87-1139 P N'KE� FINsV �E RK� CANAIiV-- DE.^ARPMEf�T ' ' GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /` BLUE - MAVOR FIIe NO. U � ��� � City Attny/JTH � � • // t Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ��7 �°�` Presented By R o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AMENDMENT OF SKYWAY vON1�UC'� OP.DINATICE The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section l . Findings . The Saint Paul second level skyway system was eve ope t roug a cooperative e ort invo ving t e ity an its ousing an e eve opment ut ority an private u ing eve opers an owners . it in private property an ui ings t e system was an is constructe at t e property owners expense. The private property owner (hereafter "building owner or owners as grante an easement to t e ity o aint au t e ity or ene it o t e pu ic o minimum tc�re ve oot wi e concourses t roug eac ui ing wit stair or ot er means o access to street ri:g t-o -way at gra e eve or t e purpose o pe estrian ingress to an egress rom an passage t roug t e s yway system. Fee title to the area of the easement for pedestrian usa e remains in t e ui ing owner w o remains responsi le or t e cost o operating, maintaining an repairrng t e system wit in t e ui ing. ertain ui ing owners av� constructe open areas comp imentary to t e s yway to w ich t e pu ic is invite ut w ic is not su �ect to easement or pe estrian usage. yway ri ges over pu ic streets an a eys are entire y pu ic y owne a t oug y contractual agreements o erating costs and maintenance o t e bridges is s are y a utting ui ing owners . CQU[�1CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Niwsia [n Favor — Rettman s�ne�nei A ainst BY Sonnen g Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approv�ed by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY i BY . � . � � . �'I¢-, k7_,1✓3�, f 7(�1.r�- -2.- The skyway system was conceived, in p.art , as a means of replicating an enc ose s opping ma in owntown in an e ort to maintain owntown as a competitive retai center in accor ance wit t e owntown r an enewa an, aint au ompre ensive an an t e etropo itan ounci s , etropo itan eve opment an nvestment inancing ui e, as we as t e enera o icy tatement or e aint aul ywway ystem. The concept of public-private cooperation in the devel- opment an operation o t e pe estrian s .yway system as arge y succee e over t e past twenty years . is experience, as we as t e esire to comp iment t e system y c ari ying t e con itions in wnic sa es an promotiona activity an a vertising riay ta e p ace in t e system t ere y en ivening an en ancing t e system as a pu ic p ace as e to t e consi eration o t e o owing or inances amen ing apter o t e aint au egis ative o e, t e yway on uct r inance. n consi ering t is amen atory or inance, t e ity ounci is cognizant o t e unique pu ic-Private c arac- ter o t e s yway system an o t e act t at t e or inance proposes activities w ic may exten eyon t e imits o t e easemen s or ene it o t e pu ic grante y ui ing owners in invo ving ui ing owners in t e process y w ic permits or ese activities are aut orize . Sec . 2 . Section 140. 01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is ere y amen e to rea as o ows : Section 140 . 01 Definitions Subdivision l . Terms . The definitions of this sectron s a app y in e interpre ation an en orcement o t is clapter. Subd. 2 . "Pedestrian skyway system" means any system o provi ing or pe estrian tra ic circu ation, mec anica or ot erwise, e evated a ove groun , wit rn an wit out t e pu ic rig ts o way, an t roug or a ove private property an ui ings , an inc u es over- passes , ri ges , passageways , wa ways , con- courses , a ways , corri ors , arca es , courts , p azas , ma s , e eva ors , esca a ors , ea e canopies an access an a ixtures , urniture , signs , equipment , aci ities , services, an , , (�.�c ��-�i �'"9 � � �, �,, ��.� -3- appurtenances . The term shall include svstems or portions o systems w ic are ui t in t e uture. or purposes o t is c apter, a pe es- trian s ywa s stem s a inc u e stairways and esca ators ea ing rom or into t e s :yway system rom private ui ings an areas un er stairs an esca ators ea ing to an connecting concourse corri ors , in a ition to stairs an esca ators connecting t e concourse corri ors to pu ic streets or ot er pu ic property. Subd. 3 . "Skyway governance committee. " The s yway governance committee" s -riall consist of seven persons appointe y t e mayor an w o represent , respective y, t e Bui ing wner and anagers ssociation, t e aint au o ice epart- ment , t e owntown ounci , t e Do�,mtown ommunity ounci , s yway connecte sma usinesses , a repre- sentative rom t e accessi i ity community an a yout representative. c airperson s a e e ecte y t e committee to ca an presi e over its meetings . e s yway governance committee s a in a ition to ot er unctions impose y t is c apter, a vise t e mayor, counci an uilding owners on a matters re at�.ng to t e success u pu ic use an en�oyment o t e pe estrian s yway system an pe estrian ma s , inc u ing ut not imite to ig ting, stan ar ize signs an irec- tories , improve communications etween aw en orce- ment aut orities an retai merc ants , ours o operation, an ot er matters o �u ic concern re ative to t e pu ic �vays . e s yway govern- ance committee s a e responsi e or en orcing a onte s yway po icies , inc u ing ut not imited to yours o oPeration, eve s o maintenance, use o s yway space or sa es an per ormance as pro- vi e or y section . o t is or inance an a vertiszng in t e s yway corri ors as provi e or y section . o t is or inance . e s y- way governance committee s a ave t e aut ority to grant variances to t e gui e ines containe in t is or inance , epen ing on t e acts o t e case in question.. e s yway governance committee s a 1 con uct po icy iscussions at pu ic meetings , � , ' ' ,r�j-�'�-/1�';1 • L / �rl I�� -4- notifying interested parties of its meeting time an n ace, ut may e egate some o its regu a- toryy tas s to comr.littee mem ers an or city staff, as it eems it. u ic meetings s a e e at east once a quarter at an accessi e site. e s yway governance committee tai e s a ed y t e Department o anning an conomic eve - opment. Subd. 4. "Pedestrian mall" shall mean any indoor enc ose pu ic ma , arca e, courtyar , ga eria, ga ery, p azza, square, or ot er type o in oor pu ic pe estrian way or open space . Subd. 5. "Easement area" shall mean an area or areas o t e pe estrian s _yway system or o a pe estrian ma `a ic is su �ect to an easement grante y a private property owner to t e ity or t e ene it o t e pu ic or pe es rran ingress , passage an egress . Sec. 3 . Section 140. 04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is ere y amen e to rea as o ows : 140 . 04 . Prohibited animals . No person shall bring or cause to e roug t any anima , or a ow any anima un er is owners ip or con ro o e roug in o e pe estrian scy�aay system or any pe estrian ma un ess sai anima is a po ice og or a gui e og or a ea or in person. Sec. 4. Section 140. 06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is ere y amen e to rea as o ows : 140 . 06 . Sales and performance. No group, entity or person s a promote, a vertise or se artic es or con uct, engage in or cause to e presente any ty�e o ex i ition, s ow, per ormance or en er ainmen in t e pe estrian s yway system or ot er pe estrian ma 1 , or a ix or cause to e a ixe any type o anner or exterior sign to t e s yway ri ges , un ess suc person, entity or group s a irst ave receive a perrnl rom t e s yway governance committee. is pro i rtlon s a app y irres ective o w et er or not suc person or group as a icense rom t e city o aint au or ot er governmenta o y or suc activity, except or a - vertising as permitte un er . e ore t e s y�vay � ' ' ' ' ,,�����;,�d- -5- governance committee may issue any permits under t is section, t e committee must eve on written ru es or gui e ines to govern suc issuance, w ich ru es s a e approve y t e aint au i y ounci y reso ution. uc ru es an gui e ines may proper y consi er suc actors as noise an tra ic congestion in t e pe estrian system an may imit t e num er o permits grante per ay or t e size o groups a owe in t e pe estrian system, t e nature o t e activity or activities to e permitte an t eir impact on unimpe e pe estrian passage wit in t e pe estrian s yway system or t e oca ions in w ic suc activities are carrie on. e ru es may ta e into account t e interests o a proper y owner or owners wit in w ose property t e pe estrian s yway system or pe estrian ma or part ereo is ocate inc u ing t e impact o non pe es,�rlan passage . activity to e permitte unon suc own.er s o igation to repair, maintain and secure the system or mall within the owner' s building and upon the owners obligations to its tenants . The rules may require a permittee to contract with the owner or manager of anv building in which the permitted activity will take place for utility, sanitary, janitorial , main- tenance or other service or services and to provide casualtv and liabilitv insurance coverage protecting the permittee, the City and the buildin� owner a�ainst claim or loss arising out of the permitted activity. However, the rules may not allow the committee to arbitrarily or discriminatorily select one group over another to which to issue a permit but this standard shall not prohibit selection of a permittee by means of lottery or chance when circumstances require a limit to the number of permits granted. The rules and guide- lines as adopted by the City Council shall be reviewed periodically, and at least every t�ao years the skytaay governance committee shall submit its recommendations respectin� rules chanaes . Sec. 5 . Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is herebv amended by renumbering section 140 . 07 as section 140 . 08 and insertin� as a new section 140. 07 the following: • , . � . . ��= �'?�//i�T /7✓�f'�,2. -6- 140 . 07 .A. Advertising. Billboard-style or enclosed isp ay case a vertising is a permitte use in s y- way corridors. �-�e�ollowing requirements apply to a vertising: (1) The size, shape and placement of advertising isp ay ixtures s ou e suc as to no impe e pe estrian circu ation in t e s yway system. (2) Advertisin should be contained in "permanent" non-mova e ixtures , inc u ing ut not imite to g ass isp ay cases a ixe to walls an ios s an.c ore to t e oor . (3) The design and initial installation of adver- tising ixture in t e pe estrian s -ytaay system an or pe estrian ma s must e approve y t e s ywa overnance committee an t e a ecte ui ing owner. o a vertising ixture s a 1 e insta e in an easement area o t e pe es- trian s yway system or pe estrian ma except as aut orize y ranc ise or inance u y a opte y t e ity ounci w ic or inance s a r.iinirna y incorporate t e requirements o t is section. o a vertising ixture s all e insta e in a non-easement area o t e ne estrian s yway system or pe estrian ma except un er written contract etween t e a vertising insta er an t e a ecte uilding owner w ic contract s a incorporate t e requirements o t is section. vertising insta ers s a contract wit t e owner o the ui ing in w ic eac a vertising ixture is to e ocate or services to e provi e rom t e ui ing or t e ixture . (4) Advertising and displays should be changed at east every ot er mont . (5) Advertising shall not be pe�mitted ��ithin th� - s yway r. ges . (6) Advertising shall be subject to such additional ru es an regu ations as t e s yway governance committee may etermine . � � ' . , ' . . ��',,� ��—/i�`P � s�; ��;��=� -7- �?� Ad��ertisirig fixtures , cases and displays shall e covere y ire an exten e coverage in- surance ari pu ic ia i ity irisurance. zinimum po ic imits s a e rep acement cost o t e a vertising ixtures, cases an isp ays an re acement cost o t e ui ing in �a ic such ixtures are ocate or ire an exten e covera e an , , sin e imit coverage or t e pu c ia i ity insurance. nsurance po icies s a e lssue y com anies icense to o usiness in Minnesota, s a name t e �ty, t e Housin� an Re eve o ment ut ority o t e City o� -Saint Pau1 , innesota t e an t e ui in owner as a itiona insure s an s a not e cance a e `alt out t irty a s written notice to t e a itiona insureds . Eri orsements o a po icy or po icies issue to t e ui ing owner provi in a itiona insured coverage to t e a vertising ixture insta er an t e City in coverages ot erwise meeting t e requirements o t is su section s a e accept- a e in ieu o a separate po icy or po icies. (8) The installation of displays , cases and fixtures an any a vertising t erein s a comp y wit a ot er apu ica e aws an regu ations . (9) If perLnission to install any such advertising is ti�it raU,m or revo e y t e s yway governance cornmittee or ai ure to a i e v t e gui e rnes as provi e in t is section . , y operation o an agreement , or y court or er, t e insta er o t e a vertising s a at is or er own expense remove suc a vertising an restore t e pe estrian concourse to its ormer con ition. 140 . 07B. Exterior Signs . Banners or signs may be a ixe to t e exterior o s y�aay ri ges. e 0 owing requirements app y to exterior anners an signs: (1) The size, shape and placement of banners an signs s a e in con ormity tait t e speci ication o t e ity epartment o u ic or s . ` ' � . . � • �"�����/��� � � j y�r!:*-�. -8- (2) No banner or sign shall be affixed or remove y t e City Department o u lic or s . (3) No banner or sign shall be affixed except by ermit rantec� under Section 1T+6—. 6TwFiich s a ix a ate certain or remova o t e banner an signs . (4) No ermit shall be ranted unless the vermit app icant rovides public liability insurance issued b a com an licerised to do business in Minnesota in amount of 1 , 000 , 000 single event covera e namin the Cit and HRA as a ditiona insureds which shal not be can- celable except upon ten l�) �days written notice to the City and HRA. In event of cancellation of the policy, the banners and signs shall be removed unless a replacement insurance policy is provided bv the permittee. (5) The permittee shall be responsible for all costs to the City in affixing, maintaining and removing such banners and signs . The permit applicant shall guarantee or secure payment of these costs in such manner as the S y��ay Governance Committee may reasonably require. Sec. 6 . Section 140 . 07 of the Saint Paul Le islative Code , renum ere as Section 0 . ; is ere amen e to rea as 0 ows : 140 . 08 Penalt . Violation of any provision of sections 1 O . O through 1 0 . 07 shall be a misdemEanor. WHITE - CITV Cl.EktK PINK - FINANCE ; CANR�iRi�- G,cPARdFA�NT �- � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ,.y BI.UE - MAVOR F1I@ �O. �� //✓ g � �+ . • Ordindnce Ordinance N�. � 77'�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -9- Sec . 7 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty 3 ays a ter its passage, approva an pu��ication. CaUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew ��;...;� In Favor — Rettman a "�'"�"�� A gai ns t BY Sonnen �.a�l�e ���d/�' Wilson 'xP I 7 �87 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed y Council Secret BY � . By �ti Approv by Mayor: Dat ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY p�� �t� 2 � 1987 � �.st' . -'� - � --�'� ; �°Z _ . � /�? -,�'7 � �ra ,�' - �" �z' �7 �Adopted �'o'''r'-,�-=� C� + Yeas�� - Nay-�7j 9- ��- �� n�w � ,� �- . �7 i +�R'� � e=tr�^p�`"' �,i�.a•u�l� � SCHEIBEL g', ` � ' �� v , r, . SONNEN /��J 7'-� LvEiOfi ° WILSON MR. PRESIDENT�p �,',�:'_.�;n. i WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINAN�E G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �j CANARV - DEAAR�,TMENT � �J9 BIUE MqVORi File �O. � //�+ / c�ty Attny/JTx • � Or �nce Ordinance N 0. � Presented By ' °2- Refecre Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AMENDMENT OF SKYWAY CONDUCT ORDI NCE The Council of the City of Saint Paul Doe Ordain: Section l . Findings . The Saint Pa second level skyway s stem �a s develo ed throu a coo er ive e ort invo ving t e City a its Housin an e eve pment ut orrty an rivate ui di eve o ers an o� rs . it in rivate , vro ert an ui gs t e systein as an is constructed at t e ro ert owners e ense . The rivate ro ert owne hereafter "buildin owner or owners as rante an ease ent o t e City o aint au the Cit or bene it o t e ub c o minimum twe ve 12) oot wi e concourses t ro eac ui n wit stair or other means o access to treet ri t-o - at ra e evel or t e ur ose o r�e e rian in ress to an aress rom and assa e throu t e s a s stern. � Fee title to the ea of the easement for pedestri usa e remains in t e uil in owner w o remains res onsi e t e cost of o eratin , aintainin and re airin t e system wit in the buildin . Ce tain bui in owners ave constructe o en areas com liment r to the sk a to w ic t e u ic is invited but whi is not su ect to easement or e estrian usa e. Sk a rid es over ub ic streets an a e s are entirel ub1' cl" owned a t ou b contractua a reements o eratin co ts and maintenance o t e ri es is s are y abuttin bu' 1 in owners . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays prew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman s�ne�bei Against BY Sonnen ITedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By } Y � i. � . , ��"�7-//.�t -2- The sk a s stem �aas conceived, in part , as a means of rep icatin an enclosed sho in mall in o� own in an e fort to maintain do�antoz�m as a comnetitive retai center in accor- ance wit t e Downtown Ur an Renewa P an Saint Pau Com- re ensive P an and the Metro olitan Coun i s , Metro o itan Deve opment an Investment Financin Gui , as we as t e Genera Po c Statement For The Saint P u S a S stem. The conce t 'b. ublic- rivate coone ation in the develop- ment an o eratio o t e e estrian a s stem zas ar el succee e over t e ast twent ears . T is ex erience , as we as t e esire to om iment t e s� stem c ari in the con itions in w ic sa and romo iona activity an a ver- tisin ma ta e ace in e s ste t ere en ivenin an en ancin the s stem as a u ic ace as le to t e consid- eration o t e o owin or in amen in C a ter o t e Saint Pau Le is ative Code, t e ywa Con uct Or inance . In consi erin t is amen ator r i ance t e Cit Counci is co nizant o t e uni ue pu ic rivat �,c aracter o t e s way system an o the act t at t e or inan�g. uro oses activities w ic ma exten e ond t e �imits o the easements or ene it o the ub ic grante b ui� diri owners in ir�:vo vin ui in owners in t e process y w c permits or t es`e activities are aut orize . Sec. ��ex 2 . Section �40 . 01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby ar.nended ��o read as follows : Section 140 . 01 Definitions Subdivision /`l. Terms . T1_ze definitions of �his section shall apply�`� in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapt�r. � Subd. 2 . � "Pedestrian skyway system" means any system of provi ing for pedestrian traffic circulation, mech- anical r otherwise , elevated above ground, within and without� the public rights of way, and through or above grivate property and buildings , and includes overpasses , bridges , passageways , walkways , concourses , hallways , corridors , arcades , courts , plazas , malls , elevators , escalators , heated canopies and access and all fix- tures , furniture , signs , equi�ment , facilities , services , `"' P t _��- � , , ��-�i-/i.�� -3- and appurtenances . The term shall inc ude systems or portions of systems which are built in:fthe future. For purposes of this chapter , a pedes�rian sk_yway system shall include stairways and e�calators leading from or into the skyway system from�jprivate buildings and areas under stairs and escalatq`rs leading to and connecting concourse corridors , in/' addition to stairs and escalators connecting the con ourse corridors to �ublic streets or other public p operty. Subd. 3. "Skyway governance co ittee. " The "skyway �overnance committee" shall co sist of six persons a�pointed by the mayor and who represent , respectively, th.e Buildi_rig Owner and Manage�s Association, the Saint Paul Police De�artmen.t , the D`owntown Council , tlie Downtown Community Council , ,er�.� skyway connected small businesses ' ' � ' . A T--_.___ �,�.�� d�r� �___-�y�---�-�-�c�"iairperson sha 1 be elect d by the committee to call L�,� �� and preside over its meetifi.gs . The skyway governance f� ��,,wN�-r� �1,, f.ve„ committee shall in additi�n to other functions imposed �° ,9� ���,,�" by this chaPter , advise ��.e mayor, council and building !��'u+� ,, �� owners on all matters rez�ating to the successful public `��r� use and enjoyment of th� pedestrian skyway system and pedestrian malls , incl��c3.ing hut not limited to lighting , standardized signs and: directories , imgroved communica- tions between law enf q'rcement authorities and retail merchants , hours of ofieration, and other matters of p ublic concern relat�ve to the public ways . The skyway governance committe� shall be resnonsible for enforcing adopted sky�aay poli.•cies , including but not limited to hours of operation;; levels of maintenance , use of sk.y- way space for �al�s and performance as provided for by section 140 .06 of' this ordinance and advertising in the skyway corriclors as provided for by section 140 . 08 of this ordinan�e . The skyway governance cor.imittee shall have the authority to �rant variances to the guidelines contained in this ordinance , depending on the facts of the case in question. The skyway govern- ance committee shall conduct policy discussion5 at public meetin�s , notifying interested x�arties of its meeting time and place , but may delegate some of its regulatory tasks to committee members and/or city staff, as it deems fit. Public meetings shall be held at least once a quarter at an accessible site. The skyway governance committee will be staffed by the Department of Planning and Economic Development . ;� .,:. � , . . � � r �-��-��.� o -4- Subd. 4. "Pedestrian mall" shall mean ny indoor enclosed public mall , arcade , courtyard, galleria, gallery, piazza, square , or other type of indoor public nedestrian way or open space. Subd. 4. "Easement area" shall mean an area or areas o t e pe estrian s vway system or o a �e3es- trian mall which is sub' ect to ar� easement ranted a rivate ro ert owner to t e Cit or t e bene it o the public or pe es,�rian ingress , passage and egress. � /' Sec . 3 . Section 140 . 04 of the Sain� Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows : / / 140.04. Prohibited animals . I�o person shall brin� or cause to be brought any animal/, or allow any animal under his ownership or contro � to be brought into the pedestrian skyway system or �y pedestrian mall unless said animal is a police dog �br a guide dog for a deaf or blind person. �' Sec. 4. Section 140 . 06 of the'� Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as fo�.lows : � 140. 06 . Sales and erfo,�mance . No group , entity or person sha 1 promote , a vertise or sell articles or conduct, engage in or cause to be presented any type of exhibition, show, p,�rformance or entertainment in the pedestrian skyway�system or other pedestrian mall , or affix or cause to ;�e affixed any type of banner or exterior sign to the;'skyway bridges , unless such person, entity or group sha�'1 first have received a permit from the sky�vay governax�,-ce committee. This prohibition shall apply irrespective 'of �ahether or not such person or group has a license from the city of Saint Paul or other governmental body for such activity, except for advertising as permitted under 140. 08 . Before the sky- tiaay governance �ommittee may issue any permits under this section, the co�nittee must develop written rules or guidelines to govern such issuance, which rules shall be approved by the Saint Paul City Council by resolution. Such rules and guidelines may properly consider such . . r j r�,? �.'�'� . . . ��`-��-ri� � -5- factors as noise and traffic congestion in t e pedes- trian system and may limit the number of pe its granted per day or the size of groups allowed in the pedestrian system, e� the nature of the ac+Eivit or activities to be ermitte an t eir imna t on unim- eded edestrian assa e within the ede trian sk a system ox -t e ocations in w ic suc act' ities are carried on. The rules ma take into ac ount the in- terests of a �ro ert owner or owners � ithin whose pro ert t e edestrian sk a s stem r edestrian ma or nart t ereo is ocate inc u in t e impact o non e estrian assa e activit t e ermitted u on suc owner s o l ation to re r, maintain and secure the s stem or mall within th ov�mer s bui din an u on t e owners obli ations to its tenants . T e rules ma re uire a ermittee to ontract with the owner or mana er o an bui in n w ic t e er- mitted activit will take lace or utilit , sanitar , �anitoria , maintenance or ot e service or services an to urovide casualt and li ilit insurance cover- a e rotectin the ermittee, e Cit an t e bui in owner a ainst claim or loss a isin out o t e ermitted activity. However, t e ru es may not a ow t e committee to arbitrarily or discrimin orily select one group over another to which to issue a permit : but this standard shall not rohibit selecti n of a ermittee means 0 otter or c ance w en circumstances re uire a imit to the number o ermits ranted. The rules and guide- ines as a opte y t e ity Council shall be reviewed periodically, and at le t b�er��.�a��� ever two ears the skyway �overnance c mnittee shall su mit its recommendations respec ing rules changes . Sec. 5 . Chapter 140 of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by renumber'ng section 140. 07 as section 140 . 08 and inserting as a new se ion 140. 07 the following: , 140. O� .A. Adverti in . Billboard-style or enclosed display case a ve ising is a permitted use in skyway corridors . The following requirements apply to advertising: (1) The size, hape and placement of advertising dis la f' tures should be such as to not impe e pe estrian circulation in the skyway system. �� _;; � � , . . . ����/�3� -6- (2) Advertising should be contained in permanent" , non-movable fixtures , in�luding bu� not limited to glass dis�lay cases affixed to walls and kiosks anchored to the floor. (3) The design and initial installa ion of adver- tising fixture in the pedestri n skyway system and/or pedestrian malls must e approved by the skyway governance committee a d the affected building owner. No advertis 'n fixture shall be installed in an easement are o the e estrian s a s stem or e estrian ma exce t as aut orize b ranchise or inance u ado ted t e Cit Counci w ic r inance s a min- ima incorporate t e re uirements o t is section. No a vertisin ixture s a e in- sta e in a non-easeme area o t e e estrian s a s stem or edest ian mal exce t under written contract etwe n t e a vertlsin installer an t e a ected buil n owner which contract s a incorporate t e�requirements o t is section. Advertising installe�s shall contract with the owner o t e �uildi in�a�iic�eac�i advertisin fixt�tre is to be lo�ated or services to � provi e rom t e ui ing or t e ixture. (4) Advertising and d splays should be changed at least every othe�month. ; (5) Advertising sh��11 not be permitted within the skyway bridges� (6) Advertising s'hall be subject to such additional rules and re�ulations as the skyway governance committee m�.y determine. (7) �Ie�w��hs���.d��.g-�he-�e�ege��.gs-��-ad�re���s��.g-�� �l�.e-gedes,���a�.-eexEex�se-w���.}�.-a-ga���e��a� b������.g-e�-s���s�t��e-�s-wl�.e��3�-e�-pa���a��3r p�el��b���e�.-e�-�es���s�ed-b3�-ar�-ag�ee�e�a�-w��h ��.e-���}-e�-�a}�.�-�a�.�-�-��.e-�Ie�.s��.g-a�.d-�.e�e- uele�FUe�.�-Au�he���3�-e�-�l�.e-���3�-e�-�a�.�.�-�a�.�T �4�.xiaese�a;-a�.d�e�-�.e}gl�be���.g-b�.}���xg-ewHe�s; a��e���s��.g-ska��-�.e�-be-ge����e�.-�.x�ess-a�.� t��.���-��.e-ag�ee�e�.�-�s-g�ege���-a�e�.de�.-b}-�ke . � . . ��7�-�� -�- pa���es-he�e�e---St�el�-sa�end.�en�-sl�a��-�nee�ge�a�e �ke-�e�s-a�.d-ee�.�}��e�.s-e�-��.�s-see��ex-�4 -A�; and-s�.a��-�eqt��.�e-��.��-sa�d-ad�re���s�xg-eas s; ��x�t��es-e�-�.�sp�a�s-s�.a��-be-ee�ae�ed-b�-� ��ab�����-�ast��a�ee-�e��e�es-�eqt���ed-b�-� e Ag�eerxea�;-r�.e.���.g-�ke-sa}�.-6���-a�.d-Het�.s�. g a�d-Re�e�re�ep�en�-At��ke�}��-as-a�����e�.a -}�st��e�s- ��.st3.�anee-eexe�age-�a���-be-�eqt���ed-b�-�,. e-A��ee- x�er�.�;-r�a�x�xg-�ke-sa��-6���-aad-Het�s}xg-,��.d-Rede- �e�ep�er�.�-At���.e����r-as-add}��er�a�-�.�.st��eds- ��sx�axee-ee�ae�age-va�}}_be-�eqt�.��e�l-���-�l�e-��.- s�a��a��ex�.;-�ex�e�aa�-aa�.-dt��a��er�-e�-d�sp�a�-e� e��e��a�-ba��.e�s-e�-s�gr�.s;-xa��xg-��'e-6���s Het�.s�x�-as�-Re�e�e�ep�xes�-Ar��l�e�}��'ar�d-a��ee�ed bt��.��}r�g-e�.e�s-as-add}��eaa�-}r�s�eds---��-�ke �e�����ee-}s-�.e�-eb��ga�ed-b�-a-s �aa�-e�-gedes- ���a�-eeaeex�se-a��ee�ex�-�e-g�ev���e-st�ek.-}�s�.�-- aaee;-e�-��-�ke�e-�s-ne-s��aa�-e`�-ge�es��}aa-ee�- ee��se-ag�ee�ea�-}�.-e��ee�;-��.ea'-ge����ee-s�.a��; as-a-ee�d���e�-e�-��.e-g�a�.�-e�;��l9.e-pe�}�-�.e�e}�; eb�a��.-aad-�.eeg-�a-�e�ee-��ab�����-��.st��asee-r�ax��r�g �ke-Hexs�r�g-at��-Re�.e�e�e�x�e�.�'-At���e����;-6}��-ar�d a��ee�ed-bt����}�g-e�e�s-as-��ad�.}�}e�.a�-��.sti.�e�.s-}x �ke-ax�et�.a�-e�-$�;A8A;AAB-e��.g�e-�����-ee�e�age;-}r� �e�-sa�}s�ae�e��-�e-�l�.e-6��3�-A��e�aey- Advertisin fixtures , cases and displays sha11 be covere by ire an exten e covera�e insurance an pu ic lia i ity insurance. ��'i�.imum policy limits s�ll e ren acement cost o � e a vertising ixtures , cases an isp ays an rep acement cost o t e ui ing in w ic suc. ixtures are ocate or ire an exten e covera�e an , , , sing e imit coverage or t e Pu ic ia i ity insurance . nsurance po icies s a e issue y companies icense to o usi.ness in. innesota, s_ a name t e ity, t e ousxng an e eve opment ut ority o t e rty o aint au , innesota t e an t e ui ing owner as a itiona insure s and s a not e can�e a e �vit out t irty ays �aritten notice to t e a itiona insure s . n orse- ments o a po icy or po icres issue to t e ui ing owner provi ing a itiona insure coverage to t e a vertising ixture insta er an t e ity in coverages ot erwise meeting t e requirements of this subsection shall be acceptable in lieu of a separate policy or policies . - -- • % � � . . ��-7 f�.�y -8- (8) The installation of displays , cases and fi.xtures and any advertising ther�in shall comply �aith all other applic�able laws and regulations . (9 If ermission to install any suc�adver- ) P tising is withdrawn or revoked by the sky- way governance committee for failure to abide by the guidelines as pro�vided in this section 140. 07 , by operation of an agreement , or by court order; the installer of the advertising shall at ,his or her own expense remove such adverti,sing and restore the pedestrian concourse tQ its former con- dition. ; 140. 07B. Exterior Si ns . Bat3.ners or signs may be a ixe to t e exterior o s ytaay rl ges . T e 0 owin requirements app y' to exterior anners an signs : , (1) The size, shape and placement of banners an signs s a e iz�. con: ormity wit t e speci ication o t e ity Department o u ic or s . (2) No banner or sign shall be affixed or remove except y' t e ity Department of u ic or s . (3) No banner or sign shall be affixed except y permit grante un er Section w ich s a ix a �te certain or remova o t e anner an s i,gns . (4) No permit sY�.�all be granted unless the permit app icant p,rovides pu�lic lia�ility insurance issue y a company icense to o usiness in innesota �n� amount o , , sing e event coverage naming t e ity an as a itiona insure s w z_c s a not e can- ce a e except upon ten ays written notice to t e ity an . n event o cance ation o t e po icy, t e anners and si�;ns s a e remove un ess a rep acement insurance po icy is provi e y t e permittee . . � �-��'�7 -----�---- ---------------- --- WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINAN�E G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARiTMENT r BLUE - MAVORI� . [ille NO. T_//�� . �J Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. Pre sented By � Refe��red To Committee: D te Out pf Committee By ate -9- 5 The ermittee shall b res onsible for all � ) costs to t e Cit in a ixin , riaintainin and removin such b nners and si ns . The ermit a icant s a uarantee or secure a ent o t ese osts in such manner as the S �: a Governanc Committee ma reasona require. Sec. 6 . Section 140. 07 of the Saint Paul Le islative Code, g renumbered as Section 140 .08 ; s hereby amended to read as follows : iolation of an rovision of 140 . OB P�__enal�t . y p sections �4� . 04 rou h 140 . 07 shall be a g _ misdemeanor. Sec . 7 . This ordina ce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30� days after ' ts passage , approval and publication. I CaUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �Drew IN��os�a [n Favor — ;Rettman ;s�ne�bei Against BY ;Sonnen ;Tedesco �Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted;by Council: Date Certified� Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council By By . � � ����/ � : � � � ' '� �� ' . . ��/ WMITE - UTV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COUIICII p A /� � CANARV - OEPA TMENT GITY� OF SAINT PAUL d � ^' �I� BLVE - MAVO� . File �O. /�v � City Attn�y/JTH • / � . O Zn��Ce Ordinance N�. Presented Byl �� '' Refe�rred To Committee: Date ' Out f Committee By Date AMENDMENT OF SKYWAY CONDUCT OR.DIN CE The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 . Section 140 . 01 of the S int Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follo s : Section 140 . 01 Definitions Subdivision 1 . Terms . T e definitions of this section shall apply in t internretation and enforcement of this chap er . Subd. 2 . "Pedestrian s yway system" means any system of providing fo pedestrian traffic circulation, mechanic 1 or otherwise, elevated above ground, within nd without the public rights of way, and t rough or above private property and buildi gs , and includes overt?asses , bridges , passagewa s , walkways , concourses , hallways , corridor , arcades , courts , plazas , malls , elevators , escalators , heated canopies and access and a fixtures , furniture , si�ns , equipment, faci ' ties , services , and ap?�ur- tenances . The erm shall include systems or vortions of sy tems which are built in the future . For urposes of this chapter, a nedestrian s �ay system shall include stair- ways and esc lators leading from or into the skyway syst m from private buildings and areas under stai�s and escalators leading to and COUN�ILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nico ia ln Favor Rett an s�ne� ai Against BY Sonn n Tede�o Wilsq�n Adopted by CI uncil: Date Form Approv y City At rn Certified Pas�ed by Council Secretary BY / , By Approved by ll�layor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By I � `��_ /�� ✓ -2- ; ; ; connecting concourse corridors , in addition to � stairs and escalators connecting the concourse ' corridors to public streets or other public � property. ; Subd. 3 . "Skyway governance committee. " The "skyway governance. committee" shall cons�st of five persons appointed by the mayor and who represent , respectively, the Building Owner and Managers Association, the Saint Paul Police Departm�nt , the Downtown Council , the Downtown Community Council and skyway- � connected small businesses . A chairperson ; shall be elected by the committee to call and � preside over its meetings . '�he skyway governance committee shall , in addition to ; other functions imposed by this chapter, advise the mayor, council and building owners ; on all matters relating to the successful public use and enjoyment of the pedestrian � skyway system and pedestrian malls , including ; but not limited to lighting, standardized system name designations , standardized signs and directories , improved communications ; between law enforcem2nt authorities and re- � tail merchants , hours of operation, and other ' matters of public concern relative to the public ways . The skyway governance committee shall be responsible for enforcing adopted skyway policies „including but not limited to hours of operation, levels of maintenance, use of skyway space for sales and performance ; as provided fo� by section 140 . 06 of this � ordinance and �.dvertising in the skyway ' corridors as provided for by section 140. 08 ; of this ordi�:ance. The skyway governance � committee shall have the authority to grant ' variances t,o the guidelines contained in this � ordinance, depending on the facts of the case � in question. The skyway governance committee ; shall conduct policy discussions at public � meetings , notifying interested parties of its � meeting time and place, but may delegate some ; of its regulatory tasks to committee members � and/or city staff, as it deems fit. Public ' • , � , � _ � , �, �,.. , � � � �� > -3- meetings shall be held at least once a quarter at an accessible site. The skyway governance ; cornmittee will be staffed by the Department , of Planning and Economic Development. , Subd. 4. "Pedestrian mall" shall mean any indoor enclosed public mall , arcade, court- , yard, galleria, gallery, piazz�, square, or , other type of indoor public pe,destrian way or open space. � Sec . 2 . Section 140. 04 of the Sairit Paul Le�islative Code is hereby amended to read as follq"ws : � 140.04. Prohibited animals . No person shall bring � or cause to e brought any a�.imal , or allow any � animal under his ownership or control to be brought � into the pedestrian system pr any pedestrian mall � unless said animal is a police dog or a guide dog � for a deaf or blind person'. , ' Sec . 3 . Section 140. 06 of the Saint Paul Legislative � Code is hereby amended to read a� follows : ' 140. 06 . Sales and erf' rmance. No group , entity or ' _ person sha promote, vertise or sell articles or ' conduct, engage in or cause to be presented any type ' of exhibition, show, erformance or entertainment in ' the pedestrian skywa system or other pedestrian ' mall, or affix or ca,use to be affixed any type of ' banner or exterior �ign to the skyway bridges , unless ' such person, entity,%' or group shall first have received ; a permit from the �Skyway governance committee. This prohibition shalliapply irrespective of whether or not such person o,� group has a license from the city � of Saint Paul or ;'other governmental body for such � activity, except' for advertising as permitted under � 140.08 . Before; the skyway governance committee may ; issue any permits under this section, the committee , must develop written rules or guidelines to govern , such issuance, which rules shall be approved by the , Saint Paul City Council by resolution. Such rules , and guidelines may properly consider such factors , as noise and traffic congestion in the pedestrian i . • ,� `;� - �� � i � . � ; . � ' -4- � system and may limit the number of permits granted per day or the size of groups allowed in the pedestrian system or the locations in hich such activities are carried on. However , he rules may not allow the committee to arbitrari or discrim- inatorily select one group over anot er to which to issue a permit. The rules and g idelines as adopted by the City Council shall e reviewed periodically, and at least biennia,�ly the skyway governance committee shall submit%�its recommen- dations respecting rules changes : Sec. 4. Chapter 140 of the Saint �'aul Legislative Code is hereby amended� by renumbering sectiq`n 140. 07 as section ' 140. 08 and inserting as a new section ��140. 07 the following : , , 140. 08. Advertisin . Billb�bard-style or enclosed display case a vertising is a permitted use in skyway corridors . The fol wing requirements shall apnly to skyway adve tising: (1) The size, shape and , lacement of ad- vertising should be�such as to not impede pedestrian irculation in the skyway system. ' (2) Advertising shou d be contained in ' "permanent" non movable fixtures , in- � cluding but no limited to glass display cases affixed �o walls and kiosks anchored to tY�e floor. (3) The design a�id initial installation of advertising,%in the pedestrian skyway system and/br pedestrian malls must be approved by the skyway governance committee ,'and the affected building owner. , . ; . , �� 7 �- �,�� ..,� � � I -5- � � ( � � (4) Advertising and displays should l�e changed at least every other month. � / , � ( 5) Advertising shall not be permit�ted within ' the skyway bridges . ' ( 6) Advertising shall be subject o such additional rules and regulat'ons as the ' skyway governance committee ay determine. ; ' ( 7) Notwithstanding the foregoi�.g, if advertising in the pedestrian concours� within a particu- lar building or structure �is wholly or partially prohibited or rrstricted by an ' agreement with the City f Saint Paul , the Housing and Redevelopmenr Authority of the ' City of Saint Paul , Min�iesota, and/or neighboring building o�n.ers , advertising ' shall not be permitted;'unless and until the agreement is properly ;amended by the parties thereto . Such amendm.ent shall incorporate the terms and conditions of this section 140 .08, and shall require that said adver- tising cases , fixtuxes or displays shall be covered by the ]�iability insurance policies required X�y the Agreement, naming � the said City and,'Housing and Redevelopment Authority as addi.tional insureds . Insurance coverage will berrequired for the installa- tion, removal and duration of display of external banner� or signs , naming the City, Housing and Red'evelopment Authority and affected build�ng owners as additional insureds . If the permittee is not obligated by a skyway or pedestrian concourse agreement to provide such insurance, or if there is no skyway or pedestrian concourse agreement in effect, the permittee shall , as a condition , of the grant of the permit herein, obtain and keep in force liability insurancenaming , the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City and affected building owners as additi- , onal insureds in the amount of $1 , 000, 000 . 7 ���- y��/.�l S:4°�\�'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL CIT) Ol �`� '" OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY y° �!, ' IIIIIUIIIII �; !;� �IIIIL�ll� ^_� < m E D W A R D P. S T A R R, C I T Y A T T O R N E Y `"�:�,�,n.°'��"'� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER - f �.,, M'AYOR °�" � .�,...' , September 11 , 1987 To : A1 Olson From: Jim Hart Re: Skyway Conduct Ordinance Amendment Chapter 140 Sain.t Paul Legislative Code Enclosed is a redraft of the amendatory ordinance inGluding all amendments approved Thursday, September 10 , 1987 . Enc. _ __ -n - . . — r= • _�� ,� ' �;,., a � - : r�; � -L-}� � 9� ; , , , �....,,` -T Q" , _ l�:L J , ' . ��r o � I CITY OF S/11NT PAUL ' INTERDEP1IRTMENT/1l MEMORANDUM ` �,� �� � �� �� � �t��..;�� n #A� DAT'E: July 23, 1987 'JUL 2 �� i981 TO; ��rCouncil President Wilson Members of the City Council FR�M: Darold M. McMahan, PE tiILL W�LSO,`V L`� SU$JECTc Amendment to Skyway Conduct Ordinance Downtown Planning District .17 Attached for Council approval is a revised Skyway Conduct Ordinance in sul�stantial conformance with the recently adopted Skyway Plan and Policy Statement previously approved by the City Council on 3/10/87. Please schedule this ordinance on the Council agenda for hearing/adoption at their next general meeting. Th� attached ordinance, as prepared by the City Attorney, varies from the original draft in a couple of respects. 'I 1. In Section 140.06; all references to only non-profit, civic, educational, charitable, religious or patriotic organizations or adjacent businesses as being eligible for skyway permits to the apparent exclusion of all other organizations, groups and businesses; have been deleted. The City Attorney advises I such language is contrary to the 'deprivation of rights' provision under Minnesota law and the equal protection laws guaranteed by the United States constitution. �I 2. In Section 140.09; all references attempting to restrict, restrain or otheYwise control content or subject matter of commercial speech and/or advertising chiefly to do�antown community, cultural and civic events/activities; have also I been dele�ed. Again such language is viewed as legally not enforceable under the freedom of speech and expression guarantees extended by the Minnesota and United States constitutions. Following adoption of the amended skyway conduct ordinance, a skyway governance commi.ttee will be formed to adopt written rules and regulations concerning skyway us� and related matters. DMI�I:dmc Route (WGP} :A1 Lovejoy:J. Hart:J.O'Zeary:JJB:Chron:File I I I �I . ' � . . . , . . � � � g' � '�' � �' ������ ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUI . . ;:`�,t.o:v<. . °'� '"'` '��'` � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • 'O y';: �J i•�� ������ 7� ' �`-� `"-'� ��''- =_` EDWARD P. STARR. CITY ATTORNEY . . ' '��;,;:riR•`�.��'`� 647 City Hall. Saim Paul. Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORG� LATIMER MAIYOR 1Tuiy .16, 1987 - ��To : Darold McM an From: Jim Hart �Re: Skyway Conduct Ordinance Amendment iPer your request find enclosed a draft Amendatory Ordinance amending Chapter 140 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code relating to Skyway 'Conduct. This draft Ordinance generally follows the text of the recommended Iamendment attached to the Skyway Policy Plan which Plan approved 'by the City Council on March 10, 1987 , C.F. No. 87-273 with two excevtions . These are in Section 140.06 wherein the third line of the recommended amendment has been deleted from the draft � IAmendatorv Ordinance and in Section 140.08 wherein the second 'sentence has been recorded, subsection (1) has been deleted and the re�aining subsections renumbered. IThese chan�es are the result of a recent restatement of office 'policy requiring attorneys in reviewing draft ordinances to be concerned ��ith the enforceability of the ordinance when future misderneanor nrosecutions would be brought under the ordinance. IThe deleted sentence in Section 140 .06 in authorizing permits to ' certain non-profit organizations or adjacent businesses to the exclusion of other organizations and businesses would be contrary , to tne deprivation of rights provision of Article I , Section 2 lof the Minnesota Constitution and the equal protection of the laws clause of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution. These constitutional provisions require that ordinances must be . I, general in their nature, impartial in their operation and effect ' and must not discriminate in favor of or against any class of persons or property. Distinction or classifications can be sus- , tained only if the classifications serve a legitimate govern- 'Imental objective, the distinctions bear a reasonable and sub- stantial relationship to that governmental objective, and the distinctions are narrowly drawn to accomplish this purpose. Nothing in the Skyway Policy Plan articulates a public purpose I, objective served by the classifications made by the deleted ' sentence. �I i . •• • • . . 1 I ' r I . . I�aro 1 d McMahan �'age Two , .JuZy 16 , 1987 �reedom of speech and expression guaranteed by Article I , Section 3 bf the Minnesota� and the First Amendment to the United States Constitutions may not be abridged or restrained by legislation.. Ordinances dealing with the control of public speech and expression �in public places may only prescribe reasonable time, manner or �lace restrictions on protected speech or communication. Such ordinance, generally, may not restrict the subject matter or content of such protected speech. In this regard "coaunercial speech" or 'advertising is protected as well as other forms of speech. !Proposed Section 140. U8(1) would restrict the content and subject �atter of protected commercial speech. ;Lastly, I would observe that in the retail area of the World Trade ;Center there will be significant public space in addition to WTC 'skyway pedestrian passageways which may fall within the definition 'of Pedestrian Skyway System or Pedestrian Malls under the Amenda- �tory Ordinance. Whether such space will be proposed for extended ;retail sales usage under lease as is the case in Town Square public ;space governed by the Park Ordinance (Chapter 170 Legislative Code) , or is to be subject to the restricted retail sales use of Chapter '140 as amended by the draft Ordinance is an issue for consideration. ! Z would be happy to �meet with you and Task Force representatives �regarding this memo and the changes in the draft Ordinance. � Enc. � , � I i ' � i 4 I '.� • , . y�) / - //? � I I A G E N D A M A T E R I A L S _ ------------- I - _.._ __._ _. . . ._ �OUNCIL ID�� ,�-/ DATE RECEIVED �,Z � AGENDA DATE AGENDA I TEM �� SUBJECT r �j � //� � �� � c-�-�'� C�f -�.- s �RIGINATOR _ ��,,�.�_,��.,� CONTACT I�ESEARCH STAFF ASSIG�tED �� � DATE SENT TO CLERK 1 r �,r, � � �OUNCIL ACTION MASTER FILE iNFO AVAILABLE � � ; � � ti--_. � ' . �1 � �� �.. .��.. �� �� . �!� `�- �n �6n J I� pRD'IRESOL. �� DATE FILE CLOSED R , ;� , I ' ,_ . � , �... �.� � � ' I (r �;�f,, �` �- . � �; , � - � I : i , i . + : I �,�