D00695CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF Tf� MAYOR AIIMINISTRATIVE ORDER �: ��QS i BUDGET REVISION nate: � � ^ Z� �� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor In Secdon 10.07.4 of die City Charter and based on the request of the Superintendent of Parks and Recreafion to amend the 1990 budget of the Capital Improvement Program fund, the D'uector of ffie Deparlment of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FINANCING Mears Park Renovation C90-3R003 HRA fund 147 SYENDING Meazs Park Renovation C90-3R003 construction CURRENT BUDGET 51,360,000.00 $1,360,000.00 CHANGE - $75,73$.33 - $75,738.33 AMENDED BUDGET 51,284,261.67 � 51,284,261.67 }�` `�--e�/ Approved y: dget D�tector (d-t �,�� Date Reques[ed by: Depa�tment DirecWr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES f-0R � � N_ 33620 GREEN SHEE _ _ . __ INRIAVDATE INRIAVDATE — DEPAFiSMENT DIRECTOfl � CRY fAUT1CIL CfTYATfOANEY � GITYCLERK BUDGEf DIRECTOR � PIN. & MGT. SEAVICES DIR. MAYOR(ORASSISTANn � Finance Accounting ALL LOCATIONS POR SICaNATUR� 5 Parks and Recreati on Approval of Administrative Order to amend 1990 Capital Improvement Budget to reconcile financing and spending for Mears Park Renovation. _ PLANNINfi CAMMISSION _ i _ CIB COMMlTTEE _ , � S7AFF � _ DISTRICf COURT _ . SUPPORTS WNICN CWNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever wotked untler a contraa for this tlepartment? � YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does Nis perso�rtn possess a Skill not noRnally po5se5sBtl by eny CurreM City employee? YES NO Expiain ail yes answers on saparate sheet and atteeh to gresn sheet WhEre, Why): The Mears Park Renovation project was financed with funds from the Downtown and 7th Place TIF (HR-A Fund 147). Because some project costs were paid directly by HRA, the City's Capital Improvement Budget reflects financing in excess of actual funding, and must be corrected. Budget and financing will match. None Cannot close out City's project account. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 175 ,738.33) FUNDIfiG SOURCE HRA Fund 147 FMANCIAI INFORMpT10N: (EXPLAIN) RECEIVEC� OCT 2 01995 CIT`l CLERK COST/HEVENUE BUDGE7Ep (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO ACTIVITYNUMBER C90-3R003-XXXX-34055 �,�