D00740...,,. - c«v c�<.k Pink — FinancrDeDx. Cenary — DePt. • JYSv'.:4_ y�Ud9L?.� " ti6HL171 GITY OF �JAINT I�AUL OFYICiF. OP TF;E MAYOR ApMI3YIS'IRATIYE OSLDEIL Bi'1X;E,7' K}i175I0\ ���ZJ�.��rT�'E �)�ER., Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in SeCtion t0.OZ4 of the City Charter and basEd on the request of the Director of tf�e Department ot Pub I Z C Heath to amentl Lhe t9_Q5 budgeC of the $p2Ci d� Revenue fund. the Director of the DepaRment �. ot Fnance antl Management Services is authorizetl to amend saitl budget in the foflowing manner. Current Amended Budget Change Budget � �U�-3.�SG4G-V_�1 LLAU 9tlfi111�ib151 YWUUIld11 - :ISIt�UlYtl1S'L ?Q3-S3.4o-u3ti9 }n�iD tinf.iisei"ntii - SAuiPT„ °AEi'� d�'c'3344C'Ua.17 (�'�At� (itffllSi�{tSNL - Lt(.�V�i� [1���"l.t� 3u5-33iu6-Gii9 Ln"au �Bai&�Siui - r"BES 3o3,n96,GG $u.GG YL(��Y7�UU $is9,a9i,i3 `s34"u,oJo,i3 No: y� 7�� Date: � � _ ��_ J 322,GOu,Oi+ 3i,u0"v,OC 'sn,u9u,a0 t3iy,09u,QG! S�.UU 38a.896,u0 3i,"vu"v.6u 93z.5%s4,40 5:20,3"ri.93 �39��C.70.�3 �[ICGCP�� TItL'� :4'hLL C$A�ltt�u LISfl�t fltltl(ti�ifF�! YKUG�Ft�I M1S�3177 �Yff�JLh� f�iU1t��J�i1� L�' 1YfE lUU� .iUO U. 'k!I� CCItt YriIL�I!'iYNCu 4Uul� �UYYL'd] LitlJ NK_;tlGS iflfNB:'I1„t 9}!'U RYY�It1S9� 1:1�uBL 1� SYBNt/.AU e�� :[i l�n LUV LUU55 FHfli L'VtJLU ''�JU 1KflId�FEktd, Ttl$.TSCNl1Yv Gli 57S�U'L'�af�. it�AT 1CiS F1A✓�6 iIY,�Cll�S� 1�5 vf!6iVU13 Tl7 tti3 lYy� nUrlil3:� � i l. ��° _ _.`�C.. Appro . Mayor 1 � � �_,g�' oe�e i TOTAL # OP S16NANRE PAGES FOR �oo��o GREEN SHEET �° 3 2 4 3 6 INITIAVDATE INfTiAVDATE C(TV ATfORNEY �l CITY CL£RK L[.I BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SE4tVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR ASSI5TANTJ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City si9natures on Administrative Qrder budget revision for the Lead Abatement Program _ PLANNINGCAMMISSION _ C�VILSERVICE _CIBCOMMRTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICT CAURT _ SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE? PEASONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7NE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a wntract for this departmeM? - YES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis persoNfirtn possess a skill nat nortnally possessed by any curterrt city employee? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separote sheet antl attaeh to green sheet NJITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (WYw. W1�at. When. Where, Why): Spending authority is needed in 33246 Lead Abatement ofr personnel, fringe benefits and parts. There is authority in 0219 that could be transferred. Expenditures will be paid. NONE Deficit accounts. RECEIVED NOV 211995 CITY CLER4� AMOUNT OF [RANSACTION S 29 .OQO COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE frantt ACTIVITYNUMBEq 33246 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPV+IN) ..I 1 A i f�. 1J'�l