88-151 wHiTE — c�rr c� K PINK '•- FINANCE GITY � OF � AINT PAUL Council � ��� •� C�NAqY —`DEPART ENT BELE —MAVOR File NO. JTH/City At ny. . rd n�nce Ordinance N�. 5� Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date The Council of the City o Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section l . Section 140 .0 of the Saint Paul Legislative Co is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 140 . 01 Defi itions Subdivision 1. T rms . The definition of this section shall app y in the interpretation and enforcement of th' s chapter. Subd. 2 . "Pedest ian S�tyWay system" means any system of providi g for pedestrian traffic circulation, mech nical or otherwise, elevated above ground, wit in and without the public rights of way, an through or above private property and buil ings , and includes over- passes , bridges , assagecvays , walkways , con- courses , hallways , corridors , arcades , courts , plazas , malls , el vators , escalators , heated canoPies and acce s and all fixtures , furniture, signs , equipment, facilities , services , and appurtenances . T e term shall include systems or portions of sy tems which are built in the future. For purp ses of this chapter , a pedes- trian skyway syst m shall include stairways and escalators leadin from or into the skyway system from private buil ings and areas under stairs and escalators le ding to and connecting COUNCIL FN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman Scheibel Sonnen AgBiRSt Tedeaco Wilson Adopted by Coun il: Date Form Approved by City tt s y Certified Passed y Council Secretary BY J ' /Z��� By Approved by Ma _ Date Appro ed by Mayor for Sub issi n tqCouncil By � . '-. ' . ;�,�e-t{°�"'�� /7.��// -z- concourse corridors in addition to stairs and escalators conn cting the concourse corridors to public streets or other public property. Subd. 3 . "Skyway g vernance committee. " The � "skyway governance ommittee" shall consist of seven persons ap ointed by the mayor and who represent , resp ctively, the Building Owner and Managers ssociation, the Saint Paul Police Departm nt, the Downtown Council , the Downtown Commun' ty Council , skyway connected small bus 'nesses , a representative from the accessibil' ty community and a youth representative. A chairperson shall be elected by the co ittee to call and preside over its meetings . The skyway governance committee shall in addition to other functions imposed this chapter, advise the mayor, council and building owners on all matters relati g to the successful public use and enj yment of the pedestrian skyway system and edestrian malls , including but not limited to lighting, standardized si�ns and director' es , improved communica- tions between law nforcement authorities and retail merchan s , hours of operation, and other matters f public concern relative to the public caays The skyway governance committee shall be responsible for enforcing adopted skyway pol cies , including but not limited to hours o operation, levels of maintenance, use o skyway space for sales and performance as nrovided for by section 140. 06 of this ord nance and advertising in the skyway corr dors as provided for by section 140. 08 of his ordinance. The sky- way governance co ittee shall have the authority to grant variances to the guide- lines contained in this ordinance, depending on the facts of th case in question. The ,, � , -,� . � , , � ���-����' . � ��,��� -3- skyway governance c mmittee shall conduct policy discussions at publ' c meetings , notifying interested parties f its meeting time and place , but may delegate so e of its regulatory tasks to committee members a d/or city staff, as it deems fit. Public meetin s shall be held at least once a quarter at an acc ssible site. The skyway governance committe will be staffed by the Department of Plann'ng and Economic Development . Subd. 4. "Pedestri �n mall" shall mean any indoor enclosed public mall , arcade , courtyard, galleria, gallery, piazza, sq are, or other type of indoor public pedestrian ay or open space . Subd. 5 . "Easement area" shall mean an area or areas of the p.edestrian skyway system or of a pedestrian mall wh' ch is subject to an easement g�anted by a priva e property owner to the City for the benefit of the public for pedestrian ingress , passage a d egress . Subd. 6 . "Town S are Park" shall mean the four leve s o enc osed u ic s ace esi nate as the concourse, str et, sk a and loft levels a ministered b t Par s and Recreation Division of the Saint Paul e artment of Co�mr.�.unit Services enera ocated n vacated Seventh P ace Street) between. Minriesota treet and Cedar Street . Sec . 2 . Chapter 140 of th Saint Paul Legislative Code is here y amended by adding a new ection 140. 09 as follows : 140. 09 . Town S uare Park. The provisions of section . and section 1 0. 07 ha 1 not a l to Town S uare Park. The sub'ect atter o sa es an er or- mances an a vertisin in own Scruare Par s a e overned b the a ro riat rovisioris o Cha ter 70 o t e Saint Pau Le is at ve Co e. wHi7E — cirr C�e PINI( - FINANCE GITY OF AINT YAUL Council ��`�—� CANAR,yl�DEPAR7M NT 1 BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. O�WZ dnce Ordinance N0. ���/ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of C mmittee By Date -4- Sec. 3 . This ordinance sh 11 take effect and be in force thir y (30) days after its pass ge , approval and publication. COUNCIL EN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Drew Nieosia ln Favor — Rettman Scheibel Q �� �� Against Teaesco .YI{ilton � Adopted by Counci : Date FEB 2 3 19AR Form Approved by City Attorn Certified Pass il Secr BY �' ' ' By � Ap b Mayor Date 2 5 Appr d by Mayor for Submission o il B ��+.�s�Q ��.r� �� �sea Community g rvices DEPARTMENT �� �S / ND 230 C r� B'urrou hs � ' � • CONTACT � /7.�/ 227-3307 PHONE 12/31/87 DATE ree� ee ASSIGN NUN�ER F R ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locati ns for Si nature : � � �. Department irector 2 Director of Management/Mayor ������ Finance and Management Services Director 3 City Cle k Budget Di re tor �. � '�'-��� City Attorn y WHAT WILL BE AC IEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE A ACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Clari.fy lan uage concerning the City's ortion of Town Square Park. There was no language that clarified exactly wha areas constituted Town Square Park. St. Paul Po ice interpreted Town square Park as just the Garden Level. Chapter 170 applied only to the Garden evel. The Concourse, Street & Skyway Levels are lso part of Town Square Park, but no language verified this. Police believed th t Chapter 140 applied to t Concourse, Street & Skyway which it does, excep sales, advertising, and pe formances. This new language verifies Town Square Park area, and Chapter 170 ill govern sales and performances in COST/B�ENEFIT B DGETARY ANO PERSONNEL IMPACTS A ICIPATED: Town Square. �c^�iv�� NA JAPJ � 0 i��f3 MAYC1i�'� �Ft'��,� FINANCING SOURC AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNBER CHA GED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00�) Funding Sour e: Activity Nu er: ATTACHMENTS Li t and Number All Attachments : Ordinance DEPARTMENT REVI W CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes �No uncil Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No I surance Required? �Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No surance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR NSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84