D11807 wn;t. - c�tv c�.►k G I TY O F .SA I 1�'T ��A U L Pink — Finanet Wpt. GnsrY— Oept. ^ j �\ .�� ON'FIGf: OF THI: MAYOR �I I O� � 11 \ � NO: ADMINISIRATIVE ORDER I�_� _ (� / • Bl'1X�ET ItF,�'ISIOX Date: � �)y l�fq� Nr��R� :�D�TL��IS OR�ER,Consistent with the authority�ranted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the r of the Director of the Department of Commun it� SPrvi Ge� - Li kLdr�PS to amend th bud t of the � ��hr�T ��;�� �8y8ny8 fund,the Director of the Department of Finance nd Manag ent Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: 349-33400 - Li brary Spec i a 1 Revenue curre�t Amended Budget Change Budget 349-33400-0121 Part Time Certified $ 48,631 ($ 7,000) $ 41 ,631 .00 349-33400-0251 Transportation 8,650 ( 6,632.50) 2,017.50 349-33400-0252 Lodging, Meals, etc. 13,707 ( 9,320.09) 4,386.91 349-33400-0253 Registration - out of town 1 ,190 1 ,452.00 2,642.00 349-33400-0256 Registration - �ocal -0- 960.00 960.00 349-33400-0271 Building Repairs -0- 5,000.00 5,000.00 349-33400-0369 Other - Office Supplies 5,964 ( 4,000.00) 1,964.00 349-33400-0439 Fringe Benefits I1 ,930 ( 1 ,500.00) 10,430.00 349-33400-0381 Books, Periodicals, etc. 188,886 ( 40,000.00) 148,886.00 349-33400-0814 O�her Office Furniture -0- 25,640.59 25,640.59 349-33400-0815 D�sks, Chairs, etc. -0- 6,000.00 6,000.00 349-33400-0858 Phones -0- 28,000.00 28,000.00 349-33400-0898 Building Improvements 10,000 1,400.00 11 ,400.00 349-33400 - Others 32,151 -0- 32,151 .00 • $ 321 ,109 -0- $321 ,109.00 Budget adjustments to reflect spending needs 'U W�a�y�-- (�� �\'� \ � , � Prepared y ' Menager Approved by: yor i�l(Z � Requested by:Department direCta � /� /�_�� !� Date ���y��q �-i/�o, Comni ttee Report Finance, Management, and Personnel Committee April 2, 1992 6. Resolution 92-379 - amending the 1992 Budget by transferring a407,535 to the Financing and Spending Plans of the Saint Paul Police Department - Confiscated and Unclaimed Money. (Referred from Council 3/17/92) Approved as amended 3-0 (attached) Chair Rettman requested that Pam Wheelock, Budget Director, prepare an amendment to the resolution placing the dollars in an unspecified contingency account. 7. Administrative Orders: D-11770 - authorizing payment of $1,125 from City Council Legislative Funds for City Council Inauguration Ceremony expenses. (Referred from Council 1/7/92, laid over in Committee 3/19/92) At a future meeting the Cort�nittee may discuss, as a policy issue, what dollar 1eve1 will require a bid process. D-11807 - budget revision in the 1990 budget of Community Services - Library Special Revenue Fund. (Referred from Council 1/14/92, laid over in Committee 3/19/92) It was noted that the administrative order should read: to amend the 1991 budget, not the 1990 budget. A corrected version, initialed by Paul McCloskey and Pam Wheelock is attached. Conrnittee recommended approval as amended 3-0. D-11863 - approving $15,000 to hire, retain and employ a consultant to oversee the demolition of the Hill Street Warehouse. (Referred from Council 2/18/92, laid over in Committee 3/19/92) The correct dollar amount for the consultant fees is �33,000 rather than �15,000 as listed on the Green Sheet. Pam Wheelock was requested to confer with Pau1 McCloskey as to the appropriate way to make this change. Councilmember Thune requested that the Finance Department work with the district council to address any neighborhood concerns that may arise due to the demolition. A statement was added to the Green Sheet (see attached) Committee reconmended approval as amended 3-0. 8. Discussion of Work Plan for Finance, Management, and Personnel Committee. The Committee discussed a proposed Committee Work Plan presented by Chair Rettman and was in unanimous agreement on the plan. v� �$o� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 15 8 4 6 Community Services - Library l i/9/91 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INI U INITIAUDATE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Ad 1 i ne Car 1 son 292-6390 ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY �CITY CLERK NUMBERPOR ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DA ) (�O� � ROUTING �BUDdET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. �� ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) RECEIVED ACTION REQUESTED: NOV ' $ lyy� Approval of Administrative Order �S�rrioes RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Heject(R) PEFISONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Hes this persOn/firm ever wOrked under a contract fOr this depertment? _CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF — YES NO _DIS7RiCT COUFtT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB,IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperete sheet and attach to grosn sheet INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTWNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): The Saint Paul Publs� Library has obsolete phone equipment in it's four large branch Iibrarie that must be replaced in order to provide a reliable means of communication between library a d its patrons. The library also desires to upgrade the reference area of its Business & Scienc department at Central Library in order to provide a more efficient work area for a reduced st ff. This order will also cover the cost of repairing Library's chiller system and purchase of des s, chairs and equipment for its branch libraries. These items had originally been provided for in the MELSA Fund balance but due to uncertainty of MELSA other provisions had to be made. DVANTACiES IF APPROVED: . Much needed repairs, upgradings and replacements can be done. RE,CE��� 1�� 199� DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: ��v� None RECEIVED ����'�'� �� � pEC 2 61591 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Four branch libraries may be without phone service, the busiest department in Central Library would not be able to provide as quick and efficient reference service and staff would not have adequate, workable office equipment/furniture. -0- TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE L1 bl'�dl"y SpeC 181 R@V@IlU2 ACTIVITY NUMBER 349-33400 FINANCIAI INFOHMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��