D11702 wn;,. — c�tv aa.k G I TY O F SA I 1\'T ��A U L Pink — Finane�Dspt. Canary— Oept. Ot�'rlC;i: OF TFlE MAY�)R /'�1� '�O� No: � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER IO_��"/� I • f3l'IXiE7'IZI;�7tiI0� Date: �� :���ZS�.����)�ER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Vi GQc - Publ i c Heal th to amend the 19�_budget of the fund,the Director oi the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: i� Current Amended Budget Change Budget FAHiLY PLANHING 3G5-33233-G132 FANILg PLAN�(ING - "rB&30NlifiL NOT CBflTIFIBD 3�.00 ;9,000.00 �9,060,00 303-33233-0352 FA!lII,Y PLANNING - tiBDICAL 9UPPLIB3 313,120.�0 �3,000.00 ;18,720,06 303-33230-0121 3FBC HLTt7 FB01 - PAgT TIHB CBBT 38,5o3,G�7 (=8,563,00� ;0�00 305-33233-0215 FAl1ILY FLANNING - FBBS tiBDICAL 31Q,600.0� (f3,437,00) $5,163.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ;32,883,00 ;0,00 ;32,583.6G ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ • wHBBgAS, TNB 3T. PAllL FANILY PLANNING P&OGBAFI NfiBDS 3FBNDING AUTHOBITY IN 0132 TO PAY FO@ THg SB&VICBS OF A PflYSICIAA dND IH 0352 FOR TflB PU&CBASB OF DRUC9; AND i�HBBBAS, THfi6B IS AUTH08ITY IA SPfiC. HbTH Ol2i AND FAi{ILY PLANNIIiC 0215 THAT CAN B� i&AN9Ffi&&BD TO COYBB TAnSfi &YPBNSB9. TAfiRSFOBB BB BBSOLYfiD, THAT T8B HAYOB APPSGVES THfi CAANGB Td THfi 1991 BUDGBT. • . Prepar y:Ac ' Manager Appr by:May r ` , D ��, �/ Requested by:Department di or �� �T/''��� Date DEPARTM@NTldFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED �� '�O� .s. Public Hea� �o �6/9� GREEN SHEET No. �1 �� COMTACT PERSON 8 PHONE WITIAU DATE INfT1AUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � �CITY COUNdI Kath Mohrl and 292-7702 N�� CITY AITORNEY �CiIY CI.ERK ST BE ON OOUNCIL A(iENDA 8Y( T� ROUTING BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d Mf�T.SERV�CES DIR. MAYOR(OR A8818TAN1] TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE P GES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQiNATUR� ACT10N REOUE8TE0: ignatures on Admin strative Order transferring spending authority between various object code . ; RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw IN a► (Rl COUNaI. EE/RE�EAfiCFI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION pVIL SERVI�COMMISSION �u'Y8T PIiONE N0. • � � _p8 C�AMITTEE _BTAFF �- °�",�: OCT 16 100� _OIBTRICT COURT t BUPPORTS NMK)H COUNqL OBJECTI�IE4 �� INITIATINQ PROBLEM.188UE�OP NRY(IMa.Wh�t.WIMn.WMro.M�h�: he Family Planning Program needs spending authority in 0132 for physician services and in 035 for the purchase of drugs. There is spending authority in 3323�-0121 personnel and 0215 edical fees that c n be transferred. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: e Family Planning Program will be provided with physicain services and will be able to rchase the drugs 't needs for its program. D18ADVANTAf�E81F APPF10VE0: NONE ' ' RECEIVED 0 CT 2 21991 o����� D18ADYANTAQES IF NOT APPf�VED: Physician will not be paid. ���.C;k4�!�G? Will not be able t purchase drugs. OCT �4 � ��:�T� {�;j��:,��z oT�u�wou�r oF rr�s�► oN a 14,000 cos�rn�veNUe�ooEreo��o�� res No �N�,�� Grant unds �c�rrvin N��R 33233 FINANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) dw