86-1340 WHITE, - CITV CLERK -� PINK � - FINANCE I TY OF SA-�I NT PA U L Council � � O GANARV -DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � • Or �nce Ordinance N 0. � � � � — /" Presente y Referred To ��- Committee: Date � � �J Out of Committee By Date An Ordin nce amending Chapter 85, as amended, of the Saint Pa 1 Legislative Code, pertaining to the regulation o rates in the City of Saint Paul . T E COUN IL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: S ction That Section 85.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative C de hereby is amend d by eleting the existing consumption rate schedule therein contained and i serti g in li eu thereof tr�e foll owing: RETAIL kATES CONSUMPTION CH RGE: Inside City Outside Ci y For first 50,0 0 cu. t. per month 87¢ per 100 cu.ft. $1 .04 per 100 c .ft. Next 450,000 c . ft. per month 85� per 100 cu.ft. $1 .02 per 100 c .ft. All over 500, 00 cu. ft. per month 83� per 100 cu.ft. $1 .00 per 100 c .ft. ec�cion 2. That Section 85.05 is revised as follows: Sectio 85.0 Outside Master Meter Rates The ou side the City rates charged to the City of Roseville under the provis ons of a master meter contract with the Board shall E�e as fol 1 ow : Siep A Firs� 1 ,000 000 cu. ft. per month 10 % of 87� (lst Step Rate Inside City) = 87¢ per 10 c�. ft. - } - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay Fletcher Water Uti 1 i y p��,,, - "� In Favor Masanz Nicosla A alnst BY Scheibel g T.a.sco General Manager wilson Form Approved y City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Co cil Secr tary BY F3y Approved by Mayor: ate Approved b ayor f u ' sion to uncil By B ' � � . . . �,,�--� �.��o ���� Step B Next 3, OO,OOO cu. ft, per month 9C% of �87� (Step A above) = 78.3� per 100 cu. ft. Step C Next 5, 00,000 cu. ft. per month 75% 0 87� (Step A above) = 65.2¢ per 100 c . ft. Step D Al1 over 1 ,000,0 0 cu. ft. per month 57.2% of 87¢ (Step A above) = 49.8� per 100 u. ft. LITTLE CANADA MASTER METER RATE Step A First ,000,0 0 cu. ft. per month 110% of 87� (lst Step Rate Inside City) = 95.7� per 100 cu. ft. STEP B Next 4,500, 00 cu.ft, per month 85% 'of 95. 7¢ (Step A above) = 81 .3¢ per 100 cu. ft. STEP C Next 5,500, 00 cu. ft. per month 69% of 95. 7¢ (Step A above) = 66.0� per 10 cu. ft. - 2 - WHITF, - CITV CLERK \ PINK - - FINANCE COIlIICll �j \ CANARY -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �j BIUE -MAVOR File NO. � ^ V�� • � Or i �nce Ordinance N 0. � Presented By , • � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date Step D All over 12,00 ,000 cu. ft. per month 520 of 95.7� (Step A above) = 4°.8� per 1 C cu. ft. Section Thi ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after January 1 , 1987 and a 1 bill 'ngs rendered on and after January 1 , 1987 shall be co puted on the basis of he abo e rates. - 3 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay �'� Water Utility p�eW In Favor "���T�' Scheibel � Against BY - T�aes�o General Man ger wilson Adopted by Council: Date OCT 1 �fi �9� Form Approve City Attorney Certified Pa y un il S et r BY By -.._._ �: Appr d by Mayor: Da Approved May o Submission to Co cil By "�� ---��. _ � �p`�� �IED 0 C T 2� 51986 � Water !Jt i 1 i t • ' DE PARTME-IVT • N� 4 9 6 3 Thomas 0. Mo ren ' CONTACT �� �'� 298-4100 PHONE � � , g Se tember 15, 1986 DATE � e� Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR RO ING 0 DER Cli All Locations for Si nature} ; � Department Direct r ✓4 Director of Management Mayor ' 6 City Clerk Budget Director �I —Board of Water Corrmnissioners ✓�— City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : • After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Saint Paul Wa r Uti1ity and projecti n of e penses in the future, the Board of Water Commissioner has determined that the resent rate structure is inadequate to continue operations wi hout a rate adjustment. The attached ordinan e will provide for a new schedule of water rates for the Wat Utility. COST/BENEFIT, BUOGETA Y AND ERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The rate adjustment ropose will result in an overall increase of approximately ur percent in average w er bi lings for a typical single family home. Water Utility operati ns wi 1 be financed by a balanced budget. R E �I�/�� SEP 71� MAYD 'S O�FIC� FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Tr nsacti n; quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: 2 000-5 13 ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachments : Board of Water Commis ioner ' Resolution #3698 Proposed Ordinance DEPARTMENT REVIEW rdina ce CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW X Yes No Council �b Required?(Ordinance 1k�4�D�X��X�if Required?) X Y s No Yes X No Insuran e Requ red? Insurance Sufficient? Y s No Yes X No Insuran e Atta hed: (SE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 • � ' • , , . . � --� —/ �D , - CITY OF ST. PAUL � 7�9 OFFICE OF THE 60ARC OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No��4� c��is���N��� DAT �s �+�xb�rr 17 i�i8�6 ktNE�EAS, Af er due considera�ion and study af ti�e financial condit�on of he 1Ja�er tltility at�d the pr jectlon of the expenses in the future, the Qoard has termined that the p sent r te s�ructur� is inadequate to continue operations wit ut an ad�ustment; now, t erefore, be it RFSOLV�D, T at th� Board of �ai�r Corr�missioners nas hereby det�rnined th the rat� struct re sho ld be ad�usted and that all billings rendered on and a ter January 1, 1987 sh 11 be in accordance with the following schedule: RETAIL RAT�S CONSUt�P7I0N HARGk. I ns i de C i ty Qut si de f ty ror firs� 50,Op0 c . ft. per month 87� per 100 cu.ft. �1.04 per 100 cu.ft. Next 450,ODU cu. f . per month 85� per 100 cu.ft. $1.02 per 100 cu.f�. All over 5U0 000 c . ft. per month 83� per 100 cu.ft. �1.00 per 1QQ cu.f t. DEMAN�7 CNARG : ins�de City Dutside i�y 3/4" Me er S 5 aller . . . , . $ 3.20 per quart�r � 3.84 per uarter 1" Pie er . . . . . . . . . . b.t75 per quarter 7.26 per uarter 1�" t^,e er . . . . . . . . . . 10.50 per quarter 12.64 per uar�er 1}�� Me er . . . . . . . . . . 5.40 per r�on�h 6.48 per onth 2p h4e er . . . . . . . . . . 10.10 per month 12.12 per onth 3" t�e er . . . . . . . . . . 27.50 �er raonth 33.QO psr on�th 4" Me er , . . . . . . . . . 46.50 p�r n�anth 5�.80 per onth 6" t�e er . . . . . . . . . . 94.70 per month 113.b4 per onth 8" �`�e er . . . . . . . . . . 172.40 per r�onth 206.88 per onth 10" 1�te er . . . . . . . . . . 275.00 per �onth 330.00 per onth 12" Me er . . . . . . . . . . 379.50 per month 455.�0 per � nth Water Co 'on Adopted by the Board of Water Co ionera Yeas Nays 19_ In favor Op � SECY. i '' • , � . . . � - ��/.�`�b - CITY OF ST. PAUL � ���9 OFFICE OF THE BOARG OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No COMMISSIONER DAT kflscvri�.�. r�asrtr. Ft�TcR RATE Step A rirst 1,Ou0 Ot�� cu. ft. per mon�� 10 9� of 87� (ls� Step RaCe Inside Ci ty) = 87� per 1 cu. ft. Step B Next 3,50� OQ� cu. .ft. per �onth 90 of 87� (Step A above� = 78.3� per 10 �u. ft. 5tep C P�ex� 5,500 04;� cu. ft. �er rnonth 75 of 87¢ (Step A above) = b5.2� per i0 Cu. f�. Step � kll over 10,00 ,000 cu. ft. �er n�onth 57 2� of 87¢ iStep A above) ffi 49.8� per la cu. ft. I.ITTLE CANADA MAST�� MET'tft RATt Step A rirst 2.00t�, 00 cu. ft. per month 11 of 87� �lst Step Ra�ie Inside City? ■ 9�.7Q per 10 cu. ft. STEP 8 Plext 4,50Q, 0 cu.ft. per r�onth 85� of 95.7¢ (Step A aa�.�) _ �1 .3d per 10 cu. ft. STEP C Next 5.54G, � cu. �t, per rnonth Water Co �� of 95.1� (Step A above) � 6b.G¢ per lfl cu. ft. Adopted by the Board of Water Co missioners Yeas Nays 19_ In favor Op — secr. . .. � � � • , , �-i.3s�a . � -� CITY OF ST. PAUL /���9 OFFICE OF THE SOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—6ENERAL FORM No COMMISSIEONER DAT ITTL� CAi�ADA t�5T�R t�+ETE� RATE (Con�inued) Step D All over 12,00 ,OOG cu. f*, per �i�onth 52 ' of 95.1¢ (S�ep A a�OY@) = 49.8� per 1 cu. ft. now, therefor , be i RESOLY�u, That the C' ty Council is reguesL�d to hereby concur and adopt an rdinance putting into e fect hese ad�usted ra�€ schedules. Wster Co ' ae Adopted bq the Board o�f Water Co asionera Yesa Nays �r�a� :.a�s rin ��pc��r 17 19�� °P�do �� �r�s,s i@+��.t ��.�+� �.�r In favor �` Op � �i - sccr. _ �-'� �� C�. �e�� - - . ;,�i-�� . , ,/� r � �/3 c�� .. /� ,= /� Ijo 5 �r� CITY O 9.I PgUL ;:;i'�,'i`� = O�'F'ICE OF T CITY COWi CIL Cammittee Repart �:' ance �Iana eme�t � Per anne Committee. October 2, 1986 1. Approval o minut s from meeting held September 25, 1986. approved 2. Resolution approv'ng 1986-1989 Maintenance Labor Agreement beCween Inde endent � School Dis rict N . 625 and Twin City Glaziers, Local 1324. laid over 4/9 3. Resoluti.on approvl'ng 1986-1988 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the ity � and Twin C ty Gla iers and Glass Workers, Local 1324. laid over IO/9 4. Resolution direct ng the Port Authority to refund $884,000 to City taxp yers and to can el the proposed $867,421 tax levy for 1987. laid over 10/9 5. Resolution amend' g the 1986 budget and adding $23,000 to the Financing Plan and to� the Spend g Plan for Public Utilities Investigation Fund - Cabl TV •- Legislativ . �a proved � G. Resolutyon amend' g the CDBG Year XII_�Program and adding $T,153;000--to he Financing lan a to the Spending Plan, 7 existing year 12 projects. a proved as amended 7. �ia .+or�i�t� e ame ' g G�tapter 85 o�f the-•�egislative Code�;�einistg to e rtgulat3.on of..wa r rates in the City of Saint Paul and inserting a ne schedule of �a'C,� �!'3 January 1, 1987. � �pproved UNDER SUSPENSI N 8. Resolution amend' g 1986 General Fund to allow for a $40,OQ0 advance t the Police Imp und L t Special Fund. approved 9. Resolution amend' g 1986 Budget providing for $39,800 worth of spendin and the repayment f $40,000 cash advance to the General Fund. a roved c7 r_� t'� Cn� `i � _ ^� _: r - _J .� '�7 _- . - „-:'. r- -' G � _� . __ .� -^� . -.� =:a.. 7 4 �7j �� 4."'7 CTTY HALL SEVE�(TH FLOOR SAINT PAUI, ESOTA 55102 �.+e , � ` � �- :! � , � 1st —�?S�- � . � � ,lo _ „2 _�'� � 3rd - 7- �'�, Adopted �O -i�/-��, � , eas Nays �� DREW 3 v . �ji=- d� - / � . � NICOSIA �` /�,lQ / - :•� 7 RETTMAN . SCHEIBEL , . r . SONNEN : WILS ON MR. PRESIDENT �EDESCO 1 ' '_ _ •��- .