D00709� VJhi[e — City Cterk Pink— Fnance Dept CITY OF SA1NT PAUL � u OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER r,o: 1� (� Date: f� • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, in the matLer oi tne requirement of tne CiLy of Sainc raul L'nat ail iees not auL'norized by a contract or L'ne Purchasing Division must receive mayoral or coimcii approvai; and i9'r3r,isF'�HS, Tne St. Paui Fubiic Heaitn's ivIi, Trainin� Session on Septiemoer 25, 1995, and Prograzn nad a BreasLfeedir� �afiiF,i2r.�15, Judv Morneau gave a presentaLion ior a fee of �70.uv ana BeL'n radesiru gave a preseniaiion for �16u.0u. icefreshments were provideci by Herinepin County Medicai i,encer ior a fee oi �224.50 and oLher costs came io �1�O.u"u; L'nereiore be it Gni�r:cc`"'r,u, Tnat the City of St. Paui inrough its �iayor approce pa,yment not to exceea a�45 Lo 'v'arious rroviders. i;.md 305 Activity 33247 APPROVED AS TO FORM � Assistant City Aitorney Dat2 ���� ��� Department Head Administrative Assistant to Mayor ���� N_ 32430 GREEN SHEE _ . _ _ INRIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE ODEPAqTMEN�DIflECTOR �CT'CAUNCIL � CIT' ATfOflNEV � CIN LLERK O BUOGET DIRECTOR FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR. � MAVOFi (OR ASSISTANn TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES Authorization to pay for Harvey Slaugh�er, Vice Chair of the CHS Advisory Committee to attend the 1995 Annual Minnesota Boards of Health meeting on September 27-29, 1995. _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERViCE COMMISSION � q8 COMMITTEE _ __ STAFF _ __ DISTRICTCAURT _ SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECT7VE? 1�. Ther St. Paul Pu61ic Health's CHS Administrqtion Program sent Harvey Slaughter Vice Chair of the CHS Committee to the Minnesota Boards of.Health Annual Meeting on September 27-29, 1995 in Brainerd, MN. Harvey was invited to attend th{s meeting"because of His involvement with the CHS Advisory Committee. iF (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) PEASONAL SERVICE CONTRAC7S MUST ANSWEfi THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: i. Has tnis persuNfirm ever worked under a cuntrac[ for this 4epartmeM? - YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee,? YES NO 3. Does this person/tirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by arry current city employee? YES NO Ezplain ali yes answers on separote aheet antl attaeh to green sneet wny): cost of Harvey Slaughter 's attendance at this meeting will be paid. NONE RECEIVE� '� E OCT 2 71995 Ctl'X CLERk4 Harvey Slaughters cost of attending this meeting will not be reimbursed. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 4OO . OO COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) �?GT �5 1995 YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE �pgsia�. REven�ig F`�pri ACTIVITVNUMBER ����1 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � ��'