86-533 M�MITE - GTV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANAR= - OEPARTMENT F le i1N O. �� ` ��� BLUE -MAYQR • � • - �ndnce Ordi a e N O. ����.3 Presented By � + j' �� �eferred To Committee: Dat �°Z�� Out of Committee By Dat An interim ordinance initiating a study for the possible adoption of an amendme t to the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Pl n for the City of Saint Paul restricting he maximum size for detached accessory str c- tures to residential buildings in resi- dential districts to 1000 square feet a d declaring a moratorium on the issuance f building permits for accessory structur s in residential districts for a period n t to exceed one year fromthe date of this ordinance, adopted pursuant to Minnesot Statutes , §462. 355 , Subdivision 4. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . The Planning Commission of the City of Saint P ul is hereby directed to initiate a study for the possible mendment to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code text rel ting to the maximum size permitted for accessory structures suc as garages in residentially zoned districts , and to report bac any recom- mendations concerning amendments necessary to the C ' ty' s Compre- hensive Plan and zoning regulations. Section 2. Pending the completion of the studies and he adoption of necessary amendments to the City' s Comprehensi e Plan and zoning regulations , not to exceed one year from he date of this ordinance , the building official is hereby directed to not issue any building permits for the construction of accessory COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia �Il F8V0[ — Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen T�e$�o Director, ,�e t . of �ominunity service w�i�� Form Approve b City Atto y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By ,� Approved by Mayor: Date Appro d ayor for Su mi sion Coun il By By WHITE - CITV CLERK t PINK - FINANCE COUfl •/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT - GITY OF SAINT YAUL BI.UE .�- MAVBR � FIIe �O. � ��� • Or �ndnc Or ' nce N 0. ,,r7.�.s� � r Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date structures , such as garages , which are in excess of 1000 sq. ft. to be located on property located within zoni g districts classified as R-1 through R-4, RT-1 and RT-2. Section 3 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in orce thirty days from and after its passage , approval and publica ion. 2. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of Yeas Nays Drew ni;..,;a In Favor — �,�„ O Director, ity rvi s s�ne'bei A gai ns t By Sonnen �e�de�eo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2 0 1986 Form Appr d by City ney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By , Approved b Ma S -a-�-�� MAY 2 0 Approve ayor fo ubm ssio Coun ~ BY p�B��g�p M AY 3119�6 �� , . �-��-�� CITY OP` SAINT PAUL �-�-3 • OFFLCE OF THE CITY COIINCIL •R�9��• w��b���oa��e #l3lun�f� • . , �= Date . • May 19, 1986 . COMM (TTEE REPORT TO = Satnt PQU I Cifiy Councit F� 0 M � C o m m if t e e O h C i ty Deve 1 opment and Tr nsportat i on CHAIR wq � � �am L. Wi tson 1 . Scantan In�ernational Revenue Bond (Committee recommends approval ) This item is on e May 20 Council aqenda. 2. An int�-im ordinance initiatina a s udy for a passibte amendment to the Zoning Code elating to m�,amum sizs for accessory structures, such as garages, in residentiaily zoned d'ls ricts a. __ - -- � ` '�^-**uTZ�����---r-�o�nds spprova l ) Th i s i em i s on the May 20 Council agenda. 3. Consideration of Guidelines for UDAG e Loan Fund: Commerical Real Estate Progr - HRA) (Passed out of committee without recom endation� ' x S CITY HALL SEV�ITH FLOOR S T PAUL, MINNESOTA SSIQ2 .��� . � �.%' f lst �`��J�O� 2nd J' -� � �(c . � 3rd ���- �� Adopted ��`��� J �U �� . Yeas Nays DR�W 1 � ������ ` NICOSIA /7�S� �RE7'TMAN SCHEIBEL SONNEN WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO � - I r