D00685CITY OF SAINT PAUL OPFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATiVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Na.: � a Date: l V � � �° Gs #: 16874 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 ot the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Deparfinent of Lublic�CQrk� to amendthe 19 9�_budgetof the Engineering Sund, ihe Director of the DepartmeM of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amer,d said budget in the following manner: Current Pa�nded �� Chatr�° Budge[ 1 2 3 205 - 12150 - 0359 O�her-Spu Matl & Supplies 20� - 12150 - �856 Data Procesting Software 205 - 72150 - 0857 Data Processing Hardware Tota15 52,062.00 $2,854.00 528,500.00 $33,416.00 54,366.93 (52,733.54) (51,633.09) $0.00 56,428.93 �120.16 �26,866.91 $33,416.00 Computer supplies purchased from capital ouHay budget mquired expensing kom materials budget to comply with established capitaliution reguIations. 9pending authority needs to be transferred from capltal ouHay to materials budget . • 4,� r`a�- -- Pwparatl by leuvAy Managar � �`----� RequestedbyDepatment irecror ---- — — — ---- ���� �� - ApprovedB yor —'�( J 1}AIV /V� V'� �f fo— lG-7j �,e ._ ._.� _ — DEPAR MENT/OFFIC UNCIL DATE INI71qTE0 Q� P,��«wor� 9/23145 GREEN SHEET ��"►`1 0. 1 68 74 INITIAVD E INITIAUDAT I CANTACTPERSONffiPHONE ODEPARTMENTDIRECTOF � CITVCqUNCIL , , TomKuhfeld2b6-fi311 NUMBFREOft ❑Cf7YATTORNEY Q CITYCLERK MUSTBE ON CAUNQL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTIN4 �$ BUDGETDIflECTOfl ❑j FIN 8 MGT. SERVICE DIR. °RD � MAYOfl(OF ASSISTANn �Ji w,�u�a �A S FK+- i E�— TAL # OF StGNATURE PAGES � {CllP ALL LOCATONS FOft SiGMATURE) ❑3 pSSOG1ATE _� OEPqRT1AEM ACCO yf � acrior+ aEauES�o Transfer of spending authority within ihe Public Works Engineering Fund sffeet design activi[y. RECOMMENDATI9NSAppwe (Ay oe Rejea (R) pEqSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMi5S10N _CNfL SERViCE COMMISSION 7, Has this persoNfirtn everworked under a conttac[ Mr ihis departtnent? C18 COMMITiEE _ YES NO STAFF 2. Has this persontfirtn ever been a ary employee? — — YES NQ _ DiSTRiCT CoUNCiL ._ 3. Ooes [his persoNhrm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any curren[ ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNqLOBJECiNE� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separaie sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE. WHV)� Computer pazts and supplies approved in capital ouday budge[ required expensing from materials budget co comply wirh esrablished capitalization regulations. Spending authority needs to be vansferred from capital outtay to material budget within the street desigri acrivity. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Transfer of monies within this operating activity will correlate [o actual spending patterns, capitalization regulations will be adhered to and d�eu won t appear to be overspen[. DiSADVANTAGES iF APPqOVED: None ���,.�,� � n ,� w ,�,,,_ RECEfVED OGT 1 � 1995 C1TY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ` ��� The materials budget in [he sveet design activity will appeaz overspent while the cap9tal ouflay budget will inaccuracely show a surplus. v " ,(� /� L,/ l/" ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 0p(l COSTlREVENUEBUDGETED{CIRCI,EONE) YES � DINGSOURCE �Eo.hlic_lYorks.Engine.exin€_Eund . __ ACTIVITYNUMBER 12150 . _ __. .___'.___._____-__—__ FINANQAL INfORMATION: (EXPLAIN� This action does not require any additional revenues from the engineering fund. ��