D00734C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYQR g5 � $►t?.o Approved Copies to: - City Cierlc (Original) - Finance Dept's Accoun5ng Division - Requesting Dept No: -� Date: 5 ADMMISTR4TiVE ORDER, ConsisteM wffh the aufFority granted to the Mayor in Sectiun 1U.01.4 uf the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Generel Govemment Accounfs fo amentl the 1995 Budget af the General Fuad, fhe �irector of the �epartment of Finance and Management Services is authorized fo amend Said budget in fhe foNowing manner: DEPARTMENT & DIVIStON: FUND , ACTIVtTY ANQ OBJECT: Generai Govemment Accounts Retiree Insurance Gl 001-09002-0431 Heaithlnsurance Unemployment Compensation GL �01-090�40432 Unemployment Compensation PERA, Social Security, and Other Pensions GL 007-09013-0411 PERA-Basic GL 001-09013-0412 PERA - Coordinated GL 001-0901 3-04 7 6 F�cpenditure Credits GL 001-09013-0417 PERA - Police Reli GL 007-09013-0418 PERA - Fire Relief 3uilding Trades Fringe Benefits � 001-0901A-0438 Building Trades Fringes te Aud'ftors Fees L 001-�9130-Q216 Fees-Auditing CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 5,300,000 (498,300} 389,D23 200,DOD 472,937 (56,000) 3,089,883 (50,OQ0) (3,846,290) (500,000) 2,QQ1,867 (244,000) 1,638,584 (1QQ,000) 149,870 60,000 185,229 4D,OOD x - Fxempt Property Assessments 001-09051-0545 Contribution to County feited Praperty 001-09052-0542 Public Improvements ide Counset )01-09D73-0218 Fees-Attorney �ment and Compromise )1-09065-0512 Judgments abiiiry b�9070-0219 Fees Other Prafessional Services t -09D70-0511 5 ettlements > Compensation 09020-0443 Medical F�penses 09020-0444 Perm Partiai Disabifity by: Activity Manager Date � � � �� ��^ f+/� by: Ckpartment �i� Date � 7,500 4,9D0 87,097 36,500 200,OQ0 (115,OQQ) 17,997 (17,99� 3D,000 196,000 226,360 436,697 4,801,700 589,023 416,937 3,039,883 (4,346,290) 1,757,867 1,538,584 zas,a�o 225,229 12,400 123,597 85,000 0 226,000 663,057 1,125,000 505,80Q 1,630,800 342,OD0 101,400 443,4D0 11,417,057 0 17,417,057 C�►1'�a,Qf�. � � t1-/�-�}`� Ap r ed : Mayor `� Date ScMtPwl ButlqetOftlm (h:LLi:WSERSVNILLEMAtRSYft19951 GGMSAOp WK6) 11A5b5 ,,..�� � �ecnt5�e ildininistration - Budget Office ONTACtPERSDNkPHOTiE EricJ. Willems 2b6-8543 DATEMfRA'IFA W � �3� 11-15-95 GREEN SHEET NO. 31120 � DtYAR]MFNfDIRECtOR a C19YCOUNN. �enwaFxsrroq � CRYA7fORNEY �4 C[IYCLERK BUDGEIDIRF.CS'OR a FIN.&MGC.SE&VtCFS➢lR MAYOR(ORASSLSI'ANn O C{llEFACCtlUNtANT # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) 1995 year-end adjust�nent adminishalive order for the Generat Fund General Governtnent Accounts. I�ibS'J�7l�.i?� _PWNNN'GCqAAIISS[ON CNp.SERV[CECDA4IISS[ON cmcunQmltE _ t. Has trtis persoNfirm ever warked under a conhact for this depaRment? YES NO 2. Has this pe�wNfirm ever been a ciry emp3oyee? YES NO 3. Dces tlus pe�sonlfian possess a skill nat nonnally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO ail (Who.AmatUfien.lVkem. WcY). sheet and attach to The General Govemment Accounts has several activities that require additional funds to pay for bills that aze projected as payable in 1995. Also, the Ganetal Govemment Accounts has balances in several activity budgets that can fund the identified budget shortages. This administrative order will move funds from Retiree Health Insurance, PERA FICA Other, Outside Counsei, and Judgement & Compromise budgets to Unemplopment Compensation, Building Trades, State Auditors, Taac-Exempc Properties, Forfeited Properries, Tort Liability and Worker's Compensafion budgets. �veral acrivities within the General Government Accounts will have the budget authoriry to pay for projected costs to the end of the yeaz. 1DVANTAGESIFAPPAOVFA: one. RECEtVE� 6�tV� L � iJ�� �t-Ey ��ERK iNfAGESOFNOTAPPROVE�. ral Generat Government Accounts budgets wi11 not have sufFicient funds budgeted to pay for projected year-end costs. �OFTRANSACLION_.D V COSffREVENUEBU➢GETED(CiRCLEONE) R� General Fund ��n„Y�� vario [n?lTI.�Yiin.�rati3lL�iJl �ves xo � SaiMPaulBUtlgetOiRce (fr.LL F:WSEft51WiL.1FM51'12J1Yft19951 GC.A951�02 .WKd) itA5�95