257557 �NHITE - CITV CLERK 1 ����� PINK -+FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAVL COl1I1C11 CA?IARV -p�_PqRTMENT � � � BtaE -MAVOR File �O. . r n�nce Ordinance N 0. 1 ��O � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS . OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL� PROVIDI G A WATER CONNECTION CHARGE IN LIEU OF ASSESSMENT IN CERTAIN SES� AMENDING SECTION 248.23 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P UL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 That Section 248.23 of the Saint P ul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as followss 248.23 Service Connections: Where proper y was not previously assessed. Parcels of land with frontage on a temporary water main not previously assessed for any existing abutting permanent water main and not desiring a water service connection when th temporary main is replaced with a permanent main shall be excepted f om the levy of the assessment for same� upon request of the owner of the 1 nd� however� no future water connection• shall be granted such parcel of la d unless a payment shall have been ma.de to the Board of Water Commissioner in the amount of Pi��s-Bei��a�e-E�4:8A) ge�-aeeeseab�e-€�ex�-€eet-e€-�,a�d- e-l�e-ee��*e�-€e�-geres�e-se�e�-er-�r���ige�l €er-�-s�-Z-€a�.33��r-�1Ke����ge!-a�3�-e �.e�+-p�epe�t��se-eka��-�ake-ga�aext-a��-�l�e as��xa�-s� Twelve Dollars ($12.00) er assessable front foot of land to be served� or at the assessment rate s levied at the time the perm.anent main was installed� whichever assessmen rate is greater. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor — te � Against BY � General Manager , Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved b i ttor y Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy ,- Approved by Mayor: Date A ro by a r ubm's ion to Council By WHI7E - CITY CLERK � � PINK �FINANCE GITY -OF SAINT PALTL � Council ���� y� CANARY - QEPARTMENT V BI!$E � - MAYOR � � File N . 0/ n�nce ordinance N�. / l�/ � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Parcels of land not previously ass ssed for an existing abutting permanent water main and desiring a connecti n with said permanent main shall be granted permission to connect such parcel of land after a payment shall � have been ma.de to the Board of Wat r Commissioners in the amount. of Pi��e Dei�a�e-F$9•AA�-�e�-aseeeeab�e-€ee -e€-i�a�d-ee�gl�t-�e-be-eer�ed-€e�-gaxee�e sesed-e�-u����sed-�e�-�-e�-a-€sx�i� -�ls�ie��a�Rges-a3��-a�ke�-��ege���es-s�a�� s�ko-pa�oat�i.A..�ho�A'f�iGLilit..c� Twel e Dollars ($12.00) per assessable front foot of land to be served� or at t e assessment rate as levied at the time the permanent main was installed� hichever assessment rate is greater. SECTI N 2 This ordinance shall take effect a d be in force on and after December 1� 1980. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays Levine � Water Maddox In Favor McMahon snowalter a Against BY General Manager Te�esco w�!�� � 8 1980 . ��P Form Approved by y orn y Adopte Counc' : Date C ified Pa by Council Se�cre ry BY � A e by Mayor: � �r �980 Appr v d y Ma or ss n to Council BY BY Pi�usHE� S E P 2 7 1980 „ � � � D 4 t�i 01 x �2 f��'�5 ����v.t 9 j J'76 z� $�s �-t�� �� �.�r7c ��a+m o�n c /, ��� � , � ������k,r �a��at August 8� 1980 � � � * � : � � � ��;� � s �'i,,_ , � �J�^ � MAYOR,s �� ' TOt 1�lt1;� Q�B LATIMSR. • _ ]�Rt ELMER A. HU3BT� GENERAL MANAGER� S . PAUL WATER UTILITY z R'�i� Propo�ed revision to section 248.2 of the St. Paul• Legislative Co+ck pe�tai.n-i�g ' to a water connection cllarge in li u of assess�ent in c�rtain cases. � � � . ��; f :�.r.�� .��t a , ;�; The City Conncil is requested to c ncur with Board vf Water Gcu�aissioner's '; ' Resolution 3027 and pass t�e attac d Ordinance pertaining to a wate� cottnacfiion �� charge for certain propert�ies that were not� previously assessed. ” '� _ f" :.� � � � � y ; .: , - �,., . � � �,A.TxONA�+� FOR �.'I�I3 ACTIONt : The 3t. P�ul Special Asses;staent Po �cy.provides for an assessmie�t r�te fo� £ir8t' time water main construction pf 100°,� of project cost, The attach�d �° Ordinsnce revises Section, 248.23 a � the Legislative Co�e to �ce ft coa- � " - sistent with the 100% asserssffient r te. � �� � ; , : :ATT'A'..��G��3 : ...�• , Board of W�ter Cammissioners� Reso ution 3�27 - � Proposed Council Resolution :�, _ . . � � . � . . . . . . . , . � � . . . . � . .. ., ... . y.. w. r fK �` r �` � � " CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ — OFFICE OF THE BOAR OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM ����� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - DATE � D �''�'�.s �f �d r�E ps�v��1 as,�ts�d �a� � +�i.�ia� +�tt#a� ��1� w�t�ear �e►��:tr �d d��t� at _ ttax �t� ;�ra��d �� z�� t��i�. bs �t+e�t pM�+�s�+� �o �� �► p�s+cs2 ef l�d �t�rs +a �t sb�a�l �ae � ms� tt� e� �d � i��z �.�io� ia �w aw��t �� � _ _ . _ __ _�i._.:..�_ _ �� �+« _ � CI OF ST. PAUL No._ �2? _ OFFICE OF THE BO RD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTI — GENERAL FORM ������ COMMISS ONER ��t� Jtil.y �f}� 1�$p - DATE ���� WEiBRE�.S, 3ectiou �48.23 of th�a Sai�t au2 Legislativ� Cods �s escablished br� C�.ty fhcdinance 27U9�,5 p�avides for a wat�r canx�+��tio�s �erge i.n li�u of assesa�asnt i�t ¢eartsfn casesf atxd Wii�REAS�, Ssctiou 2+48.23 of ths Safnt �aul Legisl+�tive Code rsquirss a pay�ent iz� lieu of essaa�mar�t foz �zop�ar�ie�r not having be�an g�avto�lq �aa+�rsed for e� p�btic �+atsr msin� said pap�nt to be� m�d� a th� rnte af $9�,QQ pet�c a�aa�ssabi+� foot �f is�,d to ba sarvsd foz parce2s with one a�d �o fa�t�,y �me►� there�aa aad a�t a �ate �� �32.t�0 par asssssable fa�t crf l�d tc b� serred for a�l �th�r pro�es�ties, oa �t ths rat+� �s l�vied et the tim�s th� pe e�at aater mai� wa� in:���l�d� ar�ichsver assssamer�t r�ts is greatexj aad w�H��, Tha �oard �f wat+er Cacr�is�ion r� r�co�nisaa t�at a11 b�na�itad prc�pestis�s �►t �hsre i�n the co�t of tba instaZl.� ian vf p�►ii� w:ter mair in prc�parti� ta the� baaafit r�ceived. �Nt�+T, THEKEP'ORE� BE IT RaBSOLYBD� 2hat �oard af Water Ccx�is�i�ers ha►� h��raby de•+ ta�rai��d �bat a uni.�'c�rm asa�essment rat ahcu3d bs +s�tab�.iahsd far � ��nt�s ce�nnsctia� s chargQ �ntablishad in� S+�ctta�; 248.23 o the 3aint Pa�1 3�g�.slativa Cocl�. BS IT P9JR'i'� R�t�Y'�D� Tha� tl�e Cauac 1 i� requested to cancur uud �eic�pt �an Os�dfns�ic� a�aamdi�g Sectic�► 2�r8.23 of thm 5�iat P ul Legialati�r� Coc��a �ea1 foliowst ZE+8.Z3 Ssrvicae C�a�sctioast iih+axe p gert�r am�s r�ct gr+�vioualq ass�ss�d. Par�els c�f Iaand irith fara3ntag� s t�mpor�ry aatar �ia r�o� pyrer�:viau�rlq �,�sass�d f4r any eaa�ts�tn.� abuttin�g p�e snt wat�er �naiu and uot dasiziag a aractsr ��ri ' vice cozu►scEic� � th+� ee� arq main is repla��cl ortt� a pes�eat msin ahali he uaccuptad from th+e le of tha assesep�nt f++�rr �a��, ctpohq; reqc�ast of the a�rn,�r af th� 1.and, hanav�r no futuxe water ca�nec�io�a aha�ll be gr�ted sisch para�i of lsnd unlmsa a p pm�,t shail �av� heexe a�tde to tl� &�rd a£ w�ter Co�ssion�ra tn t�e e e�� �.�i�,�.(,�p.�,, �+w•�ri.�,r�•►iM+t-�s•iri• .�i��r.pa�r,�i�►� �t�•ir�»� i��6i�r''insiiirrg�'rri�'��r 1�i�r-�i�.�«!+�-+�-�w•�a�►�rwt�•�r�i 2�elvs Dolla�rs {�1Z.p0) pe�r ,�s e�oaable frout f�L of Ia�d tt� bs s�ss�w+rl� or �t fh� asast��eunt r+tte e� lsv�f, d at� th� time the pa�e �,i�e �es tastsilad� �fiichsve�c ue�sss�ment rata is �eg. lst "— ' 2nd � % ' O G� 3rd r �� ' �� Adopted � — / �` Yeas Nays HUNT LEVINE ����� . � McMAHON � �j 7 O �% SAOWALTER � � �• TEDESCO �dILSON PRESIDENT (MADDOX)