86-869 WHITE - CITY CL K � P�NK _ F�N�N�E ; G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council �/` p� Q CANARV - DEPART NT BIUE - MAVOR i File NO. �� O / � r rdin�nce Ordinance N�. !��l �� � -- Presented By � ^ �l° Referr To Committee: Date Out of II om ittee By Date An ordinance amending Cnapter 133 of the �I S . Paul Legislative Code. THEi O �TT� O:� `i'r.I:: CI`i'y OF SI�I1�T'g nAUL DOES ORDAIN: ;i S ction 1. That Chapter 1$3 of the St. Paul Legislat�ve Cod �� aiziended as follows: ' 1�3 . 15 ( 3 ) . The chairperson of the commission shall �e Gesic nated by the rnayor, with ��he approval oi -c;:ie council and shall serve for �I a terrn ending on �c=ie iirsi. business day in 'I January of each even-numbered year. In tne jl event the ac-�ing chairperson has less than � two (2 ) years remaining on the unexpired I� term as commissioner, and the current term is the third term, the chairperson will be II ineligible for re-appointr�lent as chair. I ',i S ction 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in �orce ; th'I' t (30 ) days from and after ii.s passage, appxoval anu �ublica��ion. iI �I I I �� i COUNC MF Yeas ays Requested by Department of: Drew 'I N��os�a [n Favor — Rettm ,,,�i Scheib �� A ainst BY Sonne ' g Tedes , Wilson�l Adopted by Co cil Date SEP 9 - 1986 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pass ncil e r B � By Appro b M or: Date �`� SEP 1 1 1986 Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �I �i PUBLISHED S t P � Q 79Q6 �a o�"s Ad n i rati on� : " DE PARTMENT o ' . , � �� ��I N. 4200 t Ora Lee Pa er n � � ` CONTACT 298-4323 PHONE June 20, 1 6 DATE �e�� �� ASSIGN NUMBER R UTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department ir tor Director of Management/Mayor Finance anc� Ma gement Services Director 3 City Clerk Budget Dir to � Council President _ 1 City Attor y _ _ _ _ WHAT WILL BE A IE ED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : ' The amended di nce would make the Human Rights Commission chairperson's term concurrent wi� h e Mayor's term -- to expire in January rather than June. I ; COST BENEFIT, UD TARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: FINANCING SOU E ND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amou o Transaction: quired if under $10,00�) Funding So ce Activity mb . ATTACHMENTS is and Number All Attachments : DEPARTMENT R IE CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes N C ncil Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No I urance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes N I urance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/ j; , . ; : --------- I I I _ _ _ _ WHITE - CITV CL I K � PINK - FINANC ' CITY OF� SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPART ENT File NO. ��� � � BIUE -MAVOR , III 0/ dZn�n�,e Ordinance N0. 1II Presented By Refer il T Committee: Date Out of!� om ittee By te An ordinance amending Chapt 183 of the St . Paul Le islati Code. g THE��ICO NCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAU DOES ORDAIN: �II Le III Section 1. That hapter 183 of the St . Paul s tive Code be amended as ollows: �� 183. 15(3) , e Chairperson of the commission shall be de ignated by the mayor, with the approval o the council and shall serve for a term en ing on the first business day in January f each even-numbered year. In the event t e actin chair erson has less than two ( ears remainin on the unex ired term s commissioner, and the current term is e third term, the ehair erson will be in i ible for re-a ointment as chair. ection 2. This ordinance shall take effect anl b in forc thirty (30) days from and after its passage, ap ro al and blication. COUNC M Yeas II Nays Requested by Department of: Fletch �,ew In Favor Masan Nicosi Against By scnei i Tedes Wllso I Adopted by Co I ncil Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pass ' by Council Secretary v' — By Approved by M' or. Date Appr ved by 11 a r f r Sub i ion to Council By II BY I . . . � � U � ,�. � . ,�.� � WHITE - C�TY CLE PINK - FINANCE . C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPAR7M I r File NO. � `�" BLUE - MAVOR ��. I • O� n�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By �� �Referred To � � �� �— � Committee: Date Out of C mm tee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 183 of the St Paul Legislative Code. i THE OU CIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOE ORDAIN: ,Se tion 1. That Chapter 183 of th St. Paul Legislative Code be amended as follows: 183 . 15(3 ) . The chairper n of the commission shall be designated by - e mayor, wi-�h the approval of the counc� . �ie shall serve for a term ending on the irst business day in � January of each even numbered year. Se tion 2 . This ordin ce shall take effect and be in force thir y 30 ) days from an after its passage, approval and publication. - COU[VCIL ,N Requested by Department of: Yeas N ys Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman s�ne�nai Against BY Sonnen , Tedesco Wilson i Adopted by Counc : Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed Co ncil Secretary B�-��� �• �� By Approved by Mayo'' ate Approve by May r f Submi ion to Council 0 By Y , , . I . .. /) .- � '�'6 � �� � CITY OF' SgINT PAIIL lJr � CITy CO�CIL C� OB' TS OB'T�'I � . Au ust 20, 1986 . pat e . 9 •. , ... . ,,.,,......... ��...�,.�• .� _ � COMM�TTEE RE PORT . T01 Satnt Paui City Councit . �R� � C o rn m it t e e Q h RULES AND POLICY, August 18, 1986 '. ' . � C� q�R : Victor Tedesco - - e ules and Policy Committee at its August 18 meeting recommended_appTO��� ' ns ordina nc es. I� t e following resolutio / . k and Sister Cecelia M. Harrington to tfie eappointment of Marvin Yor ivil S ervice Commission Reference Advisory Committee. . ive � a tEr 107 of the Sarnt Paul Administrat mendin Ch p at meetings nce a 9 anee An ordina ensation for attend ' ximum comp er ti ulating a ma aul of $1 ,800 p Code s P •a� of the City of St. P of the Planning C omm issi � tead of the present $1 ,200. ins year f . Sr. to s erve on the Bo ard 0 . e Low rea ointing Robert D. � term to expire solution pp �t Council, Re me _ _ _, i, 3. Develop Directors of the District Heat�ng __ _ _ _______ __ _ September, 1989. . .�in � �S<. The , t . ...� �ad v�it�r�� -�va� � 'ce and Of fi . i; ���� torne s � ' T �+�� � cock City At Y ; r olution will be redone by Karla Han ' roval and then will be � s mitted to Council Member Bill Wilson for app i f rwarded to the City Clerk: that ! � p�aendment to Chapter 183 of t� �halllbe des gnated bygthe1Mayor, Chair rson of tt� Commission t� � the Council, etc. the a roval of with PP no ecommendatl n wer e sent to City Council with r o e following resolutions 'ed for the Council by h arifi lation that they be cl e sti u , ith th P w . nd , ttorne s Office. k Cit A Y Pea Y ane Mc , ' sion to h e St. Paul Charter Commis ncil to t •1 't Cou Counci m the Ci y he Cit o t fr f Y , Request er title for a member o r eview and recommend a prop 2 subdivision 7, per pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 410.1 , Cit Charter amendment. Y , Pa ul Administrative Code, Appendix A-1 , ordinance amending the St Council. 2. An e for member of the City P ertaining to the titl . . Lois Coakley, 719 City Hall ' I2�(NESOTA SS U M i' SAII`1'r PA 4 • SEVEN'I�FLOOR I,1, ..�.�. �� � �� ,.:;,�.,.,:�_.��.--Ar�-:,._���. i __-- .._._.�.. __ _ . _._.. __. .. . � t � - � - � ?n � �P '� �-�',� d �'-�° �� Adopted � ` �—�t.a . Yeas Nays DREW ��(o— �(� �I . EJICOSIA f 7.3 �f RETTMAN SCHEIBEL SONNEN ` WILSON � MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO