275192 �NH17E - CITV CL.ERK . � �INK yFINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ����� CAN-ARY �- DEPARTMENT 1 BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. • /�, 0/ in�nce ordinance N O. �CIJ C��� Presen Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Ordinance amending Chapter 86 of the Administrative Code pertai:ning to municipal bonds and other obligations. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. • That Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same is hereby amended so as to add the following new section: 1 86.08 i Bonds : Registered. Pursuant to the author- ity granted by Minnesota Statutes, Sectian 475.71, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the Director of the Department of Finance and Manage- ment Services to issue registered bonds in exchange for any or all coupon bonds or other registered bonds of the City of Saint Paul which may have been issued by the City upon the request of the owner of such bonds. The surrendered caupon bonds or registered bonds shall be cancelled and appropriate records maintained by the Director. All costs incurred by the City in regard to the issuance or reissuance of registered bonds shall be paid for by the person requesting the same. Regis- tered bonds issued under this ordinance shall not incur � any new liability on the City nor extend the time of maturity of the coupon bonds which have been authorized or issued, and in place of which they are ordered issued, but shall only bind the City in the same manner and to the same extent as bound by said coupon bonds, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fin and Services - Treas r Divis In Favor Against B Form Approved b 'ty t rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve r f Submi to Cou cil By BY WHI7E -�CITV CLERK C KARV - DEPA TMENT COUt1C11 �, `���� BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �`'� ° �' � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ��(o��_ Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- or as provided in and by Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes. The Department of Finance and Manage- - ment Services is authorized to pay current interest on such registered bonds by check. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. t COUIVCILMEN Yeas �' Nays Requested by Department of: I.evine � Fina nd ervices - Tre sury Division Maddox In Favor McMahon Q -,�,,,,�� Against Tedesco . Wilson Adopted b ouncil• Date SUL 17 1980 Form Approved by Cit tt y Cer ' ed Pass y uncil Secr�,ta BY � Ap o e by Mayor: Dat Approv by yor S mis i ouncil BY BY SHED J U L 2 6 1980 , �� � . , . f , w , o� �i; �ir�'i�� }:: ;� Rev,.: : 9/6f76 _ ,`����� �. � ` E7CP�ANA'�ION l�1� S1`RA�I�TE .DRDERS., , itESSt�:tl'��ONS, ORD�ES �- ` .� � � .,�-...-. ' x� � ���-� ��,� JI1N 1 �1990 : ;. . , :4 ; ; Ir1�4 Date: Ju�a� 5, 1�80 � ` . � � ; _ � . .. . , TO:. 13AYOR G80�GE LATiM�H ` . - � � �`x: Gary`R;� N�retrs+�, D�pC. of Finxuce �S;'�8mt. Serv�ce� �.,� � LtE: 08DI�t68 �BL� TO TRA�TSFEB/RIIGIST�A�� OF: G�' Bt�1�8 � � ,. �" � ; ., - : , , �----» _ �'"'`,. . :_ . . - ,. , f ::, � `y � { : ?:� � , � ; � .� ., ; ,.f, • ,�,,:. >; ACTI(�'i btE.QtTB�i�is _ , , , � . . � . . . .. � . . . . . . .: q � . ' .. . . . . il.. .. � . , � . . . � . . . . .. �'t . � . F. . . . . . �. �, . �. ...... .�,�� _ ,�r`c .. �i Ths. pis�age �f �e at_t+►chaAd ordimaace wi.11 d�si�i�r �a�`Df�a���c � s , � i►#�ace and't�aas�At Sar�vices as traaa , e��i�r�r�.th t�tpi�Ct tti . . ;:. �' ; , . :, < tra��fer/rsgis'�ra�iori of ��1 City bonds. - i'�`at�3 '�xpedt� �e "� # �tsndl�ag a�` the ra�s�a t�r traasfer o� e�a�xshf�r'`+i�d e�i��� l�:�t :� : .; ���` ; r � �ed it�r` a reaal�tE�a�,. in.,e/�ich indivfdual ctie. , ' ; � . _ .. . . � . � . . , t R... . � Y .� . ": , � . .� . � �, . � .. �.. . . . . � . t . �•. . . :� ��' � .. � M .. - . . f . . S~ � y: .� w. . •; � . . � . ... a, k : . . � . - . . . .. . . y.. . . �...,� .: . ` . . ' � .. h �' . - ' . �. Pt�tPOSE �tU. l�A��.E"`�t?x T�IS A��ON: ° . F il 1/ �l�� __ ��. . . . .:. , �� ',..� ti , . � . . .,...� , � . . . . . . .. . . ". j�. . �... . . . �� .. ��_ .F � . .. . . . < . .. ' �:'. � . � .. . . . �.�. �'.. , "� � . ..... � ., . . . . . . .. . , .. . .: � . . . .Y� �, �veral Ciwaa a year �e F�aace Deparfi�� recei�►�ra '�9�*� .�r t�qs�+�� ¢ �: � _ .. ,�.., , �, < �� o�£ �irer,t��.p of Git�°�� S�a�� Paul guilp :regi�terr�d bo�at�,. 1 for � ea�h transfer suat b!i�b�r -r��+a�utioa af ths City,.��c►�il. Thia di�s�r#` ; , ps�esair� of th+a ae� �ertifi�stss and re�turn of 4�e to: �e�� �1►r,�... � ` �y :�" �'. �;, - � .� .. . .. � .. . � 4 � � Y� � *� ; . .'� .. ;' , . ' � . . :_r 9....yc',.:. . . _: . _ . . ., . . . ` . '._ . . ., ��:4 . . ' ._ .. . . � .. .. � . , � . . . . . .. � . . . . � . . ..� . � � � �� � .. . . � . . . . . - . . . . . . �� ' . � .. . � � . ,. , . . . 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(11062-GM) The Finance Committee, at its meeting of June 26, 1980, recommendedYappraval of the above ordinance. CITY HALL SF.VENTH FL�OR SAINT PAUL, MINitiESdTA 55i02 � � .�s�„�i,J . . . � � ��:��� .......,,��-,,,�,. =aS.��TY ��s�,;, CITY OF SAINT PAUL - R ''`� ' �"' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� � ;o .�-- �`; ',� iiii°i�i°ii +< '>;� �1-1-i „� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �e�. . 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � � 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR / � �QC�'~?�.� June 4, 1980 RECEIVED JUP� 1 ,1�80 MAYOR'S QFElCE � ���'�j� o,�fi (� ,FD q �FA �c� ��S Mr. Gary Norstrem ���,,9QT� �F�. 198 _ Treasury Manager 'qi4q?��,�,tiFo� 0 Department of Finance & Management Services �c;,,f,nr^,���F,,� Room 219 �r�T S��Vq�'O.Q CITY HALL r�4'��c�S Dear Mr. Norstrem: Enclosed is the ordinance requested by you authorizing the Finance Director to issue new or replacements of registered bonds. If ou have any questions, please call. Ve tr ly y s, JE ME J. SEGAL Assistant City Attorney JJS:cg encl. -- - - - ----. _ _ _- ,._.,- - .__�_----..�_ ._.�..___ ,B . ���.,. _ �-f/- �a � � / � .�� � � � . . D 4.G. �p?..�'`?a �',.-, /� � "�� ���>��� " -- � 1 st �-- J — �j'G 2nd �'—� �'� 3rd 7— / ��— �'�j Adopted � - / � -�.�' . Yeas Nays HOZZA HU� ��5��2 � � LEVINE _ MADDOX McMAHON TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SHOWALTER)