D002611C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �roved Copies to: City Clerk (Original) Finance Dept's Accounting Division Police Dept. Accounting Unit No: Date: WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department's FORCE unit, through its Crime Free Mulri-Housing Program is sponsoring a one day training for rental property owners and managers; and WHEREAS, this training is scheduled for Wednesday, October 11, 2006, and will be wnducted at 722 Payne Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101; and 7 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department will enter into agreements to provide training materials, 8 supplies, a continental breakfast and lunch at this training; and 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 � 19 20 WHEREAS, the purpose of this training is to offer topics that are indispensable for property owners and managers. Topics include: leases, lease addendums, tenant screening, working with law enforcement, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), narcotics idenrifcation and eviction actions; and BE IT ORDERED that pursuant to the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program's budget, the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to remit an amount, not to exceed $500.00, to the necessary sources of training materials, continental breakfast and lunch. A copy of said order is to be kept on �le and of record in the Office of Financial Services. 21 Fundingsource: 436-34109-0219 22 23 Z4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ,� Appr 9-by: CiTy Attorney Date ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Q:\Fiscal W O&CR\2006\Multi-H ousi n gCri meFreeao2006.x1s � Green Sheef Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �DO��Q �� �artrnentloffice/council: ` DaOe Initiated: ^ PoliceDepamnent �sEP� � Green Sheet NO: 30 33029 Contact Person & Ahone: Chief.bhn Hartirgton 266-5588 Mast Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc.Type.- 07HERADMINIS"fRAiIVE OR[ ____ _____ -_' ___'__.'_._ '- _ -___'_ -___ __' __-_ - ' � Deoartment _ _ Sent7oPerson _ InHiallDafe 0 FaseDep.artm_ent � PoliceDe�ar , ent _; ._____ Assign � 1 �WiceD ._ ent ^ � PdiceD�e arUUent =_ _� Numbe� ' 2 iC'N Attorn v ' Citv Attomev _ � Fo� ( 3 ���n5��?�$_�� D'vecto F, _ , Routing ! -�-: - --- Order 4 Ciro Cler k — City Ckr c_ __ ___ ___ i 5 � o]ic Deaar6nent ._ 'i oliceD�az��n�� ____ E•DocumentRequired: N ; i �� � ' Oocument Confact: Cdr Todd Axtell � j Contact Phone: 265-6921 . 9 9 �}..�1 P _ __ __-'___ _—_ _____-___.-_________.____ , Total # of Si nature Pa es Cli All Locations for Si nature� __ __-__ _ ._________'_-_______- ____-. ___________-_ _____ . _' Action Requested: Jignatures on the attachetl Adminisffative Ocder authorizing the City of Saint Paul Po(ice DeparlmenYS, FORCE unit (tluough it's Ctime �� Free Housing Program), to pay for continental breakfast and lunch for participants of a one day trazning. ; Recommendations: Appro�e (A) w Reject (R): j Personal Service Contracts Must Answer tbe Following Questions: - , ' Plamm�g Commission � � � 1. Has this person/firtn e�er worked under a contract for this department � CIB Commdtee I Yes No ; Ci�t Service Commission I, 2 Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? i Yes No ! i 3. Lbes th�s persottlfirzn possess a skill not normaAy possessetl by any - - � cuneM city employee? � Yes No �, ' Expiain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet ; Inrtiating Probiem, Issues, Op (Who, What, When, Whgre, Whyj: � � �� , p � g y g � 'Che Saint Paul Police De arrment's FORCE unit, throu h its Cnme F[ee Multi-Housm Pio am ts s onsonn a one da tramm � enettied Phase I: Property OwnedManager 17aining to be held on October I1, 2006. A continenTa] breakfast and lunch will be provided ! so that there wil] be minimal ioterruptions d�uing class time. � � .-- -�-----_..--._._------------- �— �------ � AdvanWqes IfApprovetl: � Personnel atteading this training will be provided rovith uninterrupted training and wil! also allow for individual networking and ', discussion among area property owners and managers. ; _. .... ..- --------�----- -- - Disadvantapes HApproved: � None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: ' :; Pessonnel attending this training will not be provided wi[h uninten�pted training and not benefit from oo-going support from other �, , pr¢periy ownezs and managers. ,.,,., ' � _� � � �_� � - -- - -- � -- -- - -- -�- �----------- ---- - - y v� ToWlAmountof 500 CosURevenueBudgeted: C �, Transaction: � � � � � 2o�yp ' FundinA Source: 4gg ActiviN Number: 43634109 � /�'$� � � Financialinformation: ���� }� � 1 °�''�9EVa�� � • (Explain) ' September 22, 2006 9:53 AM nG �f �� ----- OC�2 4 2006 Page � ,S;['�Y CLERK r