87-1039 WHITE - CITV CLERK �N�, , ; FINANCE (jITY OF SAINT �.AUL Council f,17 03 CANARV "- DEPARTMENT � // ° BLiA.� =MqVOR Flle NO� _r Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. �Jr ' Presented By �`^^�" Ref r d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Administrative Code by adding a new Chapter 1P10 pertaining to conflicts of interest by appointing to City advisory bodies. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended by adding a new Chapter 100 which shall read as follows : CHAPTER 1P10. CITY COMMITTEES - CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 1001.�11. Definitions. The terms used in this chapter are hereby defined as follows : (1) Association. Business, corporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, committee, labor organization, club, or any other group of two or more persons, which includes more than an immediate family, acting in � concert. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman Scheibel Against BY Son�en Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY`'J� � � `�������. �'�/�U� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By 1 BY . . , � .. � � �`' � l�' � � � ` " � � � ' � � i7�C> w (2) Business with which an individual is associated . (a) Any association, doing business in Minnesota, in connection with which an individual is compensated in excess of $5�J except for actual and reasonable expenses in any month as a director , officer , owner, member, partner, employer or employee, or is holder of securities worth $2 , 5P10 or more at fair market value. (b) Any association, doing business in Minnesota , in connection with which an individual owes money except for customary household expenses , retail credit accounts, and mortgage contracts on the principal place of dwelling . (3) Financial interest. Any interest which shall yield, directly or indirectly, a monetary or other material benefit (other than duly authorized salary or compensation for services to the city) to the appointed m ember , the spouse of the appointed member, and all minor children within the custody and control of the appointed member. (4) Appointed m ember. A person appointed by the mayor and approved by the city council to any advisory body, including but not limited to boards, com missions, committees, and task forces , established by the city. 1(��. 02. Conflicts of interest. 5ubdivision 1. Any appointed member who in the discharge of official duties would be required to take an action or make a decision substantially affecting financial interests or those of a business with which the appointed member is associated shall take the following actions: (1) Within forty-eight hours of an appointed member's discovery that he has a conflict of interest, he shall prepare a written statem ent describing the matter requiring action or decision and the nature of the conflict of interest. (2) File copies with the city clerk and the chair of the advisory body. (3) If a conflict of interest presents itself and there is insufficient time to deliver a written statement as required herein , the appointed member shall verbally advise the advisory body of the potential conflict. A 2 � „ , • �_ ; �, � � ° � " (u�`" ,,�`�- ;�;�� . . , . � . . . • , � , �a��;� ,_. (c) froYn any cor�aration, labor union, partnership, or professional associatio�:. tvo person, firn�� or corporation shall make or atteir�pt to make a gift in violation of this section. " Section 2 . _ That Section 25.�12 of the Saint Paul Ac�ministrative Code be anc7 the same hereby is amend ed to read as follo : "25.�2. Definition. The word "gift" a used in this chapter shall mean anc� inc�ude any gift, favor, service or services, money, or thing having any value, but shall not incluc�e any of the following (a) the gifts which are customarily given at times of the c� lebration of holid ys or national observances, not to exceed �� 5f� in velue; (b) the gift or receipt of o erwise permissib�e campaign contributions by or to candidates for elective office, which cont ibutions �re disclosed anc� reported as require by Chapter 28 of the Sair�t Paul T�ecjislativ Coae anu any oti�er applicable provisions of law; , _ (c) the givin� , �eceivii° c� , or exchai�ye of gifts between officers and ployees of the city; (d) the gift or recei t of awards , �na memori �l plaques and troph ' s, having nominal intrinsic value; (e) the gift or re eipt of tickets entitl ing the bearer to admi sion to a sporting, theatrical, musical , tes imonial , exhibition or other pr omoti onal ev nt; e� (f) the gift or receipt of a breakfast, lunch, or d inner:; or � the �ivi �, receivinc�, or exchan�e of �ifts between ouses and amo—ng relatives up to and includi the fourth de ree of kindred according to the ivil law." + . L, 11i��AaVn aaasa,' � oun rocee . .�: environment. $ush spoke of the treasure of our land." - Throughout, Bush is the businessman OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCI�. who seeks to apply businea�-like . methods to government. I�e calis � himself a political pragsnatist. "�'am a OADINANCES ,� practical msa." he said. "I like what's � _ real. I'm aot much for the airy and Council File No.8?-1039—Ordinance No.-IT503—By John Drew— abstract. I like what works. My ambi- yn Ordinance amending the Saint Paul Administrative Code by adding a new tions are, perhaps, less dramatic, but Chapter 1d0 pertaining to conflicts of interest by appointing to City advisory they are no less proiound." bodies. ' " • The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: In short,Bush�presented himself as a - layal Vice President who, nevertheless, SECTIOI�I 1 i�ad his own ideas about how the country That the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended shouid be run. As opposed to Reagan's by adding a new Chapter 100 which shall read as follows: theatrical waqs. he declared that, "We Chapter 100. City Committees—Conflicts of Interest don't need radical new directions, we 100.01. Definitions. The terms used in this chapter are hereby defined as need strong and steady and experienced follows: }esdership. We don't need to iemake (i) Association. Business, corporation, firm, partnership, limited societp, we jus!need to remember who partnership, committee, labor organization, club, or any other group of �,e��• , two or more persons, which includes more than an immedi�te family, Well, on this day Bush was a kind of - a��g�CO���• populist. He wss sarely annoqed with (2) Business with which an individuai is associated. � tbe:interaal Revanue Service for its �{a) Any association, doing buciness in Minnesota, in connection with "rnllection abuses." An establishment which an individual is compeasated in�excess of$50 excep�for actuai man by birth,hetxime down hard on the and reaso�able expenses in any month as a director, officer, owner, iax collectors snd endorsed a"Taxpayer member, partner, employer or employee, or is holder of securities Bill of Rights"on behalf of Main Street. worth�2,500 or more at fair market value. Bo:n an ivy I.eaguer,he sounded as if he @� �Y association,_daiag busin�ss ia Minnesota, in connection with wouid like to abolis�Ysle and the stock which an individual owes money except for customary household zaarket. ` expenses, retaii credit accaunts. and mortgage contracts on the All in ali, it was a good speech. Bush P�cipal place of dwelling. has never diwiged any of_the advice �3) Financial interest. Any interest which shall yield,directly or indirectlq, a monetary or other material bene�it(other xhan duly authorized�alary vvhich he has given to the President, but or compensatiott for services to the city)to the appointed member, the he so�:nded as if.he had some ideas which spouse of t'he appointed member, and all minor children within the Reagan would find distasteful.If he con- custody and control of'the appointed member. tinues to do so,the word "wimp" will (4) Appointed member.� A gerson appointed by the mayor snd approved by be�ome just snother four-letter word, tl the city council to any advisory body,including but not limited to boards, , commissions,committees,and task forces,established by the city. 100.02.Conflicts of interest. Subdivision 1.Any appointed member who in the discharge of official duties �e T'he USCd TO would be required to take an action or make a decision substantiallq affecting y finaacial interests or those of a business with which the appointed member is associated shall take the follo�ving actions: Pau!Harvey News {1) Within forty-eight hours of an appointed member's discovery that he has - a conflict of interest,he shall prepare a written statement deseribing the center track at Fort Stockton. Texas: matter requiring action or decision and the nature of the conflict of � thea and there he set a closed course land interest. ' speed record more than 257 m.p.h. (2) File copies with the city clerk and the chair of the advisory body. Zben he drove the "flying r�ile,^ (3) If a conflict of interest presents itself and there is insufficient time to �ahich is the average speed on a single deliver a written statement as required herein, the appointed member miie of track measured when the car is shall verbaily advise the advisory body of the potential conflict. A going clockwise and counter-clockwise. ��tten sLatement shall then be delivered to the city clerk and the chair of the advisory body within one week after the conflict of interest presents ll�ore than 287 m.p.h.l itself. 1�at's fast eaough. Subdivision 2. T�e appointed member who has a conflict of interest as I am aware that competitive rac�driv- defined in Subdivision 10#this section s5si1 refrain from voting on or otherwise ing has caatributed most to improved p�uipati�ig in the artion or decision witt�which there is a conflict o�iaterest. perforn�six�e for passenger cars. An appointed member is sq�eci#icaily exempted from the prnhibitioas of this Today's automobiles, in all di�nen- subdivision when the action to be taken or the decision to be rendered is one sions, are an e�ormous improvement � which is solely advisory. over those oi yesteryear. 100.03.Sanction. Any appointed member violating the provisions of Section The smoot}�er a�eceleration, smoother 100.02 may be removed from the agpointive position by the mayor with the ride,ease of oontrol are incom�arable. �nsent of the citq council.Violation of this section may render the action taken And todaq's c�s are built safer and �'°}�able by the rity council or by a court of competent jurisdiction.Any monies Duilt to iast longer. paid as a resuit of such violation may be recovered by a joint and several action Automotive +engineers, competing for from the par#ies to the action and the appointed member interested in the same. sour favor, have delivered a beautiful SECTION 2 dri.:ng machine_ This Ordinance shE+lt take effect and be in force thirty(30)daqs from and after But they have neglecied one thing. its passage,approval and pubiication. , To accommod.ate govemment mileage Adopted by the Gouncil October 20, 1987. requirements they have allowed the ' (Continued on Page 16) (Contiuucd c�n Pagc 6) � ----�, \ • . " � � • ' . • ' ' ' ' � � � • � . � . � ��� WHITE - CITV CLERK , � ' . . � PINK - FINANCE �ITy OF SAINT YAUL 1 CANARV--DER,ARTMENT COLLflC1I � BI.UE - MAVOR ' � � � , Flle NO. � ���� � O/ WZ/LfZ/LCG Ordinance rl�.�_ Presented By '� Referre o Committee: Date Out of C mittee By Date An ordinance mending Chapter 25 of the Saint Paul dministrative Code pertaining to g ts to City officers and employees. THE COUNCI L OF THE CI TY OF SAIN PAUL DOES ORDA . Section 1� That Section 25�.�1 of the Sain Paul dministrative Code be and the same hereby is amended to rea as ollows: �� 25.�J1. Gifts prohibited. No of ' cer e�, employee of the City of Saint Paul� s�ous � the officer or em lo ee or mi�or chi �dren w ' thi t�ie cus��a�d Eont�ol o� t�ie of�ieer or e� o ee hall receive any gift: — -- _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ (a) from a person, firm r corporat ' on having any business, ad ministrat' e, legislati e, contractual _ or any other relatio ship with the ity or any of its departments or encies; or (b) from any person, irm or corporation where such gift would rende or tend to render the officer or _ _ _ . _ _. employee suscep ble to com promise or i fluence in any matter rel ting to his office or e ployment with the city; or COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ����- �` 7�-8� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By 1 WHITE - CITV CLERK • PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council ' o� CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO• u r/��� BLUE - MAVOR � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By � Re rre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date written state ent shall then be delivered to the city clerk and the hair of the advisory body within one week after the onflict presents itself. Subdivision 2. The a pointed member who has a conflict of interest as defined in S bdivision 1 of this section shall refrain from voting on or o herwise participating in the action or decision with which there ' s a conflict of interest. 1�l0.03. Sanction. Any appointed member violating the provisions of Section 100.(�2 ma be removed from the appointive position by the mayor with th consent of the city council. Violation of this section may ren er the action taken voidable by the city council or by a court of competent jurisdiction. Any monies paid as a result of such vi lation may be recovered by a joint and several action from the p rties to the action and the appointed member interested in the sa e. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect an be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval nd publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen �eae�EE ��� Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY��'� "' ' �'����'�' ��°�� � ? By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WHITE - CITV CLERK • � � . PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT YA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � 9 BLUE - MAVOR . - F11E NO.���� /D� / . . Ordinance Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3. That Chapter 25 o the Saint Paul Admi istrative Code be amended by adding a new ction 25 .�5 to rea as follows: "25.05. Disposition f ifts. An gift iven and received in violation o this cha te m� be returned to the donor or turned ov r to the i� to be used � the Ci� or to be sold wit the r ceeds of such sale deposited into the general f d of the City." Section 4. This ord inance shall take ef fe a be in force thi rty (3 0) days from and after its passage, a roval and pulication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman s�ne�nei Against BY Sonnen �3.desee /c��l�'l�0-- Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �^ �Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ���'u"� ' i�"��L 7� �' By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By 3 � ♦ Wftk�E� +.e��'+�7�Y`C'!:$h.K �. "� ,.;; 7SA�' ,..: i-;; "-'.'.. :�'. ...:: � ..... .F - �� ,:.:-� . .. . _.. . . � {. PfNK FINANCE �' . � .�.. � � �i � Y± CWlACII . � . '� �.. y < f,ANAitY ERARTMEP4T • ����v .�,�T ��NT YL7�'�J 91�UE — AMOR . . `3� 'fi �`+' A� � .� - ... Fiie N 0. �i�� .,.,,_ ,+++'t�� ,,_ �! ,. � • -�� Drd�ndnce � Ordinance N�. Preseated By��_=_: _A� _. °`',�s .-, � -; _.�.° �,��y; ��� Referred To Committee: Date ...----y� � „_ , . Out of Committee.By ,. , Date _ f . . , - �' ��al.io� �« : .. �� `�. - � ' �baL C�spt�s �3 e�� tl� ��rint paol �►e�r!#isfisaL# �o�s b� � bY K�dit� � � ��ctias 35.l3 to s��as i�l . � �\ � `�,,s � "2S*i� nis o+s tia�e ' t i��a. lo �.#�!_t_ ,i�r�a and �_ � sr+e� �� ,,,.� ��a..�..00 d �a�a � sa � s�� � to t �"�',,,,oaos is ttssi►'� d �'i�o t �""��"�i ss�e ,. . s. .. t or tio b�`�3 �r t �i s e��'�"'sa� �3a�ts .�. 9� a, � �-3 .._"' ' ..... ��� � � � �Li. crrdio.�. sh:li tat� .t�.� ; b. i. foartx t�irt� t��� _ �sya lraR �d slt�s �ts p�assay�, o�rs as� prlleaaEtfaa�t, ; � � �� � �' t ��r . _ i x �: .� ��+. � '�� COUNC[LMFN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � .,r ....„.. .., ,; Drew ,,. - Nicosia ln F�voi R�ttman sch°'b°i A air�st BY Sofinsn g �.iir.. '1..,�t trf�- wilson � Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney . 'a Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �` , By Approved by Mayor: Date , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY— � . � � �y . .,�4 .. . . . . . . � .�.� . .�..- .� -3 � �., . : . . . . .. , . . - • / ' . �i . ' . ' , � `h�_ .�. .. � ��•� � .: - � . . .. . ", � ,� �/ . � `� ' ,� 01 -j�-:�"'7 �tiSt •. •.'�* .�. :9- d � �'?r� [ � � ' - �1 7 � , ty. � _'.�'i� 3rd � �� Adopted �`� :-.--_._. � �=�-e'7 Yeas�.._. �f � � • pays �•_�,y_`;-� . � � I�z D�1 � �.� ;�7 �; 1 , ��� �� SCSEIBEL SONNEN WILSON � MR. YRESIDENT TEDESCO ._ .�,�.�,,_...,,-.�.____.._-.