276531 WHITE - CITY f;LERK J/��� PINK - �FINAI��E COl1I1C11 �N� w CANARY� DEPARTMENT C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L B�,�E - MAYOR File N O. Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. / _ � Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinanoe Amending Chapter 54A, of the St. Paul Legislative Cod� pertaining tA the filing of Truth-in-Housing Disclosure Reports. THE COL]NCIL QF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIl�T: Section 1. That Chapter 54A.10(b) of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled, "Contractual Agreement" i.s hereby amended by striking and deleting certain portions thexein and inserting in lieu of and in place thereof the follawing: Contractual Agreement. Any ���� agreen�ent written or othezwise betw�n a prospective grant�or and grantee or buyer and seller for the conveyance of all or part of any housing covered by this cha.pt�er. This shall inclu�, but not be lunitsd to by this specification, an earnest mr�ney contract or agreement. Section 2. That Chapt�er 54A.10(c) of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled, "Single Sale or Conveyance of an Int�erest°' is hereby an�ended by striking and deleting certain provisions therein and inserting in lieu of and in place thereof the follo�aing: 54A.10(c) Single Sale or Conveyance of an Int�erest. When a deed or oth,ex in- strLm�ent of conveyanoe of a legal or equitable title in all or part of housing covered by tiv.s Chapter is tenc7exed by a grantor or v�ndor and accepted by a grantee or venc7�ee for �a��e consideration evidencing a sale or exchange at-e�-agg��e� a�a.�e�-���e of an interest in said property. Section 3. That Chapter 54A.120 of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled,;,"Report, Filing and Filing Fees" is hereby amended by stsiking and deleting certain provisions therein COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon snowa�ter Against BY Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date B3�- I' Certified Passed by Council Secretary )'� `�� �—�S �/ i By - � Approved by Mayor: Date App v by Mayor for Sub i s' n Council By BY �.��`;. � 1 and inserting in lieu and in place thereof the follawing: 54A.120 REPORT, FILIlVG AND FI.LIlQG F'E�'S. �ae�t�t�-�n-i�e�s�-e�*a��a� 9�,a��-s��-#�-t�e-6ee�e�a�-�F�eas�e�-e�€-t�e-�+��}�_�ea�el-ar3-e�aet-el�}ea�e e�-eep�-e�-eae�-��-�-Het�.g�g-Brse�es�e-�te�e�t���-���8}-ela�s-a�te�-�e eb*a��a�ert-�s�ee�-�a9-}�ee��aele.---�e-e�ae�-el��ea�e-e�-ee�-�eqt���e�� �s-9ee�:e�-�13a��-�e-e€-�ke-��a�-�ege��-e��e�-�����#�-e�-�eg��-g���ed �-��-as-���9�ee1-�e-#�e-9e��e�.- Each truth in housing evaluator shall prepare a Disclosure Report which sha.11 set forth any major structural defect or i�di- ate hazards to health and safety. The Report sha.11 be either ty�ewritten or legibly printed in ink. Within ten (10) days after the evaluation or re-evalua- tion inspection has been made, the evaluator shall sul�nit to the seller the original copy of the Report, and an exact duplicate to tYie Secretary-Trea.surer of the Examining Board within the same tim� period. In the ev�nt the evaluation is of a oondaYUniiun Lmit, a co of the report shall also be su�niitted to the Conclaminitun Association within the ten (IO day time period mentioned abov�. A filing fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) made payable to the City �ea��e� of St. Paul shall be required with each evaluation report so sul�nitted to the Secretary- Trea.surer of the Examining Board. Any evaluat�or who fails to sul�iit the dis- closure report within 10 da.ys of the evaluation date or the re-evaluation date in the event of a re-evaluation, shaTl be assessed a Iate penalty fee of $10.00. In additioa� tA the above penalty fee and any other penalties provided in this Chapter, the failure to pay the required filing fees or the failure to timely file any disclosure report shall be sufficient cause for tY�e E�mining Board to suspend and/or revc�ke the Certifica.te of Co��etrency of a Truth in Housing Et�aluator. 6�-'P��k-�-�ie��g-B�se�es�+e-Rege�s-s�t���e�-#a-�ke-E��-Bea�d��� l9e-e��-��gt��}e-e1�s��c Truth in Housing Evaluators may charge a rea- sonable fee of the property acar�er or prospectiv� seller for services heretmder. Section 4. That Chapter 54A.20 of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled, "Prohibited Act" is hereby amended by striking and deleting certain provisions therein and inserting in lieu of and in place thereof the follawing: 54A.20 PROHIBITID ACI'. No awr�er or agent of the c7wner shall sell by convey- anoe or oontract for conveyance a single or two family d�aelling, a tawnhouse or Lmit, a condcanini�n Lmit, or a mixed. use building with orie or two residential tmits, within the City without providing to the buyer, prior to the execution of any contractual agreement between buyer and seller, either a capy of (a) a Truth in -2- �,�C3 �-3 dr/ � _ �p�s�1 Housing Disclosure Report, valid for one year after dat�e issued and relating to sai.d dwelling as described in Section 54A.40, or (b) a Certificat�e of Code Cca�pliance as set forth in Section 25.08, which sh,all be dat�ed no mr�re than one year prior tr� its usage heretmder, or (c) a cc�py of the orc�ers issued by tl�e Supervisor of Coc� Enforcetrent as a result of a Certificate of Coc1e Co�r pliance inspection, which shall be dat,ed. no mpre than one year prior to its usage. Notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter, such doctm�nts shall be valid for the purposes herein c3�escriUed only through a single sale or conv�yance of an interest in the subject housing. Section 5. That Chapter 54A.40 of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled,"Fornns" is hereby am�nded by striking and deleting certain portions therein and inserting in lieu of and in pla.oe thereof the follawing: 54A.40. F'ORMS. Subject t,� the approval of the Mayor or his designee, the Examining Board herein established shall prepare or authorize the use of such form or forn�s as it may c7�eem appropriate to constitute a disclosure Lmder Section 54A.20(a) . The form sha11 include all apprapriate sections of the Legislative Code, including those sections of the State Building Cod� �noorpo- rat�ed therein by reference, applicable t� existing single and t-wr� family dwellings which, when not cc�lied with, constitute a major structural clefect or an imnediat�e hazard to the health and safety of the occupant. The awnex shall provide a copy of such written disclosure as provided in 54A.20(a) , (b) , or (c) t�o the buyer prior to the execution of any contractual agre�ent between buyer and seller. Nothing in said report shall indicate, or shall be deemed to indicate, that said dwelling meets all minimtun housing and building standards, or that the report in any way may constitute a w�rx'�t?.-tyby the City, � or the Board e�-�aa�tba� of the oondition of the lzousing evaluated. The �aluator by his or her report warrants that he or she has utilized reasonable care and diligence in inspecting the house and has fotmd no instances of non- cca�liance with the it�ems contained on the report except as specifically stated therein. -3- �-�%? 2-=15-�� WHITE - G.ITY CLERK -A,[ PINK - FINANCE' COI1I1C1� ���.��)�� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L '�+'-�i B�.Ufi' - MAYOR File H�. • O� in�nce Ordinance N 0. � �7�� Presented By_ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 6. That Chapter 54A.70 of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled.,"Duties of the Board" is hereby amexicled by striking and deleting certain portions therein and in- serting in lieu of and in plaoe thexeof the following: 54A.70 DLTrIFS OF 'Ii� BOARD. The Board shall subject each applicant for a Certifi- cate of Co�g�tency to an examination to det�ermi.ne whether th,e applicant has sufficient ]�owledge, expertise, skill, training and experience t�o proper�.y carry on the business , of evaluating single and twn fami.ly dwellings for oompliance with the Legislative Code applicable to existing single and two family dwellings, and. shall issue tr� ea.ch appli- cant who satisfactr�rily passes such examination the desired Certificat�e of C�arpetency upon the paymP.nt of the fees hereinafter provicled, and shall issue renewals of all such Certifica.tes frcan year to year as hereinaft,er prov:i.ded, upon payment of the re- quired fees therefor. In case any Certificate of Competency shall lapse for a period of orbe year or more, then it shall be n�ecessary for the person who held su�ch Certifi- ca.te to pass a new examination by the F�+a�n�„c� Boa.rd before receiving a renewal of such Certificat�e. The Board may revr�ke th�e Certifica.t�e of Con�etency of a truth in housing evaluatAr for cause after a hearing held thereon, and may, in its discretion, suspend the Certificate of Cc�etency of a truth in housing evaluator pending su,ch hearing. In all cases such hearing shall take plaoe within a reasonable time after any Board action to suspend or revoke. Any evaluator aggrieved by a Decision of the Board. may appeal such decision to the City Council within ten days of the evaluatr�r's reoeipt of Notice of Board action tA suspend or rewke, by st�n.itting tA a���e� e€-�e��tp-Ee�e� the City Clerk a written notice of appeal. Such appeal shall be heard by the City Co�cil based upon the reoord of the Board and upon any written sul�rni.ssians made by the aggrieved evaluatr�r. Section 7. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in forae thirty (30) days fr�n and aft�x its passage, approval and publication. _4_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � Levine In Favor �drnrn�'t"� �rvl�G�S Maddox McMahon Showalter � Against BY Tedesco �Ison APR 21 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s Council cr t s - �-ar-�/ BY t A r e by Mayor: �R ?'' 3 �98� Ap o by Mayor for u mi sion to Council By BY PUBLISHED MAY 21981 : ` � . . `:«, . .:;, C��� �� �ArN� �E'.�.U�. � �. � �� �,r� ' OFFICE OF THE CIT�Y CO�tT\iTC�L �� � `� .: �.� , � �:�� ,;,.,•..- . ,.,...,a�a ,,,,��:. � "�" Date : April 7, 1981 . .r; ' _ � ;:s . c o � �n ��°-�� � � � � a ��° � T 0 : Sain� Paut Ci�t� Cauncil FROM � C4Crii'T'ii�fi�!' OCi CITY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSPORTATION Leonard �J. Levi�ne , chairman, makes the faitowing �eport� on C. F. 276531 XC] Ordir�ance [� Resalution � Other -� �°�-�� ; An ordi nance amendi ng Chapter. 54A of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the filing of Truth-in-Housing Disclosure Reports. . The Committee recommends approval , and further . recommends that this ordinance be amended to_ : . provi de for fi 1 i ng of di scl osure repor-ts wi th� ': condominium associations. � � � (Copy of amendment attached) - - �fTY HALL. SE\IiI�ITFF PLOOR SAINT PAUL, NII;�fNBSOTA 55i02 . � . _ . . . . . . .. - . . � .� .`T1'_J. . . . . . . - . . .b • , � .,,� ��:�';� � � '`°����"���' CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'Ys ���`�.pt T Y �F��ir�� -R�� M� 7i'',. '; .J..� �:, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY '..� iii°ilii�ii �� � s ,,= EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �e�. . 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ��".o.av,,,.o°��. 612-29&5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR April 3, 1981 Council Len Levine, Chairman City Develapment and Transportation Committee Cotmcilman Ron Maddox, Coa�snittee Member Councilm-�i Fred Wilson, C�mittee Member Cotm.Cilwarnan Ruby HLmt, Alternate Re: Chapter 54A.120 - Truth in Housing legislation Dear Chairnnan and Co�mittse N1�ei�bers: Pursuant tA your reguest resulting fr�n the mQSt recent Develo�srent and Transportation Conmittee meeting of April 2nd, I ha�e herein enclased the amenc�ient to Chapter 54A.120 of the Truth in Housing legislation whic:h requires disclosure reports to be filed with Condominium Associations where the evalua.tion pertains to a condaninitun unit. If you have any questions or any additiona.l changes, please so advise. Very truly yours, �.l _._.. ....... ' e,i/ [�,LTER A. Assistant City Attorney V�B:rl Enc. CC: Counci 1w�1 Joanne Schowalter 7_�.S- 7h� Q/jc%d Gt�clr�,�rl� sf7�2cL�� re��CCc♦� �. ��,��„� �� � � �,y�� ���d���� �. �q��' SyA ��`�e� �ecer� �le r � �.r�r��, .�K�o,�J��" ll��l ,'�� � �" O . � and inserting in lieu and in place thereof the follawing: . 54A.120 REPORT, FILING AND FILIlVG FEE'S. �ael�-��-�-�e�-e�a��a#� s�a�-���e-��---T,r-�-��,�-�ea9�-e�-�e-���-�el-ar�-e�aet-d.t�� e�-esg�-e�-eael�-�F���-He�s�g-H�se3es�e-�e���a�#��-�e�{�9}-da�s-a€te�-�3�e e3'"d��13�.�91`3'•�1`3�'E.'�62`i-�9-�ii ""'�c:-�n�f3�-��}P.3�:EE-9iQ-�T-i`�� �L�9��6i`3'�9�l3���--6�-�����e3�-^i�'�-����-��iQi+��-6ie�•}�},�}j4-�Ta4�F� �-�-ae-��sl�-�-�e�se�� Each truth in housing evaluator shall prepare a Disclosure Report which shall set forth any major structural defect or inaredi= ate hazards to health and safety. The ��port shall be either typewr�.tten or legibly printed in in'c. Within ten (10) days after the evaluat�.on or re-evalua- tion inspection has been made, the evaluat�or shall su�mit t� the seller the original oopy of the Report, and an exact duplicate tA the Secretary-Treasurer of the Examining Board within the same tim�e period. In the evpnt the evaluation is of a cnndaninitan Lmit, a co of the report shall also be suLyn�.tted to the Condr�minitun Association within the ten (10 day time period meritioned above. A filing fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) made payable to the City �ea9�e� of St. Paul shall be required with each evaluation reFort so submitted to the Secretaty- Treasurer of tYie Exam�n;ng Board. Any evaluatAr who fai.ls to st�mit the dis- closure rep�rt within 10 days of the evaluation date or the re-evaluation date in the event of a re-evaluation, shall be assessed a Iate penalty fee of $10.00. In addition to the above penalty fee and any otYier perialties provided in this Chapter, the failure to pay the rc�nli red filing fees or �tYie failure tA tui�ely file any disclosure report shall be sufficient cause for tt��Examining Board t�o suspend and/or revc�ke the Certificate of Com�etency of a Truth in Housing EvaluatAr. St�el�-���-�-�Fe�s�-H�°°_�-'_-��n�-Rega�s-s���ed�s-�e-�}�}�-Bea�d-s�ia�� �-e�-��-�e-d�s�,���=�- Truth in Housing E�aluators may charge a rea- sonable fee of the property awn�r or prosPectiv� seller for servlces hereunder. Section 4. That Chaptrer 54A.20 of the St. Paul Legislativ� Code entitled, "Prohibited Act" is hereby amP-ncled by striking and c�eleting certain provisions therein and inGerting in lieu of and in place thereof the follawing: 54A.20 PROHIBITED ACT. No owner or agent of the a�mer shall sell by convey- anoe or oontract for conveyance a single or two fami.ly dwelling, a tawnhouse or �mi t, a condominitnn tmit, or a mixed use buiTding with one or two resident�:al tmits, within the City without providing to the buyer, prior tr� the execution of any oontractual agreement between buyer and seller, either a capy of (a} a Truth in -2- -�-.� �3-�/ . , � 1��, ��'`'� � . , . ,J. � .., . j .. , ,��°�°�^��� CITY �� SAINT PAUL ,,...�,T. o.°�, °�°` '-``'�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _. ., :e �; %� iii'iiiu •: �. „�� BUREAU OF RECORDS ''�• _ '`'a, �.•• 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ���imn,��o.or�``� 612-298-4231 GEORCE LATIMER MAYOR March lg, 1g81 Councilman Leonard Levine Chairman, City Development & Transporation Committee 7th Floor, City Hal7. Deax Councilman Levine: The City Council today referred to the City Development & Trans- portation Committee for consideration and recommendation, an ordinance, C.F. 276531, amendin� C'hapter 54A of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertainin� to the filing of Truth-in-Housing Disclosure Reports. V truly yours, � � '�T Rose Mix City Clerk � Attach. ABO:la ec: Housing & Bldg. Code Enforcement Division O WHITE - GTY CLERK � � PINK - PINANCE y COUtICll CANARY'L' DFPARTMENT ' GITY OF SAINT YAL� L BLVF1 • � M'AYOR ' F1I@ NO. � Ordin�znce Ordinance N0. Presented By � '�' � �i' , Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinanoe Am�nding chapter 54A. of the St. Paul Legislative Coc�e �*-�aining tA the filing of Truth-in-Housing Disclosure Reports. THE COiAQC2L �' THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Chapter 54A.10(b) of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled, "Contractual Agreesnent" is hes�eby amended by strik;�; and deleting certain portions therein and inGerting in lieu of arxl in place thereof the follvwing: Contractual Agreement. Ariy va��tten agre�nt writtren or ottbezwise between a prospective grant�or and grantee or buyer and seller for the aoriveyanoe of all or part of any lx�using oov�red by this chapter. This shall inclur�e, but not be limited to by this specificatioai, an earnest money contxact or agreeqnent. Section 2. That Chapt�er 54A.10(c) of the St. Paul Legislative Coc�e entitled, "Single' Sale or Conveyanoe of an Interest" is hereby amended by striking and deleting certain provisions therein and insexting in lieu of and in place thereof the following: 54A.10(c) Single Sale or Conveyance of an Interest. Wtien a c�eed or ott�r in- strlarent of conveyanoe of a legal or eql.Litable title in all or part of housing oavered by this Chapter is trendered by a grantor or vendor and acxepted by a grantee or vendee for �a��e consideration evidencing a sale or exchange at-e�-a�����#�e�* x�a�}fe�-�a�� of an interest in said praperty. Section 3. That Chapt�ex 54A.120 of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled;."Report, Filing and FiLing Fees" is hereby amer�d by striking and deleting certain pravisioais therein COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt �evine [n Favor Maddox McMahon snowaite► Against By Tedesco wlson Adopted by Council• Date Form Approved by City Attorney ' �> Certified Passed by Council Secretary ����a�"- ' ' `'�` � 'L—�S �� ✓ i By - �. Approved by Mayor: Date App v by Mayor for Sub i s' n Council �Y — BY ----- • ' ��� ' � � � ��6531 and inserting in lieu and in place thereof the follo�aing: 54A.120 REPORT, FILING AI�ID FILING F�F.S. �ae1q-�ti�-�-lqet�.g}�-e�*a��a#� 9�a��-9��-#sa-�e-6ee�e��-��ea9��--e�-�e-£��-Bea�-aa-e�ae�-d��ea�e e�-eegp-e�-eae�-�ti�-�-He�s�g-H�se��e-Rege��-�a��a-�-{�8}-daps-a�:e�-�e e*�-a�t�a�e�-�sgee�e�-kas-l9ee.�-x�ele:--�e�.�ae�-el�}ea�e-e�-eag�-�ed-�` �s-see�ae�-sl�a�-�e-e�-�he-�a�-�e�e��-e}�1�-�p�e�����e�-s�-�eg}b�s���ed ��-��-as-��si�-#�a-�e-9ei�e�.- Each truth in housing evaluat�or shall pretiare a Disclosure Report which shall set forth any major structural defect or i�di- ate hazards tr� health and safety. The Report shall be either typewritten or legl.bly printed in uilc. Within ten (10) days after the evaluation or re-evalua.- tian inspectio� has been made, the evaluatAr shall su�mit tA the seller the orig�rial copy of the Report, and an exact d licate to the Secr+�tary-Treasurer of the E�cairLn�r,� Board within the same time period. A filing fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) macle payable to the City �eas�e� of St. Paul shall be required with each evaluatioaz report so su�mitted to the Secretary-Treasurer of the �imining Board. Any evaluator who fails to suY_enit the disclosure report within 10 days of the evaluat�.on date or the r�evaluation date in the event of a re-evaluation, shall be assessed a late penalty fee of $10.00. In addition to the above penalty fee and any other penalties provicled in this Chapter, the failure to pay the re- yuired filing fees or the failure to timely file any disclosure rt'shall be sufficient cause for the E�samining Board tA suspend and/or revok�e the Certificate of Co�}�etency of a Truth in Housing E�aluatror. St�t-��t�-�t-�iet�.s�H�se�estire R�ge��s-st�}��-t�s-�ke��-�ea�-s�ra��e-e.�ex��-€�t��ie-e�:se�eat3rer Truth in Housing Evaluat�ors may charge a reasonable fee of the property vwner or pro- spective seller for sexvices hereLmder. Section 4. That Chapter 54A.20 of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled, "Prohibited Act" is hereby am�nded by striking and deleting certain provisions there:in and in�erting in lieu of and in place thexeof the following: 54A.20 PROHIBITEa ACT. No c�aner or agent of the cx�mer shall sell by oonv�y- anoe or oontract for conveyanoe a sirygle or � family dwelling, a taanhouse or Lmit, a oondceniniun imit, or a mixed use building with or�e or tw�o resic�ential tmits, within the City without providing t�o the buyer, prior to the e�ecution of any contractual agreement between buyer and seller, either a �py of (a) a Truth in -2- � I � t ; -'i,✓� - - �a fi• . � " � � - � � � ;��6531 Housing Disclosure Report, valid for one year after date issued and relating tio said dwelLing as described in Sectian 54A.40, or (b) a Certificate of Code Cc�plianoe as set forth in Section 25.08, which shall be dated no m�re than one year prior tro its usage hereunder, or (c) a c��y of the orders issued by tYye S�visor of Coc3e Ehforcement as a result of a Certificate of Cods Co�r pliance inspection, whicli shall be dated no m�re than one year prior t�o its usage. Notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter, such docia��ts shall be valid for the purposes herein d�escribed only through a single sale or oo�veyanve of an interest in the subject hpusing. Section 5. That Cha.pter 54A.40 of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled,"Foxms" is heseby americled by striking and deleting oertain p�rtions therein and inserting . in lieu of and in plaoe thereof the following: 54A.40. FORNLS. Subject to the approval of the Mayor or his designee, the Fxamining Board herein established shall prepare or authorize the use of such form or fozms as it may deem appropriate to oo�stitute a d.isclosure tmcler Secti� 54A.20(a) . The fozm shall include all apprc7priate sections of the Legislative Code, including those sectians of the State Builcling C;od� inwr�o- ratred therein by referenoe, applicable to existing single and t�ao family � clwellings which, when not ca�lied with, constitute a major stnyctural defect or an imrediate hazard to the health and safety of the occupant. The awner shall provide a copy of such written disclosure as provided in 54A.20(a) , (b) , or (c) to the buyer prior tA the e.xecutiari of any oontractual agreement betw�een buyer and seller. Nothing in said report shall indicate, or shall be deemed to indicat,e, that said dwelling meets all mininnan housing and building standards, or that the report in any way may constitute avu�rr�nty by the City, � or the Board e�-E4ae��ta� of the wnditian of the housing evaluat,ed. The E�raluatAr by his or her report warrants that he or she has utilized reasanable care and diligenoe in inspecting t� house and has frnmd no instanoes of non- oonplianoe with the it�u oonta�ned on the report exc�ept as specifically stat�ed therein. -3- � ---=�s✓: 1- 1S-d'' WNITE - - CITY CLERK 2�7s531 � PINK - FINANCE � e�uERr�- �pA�q�RRMENT ` C7TY OF SAINT I�AUL F1eC1�N0. . � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 6. That Chapter 54A.70 of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled,'�Duties of the Board" is hereby amenc7�ed by striking and deletuzg certain portions therein and in- serting in lieu of and in plaoe thereof the fol].aaing: 54A.70 DUrIFS OF Tf� BQARD. The Board shall subject each ap�licant for a Certifi- cate of Co�Qetency to an examinatiari to determine wYiether the applicant has sufficient ]maaledge, e�ertise, skill, training and experience to proper�y carry ori the business , of evaluating single and t�uo family dwellings for oam�lianoe with the Legislative Code applicable to existing single and tw� family dw�llings, and shall issue t� each appli- cant who satisfact,orily passes such exa�nination the desired Gestificate of CoerQet�ency upon the paym�it of the fees hereinafter pravided, and shall issue renewals of all such Certifica�Ges fran year to year as hereinafter provided, upc�i payment of the re- �;►�ired fees therefor. In case any Certificate of Co�petency shall lapse for a period of one year or mQre, then it shall be necessary for the persari who held such Certifi- cate tA pass a new examinatiari by the F�in�*� Baard before receiving a renewal of such Certificate. The Board may revake tY� Certificate of Cca�Qetency of a truth in hausing evaluat,or for cause aft�ex a hearing held thereon, and may, in its discreti�, suspend tY�e Certificatre of Ca�t�ency of a truth in housing evaluator pending such hearing. In all� cases such hearing shall take plaoe wi�thin a reascmable time aft,�x any Boarcl action tro suspend or revoke. Any evaluatAr aggrieved by a Decision of the Boas�l may ap�eal such c7ecision to the City Coimcil within ten days of the evaluatar's reaeipt of Notice of Board action to suspeYid or revoke, by sutmitting to anp� e�-�e-E��*�e� the City Clerk a written notice of appeal. Such appeal shall be heard by the City Co�cil based �on the reaord of the Board and upon ariy written sukmissians made by the aggrieved evaluatAr. Section 7. Th�at this ordinaizce shall take effect and be in forae thirty (30) days frcm and aft�er its passage, approval and publication. -4- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: """t Cornrnu.n�'f,l S�-vices Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon snorwaite► Against By Tedesco wiso� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B `�^°z'r �� By ` Approved by Mayor: Date Ap o e by Mayor for u mi sion to Council By BY . . . . . _ . 6 . . . � . . - < ` , . - \ / / . �J ' '. � ` \ . .. . \ . ' � `� .�� �' . .. .. . . � . . . . . . . . , . � . , . . ` ' _ .` ' . . . . � " . . .�, ' ` �` . � . .+ . . . � . / . . � � . � � / �. � .. . _ . . . . . , � . � � / � . . ... , . .. . � - . � . . � ' . . . . . . . / � • . . . . .. • , . , l�arah i9, 1981. ' � , , - . W Wif�iii�Y J�I�i V �LY-li� �� . ,. . . . . . , � ,. . . - p�sir�n, City Ue�v�elOpnlnt dt �'ranapOtaL�t?ii,Qo�oittee , 7� Floor, City��sll . � , Dsar Comc3Lwn i��rint s � ,. ?,be Cit�r CouttMil tcd�yr referr�d to tbe Cit�► Dfn�slopeent b Traas- _ ' , ' portatioa Ooa�ittae !or conaideratic� and rsaa�ead�tic�� an � or�l�iAaoee, C.F. 2�K531s ���i Q�pt.�r �A ot tbe St. Paul . _, . Legislativ�e t�de perLainiag Lo th� filiAg 's�t Trutb•i,a��awiag Disclosttr� B�port�. . � _ _ . � Vai'Y' Lru1,Y Yo�`�f �' . � � : � r , �oae Miz ' � Citi3► A,n�k ` ' _ � - , _ ' Attfi�. _ • ABO:la � - . , . ccs Aousiog' d� Sldg. Cod� Batorcesent Di�risioo , . � �. - � - . . , . ' � , . � L - � � ��s��s and inse���..ng in lieu and in place thereof the follawing: �. 54A.120�° REPORT, FILIl�TG ADID FILII�iG F�ES. �ae�-�ti�-�-Y�e�.g��-e�ra��a� 9�a��-9��- -�e-6ee�e�-�F�eas�e�-e�-�e-:�ax���-Bea�e7.-a�-e�ae�-el�.�ea�e e�-eepp-e�-eae� #�-�-He�s�e�-B�se��e-Rege��-�a���-#�-��A}-da�9-a�-�e e*aa�t�a��-�s�ee 13as-19een-x�aele.---g'i�e-�ae�-el�}ea�e-e�-eag�-�ee��e�-� �s-see�ie�-�a��- -e�-t�e-�a�-�ege��-e��e�-��*peba��t�e�-e�-�eg��-���eel ��-��-as-���s�- �e-ee��e�.- Each truth in housing evaluator shall prepare a Disclosure Re rt wh sha.11 set forth an ma'or structural defect or imYiedi- at�e hazards tr� health ' safe The Re rt shall be either itten or 1 ibl rinted in ink. ithin ten (10) c3,a s after the evaluation or re-evalua- tion in ction has been , the evaluator shall suk�m.i.t to the seller the ori inal co of the Re rt, and an exact d licate to the Secre -Treasurer of the ���ni n B�d v,ii the same ti.m� iod. A filing fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) made payable to the ty �eas�e� of St. Paul shall be rec�uired with each evalua.tion report so su}�u�.ed t�o the Secretary-Treasurer of tY�e Ex�nining Board. Any evaluator who fails su�nit the disclosure report within 10 days of the evaluation date or the re- luation date in the event of a re-evaluation, shall be assessed a lats 1 f of $10.00. In addition to the above nal fee and an other lties rovi ' in this C ter, the failure to pa.y the re- c�i.red filing fees or the failure to 1 file an disclosure re rt shall be sufficient ca.use for th�e E�am�.ning d to suspend and/or revoke the Certifica.te of C�rq�etency of a Truth in Housing Eba'�,uator. St���z�-�rt�Ietts�H�se�est�re Rege��s-st�}�#�-#a-�ke-�����,�ta��-19e��-��t���ie-e}�se�est�e: Truth in Housing Evaluators may charge a `���asonable fee of the property awner or pro- spective seller for services hereunder. � Section � � .: That Cha.pter 54A.20 of the St. Paul Legis�tive Cod.e entitled, "Prohibited Act" is hereby am�nded by striking and deleting �;ertain provisions t1-�erein and inSerting in lieu of and in place thereof the fo�'�owing: �•. 54A.20 PROHIBITID ACT. No c�wner or agent of�� e c�mer shall sell by eonvey- anoe or oontract for conveyance a single or ttac� fami dwelling, a tawnhouse or unit, a oondomini�an unit, or a mixed use buildin wi one or two resid,ential units, within the City without providing to the buyer, prior the execution of any contractual agreement between buyer and seller, either ` copy of (a) a Truth in -2- �� ;2-�(=6i , . . ; , I�+ d 19��� �`°��. � and ins in lieu and in plaoe thereof the follawing: 54A.120 RT, FII,ING AND FILING F�ES. �ae1�-��-�-13et3s��g-e�a��a#� 9�a��-9��-�a- -See�e�p-��ea9�e�-e�-�e-���►}�+e-B�-ar�-e�cae�-d��ea�e e�-eegp�-eae�i- �i-�-He�s�e�-B�se3e��e�eger���r�-�-{�Q}-da�9-a��-�e e�a�tia��-�sgee ' kas-bee�x�aele.---�e-e�ae�-el�}ea�e-e�-eeg�-��ed-}� �s-9ee�e�-ska�-19e �-�hhe-�na�-�ege��-e��e.�-��ge����e�-e�-�eg��-���ed ��-�-as-���s�- 9e�e�.- Each truth in housing evaluator shall prer�are a Disclosure Re rt whi shall set forth an ma'or structural defect or itrmedi- ate hazard.s t� health and afe The Re rt shall be either written or 1 ibl rinted in ink. W t�eri (10) da s after the evaluation or re-evalua- ticu� in tion has been ma , the evaluat�or shall suY�nit to the seller the ori inal co of the Re rt, d an exact d licate to the Sec.re -Treasurer of the �c�ni n B�� `„�1�� Same tim�e iod. A filing fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) made payable to the Ci �eas�e� of St. Paul shall be r�ired with each evaluatian report so sutmit tr� the Secretary-Treasurer of the F�amining Board. An evaluator wY� fails sul�tit the disclosure re rt within 10 da s of the evaluation date or tYye r�e luation date in the event of a re-evaluation, shall be assessed a late 1 fee of $10.00. In additican to the aUave 1 fee and an otl�r lties rovided this C ter, the failure to pay the re- rn�;red filing fees or the failure to 1 file an disclosure re rt shall be sufficient cause for tl'10 �ami ni r?r �r tA suspend and/or revok�e the Certificate of Co�}�tency of a Truth in Housing E�ral t,or. St��t�-�rr-i�et3s�H�se}est�re Rege��s-st�t���-�-�e-��.�g-$eat�- ���e-e����b�3e��se�eat�e.- Truth in Housing Ebaluators may charge a ` onable fee of the property owner or pro- spective seller for services heretmder. Section 4. '� e That Chapter 54A.20 of the St. Paul Legisla Code entitled, "Prohibited Act" is hereby amended by striking and deleting in provisions therein and in�erting in lieu of and in plaoe thereof the foll 54A.20 PROHIBITED ACT. No awner or agent of the r shall sell by oonvey- anoe or oontract for conveyance a sirigle or t�a� fami_ly lling, a taanhouse or Lmit, a oondaninium unit, or a mixed use buildin with o or two resid�ential units, within the City without providing t�o the buyer, prior to execution of any caritractual agreement between buyer and seller, either a c�o of (a) a Truth in -2- ....._ �,. - �; � �. : �765�1 and inserting in 'eu and in place thereof the follawing: 54A.120 R�ORT, ILING AND FIL.Il�tG FEES. �ae1�-��-�-�ie�.g��-e�ra�tia#� 93�a��-S���a-�►e- �a�-�F�eas�e�-e�-�e-�n�xg-Bea�-aa-e�ae�-d��ea�e e�-eegp�-eae�-�� ' �s�g-B�se�es�e�ege��-���-�-{�9}-�ap9-a�#e�-�ie e�a�t�a��-�sgee�ex-kas -x�aele--g'!�e-e.�ae�-dt��ea�e-e�-eeg�-�eq�ed-� t�s-9ee�.�ea-sl�a�-19e��- �na�-�ege��-e��ke�-�ppe�a����e�-e�-�eg��-a���eel �-�-as-�i�s�-�a-�e- e�.- Each truth in housing evaluator shall prepare a Disclosure Re rt which sha set forth an ma'or structural defect or imredi- ate hazards � health and safe The Re rt shall be either itten or 1 ibl rint�ed in ink. Within (10) da s aftex the evaluation or re-evalua- tion in '� has been made, evaluator shall sutmit to the seller the ori inal of the Re rt, and an ct d licate to the Secre -Treasurer of the ��iniT� Board within the tun� iod. A filing fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) made payable to the City � �er of St. Paul shall be required with each evaluation report so sutmitted to Secretai.y-Treasurer of the �amining Board. An evaluator who fai.ls to sulxni the disclosure re rt within 10 da s of the evaluation date or the re-evalua.ti date in the event of a re-evaluation, shall be assessed a late 1 fee of $1 00. In addition to the abave 1 fee and an other lties rovided in this ter, the failure to pay the re- rn�ired filing fees or the failure to timel f e an disclosure rt shall be ' sufficient cause for tI'12 �aminir� Bo�rd to s d and/or revoke the Certificate of C�petency of a Truth in Housing E�raluator. t�k�tl�-�r-�iet�.s�B�se�estire Rege��s-s���-�s-�ke-���ea�-ska���e �-��t-�t��ie-�se�est�e.- Truth in Housing E�raluators may charge a reasonable fee of the property cx�mer or pro- spective seller for services heretmder. Section 4. '.� That Chapter 54A.20 of the St. Paul Legislative Code� entitled, "Prohi.bited Act" is hereby amended by striking and deleting certain pr�,�isions therein and inserting in lieu of and in place thereof the follawing: �o 54A.20 PROHIBITID ACT. No c�mer or agent of the cx�mer s 1 sell by oonvey- anoe or oontract for conveyance a single or t�ao family dwelling a taanYiouse or tmit, a oondcYninium unit, or a mixed use buildin with one or resiclential Lmits, within the City witYiout providing to the buyer, prior to the exe 'on of any oontractual agre�nent between buyer and seller, either a oopy of (a a Truth in -2- , - _ :�.:. _ . , i . � 2`��5�1 . , and inserting in 1', u and in plaoe thereof the follawing: 54A.120 REPORT, II,ING ADID FILING. F�ES. �ae1�-��k-�-ket�.g��-eb*a��,a� s�a����-ta-�e-6e ��r-�F�eas�e.�-e�-�ke-��R}�-Bea�-a�-e�ae�-���ea�e e�-eegp�-eae�-�ti�i-� �s�g-B�se�es�e�ege��-�,T�.�-�-{�6}-�aps-a��-�ke e�aa��a��-�sgee�ex-laas xt�e--�e-e�ae�-d�}ea�e-e�-esg,�-�ed-� �s-see�e�-sl�a�-l9e-e�- -��na�-�ege��-e��e�-�ge����e�-e�-�eg�i�-���ed �-�-as-��s�-#�a-�ke- e�: Each truth in housing evaluator shall pre�are a Disclosure Re rt which sha set forth an ma'or structural defect �ar inmedi- at�e hazan3s tr� health and safe The Re rt shall be either itten or 1 ibl rinted in ink. Within • (10) da s after the evaluation or re-evalua- tion in ction has been made, th evaluat�or shall su�ut to the seller tt�e ori inal �o of the Re rt, and exact d licate to the Secre -Treasurer of the F�aminin Board within the s time iod. A filing fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) macle payable to the City � 9�e� of St. Paul shall be required with each evaluati� report so su�mitted to tY� Secretary-Treasurer of the F�amining Board. An evaluator who fails to t the clisclosure re rt within 10 da s of the evaluation date or the re-evalua n date in the event of a re-evaluatian, shall be assessed a late 1 fee of $ .00. In additian to the above 1 fee and an other lties rovic3�ed in ter, the failure to pay the re- Q►�ired filing fees or the failure to timel ile an disclosure rt shall be ' sufficient cause for the F�amining Board to d arxl/or revoke the Certificate of Ccatpetency of a Truth i.n Housing EbaluatAr. St��tl�-�rr-i3et3s�H�se�esnre Rege��s-st����-�a-�e�i����-sl�a� -e��-€re�t�xb�ie�.�se�est3re: Truth in Housing Etraluators may charge a reas le fee of the praperty vwner or pro- spective seller for services heretmder. Section 4. That Chapter 54A.20 of the St. Paul Legislative ode entitled, "Prohibited Act" is hereby amended by striking and deleting certai provisions therein and i nSerting in lieu of ar�cl in place thereof the followin : �1 54A.20 PROHIBIT� ACT. No c7wner or agent of the r shall sell by oonvey- anoe or oontract for conveyanoe a sirigle or t�ao family lling, a taanhouse or Lmit, a oondce�uniun unit, or a mixed use buildin with one or tw� residential units, within the City without providing to the buyer, prior to execution of any contractual agre�nent between buyer and seller, either a o0 of (a) a Truth in � -2- \ ,� � _ ......�. , , ; \ . , , I � � - , ist � — /�I— �/ 2na d"" r 3rd �'l �� - . - - Adopted . . . �. .c��I ,- , T-� � Yeas � Nays , � , _ HUNT � � ,�,� , � _ LEVINE � M��o� �s531 i . . , SHOWALTER � TEDESCO . ,,o _ . WILSON ,• PRESIDENT (MADDOX) - , ��^ . ��- �;:�' _s��r r-_.,.