one (1) yeaz of th� date o£ thie petitionj that this petition�was siqned by each of said owners in the _ presence of this affiant, and that the signatures abvve are the true and correct sic,�natures of each and all of the parties so descri.bed. �� Z ���. Subscribed and swozn to before me Address: 25 W. ourth Str Rm. 1201 � � ` R� � Telephon� No. 298-4105 this� �day of � , Apgrvved as to form 10-27-�6 .�n,o�� Office of the City Atto=ney Natary Public, Ramsey �nt�t.,,. �iy convnission expires } s"`""� cS�iazon 2{iada � ��•� � NOTARY PUBLIG-M�NNESOT� ` �'�` RAMSEY COUNTY • ZrAy commission expirea Dec.11,1985 ' . � . � CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MIM�ESOTA . PETITZON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISUITIVE (ZO*IZNG) C:OD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �:�i�1 be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pnte: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within tne area to be considered mus[ consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within I00 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long frout RM-9 M ,1 i—Fami j,��_Distsict to I-1 Industrial Dzstrict� for tht3 purpos� of installinq, constructing and/or operatinq the foilowing: (desczi�e briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWI�TER SIGNA�URE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: � Roberts Construction, Inc. ti `� om. a SW cor o Lot 1 , B oc � W Lar enteur �---'� on W 1 i ne of L t 12 for 35 ft th W t RA 0 ft to E �ne o or point f be , th cont 204.5 ft to W line f b k 1 th on ine o .97 t th at RA ?_0 .5 ft to E 1 ine of 1 k 1 N to e ei ny pa�r�o�To�s 3 thr 17 & Lot 21 thru 25 & a11 of ots , oc inneso a � ransf r Add. y-s State of Minnesota) ) �s County of Ramsey ) � �� being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the p son wh circul ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 £eet fram any property owned by affiant or sol.d by affiant within one (1? year_ preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above describedj that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date vf this petition= that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�rtatures ef eaeh and all of the parties so described. ;. �� ���✓ Subscribed and swozn to before me Address: 25 W. Fourth Str t Rm. 1201 Telephons No. 298--4105 this���day of�;� � `� 7 � � Approved as to form 10-27-76 „�-�!!��, �.�,,a_,. Offics of the City Atto_-ney Notary" Public, Ramsey C 2�ly commission expires ' , cS�azon c�finds (IOTARY PUBLIC-M�NNESOU !"` . RAMSEY COUNTY ' , MY���uion expire: Dec. it, 1985 � • � J CZTY OF 5AINT PAUL, MIN2JESOTA . PETITION 7'O AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� � Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ai�1 be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Date: April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67y of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposec3 rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give writtea consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, Z/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Pau2 Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Aonorable Body to rezo�te the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long �r� R__M-_�],�i- amily District to I-1 Industrial District, far thd purpose of installing, constructing and/er operatinq the following: (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWN�'R SIGNATLTRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: .� ME Proper ies um er wo ; N-. - Subj. to esmts; x SEIy 50 ft. & ex NWIy 2363 University 30 ft. of SE1 8 ft. of t: ; ' ,/�,' J���� �' Lot 5 Hewitt's utlots �-dl ( ��. 65- r S�ate of Ntinnesota) ) $a County of Ramsey ) � r being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the pe son who circula ed the within petitivn consistinq of pages; that the parties described ebove are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately fol].owing each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year precedi.ng the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above desczibedt that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petition= that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the pzesence of this af£iant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. � �� ���/ �� / V / " •- /� Subscribed and sworn to be£vxe me Adc3res : 25 W. Fourth S eet Rm. 1201 TeZephone No. 298-4105 this�''�'day of � • , Approved as to form 14-27-76 v�sv` Office �f the City Atto�ney Tiotary Public, Ramsey County, Mir_n. :�y commission expires ,,,` ,, cS�iazon c3{inda h� k10TARY WBLIC-MiNNESOTA • � , � RAMSEY COUNTY � Mv commiuion exoires Dec. il.1985 �, . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIM�ESOTA . PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISIATIVE (20*iiNGj COD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �aiyl be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCII, pate: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City HaZl City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of propertp owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give wrftten consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said groperty has o�.n2ed for any time in the past year additional rea� estate contiguons. to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within lOQ feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 af the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following describ.ed property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long frot� RM-2 Multi-Fami�y District to I-1 Industrial District, for the purpose of installinq, corestructing and/or operatinq the following: (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER S2GNA'TURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Pzoperty: Howard E. & Annette Commer Sub� o sewer ea ement; t e . t 2462 Be erl Road 4 ��� of Lo 19,. Audit r's Sub. No. 4 and exEy t t aso 0 0 9, 11 12 and th vacated alley lying betwe n the � e o s o pro uced N & t e E'ly lin of sd Lot 2 produced y n oc romweTf—PTace �s-z State of Minnesota) ) $e Cauaty o£ Ramsey ) � �_. ____ __�._ beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person wh circul ed the within petition consistinq of paqes; that the parties described above are the owners respecti.vely of the lots pZaced immediatel.y following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property tahich is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year_ preceding the date o£ this petition which is contiquous to the property above tZescribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasinq property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petitionj that this petitfon was siqned by each of said o•,aners in the _ presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of eacYt and all of the parties sa described. %�' '�ti Subscribed and sworn Co before me Addre s: 25 W. Fou h Street Rm. 1201 Telephonb No. 298-4 05 this�day of q��_ � , Approved as to form 10-27-76 _ �, � Office of the City Atto_-ney Nt�tary Pub�ic, Ran�sey Count Mi.rn. i�y eotnmission expites �•. � cS'�azo� afinds � h � �IOTARY PUBUC-MiNNESOTA ,. � RAMSEY COUNiY - , • MY commission expirea Dec.11,1983 CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, 11IMlESOTA . PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZOtVING) C'OD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ��ri�3. be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, ca11 the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HON�RABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pate: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rexoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has ow►zed for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): � Lots 19 & a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long fzom RM— Mil '- ami�v District to I-1 Indust,rial District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the fo3lowing: (descxi�e briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TLTRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Richard S. Stockwe o 1297 Hillcrest Ave. < Cromw 11 Ave. W st 40 ft of Lot 4 � and a 1 of Lots ,6,and 8 Block 1 D. H. Hunt's Sec nd Add. to St. Anthony Park �E�-� State of Minnesota) ) �s County o Ramsey ) ���eing fi�rst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the p rson wh circul ed the within petition consisting of pages; tha.t the parties described above are the awners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year, preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or i.s purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above descXibed property within one (1) year of the date o£ this petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence o£ this affiant, and that the signatures. above are the true and correct sie,�natures of each and all o£ the parties so described. '�� � Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: 25 W. Fourth St et Rm. 1201 Telephon� No. 298-4105 this�'�day of � �J Approved as to form 10-27-76 �v�cv� �„ � Offi.ce of the City Atto_-ney Natary PubTic, Ra.msey Cuuts.t�.,0�' :�y commission expizes �'� ' cS�azon c3f�Rds �� NOTARY PUBIIC-MrtJNE50TA ��`� RAMSEY COUNTY • , N1y commission expires Dec.il, 1985 • � , , . . CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, t1IN2JESOTA PETITIOt3 TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISIATIVE (ZONING) COO� � 13ote: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning °�i�l be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall 1?ntes= April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minn�sota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rexoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when. the owner of said property has oi.nzed for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own groperty within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Aonorable Body to rezone the following described property: (Zegal description & street address): Lots 19 & �a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long �roa► _RM-2 Mu�„�j- am� x District to I-1 Industrial District, far the purpose of installinq, constructinq and/or operating the following: (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWN£R SIGIdATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Richar_d S. Stoc we x. y , o ; ex , 1297 Hillcrest Ave. ,/j�� Lot 4 and a11 of Lot 3, Block 1 � . . un s ec n . o . n nony Pa rk y�-z State of Minnesota) ) sa � County of Ramsep ) � _ .,. . � �_ �___,.,___..__ �/ � �.��einq f�.rst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the p son wh circul ed the wf.thin petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots p].aced immediately followinq each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within lU0 feet fxom any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year .preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above �les�ribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or i.s purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property withi:n one (1) year of the date of this petitionj that this petition�wa� signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic,�natures of each and all of the parties so described. � � � � Subsczibed. and swozn to before me Address: 25 W. Fourth S eet Rm. 1201 Telephon� No. 298-4105 this`��day of _ � �'�9 . , Approved as to form 10-27-76 .. ��..� Office vf the City Attorney Notary Public, Ramsey Count Mtrn. �:y commission expires -.,, ��QZO,� �inds rIOTARY PUBUC-M�NNESOU � '"ti RAMSEY COUNTY , , ►�Ay cqmmisaion expires Dec.11,1985 . K CZTY OF SAINT PAUL, MIMIESOTA _ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO!VING) GOD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ai�l be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning nffice, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Date: April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67y of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for re:.oning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has o;+�ie3 for aay time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the peti.tioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodp to rezone the following describ.ed property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long fr�n_RM_ Mt�i rj,-Fami 1X District to I-1 �nd�}stri�. District, for thd purpose of installinq, constructinq and/or operating the foilowing: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: �, ;� �7 ' �"' e�- � 4332 Cottage Park Rd. Lot 8 and all o Lat 7, Block 81, _.. zy-Z State af Minnesota) ) ee Caunty of Ramsey ) . beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the pex�son who circul ed �he with�n petition consisting of pages- that the parties descri.bed above are the owners respectively of the 2ots placed immediately followinq each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within lU0 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is cantiguous to the property above describedt that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing p�opezty from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition= that this petiti.on�was signed by each of said owners in the _ presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and alI of the partiies so described. � Subsczibed and swozn to before me Addres : 25 W. ourth 5t et Rm. 1201 Telephons No. 298-4105 this�'�d�y of '1 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Atto_ney Notary Public, Ramsey , d 2 :3y commission expires ,� ;� �zon c9fiR a , �IOTARY PUBLIC-M�NNESOLk RAMSEY COUNTY ��^[ �Ay tommiaion expires Dec.11,1985 j ' ,. . � 1 F � CI1'Y OF SAINT PAUL, MIMJESOTA . PETITION TO AMENO CHAPT�RS 60 thrtl 64 OF THE LEGZSLATZVE (ZO*IING) COD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �ai�I. be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pate� April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67� of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the p�oposal. However, when the ok^ner �f said proFerty has o�,nzed for any time in the past year additional real estate cor.tignous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent.. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Pau1 Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long frOAt RM�„9 2�fy�,ilt�'-F2mi�,� Distxict to I-1 Industrial District, far the purpose of installing, constrtzct3ng and/or operatinq the foilowing: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECURD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDxTION Subject Propezty: /� -�L�i6✓�.Fi+4C� � '�� ��,,� • � � � � Clarence L. & June E. Mel aa d �.� (� i�(� ,.� ot 27 Blo�k 83 St. Anthon Park - 2307 Long Ave. � 7z -.� S�at� .of Minnesota) � g� County of R�msey ) : ' g f3xst du].y sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circul d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots pl.aced imcnediately following each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of proper�y which is within i00 feet fXOm any property owned by affiant or soZd by affiant within one (1� year_ precedfnq the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above described; that none of the parties descr�bed above has purchased or is purchasing propezty from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) yeaz of the date of this petitionf that this petition�was signed by each of said o•�aners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures Qf each and all of the parties so described. i Subscribed and swozn to before me Address. 25 W. F'ourth'Str t Rm. I201 Telephon� No. 298-4105 thia�day of ! 9 7 q , � Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Attorney Nt►�ary Public, Ramsey z�y commission expires cS�iazon �inc�a �+pTARY PUBUC-MWNESO7A '� � ' RAMSEY COUNTV- • MY commipion�xpiras pec. 11, 1985 . ' i `` � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, t1IMlESOTA PETITION Z'O AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO'_VING) COD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �ai�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, caZl the Zoning Section of the City Planning Offic�, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COIINCIL pate: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.2Z0 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within I00 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long tX�RM-�2 Multi-� mi1X District to I-1 Industrial District, fvr tha gurpose of irtstallinq, constructing and/or operatinq the foilowing: (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD �WNER SIGNATiJT_tE ZAT BLOCK ADDxTION Su�aject Property: � � ` � ���"" Eugene M. & Elizabeth A. � Subj. to esmt, L t 28 Block 83 � � /f'.:�t' - Keeley 2315 Long Ave. �S� l�—" � ���y S�a�e af Ms nriesota) � ?3 - t 3 gm � _ ; Cr�rst�r o:: Ra.�sey ) %` �-��being first duly sworn, de,poses and states that he is the persna Who circulat d the within petition consisting a� pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectiveZy of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each af the parties described abave is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or so].d by affiant within one (1) year, preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; kha.t none o£ the parties described a�ove has purchased or i.s purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of �he date of this petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owtiers in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of eaeh and all of the pazties so described. � � �� Subscribed and sworn to before me Addr ss: 25 W. Four Street Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-4105 this�'�day of � 7q - , Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Atto�-ney Notary Pub.�.ic, Rnmsey :�y commission expires �"""`` ' cS�azoR c7¢�nds , . . � � ��� . NOTKRY PUBIIC—M��NESOTA � o RAMSfY COUN7Y . , My commiuioo�xpirea Dec. 11, 1985 • . 1 CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MIM�ESOTA _ PETITxO[3 TO AMENa CHAPTERS 60 thrtt 64 OF THE LEGISIATIVE (ZOVING) COD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning wi�l be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new cl.assification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pnte: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguou� to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoaing Ordinance and Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own _ property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honarable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long irotc► RILi-2 t4 �1 tj- ami�� District to I-1 Ind�strial . District, for thd purpose of installing, constzucting and/or operating the following: (slescri�e briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD �WNER SIGNATiJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Lester Tjernlund •-� o s ru an y . a Post #451 - Am. Le ion l r � � ot 8 nd part o Lot 10 NE'ly of and � 2350 Territorial Road �. an a ove esc. par o � ot 8 . and E. f fol desc line: eg on orig . ine o ar es ve. nd 10 ft. SE of W line of Lot 8, th NW on ne . . , , on curv rad 60 ft 206.06 f . , th N 42° 57` 41" . . o in Rd. art o 10 and L ts 3 thru 8 Hoard`s Sub. 0 0 , is�s� State of Miruiesota) � 3Y-z ) se Ccyunty vf Ramsey ) '���� � ���� beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the per �on who irculate the within petition consisting of paqes; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately �ollowing each name; that each af the par�ies described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet fratn any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one {1) y�ar, preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above �ciescribed; that none of the paxties described above has purchased or is purchasing property fzom affiant contiguous to the above described property within one {1) year o£ �he date of this petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of sai.d owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and carrect sic�natures of Qaeh and all of the parties so described. � � � �� Subscribed and swor�n to befoxe me Adc3ress:' 25 W. ourth St et Rm. 1201 lq ,�� Tel.ephone No. 298-4105 thi�t�'�day af _..,.LL1J. � �� Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Atto�-ney Natairy Pub�ic, Ran�sey , , . i�y eommission expires r� �. • tazon c7finds � � �IOTARY PUBLIC—M�NNESOTA '� RAMSEY COUNi 19Fs5 y� MY co�ission expirea Dec. 11, . ' CITY OF 5AINT PAUL� MIM�ESOTA . pETITION TO AMENO CHAPTFRS 60 thztt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZOHING) COD� � Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� ai�I be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL p,�te: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Sect3.on 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However., tshen the owner of said property has o�,nzed for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguoud to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet ot the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following describ.ed property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long from RA�2 M�1 t;-Fam;1 v Distxict to I-1 Industrial District, for the purpose of installing, constructfng and/or�operatinq the following: (d�scrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Amanda T. Averback Subj. to pub es s & ex S. 140.85 ft. 54 Glendale St. � of Lo 27 meas. on & at ra w the E line hereof & SE 17.14 ft. MOL as in DOC. 1017 1 of art of Lot 10 S. of extended . Line of sd part of Lot 2 the fol : Lot 27 and SE'7 % of Lot 1 Audit�r`s Sub. No. 4 ,�-i State of Minnesota) ) sa � County of Ramsey ) �f� .' ,_;___..r...__.. � ��einq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulat the within petition consisting of paqes; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots p].aced immediately following each name; that each a£ the parties described above is the awner of propPrty which is within 100 feet frasn any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above �iescxibedj that none of the parties described above has purchased or i.s purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above desczibed property within one (1) year of the date of this petitionj that this petita.on�was signed by each of said owners ia the pre�ence of this affian�, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � �,OlYL� � .%�'�' Subscribed and sworn to befere me Address: 25 W. Fourth S eet Rm. 1201 Telephon� No. 298-4105 thia��'�day of ��_ , Approved as to £orm 10-27-76 Off ice of the C ity Attorney Notary Public, Ramsey ' inly commission expizes o'``;' cs'�aaoR afinda � (IOTARY PUBIIC—MiNNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY ' rAy commission expires Dec.11,1985�. ` /.. � • • CSTY OF 5AINT PAUL, MIMJESOTA . PETITZON 7'O AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISIATIVE (ZO*iZNG) COO� Notes Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning :ri�I. be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new c2assification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Date: April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67� of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for re�oning must give written consent before the City sha11 consider the proposal. However, when the oc.mer of said property has owned for any time in the past year additionai real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger . package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own _ property within 100 feeC of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & 'a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 El.lis & 2273 Long �r� TtM- M ,1 _'-� Fa�±-j,lv District to I-1 Industria�. District, for the purpase of installinq, constructing and/or operating the followinq: (dasczibe briefly the proposed facili,ty) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATiJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITIpN Subject Propezty: Amanda T. Averbeck Subj to Dr es , that art of Lot 27 540 Glendale St. & of the E'ly 1 .14 ft. of Lot 10 l in bet two ra. iines at RA to the W li e of Raym d rlve from pts. on sd W. 1 ne 88 ft. 108.36 ft. resp N from S� c�rner � sd Lot 27 A�tor's Sub. No. 4 3?- t 5�ate of Minnesota) � Sd Couaty of Ramsey ) _ _: _5._: ..__-._ 1 being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the p son-who circul ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners zespectively of the lots p].aced immediately follo�ring each name; that each of the parties described above is the Qwner of property which is within l00 feet from any property owned by affiant or so].d by aff�ant within on� (1) year precedinq the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above descr3,bed; that none of the parties describsd ahove has purchased or is purchasinq property from affiant contiquous to the above described property within one (1) yeaz of �he date of this petittons that this petiti.on�was siqned by each of said owners in the . presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so described. � �G-' ��v Subscxibed and sworn to before me Addre s:� 25 W. Fourth reet Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-4105 �his�day of �� R , Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Atto�ney Nr�tary Public, Ramsey :�y commission expires ;� cS�azoR c7f�nds MOTARY PUBUG—MiNNESOTA �� RAMSEY COUNiY ' My commission expires Dec.ll,�985 ' « y CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MIM�ESOTA PETITION x'O AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �:ri�1 be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about Che rezoning o£ property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c10 the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �tQ= April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota , Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within tne area to be considered must conseat to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of I�tinnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section b4.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own _ property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following describ.ed property: (legal description & street address}; Lots 19 & a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long fr� RM—? Mi,l j,- ami 1� District to I-1 Industrial District, for the purpose vf installinq, constructing and/or operatinq the foilowing: {describe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNAT[TRE LOT BLOCK ADDTTION Subject Property: � Juliette H. Noble �� ' ,,� Lot 1 Block 79 St. Anthony Park . 861 Raymond � ' zr - � State of Minnesota) ) $a County of Ramsey ) /�� �:__ >._._ _.._,.._ � .-;✓��eing first duly swarn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulate the within petition consisting ef pages� that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots p].aced immediately following each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet fram any property owr►ed by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year precedinq the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above �escribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing propezty fzom affiant contiguous to the above described praperty within one (1) year of the date of thi.a petitioni that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natuxes of each and all of the parties so described. � �r�.�:Iy �i� � Subscribed and sw�or� to befare me Address: 25 W. Fourt Street Rm. 1201 Telephon� No. 298-4105 this��8ay of ��_ - , Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Attorney Notary Publl.c, Ramsey , F "'`` cS�razoR c�inc�s 1`�y commission expires ��1�I NOTARYPUBLIC-MiNNE50T, RAMSEY COUNTY . - My commisaion expirea Dec.11,1985 • +� • r . CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, t1IMJESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISIATIVE (20'_VZNG) COD� � Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonfng �ai�I be considered by the City of 5aiat Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 29$-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pate: April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota , Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of prvperty owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for re�oning _ must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owued for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and herehy petition your HonorabTe Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description � street address): Lots 19 & 'a0 Bl.ock 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long �x'� RM-? Mul j-Fam�,.;1 v Distxict to I-l� Industrial District, for the purpose of installinq, constructing and/or aperating the following: (describe briefiy the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATtJRE LOT BLOCK . ADDITZON � Subject Property: Ra mond C. & Linda Br an � � ' r/'��� 6 8.1 St. Anthony Park 862 Raymond " � � State of Minnesota) zs- r ) Ss � County of Ramsey ) r � . . � _::_..._...._� __ �'—'Keinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respecti.vely of the lots pZaced immediately following eaah �name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet frvm any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties descrfbed above has purchased or is purchasing propezty from affiant contiguous to the above descri.bed property within one (1) year of the date of this petition= that this petition was siqned by each of said owners in the _ presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all vf the parties so descri.bed. � ��� Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: 25 W. Fourt Street Rm. 1201 Telephon� No. 298-4105 thia�'�day of � � q • , Approved as to form 10-27-76 Offi.ce �E the City Attorney Natary' Pub.�ic, Ramsey , �!y eommission expires "�.. � jla?on c`3finda rIOTARY PUBUC�-MUNNESOTA 'ti°� RAMSEY COUNTY ^Ay commission exP�rea Dec.il,1985. � ' C=TY OF 5AINT PAUL, t4IMlESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thzu 64 OF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO*IING) COO� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �ai�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further inform.ation about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COtTI3CIL �,te: c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Sall Apl^il 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679� of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5} of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long from RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial District, for the purpose of installing, canstructing and/or operatinq the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansi0n RECORD OWNER SZGNATURE IAT BLOCK ADDZTION Subject Property: � State of P7innesota That art of Lot 7 & 8 S of the " Minn. Dept. of Transportation fo lo ing esc ne: pt o eg eing at t on the W line of Lot 7, 45 ft S from N co ner o s ot, e to a pt on the E line of Lo 7, 120 ft S from the � C ar es urri , co ner o s o , y rom he District Engineer NE'ly corner of d Lot 8 Block 78 . ony ar State of Minnesota) � � �o -� ) aa � � County of Ramsey ) - - � /,� being f�.rst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person aho circu ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each af the parties descri.bed above is the owner of propPrty which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is Qtlrchasinq property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date o£ this petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the pazties so deseribed. ;� ,:;�'�-- � Subscribed and sw�ozn to before me Ad ess: 25 . Fourth t. R. 1201 Te2ephone tvo. 298-4105 thts o4�'�day of �� � � . Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Atto�ney Notary Public, Ramsey �¢�e , _ ?sy commiasion expires ,''"`,�`,� cS�azo� c�finds �`�� �IOTARY W18LIC—MiNNESOTA � RAMSEY CaUNTY • ' My commisaion expires Dec. il, 1985 s CZTY OF 5AINT PAUL, tRIMJESOTA . PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISI.ATIVE (ZO'_VZNG) COD� - Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, ca11 the Zoning Section of the CiCy Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Date: April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that b77� of property owners within tne area to be considered must consent to the proposea rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for re:.oning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. Howaver, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own . property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address): Lots 19 & �a0 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long froA► R,�,�,_2 M ,1 t'-Fami lv Di$trict to I-1 Industrial District, for tha purpose of installing, constructinq and/or operatinq the foZlowing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TiJRE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: State of Minn All o Lots 1 th u 5, incl . and except f o Bloc 2 D. Hunt s Minn. Dept. of Transportatio �� � ' Secon Add. to S . Anthony Park Charles Burrill , District En ineer ��-r State of Minnesota) ) �d County vf Ramsey ) . � d_ .�._..: . beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the pezsore who eircula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followiag each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of propPrty which is Hithin 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by af£iant within one (1) year,precedinq the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above tlescribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property fxom affiant contiguous to the above descri.bed property within one (1) year of the date of thie petitionf that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence o£ this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�{natures of eaeh and all o£ the pazties so described. � � l���0�- Stibscribed and sworst to before me Address: 25 . Fourth reet Rm. 1201 Telephone No. 298-4105 thiso��'�day of �� • _ Apgroved as to fvrm 10-27-76 �,.��v` � Office of the City Atto_-ney Notary' Public, Ramsey Count , Mir_n. �+Sy eommzssion expises ;,:�-.. " cS�iaQOn 2fiRC�e ��- , NOTARYPUBUC-MiNNESOTA � ���' RAMSEY COUNTY . . MY commiuion expires Dec.11,1985 . ' / ' , ,/ CZTY OF 5AINT PAUL, ldIM�ESOTA PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thZU 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) G00� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning :�i�i be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mit�ed under the new classification. For further informatian about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �tei April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this Iarger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St� Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own groperty within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezane the following described praperty: (legal description & street address) Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 S.t. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis & 2273 Long �r� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial District, for the purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operating the fo�lowing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATiJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: � State of Minnesota All o Lots 1 t ru 6 and all of Minn. Dept. of Transportat on Lots 9 t ru oc t. nt ony �� �-� Park ar es urri , District Engineer State of Minnesota) � g z ) sa County of Ramsey j - � ��--" being first duly sworn, deposes ar:d states that he is the person Hho circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name= that each af the parties described above is the owner of propezty which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) yeax precedf.nq the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property a.bove describedt that none of the parties descrsbed above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contigueus to the above descri.bed property within one (1) year of the date of this petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence vf this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties sa described. � �� ��_ Subscribed and aworn to before me Address: 25 W. ourth S . t. au , oom1201 Telephone �vo. 298-410 this�'''t day of � . Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Attosney Notary Public, Ramsay . :iiy commissien expizes cS�azo� o�ftRds 1 � � r10TARY PUBLIC-MiNNE50U RAMSEY COUNTY • My cotnntipion oxpires Dec.11,1985 " l � � � Z . . ��������?��� � a CITY OF SAINT PAL1L, taIN27ESOTA _ 7 -3_�� BBTITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thzu 64 OF THE LEG2SLATIVE (ZO*tZNG) COD� ��SO,Of� � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning :riyl be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the getition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planaing Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUPICIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Date� April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section b4.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the araa to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed far rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the progosal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguau� to �he land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the proparty owners withi;n lOQ feet of th3s larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone Che following described pzoperty: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long f=� RM-2 Multi-Family Di$trict to I-1 Industrial , District, for th� purpose of installirtq, constttxcting and/or operating the follo�.ring: (describe briefly the proposed facil.ity) Industrial Expansion ,__--.---- ------. - - - -_ RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: � Vac s s & alleys accr & SEIy ft. Housin and Redevelo ment of Lo 8 & al l o Lots 9 thru 21 Biock 83 St. n hony Par Authority of the City of Gary E. Stout St. Paul, Minnesota [ts Executive Director S�ate of Mirinesota) _xxxx - ► Z D s• Caunty of Ramsey j �"� , bein first duZ swora, de ses anc� states that he is the g , Y Po person Hho circ ated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties d�sczibed above are the owners respectively of the lots pl.aced immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the ocmer af property which is within l0Q feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1} year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above described; that none of the parties described abave has purchased or is pur.chasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and cozrect sic�natuzes of each and all of the parties so described. � ,.� , i� Subsrxibed and ew�orn to before m� Address: Te7.ephone tvo.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 th3.st��ay of� /q 7� 298-4105 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 - ��,,,`, Office of the City Atto_ney ,., Natary Public, Raa�sey , p '`+���` eS'�iaeon e�{inc�i �, - �7t � ,�_. commission ex ires i��.�;�y� P��`'r` NOT�RY PUBLIC—IhiNNE50tA � �` " '�z� RAM�EY COi;N7Y '� MY commiuion explres Dec. 11, 1985 . � . CITY OF SAZNT PAUL� t4IMJESOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� eri:.1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the progosed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the sigaer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4I54. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUPiCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall Datei Rpril 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679� of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed reaoning. Section 452.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Sectioa 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your RonorabZe Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long __� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, for the purpose of installing, canstructing and/or operatinq the following: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TiJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: W 75. 0 ft meas red on Ellis St. of Hausin� and�t� t Lot 2 Bloek 79 St. Anthon Park Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minnesota Its Executive Director .1JYy7i_�� _ � State of Minnesota) ) am County o Ramsey ) :/�:� � _ beinq first duly sworn, deposes arid states that he is the person Who circu ted the within petition consisting of pages; tha.t the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed imcaediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owr►er of property r+�hich is within 1Q0 £eet frcm any prcperty owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1� year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the paxties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date oE thie petitionj that this petition was signed by each of said owners ia th� presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above aze the true and correct sic�rsatures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. f Z �_ Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: Telephons ivo.25 W. F urth Street Rm. 1201. this��ay of 298-4105 , Approved as to fcrm 10-27-76 ,��.,�,.� ,a � Office of the City Atto_ney ---r Notary Public, Rarnsey ?!y commiasion expires P°;� cSFazoR �f�nd1 , NOTARY PUBUC—MiNfdESOTA '°�d� RAMSEY COuNTA . '' MY commission expires Dec. 11,1985�^_ " �.�...�...,-,w�,-_.-�..r_ .�. . CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, tRIMJESOTA _ pETITION TO AMEND CtiAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OF THE LEGISLATZVE (ZO*lltvG) GOO� . t Note: Before the pe[itioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COLTI3CIL � � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Ha1Z Date� Rpril 6, 1979 - City of Saint Paul, Minneso[a � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679� of property owners wi.thin the area to be considered must consent to the proposea rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City sha11 consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Pau2 2oning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodp to rezone the following described praperty: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long =r� RM-Z Multi-Family Diatrict to I-1 Industrial . District, fvr the purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operatiaq the following: (desczi.re briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNp►�'URE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Corrnne cing at a t. on the S line of Lot i and edevelo ment 20, 1 5.70 ft. f om the SW corner thereui th N 25 ft. th W to the NW line of u horit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout sd 1 o th to the N corner th to the SE corne th W 50 f . to pt. of beginning, t. Paul Minnesota Its Executive Director art f Lot 20 B ock 79 St. Anthon Park r.�_�r±� - r State of Minnesota) ) d� County of Ramsey j ' � being first duly sworn, deposes ared states that he is the person Kho circula d the within petiti.on consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lvts placed imcnediate3.y €ollowing each name; 'that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 1Q0 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date o£ thia petition� that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic,�natures of each and all ef the parties so described. r � J .')'�� Subsczibed and awozn to before me Address: th1s�day of q Te2ephons �vo.25 298-4105h Street Rm. 1201 L.— Approved as to form 10-27-76 �-�A.ti_. � Office of the City Atto_ney Notz�ry Public, Ramsey :!y co�nmi�sion expires �"`^� cSFazon a{lnda - �: ,��-Qy�" NOTARY NUBUC-MtNNESOU � RAMSEY COUNTY �� . MY commission expires Dec. 11, 1985 CZTY OF SAZNT PAUL, tRIMJESOTA „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF TtiE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COO� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ai�I be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning af property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COt]NCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall Dntea April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679: of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguou� to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the proparty owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give writtea consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 af the St. FauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Boay to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots I9 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long __� RM-2 Multi-Family Distxict to I'1 Industrial . District, for the purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operatiisg the following: (descz.ire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNfiTURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: � Beg a a pt. on he S line of Lot 20, Housin and Redevelo ment � 75.70 ft. r th E alo g sd S lin 40 ft th N 125 ft. th Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout W W 1 i n last ine to a p . due N of the pt. of St. Paul Minnesota Its Executive Director be t to t. of be Block 79 St. Ant ony Park �Xp`Ti� — ! State of Minnesota) ) as County vf Ramsey ) V"� ' �1--� bein first dul sworn, de ses and states thaC he is the g Y Po person who circul ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties descri.bed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the o�rner of property which is within 100 feet from any prcperty owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one {1j year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described a3ove has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said o�+rners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and carrect sic�natures af each and all of the parties so described. �C_/ Subscribed and swozn to before me Address: this��day of Te2ephon� ivo.25 298_4105h Street Rm. 1201 Approved as to form 10-27-76 A_.,_ �., Office of the City Atto�ney .. - Notary Public, Raatsey , . :�ly commission expires ��-._-,'�:� �'�a?on c�{�nds NOTARY PUBLIC—MiNNESOiA ` ,, f �4C RAMSEY COUN7Y My commission expires Dec. 11, 1985 � � CITY OF SAZNT PAUL� MIMJESOTA � YETITYON TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thz'u 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO'.VING) COD� � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:ri�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall, Da�tes April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679� of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the propose8 rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the progosal. However, when the awner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguou� tc the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within Z00 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Pau2 Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots I9 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long __� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, for the parposs of installing, constructing and/or operating the £oilowinq: (descrire briefZy the proposed facility) Industrial EXpdns7on RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDIT�ON Subject Property: (Ex N 38.5 ft. Lot 19 Block 79 and edevelo ment St. nthon Par ho it the Cit of Gar E. Stout . Paul Minnesota Its Executive Director State of Minaesota) -X?S� � � ) s� Covtnty of Ramsey j _ -- .._. � -► beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states tha.t he is the pe�son Hho circula d the within petition consistinq of pages; that the parties descrzbed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed iAUnediately follo•+�ing each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is t,iithin 1Q0 feet fram any propezty owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (12 year preceding the date vf this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant conti.guous to the above described property within one (1� year af the date of thia petitioni that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatwres above are the true and correct sic�esatures of each ar�d all of the parties so described. ''� ��" Subscribed and aw�orn to before me Ad�ress: 25 W. ourth Street l�n. 120i Telephons t�to. 298_4105 this��ay of 9 Approved as ta form 10-27-76 �..,, � Office of the City Atto_ney — - � Notary Public, Ramsey :3y commission expires s''"'� �S�azoR af�nds �`�': . �� NOTARV�UBLtG—MiNNE50TA ' � RAM5EY COUN7Y My commiuion expires Dec. 11, 1985 " CITY OF 5AYNT PAUL, t4INtJESOTA �, FETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thrtt 64 OF THS LEGZSLATIVE (ZO'_dING) COD� . t Note: Before the petitioaer's proposal for rezonin� �:ri�l be considered by the Citq of Saint Yaul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �,te� April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Ha1Z City of Saint Pau2, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67' of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the J.and proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, wken the owner of said property has owned for any time ia the past year additional real estate contiguou� to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Puzsuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Eliis and 2273 Long __� RM-2 Multi-Family Df$trict to I'1 Industrial . District, fvr the purpos� o±� installinq, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed fac3lity) IndUStridl Expansion RECORA OWNER SIGNATLIRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: , , Vac S . accruing & the fol : Lots 13 Housina and Redevelo ment thru 8 Block 73 St. Anthon Park Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minnesota Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) � -b ) as Cwnty of Ramsey ) __�� being first duly swcrn, deposes and states that he is the person Who circulat d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described ebove are the awners respectively of the lots placed imcnediately following each name; that each o£ the parties described abave is the owner of property �,rhich is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year precedittg the date of this petition which is contiguous tn the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property fzom affiant contiguous to the above aescribed property within one (1) year of the date o£ thia petitionj that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatuxes above are the true and correct siqnatures of each and all of the parties so described. ��� Subscxibed and sworn co before me Adctress: this �da of Telephons t3o.25 298F0�105h Street Rm. 1201 � Y , Approved as to fozm 10-27-76 � �„���„� "'��� Office of the City Attvrney �- Notary Public, Ftamsey Count :!y commission expires �-� S�Q?on 2f,rzds � ► � NOTARY FUBLIC—M�NNf50TA � � � RAMSEY CUUNTY , . pAy commisaion expires Dec.11,1985 •- CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, MIMJESOTA _ ?ETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OF TNE LEGZSLATIVE (ZO*IING) GOD� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning :�i�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning af property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Dntei Rpril 6, 1979 Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners wi.thin the area to be considered must consent to the proposec3 rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning mus� give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the awner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of progerty must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Pau2 Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersignecT, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lo�ts 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long __� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, for thd purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the foll�wing: (descr.i�e briefly the proposed faciiity) Industrial Expansion RECORD OYT►VER SIGNFTT(JRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Vac a eys an a oc . n ony � Park uth. - o � State of Minnesata) � ' �G ) a�+ . County of Ramsey ) . �/ ` _ _. � '✓ , `� � being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots p2aced immediatel.y follo•aing each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the ovmer of propPrty which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (Ij yeax preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing propezty fzom affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1� year of the date of thia petition= that this petiti.on�was signed by each of said owners ia the presence of this affiant, and that the signatuxes above are the true and correct sic�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. �i�� c��--- Subscxibed and $worn to before me Address: � Telephons rjo.25 298_4105h Street Rm. 1201 this�_day of �j'� �� Approved as ta fozm 10-27-76 � Office of the City Atto=ney Notary Public, Ra.c+sey �t�}y�..�4. :!y commissioct expires �°"`'° cS�iazon c'�finc�i . ��.,� ��. NOTARY PUBLIC—M�NNESOTA r . . } RAMSEY CUUNTY ' : MY commission expires Dec. 11,1985 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, tdINtJESO?A _ PETIT20N TO AMEND CHAPTF.ItS 60 thYU 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO'_VING) GOD� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for re.zonin� �:-ri�1 be considered by the City o£ Saiat Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signi.ng the petition which is a statement to that effect, the sigzer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Datei April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677: of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoniag must give written consent before the City sha11 consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's ],and and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description b street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long froaa RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, for th� purpose of installinq, constructing and/or aperatinq the followi.ng: (desczi�e briefly the proposed faciiity) Industrial Expansion RECORD OVlti'£R SIGNA�''tTRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: SEIy 20 ft. of Lot 29 Block 83 � Housin and Redevelo ment St. nthon Pa k - Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minnesota Its Executive Director . S�ate of Mircnesotaj X� - � � �a . County of Ramsey ) � r�L being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the per on who circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed imcuediateJ.y following each name; that each o£ the parties described above is the owner of property which is v,iithin 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1� year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property £zom affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of' thia petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said vwners ia the pxesence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct si�natures of each and all of the parties so described. , y�, Subsczibed and $wvrn to befoxe me Address: Telephons No.25 W. ourth Street Rm. 1201 this��ay of 298-4105 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 � �„� Office of the City Atto_ney Notary Public, Ra,msey G :'!!y commiasion exp3re9 � °'°'�° �S�azon c�f�rzda _ y �--�^�;,. �d �� NOTARY PUBLIC—MtNNESOTA �4 � RAMSEY COUNTY �' My c�ommiasion expires Dec. il,1965 - ,_ � CZTY OF 5AZNT PAUL� MIMJES07'A � FETIT20N TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thzu 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) GOD� � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:r��1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information abou.t the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HOI30RABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL �tei April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679: of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguaus to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own propezty within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long fr� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, for the parpose of installiag, constructing and/or operating the fo3lo�ring: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATVRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: � Lot 1 thru 4 Blo k 3 Re in D.H. Hunt's Housin and Redevelo ment Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minnesota Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) _X X�1� - � ) aa County vf Ramsey ) r�</ � beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person Hho circulat the within petition consisting of pages; that the patties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followinq each r�ame; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property rrhich is saithin 1Q0 feeC from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property a.bove uescribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the abave described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petitionj that this petition was signed by each of said vwners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sie�natures of each and all of the parties so described. i���Y�� `%l� Subscribed and swo�cn to befoze me Address: Telephons tvo.25 W. urth Street Rm. 1201 this��ay of 298-4105 . Approved as to form 10-27-76 �, �,,, , Office of the City Atto�ney -_..�- ��.- Notary Public, Ra,a�sey C�� Mir_n. -a1y commission expire9 �-•, s�azorz a{�.�d1 ��r�. r---� NOTARY PUBUC—MiNNESOTA f � ` RAMSEY COUNTY .. ' 1J1y commission expires Dec.11,1985 r CZTY OF SAZNT PAUL, t�tIM�ESOTA �ETIT20N TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEG2SLATIVE (20*IZHG) COD� � i Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning :�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning 0£fice, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Ha1Z Datei Rpril 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land propased for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the awner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul. Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statntes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodp to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long !r� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, for the purpose o� installing, constructing and/or operatinq the fo2loxinq: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion �ro� ��R SIGNATiJRE IAT BLOCK ADDITZON Subject Property: Vac a ley accr; x NW y t. , ot Housin and Redevelo ment �� Block 82 St. Ant ony Park Authorit of the Cit of Gary E. Stout St. Paul, Minnesota Its Executive Director State of Mi�nesota) � - � ) sa � County of Ramsey ) - _ _. '��� �Zn %�y'� being first du2 sworn, de ses arcd state� that he is the . Y Po person Who circul ted the within patition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each natae; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is Wfthin 100 feet f�cm any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1� year precediitg the date of this peti.ti.on which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petitionl that this petition�was siqned by each of sai.d owners in the presence vf this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sie,�natures of each and all of the parties so described. i�T� � -.�` �yY�-- 5ttbsczibed and sw�orn to before me Adclress: 25 W. F rth Street Rm. 1201 Telephone tvo. 298_4105 thi�ay vf Approved as to for.�► 10-27-76 _____��...a.�,►..._ � ,.� Office of the City Atto_ney Natary Public, Ramsey - �y �ommission expires �""� �SFazon 2ftRds . ���� NOTARY PUBLIC-MiNNE50TA Y_�i �" RAMSEY COUNTY r'' NAy commission expires Dec. 11, 1985 ._ ' CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, 2dIM1ESOTA ,� PETITION TO AMEND CEiAPTF.FLS 60 thnt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO?VItYG) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonir►g �:ri�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL �,tei April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall Citq of Saint Yaul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677� of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposea rezoning. Section 462.357(S} of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguou� to the land proposed fox rezoning, 2j3 of the property owners within 100 feet af this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �r� RM-2 Multi-Family Distr3,ct to I-1 Industrial . District, for the purpose of insta].ling, constructing and/or operating the fo2lowing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) jndustridl Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TtJRE LOT BLOCK ADDIT20N Subject Pzoperty: Vac 11ey accr; SE 10 ft. of Lot 4 Housin and Redevelo ment � and W1 25 ft. of Lot 5 Bloc 82 � St. nthony Pa Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minnesota Its Exec,utive Director State of Minnesota) w�� - t ) ss County of Ramsey j J�^ '�" y being first duly sworn, deposes arcd states that he is the person Who circu ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties dascribed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed imcnediatel.y following each name; that each of the parties descr3.bed above is the owner of property s�rhich is within 100 feet frvm any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one {7,� year preceditig the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above describeds that none of the pazties described above has purchased or i.s purchasing pzoperty from affiant contiguous to 'the above described property within one (l� yeaz of the date of thia petition� that this petitiv�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct si�r►atures o£ each and all of the parties so described. � Z�"L /J' , � �3'�'� Subacribed and sworn to before me Address: th3s �a of Te2ephons t3o.25 �98F0�105h Street Rm. 1201 � y Approved as to form 10-27-76 ► _ ����_ ; Office of the City Attorney - ---� r Notz�ry Public, Raa+sey 'C'"'"'�y, . =!y convnission ex ires '°?°n 2f`°d1 � �._ . p ��L NOTARY PUBLIC—MiNNE50TA � . _ . . RAMSEY COUNTY �r MY commission expires Dec. 11, 1985 � • � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, t9IN21ESOTA „ BETITION TO AMEN� CHA.PTERS 60 thzu 64 OF TFiE LEGZSLATIVE (ZO*�I�IG) GOD� � { Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning :ri�3. be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the sigaer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCII, ' ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Oa:tei April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 671� of property owners wi.thin the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. Nowever, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodp to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lats 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long !r� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District. for thd purpose of installing, .canstsucting and/or operatinq the foilowing: {descr3re briefly the proposed fac3lity) Industridl Expansi0n RECORD OWNER SIGNATIJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITZON subject Property: Vac lley accr; N y t. o 0 Bloc 82 St. An hony Park - 've irector State of Minnesota) .?'���t- � � ) =s County of sey ) �-�' '�' i��� beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the pe �on Kho circul ted the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the own�rs respectively of the lots placed imcnediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet tzcm any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (la ysar preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that nene of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing pzoperty from affiant contigueus to the above described propertg within one (1� year of the date o£ thia petition� that this petition�was signed by each of said o•,�mers in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures a.bove are the true and cozrect sic,�r►atuzes of eaeb and all of Lhe parties so described. � �--J � �� Subscribed and $w�orn to before me Address: Telephone tao_25 . Fourth Street Rm. 1201 ttiis,��ay of Q,�._�q� �j 298-�t105 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 �` Office of the City Atto�ney Notary Public, Ra.msey ,,,`.o =:y commiasion expire9 .�;.� �S'�a2on �3ftnds � . ' �`° NOTARY PUBIIC—MiNNESOU . � � _ - -� � RAMSEY COUNTY � • - My commission expires Dec, ii, 1985 -� «.r� .....�.�. CZTY OF 5AINT PAUt,, tRIMJESOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 6Q thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (2a'.VIt�G) COD� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Yaul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classificatioa. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL �tei April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall Citg of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679� of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezaning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate cantiguou� to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 54.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner�s land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following descr3bed property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 long !r� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, fvr the purpose of installinq, canstructinq and/or operatinq the following: (desczibe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BF,OCK ADDITION Subject Property: Vac lley accr; Lot oc t. ou in and Redevelo ment � Anth n Park hor't o he it Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minnesota Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) �JT" -1 ) �a County of Ramsey ) � (J �✓ � L� � -�-�1^ being first duly sworn, deposes ascd states that he is the person who circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties descri.bed above are the owners respectively of the lats placed immediately followinq each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner af property �hich a.s yithin 100 feet froa�.any property owned by affiant or soZd by affiant within one (1) yeax preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above d,escribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property fzom affiant. contiguous to the above descri.bed property within one (1) year of the date of thia petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said o•�rners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sie�natures of each and all of the parties so described. � ����� vyc-- Subsczibed and sworn to before me Ad ess: Telephone ivo.�5 W. ourth Street Rm. 1201 ,��..Y �_ 1 �7 � 298-4105 thls a of , Approved as to form 10-27-76 �� Office of the City Atto_ney Notary Public, Ra.msey , . �iy commission expires d°�'";' cS�azon c7ftnds � NOTARYFUBUC-MiNNE50TA �` RAMSEY COUNTY . � My commission expires Dec. 11,1985 ,_ . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, t1IM�ESOZ'A � BETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF TE1E LEGISLATIVE (ZO*1ZIYG) GOD� e S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning :ri�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COtTPICII, �,te: Apri 1 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Roam 386 City Hali City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoniag must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. Nowever, when the owner of said property has owned for any time iu the past year additional real estate contiguaus to the land proposed for rezoning, Z/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within I00 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodp to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, for thb purpose o� installing, constructing and/or operatirsq the fo3lowing- (descrire briefly the propc�sed facility) Industrial Expansion R£CORD OWNER SIGNRTi1RE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Housin and Redevelo ment Vac a 1 ey acCr; 27.5 ft of Lot 8 P S A P k Authority of the City of Gary E. Stout St. Paul, Minnesota Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) � - � ) sm Cavnty of Ramsey j i'L/ �' � g' . _ /yL being irst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circul ed the within petition consisting of vages; that the parties described above are the owners respect3.vely af the lots p2aced inunediately follo•�ing e�ch naase; that each o£ the parties described above is the owner of property which is �,tithin 1Q0 feet frota any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above descri.bed property within one (1) year of the date of this petition= thaC this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and corzect sic�natures o£ each and all of the parties so described. fi:�� L�Ly� ;.�yrz Subscxibed and sworn to before me Address: Telephons ivo.25 W. ourth Street Rm. 1202 this-a$day of f 9''� 9 298-4105 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 v��__ �_ ., Office of the City Atto_ney Notary Public, Ramsey Mir_n. :�y commission expires .��;� S�Q?on �,nds � �$� :r � �S' NOTARY PUBLIC—MiNNE50TA � � . � - . � r : . .. . - RAMSEY COUNIY MY commission expires Dec. il, 1985 � CITY OF 5AZNT PAUI., t4INtJESOTA � PETITION TO AMEN� CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF TF-TE LEGISIATIVE �ZO*1ZIYG) C00� . t Note: Before the pe[itioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further in�ormation about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Plann3ng Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall Da�tes April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67y of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposea rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger pa�kage of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Pau2 Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Ronorable Bvdy to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �r� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I'1 Industriai . District, for the purpose v±` installinq, canstxuctinq and/or aperatzng the foilowing: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWiVER SIGNA'T[TRE LOT BLOCK ADDITZON Subject Praperty: . Vac lley accr; E 27.5 ft of W 55 ft d v n ' St. of L t 8 Block 2 St. Anthony Park . tou . Paul Minnesota Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) _Tc_x_k� - ► ) aa County of Ramsey ) ,��� �� � . . , Leing ��.rst iuly swozn, fleposes arci states that he is th� per on �ha cisculat d the within petitfon consisting of pages; that the parties desczibed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed inunediately following each name; that each of the parties deseri.bed above is the owner of property Khich is Within 100 feet frvm any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (lj yeax preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above descr3bed; that nene of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property fzom affiant contiguous to the above desczibed property within one (1) year of the date of thia petitionj that this petition was signed by each of said owners �a the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. � ,����C= ���'�'� Subscribed and swo�cn to befoze me Address: Telephons cvo.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 this�'�d'ay of � 298-4105 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 ---� Office of the City Atto=ney Notary Pub13c, Ramsey , ,si a , „ lsazon c`1�{inc�s ='� CORiLT1.L3S�0[i E!Xp�69 ��': NOTARYPUBLIC-MiNNE50T� �"` RAMSEY COUNTY pAy commiaaion expirea Dec. 11,1985 • � CITY OF SAZNT PAUI,, t1IN21ES02A � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGiSLATrVE (ZO*�ING) COD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� :�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planaing Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CiTY COUI3CIL pn,te� April 6, 1979 c�o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Ha1Z City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners withia the area to be considered must consent to the proposec3 rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. Nowever, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersi.gned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezoae the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long _� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, for the gurpose of installing, constructinq and/or operating the foilowing: (desczire briefly the propased facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SI6NATLTRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION �ubject Property: - . Vac a ley accr; 85 ft. measured on Housin and Redevelo ment Park Authorit of the Cit of Gary E. Stout St. Paul, Minnesota Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) �� -� ) ss Ccunty o� Ramsey ) � � � _ �--� ,�'' beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person Hho circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described a�.bove are the owners respectively of the lots placed iuunediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property t�rhich is within 1Q0 feet frosa any propezty owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) yeaz preced�ng the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purehasing property fzom affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thie petitionj that this petition was signed by each of said owners in th� presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true arcd correct sic�natures o£ each and all of the parties so described. . �/J ✓ y Subsczibed and sworn to before me Address: , Telephons rso.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 thi��ay of ��_ 298-4105 Approved as to fcrm 10-27-76 „��„A�,,,_ '����.a . _ Office of the City Atto�ney Notary Public, Ramsey , . =�y commission ex ites �`-��° s�a7oe c�flrzds p �'C�`'±R♦�' NOTARY PUBLIC—MiNNESOTA � �` RAMSEY COUNTY - � My commisaion expires Dec. 11, 1985 ' CZTY OF SAZNT PAUL, t4IM�ESOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (20*lI[YG) GOD� � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning :�i�1 be considered by the City of Saiat Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the sigaer should be aware of uses ger- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Dates April 6, 1979 City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Qrdinance states that 67% of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposec3 rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoaing must give writtea consent before the City sha11 consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property w3thin 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Ronorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �_� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, for thn purpose of installinq, canstructing and/or operatiag the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: � ac tree a ey accr o s Housin and Redevelo ment B1 oc 82 St. An hony Park Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minnesota Its Executive Director �� State of Minnesota) � � L ) as County of Raznsey ) %'�f Li ,/�'1'''�- bein first dul swarn, de ses arcd states that he is the g Y Po person Who circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties dssczibed above are the owrters respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each af the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1? year preceding the date of this petitivn which is contiquous to the property above �escribed; �hat none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contigueus to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petitionj that this petition was signed by each of said o•,�rners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and cozrect sic�satures of each and aIl of the parties so described. ��` °,�. ���-� Sttbscribed and sworn to before me Address: Telephone r�o.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 thls��day of q''?`�' 298-�105 . Approved as to fvzm 1Q-27-76 _ ,,4� Office of the City Atto=ney Notary PubZic, Ramsey =!y commission expizes �,� cSFazorz a{tnds � � �''" ' NOTARY PUBtIC—M�NNESOTA � � -� � RAMSEY COIINTY " pAy commissio�expires Dec. il, 1985 .� � �....._. —��_�. �.«.�. CITY OF SAINT PAiIL, MZMJESOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thztt 69 OF TIiE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) C00� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� °:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COtJI3CIL �y,tes Rpri l 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677: of property oumers wi.thin the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguouz to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written conseat. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bvdy to rezone the followiag described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, fvr the purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operatinq the following: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion �uaaa:iii:c VtiCL1l �.... s...1......... �w.a�.+�.Y I RECORD OWNER SIGNATiJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: _ ac a ey accr; . o 0 Housin and Redevelo ment Block 82 St. An hony Park Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minnesota Its Ex�cutive Director State cf Minnesota) � - ► ) ss County o ey ) ./ � �y-- being first duly swazn, deposes arzd states that he is the person Who circula d the within petition consisting of pages; tha.t the parties descri.bed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediatel.y following each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the oo+ner of property �rhich is within 1Q0 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date vf this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within vne (1) year of the dafie of thia petition1 that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and cozrect si�z►at�res of each and all of the parties so described. � � �������� �ZZ Subscxibed and swvrn to before me Rd ess: Te2ephone rto.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. I201 ttsis��ay of �� � 9 '�R 298-4105 �— . Approved as to form 10-27-76 �-y� �, ; Office of the City AttoYney No�ary Public, Ramsey , �`' �� d _ty cosnmi�sion expires ,�,�., azOR `n s e_.�� NOTARY PUBLIC—MtNNE50TA '°� RAMtes De�cU1171985 • . . f {�y commission exp ' . , �.�-�r"' CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, tRIMJESOTA � pETITION 7'O AMEND CKAPTERS 60 thrtt 64 OF THE LEGISLATZVE (20*JIHG) COD� . i Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning °:ri�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning �ffice, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pntei Rpril 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Iiall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposea rezoning. Section 4b2.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. Nowever, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the laad proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PanZ Zaning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of tha petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone [he following described property: (legal description � street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long tr� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, for the p�rpose vf installinq, constractiMq and/or operatinq the foilowing: �descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWN�'R SIGNRTURE IAT B�OCK ADDITION Subject Property: Vac a ey accr, x . o ousin and Redevelo ment and x. E 45 f . ) Lot 2 Block 82 St. A t ony ar uthorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout �t. Paul. Nlinnesota Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) � - � ) as County of Ramsey ) GJ , __ _ � , ��' lyj'��- bein1 first duly swozn, deposes and states that he is the person Who circula d the wi.thin petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each r�ame; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property erhich is within 100 feet frcm any prcperty owned by affiant or so2d by affiant within one (1) year precedittg the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant conti.guous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petit3on= that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�r►atures of each and all of the parties se described. /� � �Z�° /��--� Subscribed and swoz'n to be€ore me Address: �.g, Telephone tvo.25 W• Fourth Street Rm. 1201 thi�'_�"ay of 298��105 � Approv�d as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Atto�ney Notary Public, Ramsey =ty commi3sion expires s�"'� s�a?on c3{�nda �"—�,�� NOTARY FUBUC—MiNNESOTA . _ . � � f . . - � RAMSEY COUNTY • . pAy commistion expires Dec. 11, 1985 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, ldINi�ESOTA „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thY'u 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IZNG) COD� � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CiTY COUNCiL �te� April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Mir�nesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679� of property owners within the area to be considered must conseat to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written coasent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed fox rezoning, 2f3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Ronorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �r� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, for the purpose vf installing, canstsucting and/or operatinq the foilowinq: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion •-------- ------., - - ----. RECORD OWNER SIGNATtJRE IAT BLOCK ADDTTIOiJ Sttbject Property: ���- Vac a ley accr, Wly 27.5 ft. of Lot 1 and edevelo ment uthorit of the Cit of ou St. Paul Minnesota ts xecutive Director State of Minnesota) � �i i - � ) sa Covnty of sey ) � , bein first dul sworn, de ses and state� that he is the g Y P� person who circul d the withia petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followinq each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property �hich is within 100 £eet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petit.ion which is contiguous to the property above described; ttsat none of the pa�rties described above has purchased or is purchasinq pxoperty from affiant contiquous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petition1 that this petition�was siqned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and cozrect sic,�natures of each and all of the parties so c3escribed. f/ ' �" , �-'l ,��t� � Subscxibed and aw�orn to before me Address: TeZephons tvo.25 W. ourth Street Rm. 1201 this�_�day of 298-4105 Approved as to form 10-27-76 �a�_ � ,o Office of the City Atto�ney Notary Public, Ramsey . =�y commiasion expires �';�` �S�azon c�ftrzds . � ��' NOTARY PUBLIC—Mi4NE50U � � � �'�C RAMSEY COUNTY . �' MY comm+asion expires Dec. 11, 1985 ' C2TY OF SAZNT PAUL, t4ZM�ESOTA �, PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZO*tING) COD� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� aiyl be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the sigaer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COiTI�TCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall Datei Rpril 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoniag Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposec3 rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of tha St. Yaul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned,' own property within 100 feet of the petitioaer's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long r=� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operatizsq the foilowing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) �ndustl^ial ExpdnSion FtECORD OWNER SIGNA'TCTRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: �lousin and Redevelopment Lot 5 Block 81 St. Anthony Park /�uthority of the City of Gary E. Stout �#. Paul, 1Vlinn. •re�r�itiva ilirAr�tn State of Minnesota) �' r f ) ae County vf Ramsey ) -�� bein first dul sworn de ses and states that he is the 3 Y . P� rson Who circul ted the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots p].aced immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is �,tithin 100 £eet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one �1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property fzom affiant contiquous to the above described property within one (l� year of the date of thia petitionf that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence ef this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic,�r►atures of each and all of the parties so described. , /�� Subsczibed and aworn to before me Ad ss: ..}�- Telephone tvo.25 W. Fou th Street Rm. 1201 this�'=c�ay ef 298-4105 , Appxoved as to form 10-27-76 �� Offi.ce of the City Atto:ney Natary Publi.c, Ramsey Count , Mir.n. :!y commiasion expizes sw-.. �'�Q2on c�f�nds . . . � ,�� NOTARY DUBUC—M�NNESOTA . � . . . . . � .. .. �. �. _ ♦ .. . . . .. RAMSEY COUNTY � My commiuion expires Dec. 11,1985 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 11INtJESOTA r ?ETIT20N TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OF THE Lk'.GISLATIVE (Za'�ING) GOD� � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �:ri�3. be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COIJPTCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Date� April 6, 1979 � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paal Zoniag Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 2Q Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long f� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I'1 Industrial . District, �or the gurpose vf installinq, constxucting and/or operatinq the foilowing: td�scribe briefly the proposed faaility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TfJRE IAT BLOCK ADDITZON subject property: � � Wly 93.45 ft f Lot 12, Block 1 Re Housin & Redevelo ment Gar E. Stout Hun 's A d. to St. Anthon Park Authorit of the Cit of Its Executive Director . St. Paul , Minn. State of Minnesota) Qs- � ) as Cwnty of Ramsey j N��� � . be�.tiq first duZy sworn, deposes and states that he is the per on Who circuls the within petition consisting of pages; tha.t the parties dascribed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follrn.ring eaeh nanse; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is �ithin 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or so].d by affiant within one (12 year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasinq property from affiant contiquous to the above described property within one (1� year af tt►e date of this petitionj that this petitio�was signed by each of said o•�►ners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above a=e the true and correct sic�natures vf eaeh and a11 of the parties so described. . Subscxibed and $wern to before me Rddress: Telephon� tvo.25 W. Fo rth Street Rm. 1201 th3st���ay of �q ? 298-4105 Approved as to form 10-27-76 _..__,., .,.�. .,� ., Office of the City Attorney Notary Public, Ramsey ?4y commission expire� � g';�;�� cS�a7on c�finds ( k-=�,;` NOTARYPUB�IC—M�NNESOT^ . . � . `f � RAMSEY COUNTY , � MY commission expires Dec. 11, 1985 - CITY OF SAINT PAUI�� l4IMIESOTA � PETITION 7'O AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thzu 64 OF THE LBGISLATIVE (ZO'JIHG) GOD� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning eri�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL D,a,te, Rpri 1 6, 1973 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section b4.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679� of property owners within the area to be considered must conseat to the proposea rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 200 feet of this Iarger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PaaZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 22?3 Long fzoaa RM-2 Multi-Family Diatrict to I-1 Industrial . District, for the purpose of installing, canstructing and/or operating the foiloMring: (describe briefl� the proposed faci.l.ity) jndustt^idl Expdnsion RECORD OWNER SIGNPITtJRE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Vac a ley accr nd subj to sewer esmt Housing & Redevelopment � �� Lot 1 Block 1 Re in D.H. Hunt's Add. Authority of the City of Gary E. Stout to St Anthony rk St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director State of Miruiesota) � - + ) s8 County of Ramsey ) �J L beinq first duly swcrn, deposes and states that he is the person Kho circul d the within petition coasisting of pages; tha.t the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed imtnediately following each r�asne; that each of the parties descri.bed abvve is the owner of proper�y �hich is Within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within ane (1} �raax precedirtg the date of this petition which is contigueus to the property above �escribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above desczibed property within one (].y year af the date o£ thia petition= tYlat this petition was signed by each of said o•�rners ia the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. /.��'L�'`—� Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: Te2ephone r�o.�5 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 this�R �ay of 298-4105 , Approved as to fvrm 10-27-76 Office of the City Attosney Notary Public, Raa�sey :'!y eommission expire9 �'";; cS�azon c�f�nda � � ���� NOTARY FUBIIC—MiNNE50TA . - � � � .� � � ` RAMSEY CGUNTY ' ' f , My commiuion expires Dec. 11, 1985 " CITY OF 5AINT PAiIL, l4IM�ESOTA �, QETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IZNG) COO� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning aiyl be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL �te: Apl^11 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposec3 rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent befoYe the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any t3me in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2f3 of the property owners within Z00 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property wit�xin 100 feet of ttxe petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �_� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, fcr the purpose of install�ng, constructing and/or operating the following: (descr3.be briefly the proposed facility) InduStrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TCTRE LOT BLOCK ADDZTION Subject Property: ` Vac alley accr, ot 1 , oc e Housing & Redevelopment in D. . Hunt's A d. to St. Anthony Park Authority of the City of Gary E. Stout St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) v� - � ) ss County of Raiasey ) - � � �.h being fixst duly swozn, deposes arcd states that he is the person who circula ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followir.g each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above 9.s the owner af propezty �hich is within 100 feet from aay property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) yeaz preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing pzoperty from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date o£ this petitionj that this petition�was siqned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the tr�e and correct sic�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. � /..�'�--� Subsczibed and sw�ozn to before me Address: this ��day of ? Te2ephone rtc�.25 298F�105h Street Rm. 1201 Approved as to form 10-27-76 ^�,,,, � „�,, Office of the City Attv_ney Notary Public, Ramsey County, Micn. ='1y commission expire - ��`` cS�iazon c�{inc�i . . . '� . ,, . �-�� NOTARY FUBLIC-M�NNESOTA „ . RAMSEY COUNTY __ CZTY OF SAINT PAUL� t4IM1ES0?A � FBTIT20N TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (20*lI[�!G) COO� � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �:r��1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition �rhich is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL p,a,�e� April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677: of property owners withirt the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Panl Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described pzoperty: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long tr� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, for the parpose of installiag, cnnstructing and/or operatinq the foiloMring: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNAT[TRE LOT BI,OCK ADDITION Su6ject Property: Vac a ley accr, ot 15, Block 1 Re Housin & Redevelopment in D. . Hunt's d. to St. Anthon Park Authority of the City of Gary E. Stout St. Paul , P�linn. Its Executive Director State of Minnesata) g- � ) ss County of Ramsey ) � �_ '"� beinq first duly sworn, deposes arsd states that he is the person Who circul d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties desczibed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed icnmediately following each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which i.s withi:� 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of th3s petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above descri.bed property within one (1) year of the date of this petition1 that this petition was signed by each of said owners i.a the pxesence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and cozrect sieZnat�res of each and all of the parties so described. � f✓ ,,/,�"�'— Subsczibed and swvrn to before me Address: Telephone r�o.25 W. ourth Street Rm. 1201 this���day of �j 298-4105 Approved as to form 10-27-76 � Office of the City Atto-ney Notary Public, Ra,msey ir_n. :�y commiasion expires �`�� s�Q7on c�c�nds �,,�!�: . �� NOTARY PUBLIC—MiNNESOU . � � � . RAMSEY COUNTY My commission expires Dec. 11,1985 '� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, tqIM�ESO?A _ ?ETIT20N TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZO*tING) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ai�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must conseat to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, ca21 the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Datei April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Sectfon 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677. of property owners wi.thin the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoaing must give written consent before the Citq shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Pau2 Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long f=� RM-2 Multi-Family pistrict to I-1 Industrial , District, for the purpose of insta2ling, constructing andlor operatiaq the £oilowa.ng: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNEA SIGNATIJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Housin & Redevelo ment Vac lley accr nd Lot 16, B oc 1, 9 P Re i D.H. Hunt s Add. to St. Anthony Park Authority of the City of Gary E. Stout St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) �t- ► ) ss County of Ramsey ) �'-� � bein first dul sworn de ses and states th.at he is the 9 Y . Po gerson Hho irculat the within petiti.on consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the l.ots placed imcuedi.ately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of propPrty which is within 100 feet frasa any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1} year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property aaove described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above desczibed groperty within one (1) year af the date of thia petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the pzesence of this affiant, and that the signatures a.bove are the true and correct sic�natuxes of eaeh and all of the parties so described. ��.f Subscribed and $�v�orn to before me Address: Telephone tvo.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 this�ay of �_ � 9� � 298°4105 � Approved as to form 10-27-76 �_ .�. ��� Office of the City Attorney Notary Public, Rzunsey Count , Mirn. r!y commission expire9 � b�•-., s� c�F. d azorz cn s � ��"`IZ��^� NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNESOU � ., � � � .� � � . � �1 y RAMSEY COUNTY---- . ' My commission expires Dec. 11,1985 CZTY OF SAINT PAULi t4IN21ESOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZQ*IING) COO� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning °:�i�I be considered by the City o£ Saint Yaul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning �f property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE AONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COiTI�ICIL �tei Apri 1 6, I979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposec3 rezoning. Section 462.357(5} of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the ow�er of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 0� the St. PauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & ZO Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long fram R�I-2 Multi-Family District to I'1 Industrial . District, for the pnrpose vf installing, consttucting and/or operating the folloKing: (descr.ibe briefly the proposed faci.iity) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Vac a ley accr nd Lot 17, Block 1 Housin & Redevelo ment �� Re in D.H. Hunt's Add. t Park Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director State of Minnesotaj � - � ) as Cwnty of Ramsey ) l`� , .,.f�y , y�'�-~� yeins first iuly sworn, ieposes ani states that he is th� person Who circu ted the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follo•�ring each name; that each of the parties described above is the o�rner of propezty which is within 1�0 £eet from any property owned by affiant or sol.d by affiant within one (1) year precedinq the date of this petition which is cantiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of t�xe date of thia petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners ia the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�reatures of each and all of the parties so described. /, - � / � C��� ,!.,.Y��-� Sttbscribed and sw�ores to before me Addre`ss: thlsv� �day og q Telephons rto.25 �g$F4105h Street Rm. 120I �— Approved as to fozm 10-27-76 . Office of the City Attv�ney Notary Public, Ramsey t�;^�t . d1y commiasion expires g'",�;, s�azon af�nds - � �'`�1���° NOTARY PUBLIC—M�NNESOTA � - �'�C RAMSEY COUNTY � . r �Ay cqmmission expires Dec. 11,1985 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL,i t4IMJESOTA „ �ETITION TO AMEND CHRPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*1ING) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning °:�ii1 be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL � ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Datei Aprll 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written conseat. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoaing Ordinance and Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long t� RM-2 Multi-Family DfBtrict to I-1 Industrial . District, for thd purpose of i.nstallinq, constructing and/oz operating the foiloKing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Housing & Redevelopment Vac a ley accr a d Lot 18 Block 1 Re in D.N. unt's Add. to St. Rnthon Park Authority of the City of Gary E. Stout St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) �i - i ) as County of Ramsey ) ' ' � � ��- being first duZy sworn, deposes arcd states that he is the p son �rho circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties descri.bed above are the owners zespectively of the lots placed imcnediately following each narae; that each of the parties dascribed above is the o�rner of property r�hich is t,iithin 100 feet from aay property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) y�az preceding the date vf this petition which is contiquous to the property a�ove �escribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing pzoperty from affiant contiguous to the above described property withir► one (1� year of the date of thia petitionr that this petition�was signed by each of said owners ia the presence of this a£fiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so described. ��� �� 1-- Subsczibed and sworn to before me Address: Telephons rto.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 thfss�ay of 298-�105 Approved as to form 10-27-76 _ � Office of the City Atto_ney Notary Public, Raa+sey :!y commission expires s�";� �S'l�azon c7y!�rzds ' ��`�'� NOTARY PUBLIC—MiNNESOTA - -� � �` kAMSEY COUNTY . • - '� - pAy commission expires Dec. il,1985 - � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIM�ESOTA _ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*tZNG) COD� � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �:ri�3. be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE xONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL �yta, Rpril 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Panl Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long fram RM-2 Multi-Family District to I'1 Industrial . District, for the purpose of installinq, constructinq and/or operating the foiloraing: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITZON Subject Property: Housin & Redevelopment ac al ey accr a d Lot 19 Block 1 Re in Authorit of the City of Gary E. Stout D.H. unt's Add to St. Ar�thony Park St. Paul , P�inn. Its Executive Director � State of Minnesota) n - I ) as County of Ramsey ) � �" /G'` �--` bein first dul sworn, de ses and states t`sat he is the - g Y Po persor� xho circulat the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties desczibed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each a£ the parties described above is the owner of property ti+rhich is within 100 feet froa► any property owned by affiant oz sold by affiant within one (1� year precedinq the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property a:oove described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within �ne (1? year of the date of this petition� that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic,�rcatures o£ eaeh and all of the parties so described. , i'�/ � Z-�1-�� � Subscribed and $w�orn to before me Address: Telephone tvo.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 this�_ ay of 298-4105 Approved as to foz�cit 10-27-76 � s�,,� .s Office of the City Atto-ney Notazy Public, R�.+.msey County, Mir_n. ?ly commiasion expires ��° cS�Za¢o►� �i inc�a , _ r �-�—�'` NOTARY PUBLIC—MiNNESOU . � _ ,_ � ' - � _ �� ` kAMSEY COUNTY ..-•----•--•-----•--- ^-- „ ,.,s� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIMJESO?A �, FETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISU4TIVE (ZO*IZNG) GOD� � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� ai�I be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI+TCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Date� April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City sha11 consider the proposal. Aowever, when the awner of said property has owned for any time in the past year addit.ional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2J3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to reaone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long __� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . nistrict, for the purpose vf i.nstalling, constructirig and/or operating the following: (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TiJRE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: , u � o esmts & x W 0 ft. of the Housing & Redevelopment fol : the N 283 t of Lots 11 12 13 an 1 Hewitt's utlots Authority of the City of Gary E. Stout St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director �iu1- 4 State of Minneaota) ) ss Caunty of Ramsey ) � � '�'�'�`� . �'�- beinq first duly swozn, deposes arcd states that he is the person Hho cixcula ed the within petiti.on consistiag of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediateZy followiag eaeh name; that each of the parties described above is the ocmer of property which is within I00 £eet froat any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) yaaz preced3tig the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasinq property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1� year of the date vf thia petitionJ that this petition was signed by each of said awners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above ase the true and cozrect sieZnatures of each and all of the parties so described. , �y�-� Subscxibed and sworn to before me Ad ess: Telephons tvo.25 W• ourth Street Rm. 1201 thisa$�day of 298-4105 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 � Office of the City Atto�ney Notary Public, Raaisey County, Mir_n. =!y commiasion expires d,,�_,,,, S�Q2orz d��nds . ���y NOTARY PUBLIC—MWNESOTA . . .. . � - � � . ♦ - . - . � RAMSEY COUNTY ,_ �Ay commission expires Dec. 11,1985 CITY OF SAZNT PAUL� t4IM�ESOTA . ?ETIT20N 7'O AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (20NING) COOy . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ai�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Date� April 6, 1979 - City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679� of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguou� to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone [he following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long =r� RM-Z Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, for th� puzpose of installinq, construct3ng and/or operatiaq the following: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATi1RE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Housin & Redevelo ment Ex E 110 ft Lot 8 Auditor's Sub No. 4 Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minn. Its Executive Director State of Mianesota) � - � ) as County vf Ramsey ) /`/ y . � !�L��being f�.rst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person Who circul ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties desczi.bed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the ourner of propezty �shich is within 1Q0 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1? year preceding the date of this petitivn which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property frem affiant contiguous to the above desczibed property within one (1) year of the date of this petition= that this petition�was siqned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sicZnatures of each and all of the parties so described. r- � ti./L�� ��i--�--� Subacribed and ew�orn to before me Address: this��day of Telephon� No.25 298F�105h Street Rm. 1201 Approved as to form 10-27-76 _� ,Q �� � ,e City Attosney �.•--�--- s�`"'` cs�iazon �inc�a Notary Pub13c, Ramsey County, Mir�. � ��"� NOTARY HUBLIC-MiNNESOTA '°�.'��` RAMSEY CGLNI"Y � COmtrt13S�GA expires � �res Dec.11,1985 My commission exp � CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, MIN2�ESOTA _ YSTITZON TO RMEND CHAPTERS 60 thZU 64 OF TF1E LEGISLATZVE (ZO*1ING) GOD� . . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning :-ri:.l be considered by the City o£ Saint Paul, propezty owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CZTY COiJI3CIL �,tei Apri l 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the azea to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate coatiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long __� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , Dis�rict, for the purpose o�` installing, constructing arid/or operatinq the follow.ing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industridl Expdnsi0n RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TLTRE 7AT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Housing & Redevelopment ,�,•�— W 60 ft of E 11 ft of Lot 8 Auditor's u o. Authority of the City of Gary E. Stout St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director � - ► State of Minnesota) ) as County of Ramsey ) - J� �� /� y��e�.s first dul sworn, de ses and states that he i.s the 9 . Y P� person who circul.a d the within petiti.on consisting of pages; that the parties desezibed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed imcnediatel.y following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasinq property from affiant contiguous to the above described pzoperty within one (1) year of the date o£ thia petition� that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so described. i' � ��.-� Subscxibed and ssa�orn to before me Ad ess: Te3.ephons ivo.25 W. ourth Street Rm. 1201 this�ay of 298-4105 Approved as to form 10-27-76 � � 1 Office of the City Atto-ney . ._._�..--- Natary Public, Ramsey County, Mirn. �V/�� `c�''`On `���n�s � 1 � NOTAkY � �I:—rv.iructSOTA =4y commiss3on expires � ��,,,n �� c�� r�t� � � MY commission exp�res U�N�+�5 . 1 CITY OF 5AZNT PAUL� t1IM�ESOTA � PETITION 7'O AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF TFiE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*II[+1G) COD� t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �ai:.l be considere� by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COITI3CII, c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Ball Dntei April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 671' of property owners wi,thin the area to be considered must consent to the proposea rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. Nowever, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguou� to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger paekage of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the pet3tioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long __� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, for the purpose of installinq, constructing arid/or, operating the foilowing: (descrire briefly the proposed faaility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATtJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Ex 50 t, t t o 0 Housin & Redevelo ment Auditor's Sub. No. 4 Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minn. Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) �("v�i - � ) as County vf Ramsey ) ^✓ � ;�"� bei.nq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the pe son who cizcula ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties dascrib�d above are the owners respectively of the lots placed iuunediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the o�rner ef propPrty s�rhich is �ithin 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year precedi.ng the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above �escribed; that none of the parties described above has purchasod or is purchasing property from affiant contiqueus to the abvve described property within one (1) yQar of the date of thia petition1 that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and corzect siqnatures o£ each and all of the parties so described. �' ��y. Sub�cribed atsd swvrn to before me Address: . � Telephone ivo.25 W. ourth Street Rm. 1201 this,��$ day of � 298-4105 „ Approved as to form 10-27-76 ' e City Attorney .....�--- �, � i-,-� �C'r ��r c fi .�t Notary Pub11c, Raa+sey County, Mir_n. � : ,,�,A Y � �:;'T" :!y commi3sion expixes ����:/ � ���, ���s ; My comrrusso��e�,P'.e` U=c .,.�..,..-......� �,��,.,��...�.-.-� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, t1IMJESOTA � QETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*1ZNG) GOD� . f Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i:1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 29$-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COtTI3CIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Date� April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul �oning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to reaone the following described property: (legal description & street addressl � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long f� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, for thn purpose o� installing, canstructinq and/or operatinq the follo�+ing: (describe briefly the proposed faciZity) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA�IJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: N 50 t of E 50 t of Lot 8 Auditor's Housin & .Redevelo ment Sub. o. 4. A thorit of the Cit c�f Gar E. Stout St. Paul Minn. Its Executive Director State of Miru►esota) �-�-� - � 3 ss County cf Ramsey j l " � 2��- �"��eing first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the pe son �,►ho circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties descri.bed above are the owners respectively of the lots pl.aced immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet fxom any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the pazties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above descri.bed property within one (1) year of the date of thia petitionf that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and cozrect sic�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. �� .�--•� Svbscribed and sw�orn to before ms Address: this � _�da ef Telephone tvo.25 298_4105h Street Rm. 1201 Y Approved as to form 10-27-76 ,�.�i��o.�_ , 1� ' the City Atto�ney i��w, �, ��,�,a �;� ��rds � NOt2iry PLtblic, Rzu�iBey Courity, Mir11. \ ^+cTa;v �c-,.,,nn�esorn � �/� ,� =� p M/comr,ns >r e.�� L,.v;�Jii,r r commiasion ex ires � �^`�+�y�5 -�--M � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIMJESOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEG2SLATNE (ZO*JING) GOO� � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ai�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the sigaer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Off3ce, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUhCIL �,te� Rpril 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, ]Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Qrdinance states that 677 of property owners withia the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any t�.me in the past year additional real estate contiguou� to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within Z00 feet of this Iarger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long t=�, RM-2 Multi-Family Diatrict to I-1 Industrial . District, for the purpose of installing, canstructinq and/or operatinq the foZlowing: (desczibe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion REC�RD OWNER SIGNA3'URE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Subj o highway SW'ly 93.45 ft of Housing & Redevelopment Lot .1 BloCk 1 R in D. ' Add, o St. Ant ony Park Authority of the City of Gar E. Stout St. Paul, Minn. Its Executive Director Stat� of Minnesota) �Z- i ) ea County of Ramsey ) /� • 'Z /�^z 'being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the pe sen �ho circula the within petition consisting of pages; tha.t the parties desczibed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately foll.o-�iag each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 1Q0 feet from aay property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (7.j year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affia.nt, and that the signatures above are the true and cozrect sic�tatures of each and all of the parties so described. � � Subscribed and sw�orn to before me Ad ess: this �d'a of � Telephons tvo.25 298F4105h Street Rm. 1201 .�._ y _ I� � 9 � Approved as to form 10-27-76 .. Office of the City Atto=ney �.�....� ...�-_ ---r--------- Notary Public, Ra,msey County, Mir.n. ' ' • �'' ���`�`�1 � , , ,.. N ;.t�,cr� :'!y commission expires ' ti,.., ,; ,;, ��_ . My�.ommiesicr er.�.�res Uc. . li, IY85 . . . . .. . � . . � /..._....... .,-....�-.,........-..-..�.� . . . . � � . � . CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, t4IMJESOTA � ?ETITIOI3 TO AMENO CHAFTERS 60 thrtl 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZO*lI[YG) COO� � S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning :�i�I be considered by the City o£ Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUISCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Ha1Z Datei fipril 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the asa+ner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the laad proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of propertq must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PauZ Zonin� Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (Iegal description 5 street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long __� RM-Z Multi-Family District to I'1 Industrial . District, far the purpose of installiag, cvnstructing and/ar operatinq the following: (descri�e briefly the proposed faci].ity) Industrial Expansion R�CORD OWNER SIGNA�'URE LOT BLOCK ADDZTION Subject Property: ac a ey accr • o o s II a nt 12 61 ck 1 Re i D.H. Hunt's Add. to t. t ony ar he Cit of Gar E. Stout Minn. Its Executive Director I.�- i State of Miruiesota) ) �s County vf Ramsey ) f� _ _ _,... _ 7' beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the pe son who circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed iuuaediately following each name; that each o£ the parties described above is the o�+ner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1� year preceding the date of this petitian which is contiguous to the property above describedi that none of the paxties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above desczibed property within vne (1) year o� the date o£ this petition1 that this petitian was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures ak�ove are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so descr�.bed. �,- ,�Z�� Subscsibed and sworn to befoze me Rdc2ress: . � Telephons tvo.25 298F4105h Street Rm. 1201 thf so� day of 9 � Approved as to fozm 10-27-76 Office of the City Atto-ney Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mir_n. , �.���" . -----___.. :'!y con+mission exp3res =' � �c������� `ry�':�i ' ,'� NuiaRr �u:;l� r ... � . . F,`7��_ . .�.:CTA j . . .. - . . R,�MS�r �.GJr;i r _.....� � My commission exp�res Dec. li, 19g5 , CITY OF SAINT PAUI., MIMJESOTA � ?ETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (20*IING) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's groposal for rezoning �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the _ petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COiTi3CIL � �,te, Apri l 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Yaul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposea rezoning. Section 452.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 200 feet of the land proposed for rezoning, must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long f� RM-2 Multi-Family Diatrict to I'1 Industrial . District, for thn puzpose o±` installing, constructing and/or operating the fo2lor,rinq: (deseribe briefly the proposed facility) jndustridl Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNAT[JRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: NWIy 0 ft of Ch rles Ave vac accr and fol : art of W 0 ft of Lot 8 and all oi Lots thru 7 ly'ng S and W of fol desc i line: Be on or N line of Charles Ave and 1 ft SEIy o W line of Lot 8, th . Paul Minn. Its Ex cutive irector NW on sd ori N ine of Ave 56.62 ft, th NW on curve r d 0 t 6.0 ft, th 42 de rees57' 1" E 45.18 ft to S line of Te ritoria R . , part o ots t ru 8 Hoa d's Sub. o Lot 19, Hewitt's Outlat � — 2 State of Minnesota) ) ss County of Ramsey ) � � �-� �;��— being first duZy sworn, deposes �d states that he is the person who circu ted the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners zespectively of the lots placed immediately following eatch natae; that each o£ the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any propezty owned by affiant oz sold by affiant within one (1) year precedirtg the date of this petition which is contiguaus to the property above described; that nane of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date o£ thia petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatuzes above are the true and correct sic�satuxes of each and all of the parties so described. � � . �� Subsczibed and aw�orn to before me Adclress: Telephons r�o?5 W. F urth Street Rm. 1201 tftf s��day af � 298-4105 � Approved as to fozm 10-27-76 _ _ _�� Office of the City Atto�ney t Notary Public, Ra.msey County, Mir_n. t�;�"'�`-�-�-.�._��_ rly commission expires ���� �n ��nds � , �y NOiA Y t�:iy� �,..p,f�F50TA ! _ - . � � hi�tY• l(i�� � .. . r . . . . .1 . . . ^ .. - �Y��mmissionexH�res Uec 11,�iy�M�) ._ ' ---�-----w.�.. �5 1 CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, 11IMJESOT'A � PETIT20N TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 ths'tt 64 OF TfiE LEGISLATIVE (20'_VII�G) GOD� � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:-ri�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the 2oning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE AONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL patei April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the propose8 rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the awner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land pruposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul 2oning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodp to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long _� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I'1 Industrial . District, for the purpose o� installinq, constructing and/or operating the follo�ring: (desczire briefly the proposed facility) Industl^ial Expansi0n RECORD OWNER SIGNA'TtJRE LOT BLOCK " ADDITION Subject Pzoperty: vac a ey accru ng an y . t f Lot 20, Block 1, Re in D. H. Hunt's Add. o St. Ant ony Park S . P ul Minn. I s x cutive irector ylr-t- � State of Minnesotaj ) ss County of Ramsey ) ��'''"'�� being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circu ted the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed imcnediately following each �satne; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet frota any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (I� yeauc precedf.rtg the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or i.s purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (2) year of the date of thia petitivnj that this petition�was siqned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. /�� , - Svbsczibed and sworn to before me Address: Telephons tao.25 . Fourth Street Rm. 1201 this�_day of 298-4105 Approved as to form 10-27-76 � Office of the City Atto=ney Notary Public, Rarnsey County Mir.n.t /;� s` � � °^ zcrzon al irzc�s =� C�1�iRl13S�O1� ex pires � Nc,,, V rU'U N�P!lSOTA S _ � �� K M' �Y �C.�i�alt ti My e.ommission e.e�,ires Ue, li, 1985 � _ 1e �.,-.. .,...���.�.r.-.._— , CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MIMJESOTA „ BETIT20N TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*1Z�tG) GOO� , f Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �ai�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. . For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL pn,tes April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall City of Saint Ysul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners w�thin the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguau�� to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give wr3.tten consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodp to rezoae the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long _� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , �s�ict, for th� purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operating the folloMring: (d�sczibe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SZGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDZTION Sub3ect Property: � Ex th SE'ly 31 t; the SW'ly 94 ft Housin & Redevelo ment of Lo 20 B1oCk 1 Re in D.H. Hunt's Add. o St. Anth ny Park Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul. Minn. Its Executive Director �{ar+ _ ► State of Misnseaota) ) sa Covnty of se ) � ,��1 bein first dul swozn de ses and states that he is the g Y . Po per on Who circul ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediatel.y follo•.�ing each namet that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is �ithin 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1} yeaz preceding the date of this petition which is cantiguous to the property a�ave described; that none of the paxties described above has purchased or is purchasinq property fzom affiant contiguous to the above descri.bed property within one (lj year of the date of thia petition� that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�r►atures of each aad all of the parties so described. � �• "�/Y`---� Subscribed and sworn to before me ddress: � Telephons tvo.25 298F�105h Street Rm. 1201 ttsf so4g day cf � , Approved as to form 10-27-76 ��,,,�_ Office of the City Atto�ney Notary Public, Raa+sey County, Mirn. t .`.�a_�.'�`,., �.S'/Ir�zon �{�n�(i � -'!y cotnrniasien expire� "c,^^Y��°��c-,.��;,� or,, � �--� ^ � c,.,�.,, ; � - 4 M: un�rn�sswr � u�s U ,. � ♦ , - .._ .__- __'_��- �9:;5 -n} , CITY OF 5AINT PAUY., t4IM1ESOTA � BETITION 7'O AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF TFiE LEGISIATIVE (ZO'.3ING) GOD� � f Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �:ri�I be considered by the City of Saint Paul, propezty owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses ger- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL �tei April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679' of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposec3 rezoning. Section 4b2.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give wzitten consent before the City shall consider the proposal. Nowever, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the prop�rty owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the followiag described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I'1 Industrial . District, for th�► purpose of installing, constzuct3ng and/or operatiaq the fellowing: {des�ri.re briefly the proposed faciiity) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SZGNA�'tJRE LOT BF�OCK ADDITION Subject Property: sin & Redevelo ment The 'ly 31 ft of the Southerly 94 Gary E. Stout ft. f Lot 20, lock 1 Re in D.H. Hunt't ' of the Cit of Add. to St. Ant ony Park S . Paul Minn. Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) ) sa County ot Ramsey ) - y../ �'�'l' ,,/,y,yz-- being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person Who circu ted the within petition consistinq of pages; that the parties descri.bed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following eaeh name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of propPrty which is Within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) yeax preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described a�ove has purchased or is purchasing pzoperty from affiant contiguous to the above desczibed property within one (1) year of the date of thia petition? that this petition was siqned by each of sai.d owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic,�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. ��/ � ..��`�..� Subsczibed and $w�orn to before me Ad ess: Te2ephons tao_25 W. ourth Street Rm. 1201 this_°d$�d�ay of �,�—��_ 298-4105 , Approved as to fozn► 10-27-76 Office of the City Attorney Notzzry Public, Ramsey County, Mir_n. � /'� cs.�i;zvn c�finc�a � PlOU�Y r�=LSC—���i��NESOTA � :!y con,miasion expires �� J x . i �/I R,h1�:r ,_t.viv7Y � MY��mmiis=on expires D��. 11, 1985 w . .� ..�..-..,— -:—�.�.'�� CZTY OF SAINT PAUL, 11IMlESOTA _ �ETIT20N TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thrtt 64 OF THE LEG2SLATIVE (ZO*IING) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COtR3CIL ' cjo the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall Oatei April 6, 1979 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the propose8 rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2j3 of property owners within lU0 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long _� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, for the purpos� o� installinq, canstructing and/or operatinq the foilo�aing: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNP►T'U�E LOT BLOCK ADDZTIOtV Subject Property: Housin & Redevel.o ment Vac . &Alleys accruing & all of _ � . Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout Park outh St. Paul Minn. Its Executive Director � �%�Y!'� _ r: State of M;anesota) . ) sb County of.Kainsey } � �' bei.nq first duly sworn, deposes arid states that he is the person Who circu ted the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners zespectively of the lots placed immediatel.y following each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the vwner of property which is within 100 feet frvta any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (7.) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above �escribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thie petition1 that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct si�natuzes of each and all o£ the parties so described. ,�� 5tib�cribed and sw�oxn to before me Address: �„ Te2ephons tao.25 . . Fourth Street Rm. 1201 this,� day of 298-4105 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 _ �.n.� . Offa.ce of the City Atto�ney Notary Public, Raa+sey County, Mir_n. �-��__ \_._a�/,, � _.. Y � '{����us s ='� C�@1fT113S��11 eXP�@9 ���_� w�-� NOTA�tY�'-u .. h��.�N�.Ea07A t . ' . � R t�„M r � ;, „Y 1 r _ My commissior expires D��. ll, 1985 ? CITY OF SAINT PAUL, t1INt�ESOTA „ PBTITION SO AMENO CEiAPTERS 60 thzu 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing th� petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COITI3CIL �,te� Rpri l 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679: of property owners wi.thin the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguou� to the land prcposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Faul Zoning Ordinance and Sectioa 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Aonorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long .�r,� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, for the purpose of installinq, constructing and/ar operatiaq the foilowinq: (describe briefly the proposed facil.ity) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGIvATtTRE LOT BI.00K ADDITION Subject Property: ' � Housin & Redevelo ment The S 'ly 31 ft of the Southerly 94 . , . . t�s Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout Add. o St. Ant ony Park St. Paul Minn. Its Executive Director 2nr.' — i State of Minnesota) } se� " . County vf Ramsey ) - being first duly sworn, deposes arcd states that he is the person Who cixcul ted the within petition consistiag of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follo•aing each name; that each af the parties described above is the owner oE property rahich is within 1Q0 feet from any property owned by affiant oz sold by affiant within one (1) yeaz preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property fzom affiant contiguous to the above describ�d property within one (1) year of the date of this petitivnj that this petition�was signed by each of said o•,�mers in the presence vf this affiant, and that the signatures above aze the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so described. , ��/�� Subscribed ar►d $w�orn to before me Address: Telephons tvo.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 tt�isaR.B�day of 298-4105 . Approved as to fozm 10-27-76 Office of the City Atto_ney Notztry Public, Ramsey County, Mir_n. � ��\ ~�Y^�"\""�,"""-�---�-, :sy�commizsion expires � �� �J "o,���� ��� ��.;ra�or,, f � `-� I it .1r.,:i`� � � .. � . �'Ji Y � My commiss�or expir�s Dec il, 1y85 ' ' ' .• -. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, lRINt1ESOTA „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF Z�HE LEGISLATZVE (ZO*IZNG) COD� . i Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, ca11 the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUPICIL pa,te� April fi, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 0£ St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67x of property owners wi.thin the area to be considered must consent to the proposec3 rezoning. Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. Aowever, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous Co the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give writtert consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Bonorable Body ta rezone the folZowing described property: (legal description b street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long fr� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I'1 Industrial . District, for the purpose of installinq, constructing andJor operatinq the fo2loNing: (descr�e briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE IAT BLQCK ADDITION Subject Property: � / — NWIy 0 ft of Ch rles Ave vac aecr ancf Ho 'n� & R d !� ` f01 : part of W 0 ft of Lot 8 and a11 o Lots thru 7 ly'ng S and W of fol desc A i C' f line: Be on or N line of Charles Ave and 1 ft SEIy o W line of Lot 8, th St. Paul Minn. Its Executive Director NW on sd orl N ine of Ave 56.62 ft, �th NW on curve r d 8b0 ft 206.06 ft, �h 42 de rees57` 1" E 45.18 ft to S l�n� of e ritorial R . , part of Lots t ru 8 Hoa d's Sub. o Lot 19 , Hewitt's Qutic State of M3zsnesota) Qc -i ) •d . County of Ramsey ) ` ���/ ��-,�-_-- bein first dul sworn de. ses arcd states that he is the 4 . Y . Po p rson Kho circu ted the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties desczi.bed above are the owners zespectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the o�r►er af property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one �1� year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petition� that this petition�was signed by �ach of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and cozrect sic,�natures of ea�h and all of the parties so described. ��� Subscxibed and sworn to before me Adc3ress: 25 W. . Fourth Street Rm. 1201 Te2ephons Na. 298_�205 this,�_�day of `Q � Approved as to form 10-27-76 �.� L_,�g,� Office of the City Atto=ney �, � _-_ _.. _ Natary Public, Ra.a+sey County, Mir_n. � , No,,,�/� ,�; '�' ``Js ' ' �!y commission expires � � �� `°`A K��,;N:.�Y ' �i • . My commission expuES pe�`jj i985 � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 11INt�ESOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thttt 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (20*IING) GOO� � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� ai�1 be consi@erecl by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. _ TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL pa,tei April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677� o£ property owners within the azea to be considered must consent to the proposea rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet af the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consi�der the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate coatiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own pzoperty within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �s� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, for the purpose of installing, cvnstructing and/or aperatiag the folloWing: (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) ;ndustrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATiJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: N 20 t of Charl s St. vac and adj and 'ne from pt on Nly line of Lot 1, 3 ft from i of r thereof to t on Sl line of Gary E. Stout Lot 2 5.06 ft f om SWIy cor of sd Lot 2 P P�' Its Executive Director Hoard's Sub of L t 19, Hewitt's Outlots State of Mirinesota) ) ss County of Ramsey ) beinq first duly sworn, deposes azrd states that he is the person Who circu ted the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followiag each narse; that each o£ the parties described abvve is the o�rner of property r�hich is within 100 feet froat any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1� year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above �escribed; that nene of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thi� petitionj that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�r►atures of each and all of the parties sa described. '�/ � /sN�+-� Sub�cribed and awvrn to before me A c3ress: Te2ephone tvo.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 this�_�day of Q 298-4105 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 __ .d Office of the City Atto_ney Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mir�. t !��'6 d � � ' � c�'�a�on c�ln s � � :r!!y commi�sion CXp�t'@9 Notn�r rub�ic�M,�,nESOrA ' y � '��:`_i' �, ,•��:,�, cc,;rvrr � - . �� MY co,mmi�sVsion ex�ires Dec. 11, 1985 �+ • CITY OF 5AZNT PAUI,, t1IN2�£SOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thZUt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*JI@iG) COD� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:-ri�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. �0 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY C�UNCIL pate� April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners wf.thin the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the praposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate cantiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long frocn RM-2 Multi-Family Diatrict to I-1 Industrial , District, for the purpose of installinq, canstzucting and/or operatinq the folToWing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industridl Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LAT HLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: , o ar s . vac a � an at part f Lots 1 a d 2, Ely of line fro� Housing and Redevelopmen � �or�t ereof,nto� t on Sly line ofmLo�12, Authority of the City of Gary E. Stout • rom cor o s o a�ard's Sub o Lot 19, H witt's Outlots St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director . State of Minnesota) ) aa Ccunty of Ramsey ) �✓ being first duly swozn, deposes and states that he is the pe son Who circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the par�ies described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed iuunediately following each na�ue; Lhat each of the parties described above is the ownez af property which is w�thin 200 feet froYa any praperty owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1j year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from afgiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date o£ thia petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said o�,rners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatuxes above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so described. - �� Subscxibed and sw�ozn to before me Address: Telephons ivo.25 W. ourth Street Rm. 1201 this�_�d`ay of 298-4105 . Approved as to form 10-27-76 _ _ , Office of the City Atto_ney , Natary Public, Ramsey County, Mir�. � ,_`-;�«.��_� �`;',;1ds � � :�4y commission expires � No�,�:Y.�ku�-N��,,.t:or� ' y � RAM�cY l_UUiJTY - � � � �v1y commission expues Dec. 11, 1985 , . ,• � CITY OF 5AZNT PAUL, t1INt�ESOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CKAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� , S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �te� April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Ha11 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677. of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposec3 rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land praposed fox rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezoae the following described property: (legal description � street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long f=� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District� for tt�e purpose of installinq, canstructing and/or operatinq th€ foilowing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industridl ExpanSlon _ _ RECCARD OWNER SIGN1xTURE LOT BI;OCK ADDITION Subjact Property: Housing and Redevelopmen �f, Vac E 5 ft. of a ley adj and that part Authority of the City of Gary E. Stout the E line of sd Lat 10 �From a pt therean of St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director being in Block 8 St. Anthony Park State of M3nnesota) ) sd County of Ramsey ) �✓ riL��h�r bein first dul sworn de ses and states that he is the g , Y . P'�' p rson who circ ated the within petition cansistiag of pages; that the parties described above are the owners zespectively of the lots placed immediatel.y following each r�ame; that each af the parties described above is the owner af property which is Within 100 feet frcm any praperty owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (11 year preceding the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above descr3bed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing pzoperty from affiant contiguons to the above described property within one (1) year of the date o£ thia petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct si�reatures of each and all of the parties se described. r � 5ubscribed and aw�orn to be£ore me Address: Telephone No.25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 � this�_�y of 298-4105 �( � (� Approved as to form 10-27-76 ha-t-- �l ., Offi.ce of the City Rtto=ney Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mir_n. � � rt�„� s�azon af�nda � ;,:n��, � y ia N07ARY 4uELIC—MiN�tSOTA d!y commission expires � � ` k�,M,tv ouNrr - My commission expires Dec. ll, 1985 . CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, t1INt�ESOTA � BETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATZVE (20*itNG) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ai�l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the _Zoning Section of the City Planning �ffice, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COITNCIL pa,tes Rpril 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679� of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within Z00 feet of this Iarger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodp to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long t=� RM-2 Multi-Family Dfstrict to I'1 Industrial . District, for the purpose o� installinq, constructing and/or aperatinq the fo2Towing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNA3'URE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: . SE y t. of t at part o ot ly Housinq and Redevelo ment of a ine at RA o Ely line thereof, 63 ft. from most y corner o s ot 10 Authorit of the Cit of Gary E. Stout Block 81 St. Ant on Park St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) ) ss Cwnty of Ramsey j � _ _ v� � beinq first dul.y sworn, deposes and states that he is the person kho circul d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots p2aced imcaediate3.y following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner af property arhich is within 100 feet frosa aay property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within ane (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above �escribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date o£ �Ytie petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of said o•�rners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic,�natures of each and all of the part3es so descr3.bed. �../ 'L -,._ s�Z�i Subscribed and sw+orn to before me A dressc Telephone ivo.25 W. urth Street Rm. 1201 this��d�ay of 298-4105 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 _ �,�,_ Office of the City Attosney { ���'�---�-- _^�_._�, Notzery Public, Ramsey County, Mir�►. i � ' `. ���'u�o�� a���ds � �'!y commission expites ; � :s�`` No,A Y"',�, M�"�"o*n ! , � `� Rt�ti:,�Y �,, : � � � Mti �mmi�sic r��i:es u T1:�;�9$J ) � . � � ._ .._�. .�, ,,�: � . C2TY OF SAINT PAUL, t1IM�ESOTA „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATrVE (ZO*IING) GOD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� °:ri�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners wust consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUDiCIL �te� April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67r of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposea rexoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguou� to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to zezone the following described property: (Iegal description b street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �_� RM-2 Multi-Family Distri.ct to I-1 Industrial . District, fvr the purpose of installinq, canstructing atzd/ar operatinq the following: (desczire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATLTRE LOT BI�OCK ADDITION Subject Property: e y . o e y . . of th t part of ots 10 & 11 NEIy of a Housing and Redevelopmen ine rawn a o e y ine o sd Lot 1 from a pt thereon 63 feet from the Authority of the City of Gary . tout mos y corner ereo , eing part of Lots 0 & 11 Blo k 81 St. Anthony Park St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive �rector State of Minnesota) ) ss County of Ramsey ) �``�y beinq first duly sworn, deposes arcd states that he is the p rson Who cir ated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the aumer of property which is within 100 feet frona aay property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property a�ove �escrikied; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within vne (1) year of the date of thia petitionj that this petition was signed by each of said owners in th� presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and cozrect sic�natures of eaeh and all of the parties so described. � Subscribed and $wozn to befo=e me Address: 25 W. ourth Street Rm. 1201 Telephon� t�o. 298_4105 this�day of � , Approved as to form 10-27-76 - � Office of the City Atto_ney Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mir�. °""4^ cS/�azon c�finds � �-.,�, ., ='� CORI[rIL3S10T1 expires � k �', .!; NoTnav Fu��-ic M�ranFso?n • - '�:.. � ;,.. r � _ :_,__,._- ., , _.: , CZTY OF SAINT PAUt,, 11IM�£SOT4 „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (20*IZNG) C:OD� . t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for re.zoning �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CIT'Y COiTI3CIL �,te, Apri 1 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoaing Ordinance states that 677. o£ property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 452.357(5) of Mianesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. Hawever, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate coati,guaus to the land proposed for zezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description 6 street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long froma RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, for the purpose o� installinq, constructing and/or operating the fo:.l:owing: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) jndustridl Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGNATi1RE I�OT BLOCK ADDITION subject Property: SE y t. o o : vac a ey a �. Housin and Redevelo ment �,✓ � & pa t of Lots 0 & 11 NEIy of a iine run t to ine o s o from Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout a t thereon 63 ft. from most Sly cor ther of, ex 1. t o s . part of St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director Lots 10 & 11 B1 ck 81 St. Anthony Park State of Minnesota) j as County vf Ramsey ) J , :_ LTl beinq first duly sworn, deposes ar:d states that he is the person a►ho circul ed the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties descri.bed above axe the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followiag each name; that each o£ the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet frota any property owned by affiant ar sold by affiant within one (1� year preceditsg the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parti�es described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thie petitioni that this petition was signed by each of sai.d o•�rners in the presence of this a£fiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and all of the parties so described. � Subsczibed and ewvrn to befoxe ms Address: 25 W. Fourth Street Rm. 1201 Telephons lvo_ 298_4105 this�_day of , Approved as �o form 10-27-76 _ :;,��� Office of the City Attosney Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mir�. 1 ,� commission ex ires '��� ��'���on.�{inds �Y P No�,>,; ,:��c_���r:riesor� \ �' �t . �. r rJ i r , . 1N� ommusoi�exHires De� il,_�198� • . _ �.�.._ �..o.__._, r,._ .,,� . . . CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, t1IM�ESOTA „ QETITIOt3 7'O AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thnt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning °:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saiat Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezaning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL T,y�,te� April 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 54.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679: of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5} of Minaesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent befoYe the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate conCiguou� to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PauZ Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Ronorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long front RM-2 Multi-Family District to I'1 Industrial . �istrict, for the parpose of installinq, constructing and/or operating the foilowing: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) jndustt^ldl Expansion RECORD OWNER SZGNA3'URE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: EX SE y 35 ft. e Fol : vac a ey �'�q.d d '. art of ts 10 & 11 NE1 of:tr. a lin run at R to E y ine o s ot 1 fr m a t th eon 63 ft. from most Sly c r thereof x SE y 81. t. o sd irector art f Lots 10 11 Block 81 St. Anthom Park State of Minnesota) ) as County of Ramsey ) � being first duly swoxn, deposes and states that he is the person Hho circu ted the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed imcQediately following each name; that each o£ the parties described above is the oy+ner of property which is within 1Q0 £eet from any property owned by afEiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above �escribed; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property £rom affiant contiguous to the above desczibed property within one (1) year of the date of this petitionj that this petition�was signed by each of sai.d owners ia th� presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures o£ each and al.l of the parties so described. /� �- Subscribed and sw�orn to before me Addxess: 25 W. ourth Street Rm. 12QI a� Telephon� No. this�'�day cf � 298-4105 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 n-c� ,. _ Office of the City Atto-ney Notztry Public, Raa�sey County, Mir�. �/�°,'', ti�,<< � � on �,rc�s � :fiy commission expires �� � �or , �:serA - ` _ ;r, �' J .�(V1y oi rtissian cxNUES U � il; l� ' .,...__._, . CZTY OF SAZNT PAUL, t4IM�ESOTA „ PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD: � t Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �:ri�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further in£orma.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUI3CIL �te, Rpril 6, 1979 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 679: of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Sect3.on 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written coasent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguaus to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Pau]. Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, awn property within lOQ feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �_� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I'1 Industrial , District, for the purpose of installinq, constructing and/ox operatiaq the fo�lowing: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion RECORD OWNER SIGIv'ATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Housin and Redevelo men � Vac lley accr fol : That part of 1 ' r o'n on t S line 5 ft from the SE corner Autharit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout ft to a point on t e N line of sd Lot, 12 St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director b in i 1 ck 82 St. nthony Par State of Minnesota) � 8� County of Ramsey ) �`� � �' bein first dul sworn de ses _ s , Y ► F'� ani states that he is th� person Hha circ ated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties descri.bed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately Eollowing each naine; that each of the parties described above is the oc�mer of propezty r,�hich is �ithin 100 feet froYa any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year precedf.ng the date of this petita.on which is contiquous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchas?d or is purchasing propezty from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petitions that this petition was siqned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and corzect sic�natures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me Ad ess: 25 . Fourth Street Rm. 120I �_ Te2ephon� No_ this�_day of 298-4105 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Attorney Notztry Public, Ramsey County, Mir�. ������ ,,, ��r;.,as � � d!y commiasion expires -_ :�,.,,�40,,, . � , � . r _ . � ,� . � � 4 �y�c�.�:r.�».o,rr,x,i _. W�c,. u, Ir�iS� �� .� . � � ' � ,. ....,.-�-.. _ ,.,r•............._ — �<.. CITY OF SAZNT PAUI., t4IMJESOTA „ PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thztt 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*tING) GOD� . S Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �tei Aprll 6, 1979 C/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67r o£ property owners withfn the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 4b2.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed far rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) � Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St. Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long �_� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial , District, fcr thn pnrpose of installing, consttucting and/or operating the following: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) Industrial Expansion R�CORD OWNER SIGNATLJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITZON Subject Property: Vac alley accr & fo : That part o Lot 9 1 in W o a line from a t. an the S line 50 ft from the SE cor t ereof h N a RA 21.8 f the NE 99.4 ft to a ' pt on the N line of s Lot, 1 t. rom . , . . the N cor of Lo 9, bein in Block 82 St. A thony Par State of Minnesota) ) sa County of Ramsey ) F � � bein first dul sworn de ses and states that he is the g , Y . Po per�on Who circula d the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties descri.bed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed imcnediately following eaeh name; that each of the parties described above is the o�+ner o€ property whic�t is within 100 feet frota any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (lj year precedireg the date ef this peti.tion which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petitivnj that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and cozzect sicZreatures o£ each and all of the parties so described. �, � . � � , � ���bsczibed and aw�orn to before me Address: 25 . Fourth Street Rm. 1201 j�, Telephone tvo. 2gg_4105 ����s°�$ day of 7 , Approved as to form 10-27-76 __ � �.. n Office of the City Atto�ney ,.,.. 2�otar�y Public, Ra.msey County, Mir_n. :' , ,;; ,; ; :�3y commission expires ; . , ,; ,c�_-: .. �. ... Y. _ , —��_ ,. -.__ ,_.� : CITY OF SAINT PAUL, l4IMJESOTA „ pET2TION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF TFIE LEG2SLATIVE (20*IING) COD� . t Note: Befora the petitioner's proposal for rezoning °ai:.1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effecty the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further informa.tion about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. _ TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �,te� Aprll 6, 1979 cjo the City Clerk, Room 386 City flall Citp af Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5} of MinnesoCa Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land praposed far rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguQU� to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this Iarger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. PanZ 2oning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota SCatutes, we, the undersigned, oWn property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodp to zezone [he following described property: (legal description & street address) Lots 19 & 20 Block 83 St.� Anthony Park 2277-2279 Ellis and 2273 Long f=� RM-2 Multi-Family District to I-1 Industrial . District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operatinq the fo�lowing: (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) InduStrial Expdn5lon RECORD OWNER SIGNFtT(7RE IAT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: . V�� a ley accr; ot 10 Block 82 St. Housin and Redevelo ment Anth n Park Authorit of the Cit of Gar E. Stout St. Paul , Minn. Its Executive Director State of Minnesota) ) ss County cf Ramsey ) ' � � G'L' being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person Hho circ ted the within petition consistirsg of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follo•.�inq each name; that each of the parties described above is the o�,ner of property Hhich is within 200 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1� y+�ar preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property a�ove _ �escri,bed; th,at none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing � pxoperty fzom affiant contiguous to the above desczibed property within one (1} year of the date o£ thia petitivnj that this petition�was signed by each of said owsiars in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct si�natures of each and all of the parties so descri.bed. r, � �L�L Subscrfbed and sw�orn to before me Ad'dress: 25 W. ourth Street Rm. 1201 Telephons �vo. 2gg_4105 �his���day of � � Approved as to forcn 10-27-76 � r -�f Q � Office of the City AttoYney Notary Fublic, Raa+sey County, Mir_n. ��� ��� �s�a on c�frnda �� NOTARY rl,OUC—MihNE50TA :ty com.�►ission expire� ti ��`°� k,�•M,,t� cou�•,tr � � � My commission expirES Dec 11, 1985 � . . Flrrr� - . . . . . �