278665 WHITE - CITV CLERK - COl1IIC11 ����`� P�NK - - FINANCE � CANARV -DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAITL � - BLUE -MAVOR File � NO. 0 rdin�nce ordinance 1�0. I ���� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the St . Paul Legislative Code pertaining to penalty fees for failure to secure required building permits . THE CQUNCTL OF THE CITY 0� SATNT PALTL DOES ORDAIN: Section I '�hat Chapter 33. 04 , Subdivision 1 , Paragraph 2 is hereby amended to read as follows ; 33. 04 Establishment of Permit Fees . Subdivision 1 Fees Reauired Before issuing any permit reQuired by the Building Code, this chapter, or other pertinent provisions of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, the fee as indicated in the following schedule shall be paid. Where work for which any such permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit , the fee specified shall be doubled, provided that in no event wi11 such -�.�� penalty fee be Iess than $50. 00 nor exceed $300 . 00 . � Section II This ordinance sha17, take ef�ect and be in force thirty (30) days �rom and after .passage , approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler CONIi�1,UNITY SERVICES ozz Hunt In Favor n Levine Re e er Maddox _� Against BY ` McMahon ylves r ghowalter .Tedesco Tedesco MAY 2 7 I9BZ � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council�y��son Date B V�l�C�Q, /'�► • ��� Certifie assed ou ' Se etary ' � By Approved by M r: Date MAY � App by Mayor for'S is ' to Council gy B Pt18t�S�D J UN 5 19$2 � ort �.T: izlzg7s . • � . �v. : 9!$l�fi . L�`XPLANATI�N t�F ADMI2TISTRATIT�T'G" ORDERS. F, /� eF l� 'L' i� � �a1-7c�-- RESQ 1JTI�7NS, AND 'flRDT CE . � �,_.`.� ����� Dat�: April 27, , 1982 Tt3: MAYOR GEORG� LATIMER � RECEIV�D �/° MAY 3 - qcg> FR: Thomas Ke11ey ��� � RE: Amendment to buYlding .permit fee ordinance MAYORS OFFICE A�TION RE4UESTED, Review, approval and forward to City !"Council . � � PQRPOSE AND RATTOi�L�LE' F�R T�IS A�TZd*i: To increas�e the minimum penalty for starting con�truction prior to securing building permit. The minimum fee at present is $12. 00 and ther� is a tendency to gamble on not getting caught. . � < -� , � ��3:S��4�,����'��T • -T,,_,..�-� ..,., None a�c��rrrs: PrQposed ordinance. i�, , lst ��—'�� 2nd .������OS 3rd _�—�D—O � Adopted S' ��'��o� Yeas Nays LEVINE �� /;�� 7 � MADDOX McMAHON ��v��v SHOWALTER TEDESCO . WILSON PRESIDENT HUNT '