D11504 Whita — City C���k C I TY O F ►SA I 1\'T ��A U L Pink — Financ�Dspt. C�nary— D�pt. or•t�[cr: OF Ttil: MAYUR �I I r^ � No: F�l% ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER J _� _(� I • Ii['1X;E7'i2I;�7tiI0\ Date: � `� :���'TS�.� ��)��R,Consistent with the authority grant d to the Mayor i $ectior�10.07.4,Af h City Ch rte d based on the request o the Director of the Department of Commun i ty �Serv i ces - �1 V 1 S 1011 OT �U�I 1 C F�eaS�`� to amend the 19�.1 b dget of the �,�P�i a 1 fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Manag ment Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: u Current Amended Budget Change Budget �FfiCIAL BfitiBNUn FUtiG 363-33234-G111 in�unisation - Fersonnel 3��,6�5,Q0 310,1#4,64 ��4,799.OG 303-33235-6111 T.B, �necial - Personnel 515,20i,U0 �8,423.6G �23,624,00 305-33237-0111 Dentai - Fersonnel 30,G0 �6,731.OG 36,73I.6G 305-33249-6111 Lead - Personael �98,89u.00 l4,335.00 �103,225,OG 305-33250-0111 i�eli Chiid - Personnel l34,386.Od f11,903.00 �46,289.06 365-33233-0352 Fs�ilp Pianning - Grugs 3l,926.00 33,799.00 ;8,720,00 30�-332"s1-0381 C89 - Books 30.00 31,000.60 31,000,00 305-33251-0369 CotA. Hit fid. -Gffice Supplies 5600,00 ;3,000,06 f3,600,00 305-3323�-0439 In. - Fringe Benefits 311,227.00 31,71�.06 ;12,�37,00 3G5-33235-0439 T,B. - Frinqe Benefits 32,78G,OG �2,797,00 ;5,577,00 • 305-33237-0439 Gental Fringe Benefits ;G,00 �1,589.00 31,589,GG 305-3325G-Q439 iiell Ghild - Fringe Benefits 38,645.06 f2,283.00 �1G,9i8,OG 345-33230-GI11 9pecial Pro,ject - Personael 3�9,041,00 (916,875.00) 3l2,166.v0 305-33Z36-G3�2 9pecial Project - Kedicai 9upplies ;6,365.60 (y4,000.OG) ;2,365.00 343-33230-G�39 gpecial Projects - Fringe 316,311,G0 {;8,379,00) 37,932,00 3u5-33230-0856 3pecial Proaects - Date Processing ;11,900,Q0 (#3,794.061 �8,1O6,�G 3Q3-"s324l-G121 Befugee - Personnel 332,943,00 (92l,661.00) 38,i82.OG ------------ ------------ ------------ ;347,870,00 ;0,00 #347,876,G6 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ wHBt�BdS, VABIO ACTIYiTIBS IN EBAGTi{ 9PBCIAL FUND ACCOUNT NBBD 3PBNDING AUTAOBITY TG PAY FOB TRg ACTUAL COST9 OF P&B90NNBL WORgING I!i T8B B6GBAK9, FAKILY PLAN1iING (33233) NBEDS AUTHOBI�'y FO$ TAfi F1JECr�ASB OF D8UG3, C8S ADlt (33231i AND BSALTH fiD (3325i1 NfiBD A HOSITY FOB T8B PUBCNASfi OF BG�H3 AND QFFICB 3UPPt,IBB, AND VABIOU3 ACTIVITIB9 IiBfiD AUT86&ITY FOB FBINCfi BfiNBFIT9 C6ST3, WHBBBAS, TAB6B 3 SPBNDINC AUTHaBITF IH 33230, 33i4d PBBSONNBL, IN 33230 - 0352, 0�39,h 0836 TBAT COU�D BS TBAN8Ffi�6BD. THBaEFOBB BB B OLVBD, THAT THfi HAYOB APPBOYBS TNfi CHAAGB TO THB i991 BUDCfiT, � � � Prepar y: tivity Man�er Approved by:Mayor � �//j Requested by:OepaRmen direc �� L/'_ x� Date Yf/?� �DI I 50�I � DEPARTMENTIOFFICEICOUNqL 555 c�d a� DATE INITIATED .s. Publ ic Heal h 5 91 GREEN SHEET No. 4��8 5 CONTACT PERSOM 3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNpI Kdth Mohrl and 92-7702 Nu�� ��1 AITORNEY 0 cm c��nc 8T BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY( AT� ROUTING �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.8ERVICE8 Dlii. �MAYOR(OR A8818TANT) TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE P GES 1 (CLIp ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Signatures on Administrative Order transferring spending authority between various Special Revenue accounts. REC�IVED RECOMMENDATIONB:Approvs pq a jed(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION pVIL SEFlVI(:E COMMIBSION �ALYBT ��E�' �AY O O _GB COMMITTEE _3TAFF COMMENTB: G� —DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJE 9 INfTIAT1NG PROBLEM,ISBUE.OPPOR I�Y(Who,Whet.When.Where,Why): Spending authorit is being transferred in salaryeodes in 33234, 33235, 33237, 33249 and 3325 for personnel act lly working in thes:e programs. There is authority in 3323Q and .33244 that could be transfer d. Family Planning (33233) needs spending authority for the purchase of drugs due to a pri� e increase .and CHS (33231) and Community Education (33251) needs authority for office suppli s and books. There is spending authority in Special Projects Adm. (33230) that could be tra ferred. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: ' Costs will be cha ed against the proper activities to which the costs pertain to. Deficit ccounts will be eared. DISADVIINTA�EB IF APPROVED: NONE RECEIVED MAY y 1991 BUi�GEI i�FFtCE D18ADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED: Activities will no be showing their actual costs. RECEIVED JUN 0 5 1591 CITY CLERK TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI N a 5��7OA COST/REVENUE BUOQETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER Va r i nu c FlNANdAL INFORMA710N:(DCPLAIN) dw