88-583 WHITE - CITV CLERK t . PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 CANARV -OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � BIVE -MAYOR File NO. • O� indnce Ordinance N 0.�,-.1�.5'� �' _ �' � 1 , o(_ Presented y _ Referred To ��� �- w `� � Committee: Date �'�'��� '�� Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO NORENCO CORPORATION, A WHOLLY�OWNED SUBSIDIAR OF NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, AND ITS SUCCES ORS AND ASSIGNS, PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE A D MAINTAIN A HIGH PRESSURE STEAM LINE UNDER AND T ROUGH PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY AT SEVERAL LOCATIONS WI HIN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0 SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec ion 1 . Permission and authority re granted to Norenco Corporation, a wholly�owned subsidiary o Northern States Power Company (hereafter , "Norenco") , its s ccessors and assigns, to operate and maintain a high pressure steam line under and through public rights of way at several loca ions within the City of St. Paul. Sa id 1 ine has been constructe underground along the tracks or right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Co. (hereafter, "Milwa kee") , and along the tracks of the Chicago and Northwestern Tra sportation Company (hereinafter , "Northwestern") , between Nor hern States Power Company's High Bridge Plant and the Waldorf Corporation (hereafter, "Waldorf") recycled paperboard and foldi g carton manufacturing facilities at 2250 Wabash Avenue in St. aul , and crosses public streets , ways and/or air rights at seve al locations. The location of said tracks or right�of�way is desc ibed as follows: COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Sc6eibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Ap oved by Cit ttorney Adopted by Council: Date ° ' � � Certified Passed by Council �ecretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , . - � ��-��-� Beginning at North rn States Power Company' s High Bridge Plant and M lwaukee' s right-of-way, adjacent Cliff Street near Smith Avenue ; thence running southwesterly along Cliff Street to Ann Street; thence curving westerly t Western Avenue and Grace Street; thence westerly alo g Grace Street and Benhill Road to Short Line Road; th nce along Short Line Road to Selby Avenue; thence continuing northwesterly on a line crossing Snelling Avenue at Marshall Avenue and Fairview Avenue at Interstate 94; thence along St. Anthony Avenue to Pr 'or Avenue, continuing on sam e line to Vandalia Avenue north of Interstate 94 and to Waldorf' s facilities which are the terminus of the line. The steam line herein uthorized is for the purpose of serving Waldorf ( its succes ors and assigns, including as a partial assign of Waldorf, the Housing and Redevelopm ent Authority of the City of Sain Paul, Minnesota) exclusively; and this Ordinance does not autho ize Norenco to construct, operate and m aintain said line to erve high pressure steam to the public. Said Milwaukee trac s cross public streets or ways at several locations along their ength, including: Cleveland Ave. and G lbert Street, sidetrack, Ordinance No. 1827, uly 22, 1895, and Iglehart Ave. and Fr Street, spur tracks , Ordinance No. 2806, anuary 9 , 1909, and Ordinance No. 2855, ugust 23, 1909. Permissionand authority re further granted for such steam line to cross over , under and hrough all other public streets or ways along the length of the M lwaukee and Northwestern tracks as now constructed and located from the Northern States Power Com pany High Bridge Plant to he Waldorf facilities, where such tracks or crossings now law ully exist pursuant to ordinance granting such permission. Suc permission and authority shall be given for a period of years beginning with the effective date of this Ordinance, and continuing until June 30, 2001. Such permission and authority are not effective and are not granted for any period of t me during which permittee, its successors and assigns, has ot obtained and/or maintained in full force and effect a surety bond and insurance policy pursuant to sections 2 (a) and 2 (b) and pproved as required therein , nor shall any extensions of permission and authority be granted on 2 ��j��l��. . � ��� account of cancellation, laps or absence of said surety bond or insurance policy. Se tion 2. The Director of the Dep rtm ent of Public Works is hereby authorized to extend the perm t already issued to Norenco for the construction, operation and m intenance of the underground steam line according to approved pl ns filed with the Department, upon said permittee's (hereafter to include Norenco and its successors and assigns) continued compli nce with the following conditions: (a) Said permittee shall furnish and maintain a surety bond to and in fa or of the City of Saint Paul as obl igee in the annu 1 amount of one and a hal f m il l ion dollars ($1,500,00�) conditioned to require the surety to comply with and fully perform all of the terms , conditions, requi em ents and obligations of this Ordinance, includin but not limited to the payment of compensation as re uired by subsection (n) below, if the permittee fails to so perform and comply, without regard to whether t e failure is or could be construed as a default or a b each ; and further conditioned to fully indemnify, h ld harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and em ployees from any and all damages, c aims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of the failure of the permittee to com ply with or perform the terms , conditions , requirements and o ligations of this Ordinance. Said bond shall expres ly refer to this Ordinance and incorporate its t rms by reference, including any amendments authoriz d by subsection (o) below. Said bond shall by its t rms not be subject to cancellation except upon the expiration of 90 days following receipt of written notice b permittee and by the Clerk of the City of Saint Pa 1 . Permittee shall not be in com pliance with th s subsection until said bond has been obtained and is in force, and has been approved as to form, coverage a d com pliance with this subsection by the City Attorne and the Director of the Departm ent of Finance and Mana ement Serv ices. The surety on sa id bond shall be a pers n, firm or corporation resident in the State of Minn sota and registered to transact business therein , and shall have com plied with applicable statuto y certification or authorization provisions; (b) Said permitt e shall fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul, its agents, 3 � �/��� . , � �P ��- s�'� ��i ��t�� officers and employees from any and all damages , claims, losses, jud ments, suits or expenses on account of all claims of whatever nature for injury to person(s) and/or p operty arising out of or connected with the construct on , maintenance, operation and/or removal of sa id un erground steam 1 ine , or out of the permission and au hority granted herein , except for damage caused to t e underground steam line itself by the negligent act r omission of an agent, officer or employee of the C ty; and that supplemental and in addition to all ot er obligations on its part, jointly and/or severally, hereunder, said permittee shall furnish and maintain and pay all premiums and other expenses therefor, iability insurance coverage with a duly licensed lia ility insurance com pany, or an authorized surplus lines insurance com pany, authorized or certified as m y be required by law to transact business in Minne ota, naming the permittee as an insured and the City of Saint Paul as an additional nam ed insured, to the extent of a minimum of ten million dollars ($1 ,0l�J01,�00) combined single limit for injury ( including eath) to any person and/or persons and for damage to property in any single accident, insuring the City f Saint Paul against liability on account of all cla ms of third persons for injury to person(s) and/or p operty arising from or connected with the construct on, maintenance, operation and/or rem oval of said underground steam line hereunder ; except for dam age caused to the underground steam line itself by the negl gent act or omission of an agent , officer or employe of the City. Such policy shall not be a "claims made policy, and shall not have any endorsements res ricting the foregoing coverage; provided , however, that a claims made policy will be acceptable if it m ets all the other requirements of this subsection nd includes an option in form satisfactory to th City, which provides defense and indemnification for the City as to all claims required to be covered by t is subsection, for at least three years after the ter ination of such policy, regardless of when or whether the permission granted under this Ordinance has expir d or been terminated. Nor shall the above limits be onsidered or provided as annual aggregate limits. The permittee shall furnish a certificate of this insurance policy from time to tim e to the City of Sai t Paul as described in subsection (c) below. If permittee is required to indemnify and defend the City, t will thereafter have com plete control of such 1 ' tigation , but permittee may not settle such litigat on without the consent of the City, 4 . , �� , �^�� � ���1 %�'�'� T which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. This subsection is not, s to third parties, a waiver of any defense or imm unit otherwise available to permittee; and permittee, in d fending any action on behalf of the City, shall be entitled to assert in any action every defense or immunit that the City could assert in its own behalf; (c) Said permitte shall submit the surety bond and insurance policy( i s) required by subsections (a) and (b) above, on or efore the effective date of this Ordinance, to the 0 fice Engineer of the Department of Public Works . The Office Engineer shall submit said documents to the C ' ty Attorney for review and if the insurance and bond re acceptable said docum ents shall be filed with the D partment of Finance and Management Services of the Cit of Saint Paul; (d) Said permittee shall without any cost to the City in accordance with all applicable ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, statutes of the State of Minnesota and regulations of ublic authority having cognizance, maintain and operat said underground steam line; (e) Said permitte shall maintain and operate said underground steam ine entirely without cost to the City, in accordance with the permittee's approved plans on file in the Department of Public Works ; (f) Said permittee shall pay the costs of publication of this ordinance nd all resolutions or ordinances passed in relation t said ordinance; ( g ) Said permi tee shall pay the costs of administration, eng 'neering and inspection incurred by the Department of Pu lic Works due to this undertaking, up to a max imum amo nt of $2, 0�J0; (h) Said permittee expressly agrees to comply with Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended pertaining to street obstructions , in the prosecution of any o erations involving the maintenance and/or removal of sa 'd underground steam 1 ine; ( i) Said undergro nd steam line shall be removed and/or relocated by aid permittee without any cost to the City, Port Authority or Housing and Redevelopment Authority whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall by resol tion after notice and opportunity for hear inq by the erm i ttee, determ ine such removal 5 � � � � ��-.���� and/or relocation necessary ( 1) to discontinue or avoid interference with the public use of a public street or way as existing , or with any improvement of such street or wa , which shall include the repair and/or reconstruc ion of the railroad bridge and adjacent public str ets or ways, crossing Marshall and Snelling Avenues i the vicinity of the intersection thereof ; or (2) o avoid interference with the developm ent of an industrial park, major housing project, or redevel pment area project. In the event of vacation of a publi street or way which is not part of a public improveme t project , industrial park, major housing project, o redevelopment project, the City shall only vacate s bject to the rights granted by this permit. Upon or after July 1 , 2PlA1 , or upon the earlier termination of the permission granted herein, the Council of the City of Saint Paul may, without notice or hearing , order the said steam line and all appurtenant equipm e t rem oved from all public streets and ways by the per ittee at its sole cost and expense , allowing a reaso able time therefor . If not so removed, the City m y perform the work, and permittee shall pay all cos s therefor within 30 days after receipt by it of an invoice or invoices from the City. (j) Said permittee shall coordinate all work involving existing or propose utility installations, public or private , with the affected utility companies or agencies; (k) Said permit ee shall properly protect all excavations made i or adjacent to public streets or ways so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property, shall pro erly fill and compact said street right-of-way to avo d settling, and shall restore said street right�of=way in accordance with the Departm ent of Public Works st ndards for street openings, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works ; (1) Said permitte shall , during the term of this permit , restore an repair ( 1) all public property damaged by the construction , operation , maintenance , rem oval or relocati n or presence of said und erground steam line provide for herein, and (2) all private property damaged y the negligent construction , operation , mainten nce, removal or relocation , or presence of said und rground steam line; 6 . , . � ��= . ,�-� 3 � �.� � r �.�- � � (m) Said permitt e shall , within thirty (30) days from and after the ublication of this ordinance, file written acceptance thereof, specifically agreeing to all the provisions terms and conditions herein, with the City Clerk ; nd the filing of said written acceptance shal also constitute permittee' s acknowledgement hat this Ordinance settles and complies in all res ects with the terms and conditions of the settlem ent of the litigation referred to in section 1 of this 0 dinance; (n) Compensation. Fees due under this Ordinance: 1988=1989. Fo the fiscal year beginning July l, 1988 and endin June 30, 1989, permittee will pay to the City the sum of $250, 0f�(�.4J0, in twelve m onthly paym e ts of $20,833.33 com m encing August 1 , 1988 and c ntinuing on the first day of each month thereaft r until paid in full. 1989'=1990. Fo the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989 and endin June 3P1, 1990, permittee will pay to the City the sum of $260, �00.00, in twelve monthly paym e ts of $21,666.66 com m encing August 1 , 1989 and c ntinuing on the first day of each month thereaft r until paid in full. 199P1-2�01. Fo the fiscal year beginning July 1, 199P1, and fo each year thereafter until and including the iscal year beginning July 1, 2000, permittee wil pay to the City an annual permit fee equal to he Base Amount increased by the product of th Annual Escalator , tim es the Base Amount, as tho e terms are herein defined. The "Base Amo nt" shall be equal to the total annual permit ee required to be paid by permittee during the i mediately preceding fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 3�J. For example, the Base Am oun for the fiscal year beginning July 1 , 1990 and ending June 30, 1991 would be $26�1, ��0. 00. The "Annual Es alator" shall be a percentage equal to the percentage increase, if any, in the total amount of all those costs itemized in Article IV of the "Amende Agreement for the Sale of Thermal Energy between Northern States Power Company and Norenco Corporation" (attached hereto as Exhibit 7 . ��'�° vG � , ' ��� � / ��� / A) , incurred i the immediately preceding fiscal year ending Ju e 3(� over the total amount of such costs incurre in the fiscal year immediately prior to suc preceding fiscal year . For example, if t e total amount of all those costs itemized in s id Article IV incurred during the fiscal year e ding June 30, 199�, had increased 4.5� over the mount of such costs incurred during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1989, the Annual Escalator of .5% would be applied to the Base Amount of $26 ,00PJ resulting in an annual permit fee of $271 , 7 0 for the fiscal year ending June 3�1, 1991 (which would in turn become the Base Amount for he next following fiscal year beginning Jul 1 , 1991) . The Base Amount shall not be decrea ed if there is a decrease in the said Article V costs, but shall remain the same for that year. ( iii) Permit ee may provide for the payment of com pensation a d permit fees by another, but shall remain primar ly responsible for compliance with all terms and conditions herein, including those relating to co pensation and fees. ( iv) Permitt e shall timely pay all permit fees and com pensati n required herein without regard to cessation of se of the steam line , or tem porary interruptions f the delivery of steam through the line; provide , ho wever , that if the use of the steam line is permanently discontinued, then the obligation to ake monthly paym ents of the annual perm it fee sh 11 continue through December 31 of the calendar ear in which permanent cessation occurred and then shall cease ; and provided further ho wev r, that if for any reason deliveries of steam are o ce m ore m ade through the steam line under the ex sting agreement or an amendment thereof , or under a new agreement , between Waldorf, Nort ern States Power Company, Norenco, or any successor or assign thereof , monthly installm ents hall resume for the remainder of the period until J ne 301, 20011, and permittee shall in addition pay to the City the Base Amount as increased by he applicable Annual Escalator for each month in which no payment was m ade. The Base Am ount and An ual Escalator, in case of resum ption after a cessa ion which resulted in discontinued paym ents , shall be com puted as if the cessation had not occur ed and the steam line had remained 8 • � � � :� ���� � � � �-t.�. -�` �;�=�c� in operation. (o) Every section, provision or part of this ordinance is declared sepa ate from every other section , provision or part; and if any section, provision or part shall be held invalid, it shall not affect any other section, pro ision or part. If Section 2 (n) or any part thereof i held invalid , the City may at its option amend said ection 2 (n) , to which amendment or new language permittee, and its successors and assigns are bound and shal accept its terms and conditions so long as the total a ount of the annual paym ent required by the terms of thi Ordinance is not increased; (p) The provisions of this ordinance are for the benefit of the ity , the permittee , Waldorf Corporation , the u er of the steam service, and the successors and assi ns of such parties, and not for the benefit of third p rties , except as and to the extent provided in subsections 1 , j , and k herein ; nothing herein shall be deemed to relieve any person , persons or corporations f om liability arising out of the fa il ure to exerci s reasonable care to avo id inj ur ing the permittee' s fa ilities while performing any work connected with the rading, regrading, or changing the line of any public street or way, or with the construction or rec nstruction of any utility system or other construction roject. 9 WHITE ♦CITV CLERK , PINK - FINA'N�E COl1flC11 CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY O SAINT PAUL ��� BLUE -MAVOR File NO. • r indnce Ordinance N 0. ��S� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3. This ordinance shall take ffect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passa e, approval and publication, or upon f il ing of the wri tten acc ptance required by Section 2 (n) , above, whichever date is later. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng � In Favor Goswitz Rettman �� � Against BY Sonnen `i�1N �u t�'a� 3 � �� Form Ap roved by City At ey Adopted by Council: Date ' . /G�i�-/ Certified Pas u i e BY ` 8 gt� B ����� Y Appro by Mayor: Date — �° Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ey iSN�D �. �-�3 Form 17•5267(2-8'n • • NORENCO Corporation Post Office Box 1396 Plaza VII—Suite 3140 45 South Seventh Street AsubsidiaryotNorthernState9PowelCompany Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 (612)330-�791 RECEIVED June 2 0, �9 s s JUN 2 91988 C1TY CLERK Albert B. Olson Clerk, City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Subject: Ordinance N . 17567 Council File No. 88-583 Dear Mr. Olson: Pursuant to Section 2(m) o the above ordinance which was adopted by the Saint Paul ity Council on May 31 , 1988, the permittee, NORENCO Corpora ion, is pleased to and does hereby accept and agree to abide y all the terms and conditions of said Ordinance No. 17567 . Sincerely, �� � • Crai J. Anderson President CJA/kmp/nnnl _.. --- ��� __ =L�J T'v C�7'� . i a �,:� ���2 �: t,rt�; � ��"ri� r0E PA RT N-r _ ���`� ,N� _ 0 9 6 51 G�GG � � CONTACT � . .c,_. S/?a �PHONE . _ �_. �+7�'�( Ig, �9� DATE 1 Q/�� . • �r � � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cl i All Lo ations for Si nature ., , _ :�: ::, : �.: � . , Deartment Director`: . .. .. ,�..u.:� � .�_ -:; . . .•, � ...: ,J � ar;c .. ..;, j,{. ., P �` Director of �Managemen��%Mayor�� Finance and Management. Services D�rector _ : �, ,.., -,C�ty;.Clerk,;F� ��i:> ,���,�,�����,a�;�;,�r�R ' � . ; . , . . . } : � . Budget Di rector ' ' ,.. : � .. . : _:. �.. U!(� ._. , .� . r i �r�� .. �,i'� �t ^ . K SI14 II�+f�ktt Ci ty �Attorney .. : ,, _ .. : _,. . , , , ;r . � ,, � WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION-•ON TH -ATTACHED MATERIALS?�. (Purpose/�.�.. iL�,����: �, 4::. . ' • �, Rationale) ; �;�� ' � �b110�,.d{/O�M�A�I�JkS-��,"���� � � �D'` � d�` y� '�'fi �it+C�'z,� , ' ��d� �1 ��4'���Ci��ft ����c�`` � � �,: � ., :. �/__ �'�,^fj,f�Y�`��"�'�C� 'r}y, Y� '�",,�, .3�"^�' : :��.'�"`1/,dM�'��Cj:����BCY'� Il ♦("'dx'Y �°,�'r, s�'"� ���i'�`� � °r;�i w�' d4�,3r` � A ��� �tiilR 1�� NMI[,- I� �rx����� ....�......., � . �fQN ��� ���U�/I�,��wl:� 7'/IM�:� �(Q.. � ���..�+�"� � � • �:�/ � . �+ ;{ ,,, �lc� , } � a u�u�: v� � �����ZvOt �Cs���a�.�u��O ; ' # f�� � .: : �;.� ' . .t� }N?:« 3 f �;.i w :� +,e r...-W r.is a,.a � iI1 �,+i..a. ��i..:, +,. �.: d.& ��✓� F� '� � N .q�� . � T. +�./�»..x.ryj. +w+ ....�.+.M, .. ",�,, t �� 1�1 "" y ,� �,/s, P�md��I�.���W' �yfi/�i (�`�� �"FN�� �ri�k����;` "} t� ?4ut 5 ���j m �' _ 1 , ,r � ;`Rs� �f�� +,�, �P,r � .'TM1I3J.7�'� I�'�qa���� ..� ,��� � � � ��`� ��J� � �� � �` �`, .f, ,, ,��"; .t " i :y: �� �� � .. . . d' �4'��'�:� «� �.}�'�y'}'�`�a1�k�tr�'G�?.Cue.�UQ ..�� ,�j � }i ,COST BENEFIT `BUDGETARY 'AND PERSONNEL�IMPACT ANTICIPATED;;x�;���z� �f �,�,E;���� �„� '`"s.����' � '"`��� `u ��� �-� ��i •�����'V�� �'ti� �_���.;��: �.�, .� �--`, <:��'.��f.�fM#1 ti;„t.� �.i.�S ��r y r � � . .. � `� ��, aµ ������� _ . � . _ .. _ _ . � � cu� .. ��:- � �� � �� ` � �� � : � � �� � �� p��,�-- FINANCING SOURCE ANO BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER ARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- . _ ture .not ..re- ' . , . . , . _ . .. _. .. _.. _. Total Amount of "Transaction: 1U�i0� quired if under . . " $10,000) Funding Source: I�f� Activity Number: N�R� . - . . .. < . ._. _ , . . _ � � � � . .'{.:J.. _.... n.. ATTACHMENTS Li st 'and Number Al 1 Attachments : + -,:<w t,., {:J.:� _� , _ • • " .._ , • � : . ;, 1• pro�au,G� o��(,�u�tuc �vl� 200� " . ._ , _�,. .�.... ... . . i '� �. ,. ��� -e� a t `�� ik, �'.�'. r(}' "�r�._� 1 - �� .�'.' ... :.` "!t ./� c ,� l?y`+L,,� . _ � . . /��i� . . .. ._ _ ... .. . . . . . _ . , . _:; Z �dGt�u� . .. .�ya�+,cCII fr� , K //�y�'�Y �G,� /�(//�S : '- --- . . t;._...3'.{1�Y1�� �.�,.. �(y+.c"_.�Gll .: . ., .. � DEPARTMENT REVIEW a, CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council �� Required? Resolution Required? N�$ Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? N(�Yes No Yes �( No Insurance Attached: (SEE �REVERSE SIDE FO INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 M � _ � � Members: � �' ► � - � � • , � Ro er J. Goswitz, chair t;�; Li1 I i+ �11.1N 1: l 1iUL g , „E,;,,;t� Janice Rettman . ��R�,��R,�,�I� o���i+�ici�, r, .ru��, ci���Y (:U[JNCIL Tom Dimond � Date: May 11, 198 Co mittee Repor�t To: Saint Paul City Cou cil From :Public Works, Util'ties, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair The Public Works Committ e at its meeting of rlay 11, 1988 took the following action: 1. , 5/24/88 VACATION: P tition of riiller and Holmes, Inc. for the vacation of art of the alley in Block 59, Arlington Hills Addition. urpose is to expand their present facilities (bounded by eaney, Weide, Minnehaha and Arcade Street) . , Recommended pproval on 3-0 vote. 2. 5/24/88 FYNAL ORDER: Improving the alley in Block 33, St. Anthony Park by grad ng and paving from the North line of Lot 8 in • said Block 33 to the North line of Lot 12 in said Block 33. Also ondemning and taking an easement in the land _. necessary fo the slopes in the grading and paving of said alley (boun ed by Everett Court, Energy Park Drive, Tainter Stre t and Marsh Court) . Laid over in Committee to 5-25-88. 3. 5/17/88 FINAL ORDER: Improving MARYLAND AVENUE by overlaying that portion fro Western Avenue to Abell Street; milling, leveling and overlaying that portion from Abell Street to Interstate 5-E and constructing curb and gutter and sidewalk in the easterly 1,200 feet of the project; and constructing a street lighting system from Western Avenue to Interstat 35-E; and repair Westbound Bridge No. 62526 (located 600 feet east of Jackson) . Recommended pproval on 3-0 vote. 4. 5/17/88 FINAL ORDER: Improving LEXINGTON PARKWAY from Jessamine Avenue to ontana Avenue by constructing concrete curb, grading and aving or overlaying with bituminous material, reconstructi g a drainage system, constructing a signal system and street lighting system, repairing existing bridge and d ing all other work necessary to complete said improvements. Recommended pproval on 3-0 vote. C1TY HALL S�;vi�.N17� r .uui� S�11N"T l'P�UL, ri1NNLS0'I�A 55102 .!:'w..� .r, . . , �g��� �. 5. 5/17/88 FINAL ORDER: Improving WINTHROP STREET from Lower Afton Road to appr ximately 250 feet south to the cul-de-sac by grading, pav ng, constructing concrete curb and gutter; constructing torm water drainage facilities; constructing a sanitary s wer in Winthrop Street from Lower Afton Road to cul-de-sac constructing sewer service connections and constructing a water main in Winthrop Street from Lower Afton Road t south to cul-de-sac. Also, constructing water service connections. Recommended a proval on 3-0 vote. 6. ORDINANCE: epealing C.F. 280088 adopted April 14, 1983 and settling laims pertaining to litigation involving the Waldorf stea line. (Referred to P.W. Committee 4-28-88) Recommended 3-0 vote. • ����-�.x, . _ � ��'.�"����� '�,�; t� o t�-� `�k s� t�, ��. ��`��� '��ine �� �,� ��� , �� '���k�, �1 . ._ . : .. R . 8. RESOLUTION 88-679 - Releasing City's interest in slope easements ov r part of Lots 7 and 8 in Blk. 1 and Lots 2, 3, 4 and in Blk. 2, Hudson Road Gardens bounded by - Wilson, Ha el, Conway and Jayne. (Referred to P.W. Committee 5- 0-88) Recommended pproval on 3-0 vote.