88-211 . . �� .� � � . .... � '. �� �� '.� � ' � . , � , • � � � � � l � / �..,. ������ f �. � HtTE - CITY CLERK � INK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I T PA U L Council ��/,.yr�"� 1 ANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. y" �/" BI.UE - MAVOR . Ordin /LCG Ordinance N�. � Presented B � / f� "� � �'�� —�_`=,• _ ,...�.,� Referred To f �-u✓ Committee: Date ,� `�� �� Out of Commi tee By Date An Ordinance amendina se�tion 64.203 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. THE COUN IL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAiJL DOES ORDAIN: i Section 1 . Tha section 64. 203 of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code is hereby a ended so as to add the fol owing new clause thereto: (f) No building permit may be issued uncil 15 days after the adoption by the board oi a resolution granting any variance , an in the event an appeal is duly filed from the '��ard' s decision to the city council , no '� ildinq ��ermit may be issued until the council hall have made a final , determination on the vari nce request. � Section 2. Thi ordinance shall i.ake efie t and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. V� L� � �a ��� � � COUNCILMEN � ` equested by Department of: Yeas Na s Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman s�ne�bei A ainst BY Sonnen g Tedesco Wilson orm Approved City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Cou cil Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Da e pproved ayor for Submission to Council By By t I � . ' ' � �-�� ' � // . � Proposed amendment to C.F. 88-211 i Delete t e proposed language to go in Le�islative Code Section 64.203, and substit te the following new section: � I 64.2XX. If a variance or administrativeJ appeal is required or filed I re ardi a� construction, the Buildin Inspection and Desi n Division � — issue b ildin permits only when: (1) r�O opposition has been expressed to T the con truction, either in writin or � the up blic hearin of the Board of Zonin eals, or an agreement has beel negotiated between the affected artie at or before the Board up blic hlarin • or (2) opposition to the Board' decision on the variance or adm�inistrative review still persisting, — — --r until uch time as the ep riod for fili an appeal from the Board's decision to the City Council is expired, and nojappeal has been filed; or (3) the Counci has made a final determinationlon the appeal request. — — �— — I I I I I I I . �� -� �// �°����- CITY OF SAINT PAUL .��~o` ��� � � �, �� J OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY ',� iiii�i�'ii i �,: � ''� .� .,� >: � ., m - ; , ��� •�;',a`�',���� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY / i ,s ,� ` -� �`"3�,'.°,',m� � !�"'-; � �`( `r � 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minneso[a 55102 612-298-512� GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR �tECEIVE� April 2 , 1988 Ap� 2 01988 CITY CLERK To : A1 Olson City Clerk :��, From: Jim Har�"`���� Asst. Ci� Attorney Re : C.F. No . 88-211 ; An Ordi ance Amending Section 64. 203 of the Sa�nt Paul Legislative Code Under M nnesota Statutes Section 4�2 . 357 this amendatory ordinance must be referred to the Planning C mmission for study and recommen- dation. Until this is done the Co�incil is without authority to adopt t e amendment. At the ousing and Economic Develo�ment Committee meeting of March 2 , 1988 , I was asked to loo� into the possibility of enactin this amendment outside of the Zoning Code. My con- clusion communicated to the Commit�ee staff was that it could only be dealt with as part of Chapi$er 64 of the Zoning Code in accorda ce with Section 462 . 357 . � cc: Co nc3.lmembers Ka en Swenson I —_C ' � DEPAR�'MENT ` ��a�� N� Og,�,�i ,a , � - - J�lme-s Mur h � � CONTACT ' - 151 PHONE DATE �Q� e Q � IGN NUt+BER FOR OUTING ORDER C1 i µll Location for ;Si nature c 1 Department Di ctor Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Ma agement Services Director � 3 C.ity Clerk /,' �,�,/l� Budget Di recto � Chuc➢s McQuire, PED (.�`s"T � City Attorney .'— WHAT WIIL BE ACH:IE ED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE A�TAC �D MATERIALS? (Purposef � The purpose o this ordinance is to prohi �;t the RationaTe) : issuance of a uilding permit when the b ' lding and site of the construction has been gran d a zoning var'iance b�. the Board of Appeal� and this varsance has been appea ed. Under this ord�.na,nce d building pexmit may be i'ssued until 15 days �'ter the vara,ance has been gxanted. If an appeal is filed, no building pe mit can �e issued until ,th City Council makes a 'final dete�ina- tion on the va iance. ' , In the past,- b ilding permits have been i sued, stating that an appeal was in process and the corrs:truction could be ompleted at the owner' s own risk, When the appea is approved, the work• whi h had been completed had to be torn-down or m dified. This is a cost su fered by the owner. , COST/BENEFIT, UDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMP �TS ANTICIPATED: No cost to the City ualess the variance a plicant files a claim against the City because o additional costs due to a delay caused by the City beyond a reasonable tim pera�od. • FINANCING SOURCE AN BUDGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHARGED R CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- . twre not re- Total Amount of " ansaction; quired if under � Fundi�g So�rce: � $10,000) Activity Number: . ATTACHMENTS List an Number A11 Attachments : _ Ordinance DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY'ATTURNEY REVIEW Yes �No Council Resolution Required? � Resalution Required?' Yes X No Yes x No Insuran e Required? Insuwance Sufficient? Yes X No Yes X No Insuran e-Attached: ' (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRU TIONS) Revised 12/84 _ .. _r; � . ,��y. . ' ^ . . Y`• r . HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET • , , ' �, , . . s The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: � ' � � 1. to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary suppo�in� materials are prepared, and, if . required, attached. . Providing complete inforn►a'tion under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contact� that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL II�ACTS heading provides space to explain � the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broac�er financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of chanqe or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before rauting through City offices. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frec�uent types of documents: . CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) � � 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk ' 5. City Clerk � 6. Chief Accountant, F&M5 COUNCIL RESOT,UTION (Amend. Bdqts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. �Department Director � ' 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F'&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If� the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signinq such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires eviderice of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at titne of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2.. Collective bargaining contracts. � ' 3. Purchase, sale or lease of`land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnifica�tion. . 7. Agreements with State or Federal Govermnent under which they are providinq funding. 8. Budget amendments. . _ , i . � ��- � �/ Members: Bill Wilson, chaid�/ � CITY OF SA�NT PAUL ���� „�����o�� Tom Dimond e��� �� OP'FICE OF THE �ITY COIINCIL Kiki Sonnen Date: March 24, 1988 I '/� 4 l.J� �^ WILLIAM L. WILS N r MARK VOERDING �oun��lman C o m m i tt e e', R e p o r � ��C��g18�at1�8 A�ae M /��p , To: Sai t Paul Cit Councii '� ' �' ' �q ' Y f, R,��r98 . �ci�' 8 ._� . From . ousin =4 g and Economic [�evelopment Comr�'fi�� ��� Bill Wilson, Chair .���;�� l. Appro 1 of Minutes of February 24, 19�8. APPROVED - 2. Letter requesting that consideration b� given for additional funding for th YWCA from Emergency Shelter G�ant funds. COI�II�IITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L. ,�_�1._—.______ ____ ,--.. -�-----._-- _ ___ _ _ _. _� 3. Ordina ce amending Section 64-203 of tl�e Legislative Code pertaining \ . to bui ding permits and prohibiting is�uance during an appeal process. CO � ��'AI�iENDED APPRQV�L AS AMEN ED. 4. Ordina ce amending Chapter 60 of the Le�gislative Code pertaining to zoning and ad pting text amendments as recomme�nded in the Summit Avenue Plan. COMMIT EE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMEND�ED. 5. Letter from John Daubney requesting a clommittee appearance by Joe Lombardo regard ng space problems in City Hall a�nd off-street parking space for city o ficials and employees. NO ACTI0�1 TAKEN 6. Resolu ion approving funding priorities� and budgets for the Ninth Cycle of the eighborhood Partnership Programland extending appreciation to the ap liciants for their time and effo t in the development of the proposa s. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT I PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 a�d6 I , � � AGENDA ITEMS -- / --------------- ----�----------- -- ---------------- �,��-� - ------- ------ --- - ----.-------�--- ---------------- -- ---------------------- ID#: 87-[568 DATE REC: [12/16/87] AGENDA D�4TE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [ORD. MENDING CODE RE: ISSUANCE OF BUI DING PERMIT AFTER AN APPEAL ] . � C.R. STAFF. [NO E ] SIG:[SONNEN ] OUT-[ ] CLERK ���'�7� /v��� (1RIGINATOR:[COU CIL RESEARCH ] CONT�ICT:[MURPHY - 4151 ] ACTION:[ ] C ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURNE[� [00/00/00] FILE CLOSED [ ] • � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO. [RES UTION ] [ ] C � ________________ _______________________________�_____________________________ - - AGENDA ITEMS --� _-�_____________ _________�__-__ -- __________________________--_ ����_��,�j ID#: 87-[569 ] DATE REC: [12/16/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ) SUBJECT: [EXTEND RESTRICTIONS ON ISSUANCE OF PERI�ITS RE:ADULT USES ] C.R. STAFF: [ ] SIG:[WILSON I ] OUT-[ ] CLERK [�9�7d07,/ Z//J ORIGINATOR:[WILS N ] CONTA�CT:[ ] ACTION:[ I ] � ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURNEDI [00/00/00] FILE CLOSED [ ] � � � � � +� � � � � �I � FILE INFO: [RESO UtION <2 PGS)/TRANSMITTAL LETTER FROM CITY ATTNY (SEGAL) ] C 7 C ] ---------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- � I � � � , - _ - �' -- . - - - --- - -- --- -- - -_. _. y+�+�TE -.CrTV c�eRK (l3ETURN TO JEROME SEG L-��,AFTER ADOPT�ON) • P�".�K . •- FINANCE ' � • . ��N�R� - OEPARTMENT CITY' OF St� Ir'T ��AUL Council (/� ��� e�ue _ r,��roR � Flle N�. ;1:� ''� 0 rdin�nce Ordinance ri�. Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date An Ordinance� amending ection 64. 203 of the Saint Paul I.egislative� Code. THE CO NCIL OF THE CITy' OF SAINT AUL DOES ORDAIN: Secti n 1 . T at section 64. 2C3 of the S int Paul Legislative Code is . hereby amended so as tc add the f llowing new clause thereto: ( ) No building permit ma e issued until 15 days - after the adcption by t e board of a res�lution �ranting any variance, nd in the event an appeal is duly filed fr m the board' s decision to the city council , no buildin permit ma be . issued until the counci shall have made a final determination on the va iance request. Secti n 2. Th ' s ordinance shall take ef ect and be in force thirty days from an after its pas�age, appro al and publication. �� COUNC[LMF ' • Yeas ays Requested by Department of: • • Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman Scheibel A ainst BY Sonnen g Tedeseo Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adupted by Council: Date Ceriified Passed by C uncii Secretary BY B�� � Approved by Mayor: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY - - � . .' ; �. . , ' . . �e I Q..v.�.../ ��-r- —. • , � .: -t�/� , `�TY" ��, CITY OF S�N PAUL � a� , _;�� � ., ��` ;^� 'i DEPAR�MENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � ����n�iuw ,= n '����1t-�����' ,:- KATHLEEN A. STACK —DIRECTOR �ea♦ 545 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-4431 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR IFebruary 4, 1988 -'5.,;..'� ��sr.',.-,���- �,�� MEMO TO Council President James �cheibel � �-� � �l ^�```�J n FROM: Kathy Stack�$� , ,� ,.��� {������ Mayor ' s Cabinet `�''`�`��k SUBJECT Proposed Zoning Amendmen� The Cab net does not support the p oposed ordinance amending the zoning ode under Section 64 . 203 ( ) , presented by Kiki Sonnen Decembe 19, 1987 . Although we un erstand the need for action, we beli ve a text amendment is ina propriate. The far majority of variances granled by the Board of Zoning Appeals are for innocuous, noncont�oversial p�ojects. If the amendme t as proposed is adopted, �uilding permits already delayed 45 days for a needed variax�ce could be delayed an additio al 45 days before the appe�l period would expire. Given the sho t construction season, newjdevleopment would be unduly hindere . We prop se the City Council take a�h alternative course of action. The con erns of the Council could l�e adequately addressed by means o a policy directive holdin� up the issuance of a building permit hen there is opposition tola variance granted by the Board o Zoning Appeals. j We have prepared the attached reso�ution for Council ember Sonnen ' s considerati�n. If you wish to discuss this fu ther, I would gladly arran�e a meeting with the appropriate City staff. /krz � cc: C 'ty Councilmembers C binet Members i A Olson J hn Sturner Attach ents � ' � Building Inspection and Design Parks and Re�reation Public Health Public Libraries : I a , . WMITE — .CITY CLERK e, PINK — FINANCE COVACII (� �ANARV — DEPI,RTMENT G I TY O F SA I , T PA U L File NO. ,�v �I� BLUE — MAVOH � � Council Re olution ' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date t;THLREl`�S, tl�ere s a neeu to clariiy when a ilciing ��eriaits 511011ICa ue issu�c( iri cases involvii7g c�isL�uteU zoniny variances; aiia t°::-i�R::T�S, tiie I3o rc; oi Zonin�� AL���eals i� sciieauleu to meet �itiier onc� or t�•�ice a raontli auat�tii�� 1or:aal resoiation� to grant or ueny variai;ces a� ti�e iaeetiri�� folio��irlg trie �� ulic Iiearing; anG '.•;:ILRE��S, ttie Co ricil ai� ti�e City oi �aint i� ul has rinal auttiorit�T in ar�i:rovinc� or uei yi�ic�j a�7pealeu variances �ra iteci as� tlie 13oard oi Zoi�iaz�� AL��ea1s; and :�3I3Et�::1�S, ���itiz tl � a;�ove processes, �ne tii�e, ��eriocl to r�solve �t varia;ice issuc: coulu e.:ce�d 12 days; and ?�?Iii��tTAS, eaiien su h variances are o��r�oseu ;�y ai�ectea L,arties ar�d a�a�,ealeu to tY:� Couiicil in t ie arescri;�c-c� i:�a�iner, �i�e C uncil �:esires to iii;�it t�ie Ci�j?'s �i,c:i conrractor 's ria�c dT1C:J liaaili���, iilsuri y no construc�ion ��e��ins aezore ti;e ap��eal is f:u ly r`solveu; cZI1G ;7I3nR;:�S, uy �•�ait 'ny ro �.JJUC� a L�eri��it �or :i nconLroversi�l variances ui�tii suciz ti:a� as i.he ai�peal periou iias er.Y�ireu ould auu ar� ac�ditional �:5 ua�T ciela�r in star�in construction; anU t1iiLR�:��S, i� is t �e Cit1-'s desire no�: to ;�el y construc�.io;i iii ;aa't-tera Y�:rien tizere is r�o oi;��o ii:ior� to tne eonstru�tio;i r an u:jrG'E'1i12I1t cias i:ee.� I1C-"�OL1c3L"E.'c:; JC'Lt�:�2I1 L'17E' d1:1�: �Ci.i L�arries dt Or '.:e�ore �i 'c' i;Oc"irG �S �Ui�IlC i1GciYlil.�j allu t10i1, 'i�I1I,RL'r_'OI:E, ��: IT P�c;SOLVEll, �triat i.iie �i y Council airecLS Ltl� i;uiluinc� Ii�st:ection anci ll sigii Divisioiz to only issu ��erraits ior constructian reyuirinc; varian •es ���lien: (1) �Lhere is no o} L�ositiorl �o �he construction or an a��reei<<ent iias i�c n iiegotiateu uets�een tlie a iected parties a�: or beicr� tlie �ouru 's L�uulic h aring; or (2) oL�position o Li�� variance stili persi::i:ir�c3 , uiitil sucii i:ir�e s ti�e Neriou for ziling an !a����eal froii► i;t�e ioaru 's c;ecisiun zo ti e City Coun ii is ext�ireu, ariu no a���;,�e� I iias ueen rilec::; �r (3) ci�e Council 'rias .,,aUe a �inal ue��r;airiation on ti e a;i�eal rc�uuest. COUNCIL MEMBERS R uested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman scne;n�� _ Against Y Sonnen_. Wilson Fo m Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc 1 Secretary Y By Approved by 1�lavor: Date Ap roved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ; ' ; � Y . . �' r , • ` _ /�'�';�f� C. . . .. � . . . i .. � N° 0 ;'^.s,�un^' DEPARTMENT • �:� .. . _ . 92�1 ~'� J�m�s Mur h CON7ACT I : f . . � . -�, - 151 PHONE � DATE � 1 Q/�r� Q ` � � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR R UTING ORDER Cli All Locations r Si nature : - �• : 1 Department Oire or Director of Management/Mayor `� Finance and Man gement Services Director • 3 City Clerk /�� �,/1� Budget Director I � Chuck McQuire, PED l.�`1'7 1 � City Attorney �EtiAT WILL BE ACHIEV D BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACH D MATERIALS? (Purpose/ • . The purpose of this ordinance is to prohibLit the �t�onale) : issuance of a uilding permit when the bui� ding and site of the construction has been grant d a zoning variance by. the oard of Appeals and this variance has been appea ed. Under this ordinance o building permit may be issued until 15 days fter the variance has beenlgranted. If an appeal is filed, no building pe mit can be issued until th� City Council makes a final determina- tion on the va iance. In the past; b ilding permits have been i�sued, stating that an appeal was - in process and the construction could be ompleted at the owner's own risk, When the appea is approved, the work• whi h had been completed had to be torn-down or m dified. This is a cost su fered by the owner. _ . " . � COST/BENEFIT, UDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMP CTS ANTICIPATED: � ' • ' No cost to the City unless the variance a plicant files a claim against the City because f additional costs due to aldelay caused by the City beyond a reasonable ti period. �INANCING SOURCE A BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- � ture not re- . Total Amount of ransaction: i quired if under , : - �10,000) ' ,'�' %� � Funding Source: �. ` Activity Number � ' 1 ��� �/ ' . . �TTACHMENTS List nd Number All Attachments : I • • j: c, Ordinance � � � •, � �. � I . � U�PARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW • Yes �No Coun il Resolution Required? � � ' Resolution Required? Yes X No " Yes x No Insu ance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes X No �- � Yes X No Insu ance Attached: , . . ' , , . . . ., . , . Y , . . - rr• . F�. � * . _ � . (SEE •REVERSE SI DE FOR INS RUCTIONS) . , -�.! . : ; � . � ,�, . � . . , .� � . . . . . - .� y '._:.. - . ' ,... , .�. �rised 12/84 ' e . , � . ' .. . � . . • � ! --- _ _ — ` !3 . J � „ . �� . . . _ . , . • _ . . - . _ - : �� /�.�. . • _ .,_ . .� - . � �� . . � '�,: . � - • - � '�� � —�- -------- -- ------------------------• ---�--- --------- � �- � �k -wHITE - C�Tr ticwrc ���NK � i1NI�MCE COU�ICI� � ���Mh1�Y-DEP�qT►�EN7 CITY OF SAINIT PAUL File N0. � •LtJE �M4YOR I ♦ 0 rdin � ce Ordinance N O. � � _ � Presented By � �D � ! Referred To ICommittee: Date � Out of Committ e By Date t An Ordinance amending sec ion 64.203 of the I Saint Paul Legislative Co e. � THE COUN IL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAU� DOES ORDAIN: Section �. � Tha section 64.203 of the Sain�t Paul Legislative Code is � hereby ended so as to add the follbwing new clause thereto: (f) No buildin ermit ma be 'ssued until 15 da s after the ado tion b the oard of a resolution rantin an variance, and in the event an a eal is dul filed from he board's decision to the cit council, no bu' ldin ermit ma be issued until the council s all have made a final determination on the varia ce re uest. Section 2. � Thi ordinance shall take �effeq't and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval� and publication. � - - � _ I � � . COUNCILMFN equested by Department of: Yeas N ys Orwv N;a,�;, In Favor A�ttmsn i ___ �''•'b•i Against j By so��.� T�daco Wilson IF«m Approved City Attorn _ Adopted by Council: Date '� Certitied Passed by acil Secretary _ By . � � BY , ' . < APproved ayor tor Submissioa to Council `��., ;=� .. Annroved bv MaVOr. ate � , ! . � ' , i, ' . . ' i j,�� ` �s �'i°� ' �� """""'��� ' � CITY OF SAiNT PAUL _J����T I OI��Ji -"�� ''��'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '� �: :� ui�nm ,= %� �� �� �° ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK ;• _ J�''���,m;,',,;���°� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minntsota 55102 GEORCE LATIMER . 612-298-4231 MAYOR December 18, 1987 Honorabl George Latimer � - I Mayor Room 347 City Hall Attentio : LeeAnn Turchin, Deputy Mayor Dear Ms. Turchin: The atta hed ordinance/resolution is her by referred to you for review prior to placement on the City Council a enda pursuant to Section 2.07 of he St. Paul Administrative Code. Very tru y yours� I - � ��: �?� ,, ,�_ . - ;�[,��� . .��� '� -�- �,-'��� Albert B Olson City Cle k ABO:th CC: Co Cilin2Rlber Sonnen I �-��--� U ��Y�� - �>C_-�..� '.�.�� /' �t�t C.�.4� 't-'``' t��� :�� l:/� ^`�� . � J\.c, ,-, � S ��� � ,-��;ti, c �_SC- ✓ �� ; �� ..�.�......---_.���--._�__, � .� XJ 1 �T � . .. s;ti 4 r ,l � 3 tt j w .5-�. 'r :� 'l S� ' ?,h x 5 4 K n ,r � � � �. ��i 5 �Y y { a, j - �r , � g � Fr �`���i�'�`�, '�1_ E. �� A, r � �` � �` P. £ �` ' \ �� �� ,' �1 C _ _ s 1 _ .s '.R 1 � .�'x �(P� �lA � { ��,� 1�� �+y�.���r��; � r 'j�l ,,.,�. '.,'� �,. �t '�� r w ME: �' ��` � .. 4; �� �,r � ,� � � S � � - � 7+: > ` � '` �' � } � �;; � ,�'j,� ti4 � �� 1 r ��f 1 � r Y F� y, a�a , .t��i 6; s k � � i � C� � � � .. 1 y�r�, 4 � � ,r , . �� M L �'"� a"� } rj � �� � . �, � ,�v�s� � ,�:�� � � .. 3 i ) A)�Y� f.r -' "`'+ ��;� 4 � „� • \� S t q �. _ . 1 '1 ! � �,� "'�S � y ��� ��' � J ,�{ F 1� 4 � r L ' �� � -.�` •�'.,,�` .� ���". � �� ����: � � �� �. 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