86-239 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - F�NANCE /� _ ��� CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL F le ci1N0. U � BLUE - MAVOR • O/ indnce Ordinance N 0. /73 37 Presented By - � Referr To ��TI SLJ°t f l D l� Committee: Date �� 3'-���b Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to the insurance limits for building trades business licensees; amending the St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 369. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: That Chapter 369 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: 369.0�Y /�G9�s:/ /LICENSING REQUIREMENTS./ /Subdivision 4./ /INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS./ No lic�nse granted this chapter shall become effective until the licens�:e shall have filed evidence of comprehensive general liability in�urance, approved as to form by the city attorney with a comb ned single limit of liability for bodily in'ury and propert damage of $500,000. ��-ffi�n#mt�m-eme�a�s-es-€e��ewsi--$�89,998-fe�-bee�#��* �x�e���-�e-e�-�ee�i�-e�-eree-persen;-et��-at���ee�-�e-��ee-seme ��ffi��-€e�-eee�-persea;-$698;888-en-seeeten�-e€-er��-eae-eee�e�e��, sr��-$�A8,899-�er-�smege-�e-er-�es�rt+e��ea-e�-prepe���-ga-en� e�e-see��ex�. Said policy shall contain a clause that the insurer can�iot cancel or change the insurance without first giving the vuilding official 30 days prior notice. It is a misdemeanor violation for anyone to operate a business under a license issued pursuant to this chapter unle5s such insurance requirements have been complied with. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas s�� Nays ,�� Community Services Dr�e�wr /?E7TM�4/f In Favor Nicoala � �j , � scnetbe� Against BY -, _ �o Kathleen A. Stack Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR � � ��6 Form Appro d by City At�orne B �:�=� , �� ll - �-, Certified Pa s Council S a Y _ By Appcov d by M te `' �-� A - Approved by Ma or f 'ssion to Council . , PUBUSHED Ht�R 1 21986 - Co�m�in3.tv ST,�rvic�s.�; . DE PARTM�NT� �oG � � � , . �. 557 Richard Amev CONTACT � /7,�✓? � 298-4212 PHONE � �� Februar� 14, 1986 DATE e Qr Qi ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : Department Director Director o Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director City Clerkj Budget Director � City At'torney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pur 'ose/ Rat onale) : Eliminate problems caused in the building trades business license!process by existi��g limits of insurance liability which are inconsistant wit industry norms. PoliC� lim.its presently specified are not standard for most insur. rs• RECEIVED ` �-f ; �. \ COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED:�.����-�:�� FEB 1 � ���5 N°ne E_�� 2 c_, CITY ATTORNEY rrAYGt�'S OF�fCE ' I � FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayo ''s signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction; None quir d if under $10, OQ) Funding Source: i Activity Number: �� ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : � � 1. O�rd inanc e � i i DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY EVIEW � Yes Np Council Resolution Required? Resolution Req ired? Yes No Yes NQ Insurance Required? Insurance Suff cient? Yes No _ �Yes N� Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/$4 � '. ' � � ` ` C;ITY OA` SAINT P�A.T3L i �- �r�31� = = • OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCZL � �`3�7 .,..�.. •n�u��u�s� k: � - ���� � � . . . � . D a t e : March 17, 1986 � COMMiTTEE RE PORT � TO = Sq�n� Pctu i Cii`y Councit � . FRQi1� � Cornt�nii'tee OC1� LEGISLATIaN C I�A I R: JOHN DREW 1. Approval of minutes from meetings held February 10, 1986, � and February 18, 1986. APPROVED � 2. An ordinance amending Chapter 409.08 of the tegislative Code ' pertaining to intoxicating liquor and prohibiting gambiing on ticensed premises. 85-1337 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THA7 ORDINANCE BE WITHDRAWN _._ �3. An ordi�nance amend i ng Chapter 410___0£�the Leg i s 1 at i�rs_Code ___.._ -_ _ pertaining to non-intaxicating liquor and prohibiting gambling on license premises.. 85-1338 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT ORDINANCE BE WITHDRAWN 4. Resolution supporting tegisiation to allow the City ta require a franchise, permit or license for all sales of residual fuel � oil within the City and to coliect a franchise, perinit or license fee. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT RESOLUTION BE WITHQRAWN 5. An ordinence amending Chapter 369 of tfie LegisiatiVe` Cod� pertaining to the insurance limits for building trades business lic�nsees. COMMITTEE RECOMMENOS APPRQVAL . � CITY HALL � � SEVEN'I'H FLOOR � SAINf PAUL.MINNFSOTA SS102 . ' ��� _�-t--- ..�._.^..�..-....�...��.,._,,....__,..�._.,.___.__._.._.._ .. _ ._._..,�..,.�...,.,..,,......�.T._. �_�__T.-...,.-..,.-.,..�.. , _ � ' ' - . ., ---- -. .�_ ._ .__. _ ... . �. _.. . _ , � _ _. _._ ._.._... _ , � � . :' , .' � ; ., \ �� ) — lst 13- /�- '2nd `` /�� ��, . 3rd � l� �� Adopted '7 'c���� �r-.---'" ��t� �` Na s � 3 Yeas Y i `� -� ��E�t - DxEw � � ,J �1 - j�?*: �.� �� -�_;;4. � _ ��/�/����- � 733� ,��; � - . �:�,�, . NICOSIA � ; �•_ :.�,sF�.��: . SCHEIBEL • SONN�N WILSON : . MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO � . _, __�.�._�,-�.�,�,� ....�.�--.._.R,..m._r, . ,_�...._ _ _ � - . ----- — _ � '`� ��-�— 7+ �a f _._r: - � �(S '� 1• :� t � _ ,� ,f�. {1� � ,�A , , - i